A Call to the Goddess Women of the World: The Return of the Sacred Feminine

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A Call to the Goddess Women of the World: The Return of the Sacred Feminine

by Little Bear
Wake World Up

Healing duality

In history of humanity we have come to the juncture where disharmony and violence within the collective of humanity and destruction against Gaia Sophia - the name of spirit of our Mother Earth - presents an alarming threat to continue life on this planet. The wounds of this conflict are in fact a reflection of our individual and collective disconnection of the very source of life - Divinity -. And pro tanto the natural world of Gaia Sophia

Simultaneously with the endless moment of destruction we are being called in the era of conscious Evolution: conscious and collectively evolve beyond the endless moments of disconnection, discord and disharmony that currently exist on Earth; to actively participate in the creation of a new earth, grounded and focused on the awareness of our inherent divinity and Unity; Unit we are in the unit or consciousness of the fifth dimension, as creations of the superior force of life -. the strength of the creative life of all things

Part of our collective healing is our memory of the Sacred Feminine essence, power and principle. The feminine principle and energy is the source of our connection with love, for creation, and is the embodiment of a deep-seated connection to nature, "Mother Earth". She is the very structure of our life. She is the power of love and unity that flows into our collective and individual psyche, regardless of our sex. She is the destroyer of illusion and the healing of wounds. She is the "goddess" and the Spirit of Life. She is the visionary and his voice is one of immense vision which embodies the qualities of wisdom, love, intuition, understanding and compassion. She is our connection with nature and our natural world. She is the means by which we are connected to Earth and all kingdoms. She is based in nature, deeply connected to the source of life, and the speaker of the language of wisdom, balance and love.

However, light and the strength of the feminine has been, systems and current and historical practices, suppressed in silence, pain and darkness, resulting in a deep disconnection of Creation and catastrophic damage to life. And so it is now that we are called to consciously remember, back together, celebrate and rebirth in this area of ​​the third dimension, the awareness of our inherent divinity and meet the love of Sophia: the essence Sacred Feminine and energy which is the conduit to the source of life.

Y is a real need, as the future of humanity it depends on our ability to evolve into the consciousness of our Unit and vibration of consciousness of the fifth dimension of Unity, Divinity and Love so in the way of our conscious on a New Earth evolution, any story that does not carry within it the voice, vision and wisdom of the feminine -. the Sacred feminine - is a incomplete history and path of humanity from this point forward.

the philosophy of Conscious Evolution

mankind will evolve consciously by the double process ancient beliefs and practices made by man in terms of separation and untangle, and at one time, re-birth in this realm of wisdom and knowledge of our sacred lineage. Thus, we remember that we - humanity - are products and components of the source of life and, as such, are no more than mere actors on the stage of life, creating our daily reality
the path of our conscious evolution is in healing and individual transformation in self-love and reconnection with the source of all love - our Divinity. And our collective transformation is provided by the memory of the inalienable truth that We Are All One; that each of us is an inherently unique expression of the creative life force One; we are all from the source, and that source - the creative force of life, the Great Spirit - is a force of Love

Y. so, to heal and evolve, remember, meet and embrace all parts of yourself and heal the inner child inside, because the path to healing is a journey toward wholeness. In the words of Marianne Williamson, "you have to learn a new way of thinking, before you can learn a new way of being." However, more than ever, our challenge is to go beyond thinking and feeling felt in our hearts to trace the path to healing and wholeness

Through this process of conscious evolution. - Through recall , reintegrating, longing for wholeness, healing and loving - we become seekers, tuning our vibration to love awareness. At the same time, the process of deconstruction, reprising the collective psyche of the stories of antiquity, creating a space for the conscious mind and the heart to open and expand, in which the voice of Love Consciousness - Life - you can start to be heard. And both processes, amnesia experienced at the time of birth in this area and we have experienced for thousands of years - the loss of memory as the Source and wisdom and principles of life - finally can be recovered and restored .

the Dance of life

all life is created for life: the universe, the planets, the earth, the stars, mankind, races all species, all of nature. It is the superior force of Creation. And within the matrix of life energy (not the matrix of man) all the creations of life were created as a unique and equal expressions of life. As a statement of our inherent potential, we must learn to exist in the energy of life in harmony with life and with others as equal and inalienable unique expressions of life, with the awareness and knowledge of our Unit. In addition to our Unit within the energy system that is Life materialize (among many) the principles of spiritual tradition, equality, civility, harmony and balance, or simply the laws of nature. These principles brings us awareness that we must all co-create each other, nature and life to create the world in which we live. It is a co-creative dance, and call us to this dance of life.

