Title : Are Those Negative Thoughts Actually Yours?
link : Are Those Negative Thoughts Actually Yours?
Are Those Negative Thoughts Actually Yours?
by Lia LoveWake World Up
"Half the time you think your thinking, you're actually listening. " ~ Terence McKenna
Recently someone asked me what we can do to get out of negative thinking and actions. First, determine if the negative thoughts are actually yours and not theirs.
In my experience, few if any of our negative thoughts are actually ours. Those who are not ours, might seem like ours because they are playing in our heads. The logic is that we are thinking about them, why they were not going to be our thoughts? But thoughts can come surely not feel like ours! When they do, we become speechless, shaking his head in disbelief, questioning our sanity and think - that certainly is not me - I do not feel that way
Therefore, when our own thoughts resonate even for us, we have to ask ... Why have these thoughts? Where are they actually coming?

Our Beautiful Minds
thoughts may be powerful, beautiful and useful at times and at other times dangerous. It can feel like walking a tightrope; consciously navigate the convoluted, sometimes treacherous minefield in the world of thought, and determining what is true for us at the moment and what is not.
Our minds they are powerful tools, and use the mind more inspiration / intuition to create. This is a beautiful function aspect of mind when working in our favor. Our minds are also critical and analytical, and can lead our attention to 'beneficial' fear, which helps us identify a real and imminent danger. However, usually this kind of situation is accompanied by life experiences and gut feelings of real danger. At that time, our feelings, other instincts and mind open the way together
demanding real fear of the false fear can be very difficult though -. And it may seem as if both sides of the mouth I'm talking about here - as sometimes a fear thought that is not ours will create fear in our bodies that did not exist before, and thus produce a false reading. This is when we have to tune in and really "listen" to our inner guidance. Tuning our inner guidance and intelligently assess the current situation, in combination with the logical tools of the mind, will help us determine if we are really committed or thinking thoughts of fear or negative that have no purpose situation.
"ninety-nine percent of your thoughts are a complete waste of time. Do not do more than scare you." ~ Michael SingerWhere are those thoughts that come from?
We may be bombarded with thousands of daily negative thoughts. When I say "negative" I mean the thoughts that are not productive, not the formation of character or soul support. They are thoughts of destruction, one way or another, either to ourselves or others.
Negative thoughts can be so powerful that you may feel compelled to make efforts to overturn positive frame or efforts even more to completely disconnect. If we do not, the drain can overwhelm the negative train and dump our lives. Sometimes these negative / thoughts are so powerful patterns that create overwhelming feelings of vulnerability, self-hatred, fear, etc., and often act out behaviors that would never normally considered.
Therefore, if these negative thoughts do not help us, they overwhelm us and guided us to the experiences and negative feelings, why we are being bombarded with them? Why we can not be bombarded with positive thoughts instead? I mean, what about that?!? Why there is a constant negative talk in our heads, instead of something uplifting, encouraging and loving?
"Half the time you think you are thinking, you are actually listening." ~ Terrence McKennadraft-thinking effort
Have you ever noticed that when we are sitting around doing nothing, not really think or even trying not to think, thoughts they can keep coming anyway? A bomb negative thought can build on another and before we knew it, a good day has become a kind of downward spiral out of control day. Streams of matter that can be downright psychotic have free rein in the head, and we can not help wondering where the hell this is coming blisters. This is not because an event has occurred or because someone has called with bad news - it is because of the words that are happening in our heads! In fact, we are listening to a stream of consciousness that is not ours!
Can it be any clearer than that? I think not.
So they decided that our thoughts would be mostly negative and destructive? What keeps cycling through negative cycles without end in sight
Really think about this: Would you say that when we have negative thoughts, which keeps us busy? Would you say that these negative thoughts lead us to places that do not serve us? They can build and create a reality in our head that is not what we really are, then an external reality manifests to match?
Who would be invested in creating pumps thought to prevent connects us to what we really are and create from that level?
nonphysical energy 'vampires' are entities in the invisible realms, nonphysical that surround us. They have every intention to steal and use their energy. That's mainly how to survive. They established siphoning energy through negative emotions, traumas, addictions, injuries, extreme fear and episodes and events happiness ecstatic, through tacit agreements or spoken on physical and nonphysical realms, in other lives or this, and also through joint authorization with others. And they are opportunists; If there is a way to suck the life out of you, you will realize this, the scheme manufacture and install.
