5 Simple Recipes for Removing Dental Plaque Naturally

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5 Simple Recipes for Removing Dental Plaque Naturally

dental plaque is a biofilm or mass of bacteria plane of the tooth surface is based due to consumption of foods and drinks high in sugar. they are the main culprit of tooth decay and disease gymnastics as periodontitis, gingivitis and many others.

the mouth is full of bacteria and is why it is considered to be the dirtiest of the body organ. These bacteria form dental plague when in contact with food scraps. The dental plague is acidic and that is why protective layer damage the teeth that cause cavities. If that irritates gyms which can cause gingivitis, periodontitis and tooth loss as well. So it is very important to remove dental plague. In order to do this you must take care of your daily oral hygiene. First you should brush your teeth every morning and evening, avoid sweets and carbonated drinks, and end use dental floss to clean the area can not be reached with the brush. Another important to maintain oral health thing is visiting the dentist regularly, as well as the dental clinic once a year. In addition to the above tips, you can also try several other natural methods to eliminate dental plague at home. These methods can not replace normal, but may help: Recipe 1 You can use the Nutshell powder to brush the dental plague and that does not harm the layer of the tooth. Ingredients:

  • walnut shell-30 grams
  • dust
  • Water
Procedure In a small bowl mix the powder and water and boil for 15 minutes. Keep it at room temperature until cool. Brush teeth gently with this mixture 2-3 times a day. Recipe 2 This mixture should not be cooking. Ingredients
  • Sunflower seeds 4 teaspoons
  • Lime flower-4 teaspoons
  • water 1 liter
Procedure In a large bowl mix all the ingredients Cover and wait 30 minutes. After each meal brush your teeth with this mixture. Recipe 3 You should not use this mixture more than once a week, as it can damage the teeth cover. Ingredients:
  • Apple cider vinegar
Procedure: take a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, gargle and spit. Use a soft brush to brush your teeth. Then rinse your mouth with water. Recipe 4

Although this recipe is rare that the results can be surprising. Ingredients:
  • Mountain wormwood leaves 3 tablespoons
  • fermented wine 4 dl
Procedure: In a large intestine mix all ingredients. Cover and wait several hours. Then strain and brush your teeth with this mixture. Recipe 5 Sodium bicarbonate is maintained in every home and that is why this method is the easiest. Ingredients:
  • Sodium Bicarbonate
Procedure: After wetting the toothbrush put baking soda. gently brush teeth with it. Source: http://www.healthyfoodteam.com/

Thanks for Reading 5 Simple Recipes for Removing Dental Plaque Naturally

Thank you for reading this 5 Simple Recipes for Removing Dental Plaque Naturally, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.

You are now reading the article 5 Simple Recipes for Removing Dental Plaque Naturally Url Address https://healthnbeautyarticles.blogspot.com/2016/06/5-simple-recipes-for-removing-dental.html

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