Within the field of energy that is life there is the principle of harmony and balance, commonly expressed as the Yin and Yang of Life : the balance of masculine and feminine is the epitome of this balance. To achieve balance, the interaction between male and female, must be in concert with others, with all Sophia life and our mother earth Gaia. Within the system that is Life, a dance of this kind can not dance alone or in isolation to Life; and as discussed below, the lack of balance between opposing forces results in the descent into primitive. In addition, because we know that the Yin and Yang is the dance of opposites, we know that it is our differences, and holding those differences, in which the beauty and majesty of life and the creation of lies. The male is not female. The female is not male. But within each we took a thread other. Feminine and masculine and represent an example of the symbiotic dance of equal forces, complementary, interconnected and interdependent in the dance of life.

When we speak of the Divine Masculine and Feminine Sacred speak of an archetype, being the archetypal qualities that embody each as an expression of love and Spirit. Understanding, of course, that the expression of each comes through every imperfect human being who does not seek perfection or polarity but rather, understanding the inherent value and need for true, balanced and symbiotic expression qualities, principles and values ​​of each.

in the process of our Conscious Evolution, we are called to review and adjustment of belief systems and this world that are out of alignment with Life.

the illusions of patriarchy

and so a set of thoughts, beliefs and practices that are called patriarchy is identified.

we know and we understand historical and current world conditions, that patriarchy is the force of power and repression of the feminine, rooted for millennia in religious doctrine and then shape-shifting to throughout history in a variety of different models, beliefs, practices, and ways ideologues. And as we look at the history and damage of patriarchy, we see complex systems and layers of beliefs and practices that asks us to believe that the female spirit is lower than the male and ergo deserves a treatment inferior to men. And we observe the prejudicial treatment and often brutal women, and everyday sexism in cultures around the world, who treat femininity as something shameful or second class. We observe global trade regimes, politics, religion, society and culture that embody patriarchy, and we see the result of these tangled and generally the beliefs and practices hypocrites created for women, all humanity and Gaia Sophia, herself.

And we continue our observations in what they have to go until we need to look beyond. And then we wonder, as a matter of life and creation - What is the truth of patriarchy

We can see only, but that patriarchy is a doctrine of faith, man-made, for? man. It is not a way of life, nor any attempt to reduce or minimize another being of life, reflect or exemplify the greatness and generosity of life. This action is not in tune with life or aligned with Love. Life is the creative force that created all life and all its constituent parts within it. It is a divine power of love and constant, and a system in which, Unit prevail energy balance and harmony principles of spiritual Lore. Anything that does not exist in the alignment of love, and in balance with all life, is not a system integrity and aligned with Life. The vibratory force of Life - the creative force of life - makes no distinction in value between male and female: only, its history, man has done that

see patriarchy for their own actions. and practices is a man-made system of fear, domination, power and control, trying to reduce and eliminate the female yin and only worship and exult yang. And unfortunately, it does so on the basis of nothing more than the spurious, ancient and fantastic storytelling, violence, censorship and control reasoning to support their position. However, any system or may be, it must rely on the use of force and repression to claim power and control barricaded themselves in a lie. For the truth - which is really love and actually carries its own vibration - does not exist in violence or depend on: whether it is physical, emotional or spiritual violence. Consequently patriarchy, being a belief man-made, and in some cases the law - and therefore is not a system of truth - can not be seen to be of Knowledge of the Spirit that is, spiritual Lore
in the words of a native American proverb:
"man's law changes with his interpretations of man only the laws of the spirit are always kept the same." ~ Crow
Moreover, when reflecting on the history and current world conditions, to determine the effectiveness of a system of this kind made by man, we recognize that the current imbalance and discord in our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual worlds is the exact measure by which see patriarchy (and systems created) it is not aligned with life. Rather, for their practices, we see a system made by man upset at separation, the illusion of superiority, violence and destruction, with consequences that then blindly and labels falsely as "business" "progress," " trade "and" nationalism ".

and so we see that the patriarch has separated from life, and is fastidiously working under the mistaken belief that he is superior to Life; busily creating systems of man and at the same time ignore and dismiss the voice and wisdom of the feminine and the voice of Life. Reflecting a state of cognitive dissonance with Life, and ergo a fundamental abandonment of self, patriarchy is not only a withdrawal of Women, is an opposition to it and the Life. Patriarchy is an opposition to the natural counterpoint to the Divine Masculine and consciousness she embodies love. It is the sound of one hand clapping.

such disconnection of the female essence of life, predicts an evolutionary descent into primal. As Ultimately, any existing life force in a polarized and out of balance conditions will eventually become a force of destruction. And indeed such destruction and a descent into primitive reflect the "out of balance" and conditions polarized in which we live.

And so, we know that violence against women and violence against our world Natural are inextricably linked. The patriarch avoids integrity, reverence and humility. Instead, it has cleared the "dance of life", generously provided to him for life, and instead are cut for firewood.

