The Rise of Empathic Consciousness

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The Rise of Empathic Consciousness

Consciousness by Kingsley L. Dennis Reality Sandwich Guest
Waking Times

For many of us have been brought within a social structure that demands we become a "productive member 'of our society. therefore, much emphasis is placed on developing individual skills, so that we can compete with each other for social betterment This is a residual fear that if we open too others can lose our 'competitive advantage' and the meaning of individuality. Much of media (aka propaganda) has exploited the mythological images, collective stereotypes and significant subconscious playing on our vulnerabilities and fears social groups. knowledge has more or less trickled down to the average person largely filtered through channels, and has often been manipulated, modified, and / or edited. The end result has been not know, but the consensus information, or information 'allowed'. He has served the power structure of the elite, so people in general have not awakened to the realization that humanity has the incredible ability and inherent resources for creative expansion and evolutionary development.

Add to that the fact that Western science, which has established itself as the dominant hegemony since the Renaissance, has sought to emphasize is added in that matter it is primary and that consciousness is a secondary consequence of our mental activity. The vision of the modern world, which denies the primacy of conscience is promoting forms of human, both psychological and social alienation.
It is a great paradox that modern science, itself a result of the human consciousness, has produced a vision of the cosmos, which has no room for consciousness. However, human beings are in need of sense and meaning in their lives as much as they are in need of air to breathe and food to eat. This struggle for the conscious mind (s) of mankind, has been occurring in various forms for eons, is reaching a crucial point in our current generation. We are in a period of transition which sees the expansion of consciousness and connectivity among individuals worldwide colliding against the growing technocratic authoritarianism 'surveillance machine. "The result is that we have now reached collectively critical in our evolution of human civilization time. However, no society or civilization that makes the materials in its sole persecution of concern world, but they can not fall in the long . term is now necessary to see our future potential, not the news of the day as professor Needleman so aptly commented.

the esoteric is the heart of civilization if the external forms of human civilization reach. be totally unable to contain and adapt the energies of great spiritual teachings, then that civilization has stopped serving its function in the universe. [1]

therefore, it is imperative that we begin to break-away from social conditioning undeveloped; this includes being aware of the type of media impacts of communication we are open to Moreover, during times of cultural and social disorder / imbalance of the human mind often works with. an energy and intensity is not manifested when social patterns are stable and monotonous. In these dynamic periods can not be the understanding that no individual is isolated; each person is woven into a vibrant network of psychological, emotional and spiritual relationships and network. Such embodiments can be increased during periods such as now, when it seems that human consciousness is moving through a time of critical transition.

Our self-consciousness about the nature of human consciousness has increased considerably in the last decades. The latest discoveries in the new sciences (especially quantum and neuroscience) in consciousness studies in the popularity of indoor and personal development, etc., all indicate a new emerging consciousness within our collective consciousness. That is, the energy change will come through our social and cultural forms, not to avoid them. changes in large-scale development can occur by creating conscious change from within our daily lives and in our social systems, and not outside them. Just by walking on this planet, holding concentration and intention, we created an incredible energy - energy that is shared. We are creating the change to be alive. That is why to be without fear is so important. We do not have to create a movie in black and white on the head, when in reality we are creating color. We can make use of the tools already available to us, and within us.

There is an exponentially growing mass of people around the world who are now awakening to the empowerment of empathic consciousness connected. A stabilizer recent social events, and in our financial and political spheres, they have drawn the attention of people with dysfunction of many of the systems that once gave us our confidence. Even the focus on religious extremism in the media has caught the attention of people, not only for the lack of spiritual values ​​in our major religions, but also how religion is being used as a tool to promote control social, political and emotional. This trance grip on our collective conscience is being stripped of that people wake up to know that there is much more to our lives than a materialistic lifestyle and consumer-based. However, do not become frustrated if things do not happen tomorrow, but confidence that changes and the changes are happening in time. The need for inner knowledge, intuition, self-confidence and integrity is critical. And remember that humans are predisposed to compassion and empathy. The awakening of our empathic mind is our natural heritage.

The awakening of a planetary consciousness

The rapid changes occurring on our planet at this time will have no choice but to force a change of mindset global and individual levels. We are coming together as a global species as never before; despite what we have shown and told by the media. We have to do this in both the immediate and the bigger picture. Due to the relatively short duration of our human life we ​​rarely think beyond one or two generations ahead of us. We have evolved as a species that reacts to immediate concerns. This served us well in the past, when we had the survival needs in a restricted world of limited horizons. However, we now need a perspective that is global, at least - and possibly even beyond

If we now look at the bigger picture, we see that a different kind of consciousness has arisen in the past! 150 years. That is, since the dawn of the second industrial revolution. The new technologies of the second industrial revolution - the phone, radar, cinema, the automobile and the airplane - called for a new reorientation of human perspective. A new perception of the dimensions of space and time began to give birth to a psychological consciousness - one that wanted to look beyond borders and horizons of the physical border. The third industrial revolution, if you want to call it, will be a convergence of digital communications combined with a younger generation that is more globally aware. This has the potential to catalyze an increase on this planet empathic , integral consciousness. In addition, our global communications foster new relationships in our extended connectivity. That is, they increased multiple relationships are likely to stimulate an awareness of collaboration connected; instead of going back in a greater awareness of conflicts and control. A planetary citizenship is likely to emerge that will exhibit greater empathy, and that will create a different planetary society within perhaps two generations. Humanity already contains the seeds of these momentous potential