The matrix of polarity / duality in which we currently reside is designed to prevent true we connect with who We really are. That's the name of the game here. To some extent, we have created this game, however, there are puppeteers at work too. We can not see with our physical eyes, but they are there running the show because, until now, we have allowed. Cooperate because we are asleep at the wheel, unconsciously participate in the "conscience of the victim. Some of us are awake to it, but most are not. Many are not willing to give up victim consciousness, and for those they do not want to face this reality and remain trapped in victimhood - a state that meets only the ego mind - there are mechanisms in place to accommodate that preference, which help to keep our experience of polarity that keeps us feeling as victims.
Make sense so far?
negative thoughts and feelings that create, keep us in the game!
negativity, fear, guilt and shame create trauma and drama field density 3rd dimension -. the field rolls out the red carpet invite one in the theater of adventures and terrible catastrophes and anesthetic we are not able to feel the contrast . of dread and fear without being there forms of negative and similar thought, for us a pull action
Some spiritual teachings say that we are responsible for our thoughts - that we create what we need to feel responsible for them we think and handle. And yet, believe that we are somehow responsible for every eccentric and insane cogitation that appears in the head can produce a whopping amounts of guilt and shame. It does not follow that if we have this kind of self-created distortions in our head, we are also seriously distorted what we are? It seems so, when a spiritual principle as rigorous says so.
This really is a mindf ** k. Sometimes these thoughts are ours, as our own energy wounded in this life or in another existence. Thoughts are attached to the wounds, most of the time, cries for help to point the way for pain - the stored energy of an event. This is usually a good time to take action, either to self-cure or help. But if we are to believe that we create every thought we have, and that kind of thoughts are dynamically disturbing and do not resonate with our higher self, then how can we keep any kind of self-love or self-esteem? How can we leave the game believe that our behavior and our being built each quark of this madness?
To me, it seems that part of the plan keeping us down and out. We have to ask what and who is really behind this spiritual mishmash? If you are reading this and feel guilt and shame, I am gently asking that you please stop now ... please do not continue to punish.
7 Origins of thoughts that are not our
Although this list is not definitive, these are the usual suspects:
1. the matrix of duality consciousness and accompanying Curriculum
the matrix is so sophisticated and enveloping that entire books can be written about it. Both sides of consciousness of duality, darkness and light, are involved in this intricate and interlaced network. The parent is the mother lode in thought and production scheduling. All these are only attachments embedded within it.
2. conscious / unconscious Collective
During the time humans have been on earth, a mass unconscious / conscious collective vibration has been constantly growing exponentially. In her thoughts, ideas, programming, etc., individuals and organizations are stored from the beginning of time. Humanity is enveloped by and influenced every second of every day to this mass. There are things we can do to untangling of this complicated group but stay untangled is the challenge.

3. Religious / media / conventional schooling thought forms / programming
as soon as we are born we are exposed to thousands of influences and absorb like a sponge. Participation in religious or spiritual groups can build on the core beliefs of what God is or is not God and fear that comes along with programming. formal education and the media play an important role in how opinions are formed and decisions. When we can begin to recognize that this conditioning is not ours, we can then begin to ignore it. Recognizing that conditioning while in full saturation, however, is the twist on the link.
4. Distorted energy and compound other packages
We also collect energy injuries (packets of energy) of others in this life and other lives. Sometimes these hitchhikers are often accompanied by their own hitchhikers which in turn worsens the chaos. The load may be significant in this respect only. And all information on power packs are expressing 24/7.
5. Creepy Critters and intrusive manipulation
What bugs we talking here? Entities on both sides of the scale of polarity, known as legion. Since we do not want to give our thoughts or power to any external entity, it may not be a good idea to trust those with fluffy wings more than they trust those with pointed tails ... just saying. "His manipulation tricks Mental generate healthy and especially destructive suggestions. they can also, individually, whisper sweet nothings in our ears, playing our ego in order to meet their ends, not ours.