Many of the social changes within the next few years will come from the creative participation and innovation of individuals and groups worldwide. - A catalysed change within the hearts, spirit and mind of people. Outwardly we can look a vast and distant, and separate collection of individuals but indeed the human family is an intimate species, closely intertwined comprised of various cultures. Many of the younger generation now are realizing this fact. Young people around the world are growing accustomed to networks of hundreds, perhaps even thousands of friends all over the planet; share intimacy and easily empathize with an international social group of kindred souls.

This younger generation is manifesting, whether conscious of it or not, a non-local level of human relations. This expanded connectivity is impacting and affecting a change in our psychology and consciousness. We are now impels them to live in ways that allow all others to live well. We are also being forced to live in ways that respect the lives of others and respecting the right to economic and cultural development of all; and conduct personal fulfillment in harmony with the integrity of nature. These features can be what I refer to as an integral-ecological consciousness: a person who acts and behaves both as an individual and as part of a greater whole connected. Such multiple relations are more varied, rich and complex life; but also they provide a more diverse range of impacts and opportunities to develop the car. In addition to providing challenges for the development of new skills and learning, our various networks can make new friends and add extra meaning to our lives

Many young people today are comfortable to express with strangers.; explore and express their inner thoughts, feelings, emotions and ideas with hundreds of strangers online, from diverse cultural backgrounds. More and more everyday interactions are empathetic how we react and dissemination of news, stories, and emotional impacts of sources around the world. Empathy is one of the fundamental values ​​on which we can create and sustain social life. Exposure to impacts outside of our own local and restrictive environments helps us learn tolerance and live experiences that are richer and more complex, full of ambiguities, and multiple perspectives. It is a connection mode that allows different people around the world to build a new form of global social capital. We have the resources to co-create a global human society, where once again the focus is on the social benefit rather than profit. We can see many examples of this today, as in the online collaboration tools and the proliferation of local and global projects. The global online community is a model for the new paradigm that illustrates how sharing can work over individual motivation for profit. The values ​​and ethics to share with the community may seem strange or out of place for the old capitalist-consumerist mentality, however, these are the same values ​​that will be increasing in future generations.

Increased spectacular global communication technologies (Internet and mobile phones in particular) reflects a new form of participatory awareness, especially among the young. This new model is distributed a one-; in other words, it connects people through networks rather than through hierarchical structures. It also represents a more feminine energy that seeks to nurture relationships, and to collaborate, rather than compete and win. It is this emerging feminine energy that underlies the increasing global empathy. In addition, as people connect with each other in multiple relationships that it impels them to take an active commitment. For those educated in the older generation of communication technologies (radio, television, landline telephones), the interaction was either two-way or, for the most part, in a way. At this time the people were passive recipients, led by the information could not commit. This has now been moved to receiver communication can be both user and manufacturer. People today are moving from being consumers to prosumers.

have learned for the democratization of our commitment and to activate choice through online social networks, phone messaging, video channels (eg , You-Tube), and various other media. The younger generation is waking up quickly and learn to configure, sites of low-cost or free radio (podcasts), websites, newsletters origin, and are managing their own forms of self-expression. This new model is changing our patterns of thought and behavior. We are now getting used to dealing with multiple connections rather than individual; and to immerse themselves in various relationships and dialogue not only one-to-one. We are also being exposed to a variety of views, beliefs, identities and experiences. Within these new provisions, we are asked to respond and engage with the outside world not fear or anxiety, but with healthy, creative and positive energies.

The arrival of 3 billion new Minds

Let witness a younger generation that expresses human desire for improvement through intensified action for social, political and ecological change. More and more young people are experiencing growing social relations that transcend space and time and cultures, national boundaries and local ideologies. This may explain the increase in the number of young people in developed countries are involved in social projects and NGOs and community; such as taking a year to help in another culture abroad, to learn, experience and offer help. Volunteering among young people, despite what seems to be the contrary, is increasing. Young people are putting even in dangerous situations - in conflict zones - to defend the values ​​of peace, justice, equality and human rights. Worldwide young minds are demanding fair and equal access for all people to participate in open communication and freedom of expression. And it seems that many more creative minds will join the global conversation as our current generation (s) increasingly "awakening."