6. Guides power false We lousy Information
from my experience born with a super guide and other guides minor. The Super Guide may leave his position for several reasons and not so friendly influences then fill that . the same goes empty guidelines minor most times they do not even know that there are intruders, since it seems that we are getting the same quality of communication, but they dress that way -. in completed and feel- good vibes. Complicated, difficult!
7. Generic masses of thought and verbal form clouds
This is almost the same as the collective consciousness but not entirely, however, works in the same way. These can come from the people who populate our immediate environment.
No wonder we're in the soup we are?
7 Disposal Methods of thoughts that are not ours
1. Minimising the river Thought use of meditation
One of the exercises that can help:
Imagine yourself is relaxing on a beautiful bench, peaceful by a fast flowing river. See the green lushness of the trees and the grass and feel the open arms of the earth. From this position, see the river flow at a rapid pace and imagine myriad of fish go with the flow.
Now see your mind / brain as the banks of the tranquil river, the river flowing fast as the train of thought flowing through your mind, and small fish such as intrusive thoughts, not beneficial. detachment of the practice of the minnows.
Make up your own correlations or find gold works for you. There are many methods of meditation available.
2. Do not engage in
If it is not possible to minimize river and thought minnows and separate, the second best option is not 'hook' to thoughts. In other words, do not feed them with emotion. When we connect in, we step on the pile of poop. All kinds of dysfunction, physically and emotionally, psychically happens when I hook thoughts and give them energy. If we become the witness rather than a participant, life flows smoother and less than the discomfort is manifested in our bodies consciousness.
3. Take A Walk
Enter somehow nature and focus on vegetation, beautiful and fragrant smells. Stay as long as you can. Being in nature is always a good move regardless of the circumstances
4. Music -. The Great Equalizer
Sound is a wonderful tool to break patterns invasive energy. Dancing to the music brings us up even higher.
5. Enter creation mode
How to write, paint, color? An activity that immerses himself in a place of creating something from nothing
6. Go to Zero Point. - Nothing sacred space
This is something like the number 1. But no. the destructive thought-train is dismissed by taking your mind, your approach Zero Point. I have tried all sorts of techniques over the years and it works best for me for now.
Imagine a line of classic numbers (May be useful for Google 'line numbers' for better viewing.)
-10, -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.Display observe his body, from head to foot, at a distance, the front face. From here, take the line number and superimpose it on your body. The zero point the center of your body itself is downloaded. That is the neutral zone - your sacred space Nothing. The numbers to the left and right that are duality, and the place where thoughts come. Ground Zero is the land of nowhere - no negative or positive charges, no duality
When any negativity comes to mind immediately change my approach to Zero Point, imagine my space anything down. the centerline of me. I am able to separate and / or not to invest any emotion at least.
Sometimes when I'm in a very focused space, which will follow a train of thought, especially invasive. If we are particularly sensitive can feel the direction the thought (s) if it comes from the sides, back, up or down. This may seem strange, but try it. Feels in thought and then follow and keep track of energy. We are all naturally crawlers energy. Now see step 7.
7. Neutralize
Or track or ask your authentic self (or what you consider your highest source) to trace thought to its source, then flat and neutralize line.
Final thought
There's a lot going on, through and around us, and as most of us go through life unconscious and unaware, it is surprising that we can walk and function at all. Pat yourself on the back for simply breathing; the struggle that brought you here is very real.
Now, it's time to turn the game on its head! When you experience negative thoughts that are yours, listen to the lesson and heal its source. When you find that these thoughts are not yours, please do not continue to punish yourself - that just feeds the problem. Remember that with conscious awareness, you have the power to protect themselves from the intrusion of negative thoughts and regain full sovereignty over its energy being.
About the author:
Lia love is a healing facilitator. The absolute final result in life is to feel good. We can not experience the joy and inner freedom without feeling good. Lia offers health services integration that can help. Their services are global sense that can work with you regardless of your location using energy techniques distance / remote. Contact Lia @ Lia Healing Love or Lia on Facebook .
"Are Those Negative Thoughts Actually Yours?", article source: riseearth.com
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