In 2012, the world population was about seven billion and the number registered Internet users was 33%, an increase of 500% over the previous decade. By 2020 the world population is set to 7.8 million Internet users worldwide and is estimated at 66% - that is a little less than 3 million new people plug into the global conversation. In other words, nearly 3 billion new minds are beginning to receive information flows - and that's many millions of new solvers creative, innovative and visionary problems. What's more, most of these new minds are connecting from Asia, the Middle East, and what we refer to as developing countries. These are mostly young minds; and minds with needs, with the aim of social improvement. Can we imagine the collective potential of these new creative minds; many of them to think outside the box, and out of the old patterns?

is significant that in times of relative social stability, human consciousness plays a less important role in the behavior of society. However, when a society reaches the limits of its stability then the socio-cultural systems are sensitive and responsive to even the smallest fluctuations of consciousness of its citizens. At such times, changes in values, sets of beliefs, perceptions, etc., have a great influence on the future direction of the social situation. Human consciousness becomes an important stimulus and catalyst for change during these times of social instability (see history of social revolutions). That's why humanity is imperative to focus on the positive overall development and improvement rather than being coerced or conditioned in a security based on the fear that resists change. We should not underestimate the ability of the human mind to adapt and evolve according to impacts and social and environmental influences

Our modern sense of self-consciousness has clearly evolved us rooted in our social world. one world of extended relationships and social networks. Humanity can be said, it has been biologically hardwired to take advantage of extended social connections and networks of human communication. We are also wired to physically adapt in response to experience - new neuronal processes in our brain can exist with an intentional effort, consciousness, and different patterns of concentration. This ability to create new neural connections, and therefore new mental ability, established through experience, has been called neuroplasticity . The human brain of today has to respond to the incredible amount of energy and information flowing through our environments and embedded in our cultural experiences. Therefore, the way we focus our attention and awareness greatly shapes the structure of our brain. In addition, the ability to grow new neural connections is available through our lives and not only in our young formative years. This knowledge encourages us to cultivate our attention, our self-awareness, and our empathic relationships with others. Neuroplasticity also encourages us to be more thoughtful about our human networks, and to develop social skills that underlie empathy and compassion. These new cable connections '' are exactly what are becoming increasingly active as individuals "wake up" to what is happening within our communities, our societies, and on the planet. Such distributed connections violate national and cultural boundaries and force us to self-reflection about our identity, values ​​and ethics.

The opportunity is here for change and improvement as never before in our recent history. This means that responsibility is also here; and these two factors may not be present again at the right time when they are so necessary. What the human species can now be witnessed during these years is the rise of intuition, empathy, greater connectivity with the world and with people, and a sense of "know" what changes are needed. In addition, within each person is a growing sense of the great cosmic totality: the realization that humanity exists and evolves in a universe of great intelligence and sense. This serves to impart humanity into a deeper spiritual impulse. As a new global empathic mind arises, people worldwide will grow with new expressions of care that are more supportive, relational, and compassionate. The 21st century is likely to be the time that births and nurtures an awareness that evolution.

Many of the younger people around the world do not accept the social conditioning of anger, fear and insecurity their past generations. They want to reach for change and improvement. Around the world there are examples of young people who reject the conflict mentality of their older generations. In conflict zones, especially where young minds are conditioned on fixed unconditional hatred of enemies, there is a reaction against this old programming. Younger people are coming across the artificial boundaries to engage with the so-called "enemy" and start a new dialogue for peace and reconciliation. Such minds realize that the mentality of conflict has no future, and will be left behind if you can not accept change. While many people over the mentality thought that a future meant putting up borders, and the display of the "others" with suspicious eyes; many of the young minds of today see differently. We can see this in the youth movements around the world, as it is the emerging change in the mentality of young people everywhere. This is especially true in the territories of the Middle East where restrictive regimes are finding growing young demographics that are not accepting the old attitudes and old ways. Many young people today want the same thing - peace, justice, equality, freedom, etc. There is a new spring in the step of energetic young minds, technologically savvy, they are overlooking the old models. In the years ahead - at least for the next two decades - (! Dinosaurs) every time we will see the signs of change from the old guard. And this time will not be replaced by those who have the same consciousness. With the generational change will see the gradual return to an era of people who think differently transition, feel differently, connect differently, and you will have to work towards a different world.

However, there also recognize that this transition can not be a good one - a mindset shift to another rarely. We've seen him play many times; think of the scientific revolution as an example. The reaction of the status quo has always been strengthening its ruling apparatus. For today, this means increased physical and digital surveillance; increased militarization of the state; and violations of individual privacy. And the first response wave of people is generally to fight - front. I contest, however, that this form is also responsive mind old. The new consciousness does not seek conflict. Rather, it is about creating ways to avoid the current locks. Or, in the words of Buckminster Fuller - "You never change things by fighting the existing reality To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.." Eventually, the old models make their way into obsolescence. Those who express the most recent "mind" must be patient, positive and very creative

In summary, a new narrative is emerging, one where every person is an integral part of the larger picture;. The journey of each one of us is a part of the journey as a whole This new story informs us that the possibilities are open for humanity to engage consciously create their way forward -.. with harmony, balance and respect for all this new narrative is part of the empathic mind evolution of humanity and that forces us to seek greater connectivity and meaning in our lives. This most recent human history is one where we created the history of the future.

About the author

Kingsley L. Dennis, author of the Phoenix Generation: a new era of connection, compassion and conscience


[1] Jacob Needleman, new religions (New York: EP Dutton, 1977)

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