But look carefully and you will see that the struggle of the patriarch it is not a struggle with the feminine but in truth, is a fight with Being - for anyone who lives deep in opposition to another is to live with the fear of it, and live in fear of failure is live in concert, reverence and gratitude with the majesty of life. To co-create with life, one must be in tune with life, fear not. One must resonate with the heart of life and mind not only the free will of man's ego. And so the journey of our conscious evolution is the call of Life - back to life, back to it - so we can dance in concert with it, within the matrix of Life, and co-create with it and not against it.

as they begin to resonate with the truth of life and humanity back to the whole, our meeting with the principle, wisdom and the essence that is the Sacred Feminine is ordered. She is the web of life, and only the healing power of the female heart, wisdom and compassion can lead humanity back on all

As a Native American proverb says:.
"highest calling of a woman is driving a man to his soul in order to join with the Source. called largest of a man it is to protect the woman so she is free to walk the earth safe and sound ".
This is the dance of female and male, in the dance of life.

The Effect of patriarchy in the Women

To better understand this way healing and reunion, we must see and understand the consequence of patriarchy in the female psyche and spirit.

throughout history, the Feminine has suffered from voice, beliefs and practices of the patriarch . She has been stripped of its value and importance in the balance of life. She has been criticized, ridiculed, they denied the voice and the value of your foot. She has been ridiculed and mocked by her feminine wisdom, vision and intuitive beliefs. His intelligence, or the right of thought and intelligent expression, has been questioned. The expression of his emotional world has been used for des-credit. He has been denied the dignity of legitimate, genuine and natural expression of her womanhood. He has been denied one's integrity and sovereignty of their feminine being. She has been degraded and despised and has stopped arguing its value, to advocate for their courage and fight for equal treatment. He has been tortured, raped, abused objectified brutally sexualized, dismissed, diminished and damage. She was burned at the stake and drowned as a witch. And despite everything, has been threatened in renouncing her feminine intuition, the voice and vision - his wisdom -. And terrorized into acquiescence, compliance, silence and submission

the consequence of this collective experience over many lives, lives in the psyche of women worldwide. And the feminine, by the incessant denial of its value and the inherent value, has come to live in a profound conflict, confusion and alienation with its own self; her heart, her voice, her sexuality, her body, her expression, her courage and self-confidence. And living in an unbalanced system of conflict, women have come to live in conflict with each other. And so the real power Sacred Feminine and essence - Majesty, sovereignty, luminosity, mystery and wisdom - has become involved and repressed and almost lost in the darkness, anger, shame and pain [

Unfortunately, instead it has come to represent a masculinized female form; the woman who strives masculinity and denies the value of its own inner wisdom and truths. And all the time, in the defense of their autonomous Patriarch, distracted by the struggle for approval and to match the mirror and masculine energy, the true radiant light and the voice of Women has become almost silenced .

However, despite the seriousness of the damage, is not enough to talk about the injuries suffered by women alone: ​​because the wound is suffered by life - women, men, mother earth Gaia Sophia and all creatures of life - as a result of the suppression of expression Sacred Feminine. The impact of patriarchy and the wound is created is suffered universally throughout life.

And so to heal we must try to repair the broken fragments of the divine consciousness and the Sacred Feminine that exists within all women and life. We must try to recover and reclaim what has been ruled out, censored, abused and denied, because what has been denied by what is precious and valuable.

evolve beyond patriarchy and Feminism

Evolucionando in Unity, humanity must evolve beyond the duality of the Patriarch and feminist because neither is true and is not aligned with the awareness of love. In fact, the tension of the ongoing conflict only reinforces alienation and damage: and fails to awaken the true voice of the feminine. Now it's time to dance in tune with life, male and female together, in memory of our divine and sacred heritage.

To do this, we must embark on a path of individual and collective healing chart our way the totality. We must recognize the unspoken truth and so far crystallized women is equal in all respects to the male. Woman is equal to man. The man is equal to women. All are equal. We are all one. We are all creations of Creation.

It's time that we move beyond duality, instead of embracing our true and deepest essence, and to begin to heal the deep wounds of patriarchy that have eroded the sovereignty of womanhood and women's self-esteem and expression. And that has eroded the balance of life on Earth. It is possible to live in a world with less violence, less trauma, less disharmony, less abuse and less suffering. But for this we must exhume the vaults of repression and silence the voice of the female deity who lives within us. The voice that lives within all humanity, and within the own Gaia Sophia - because it is a reverent, beautiful voice and caring for hope, light, vision, goodness and life. And so, after having broken the collective psyche, we must raise the esteem of the feminine and higher value on his return everything that has gone before.

This choice may well be full of fear for some. But it's time. Within the wound inflicted by the Patriarch itself is the source of human collective power and growth in consciousness. This is the wound that must be healed now. Because our Conscious Evolution, and our ability to craft a world that exists in the integrity, harmony and balance, is based on the light of the feminine to lead the way: for the benefit of all walks of life in the earth. At this point in patriarchal darkness that is the light of truth, the voice of reason and the Seer of the way. She is the only way. And the natural balance of Yin and Yang among all humanity and our treatment of Sophia Gaia, Mother Earth, must be repaired. Life is calling us again and we must find the way out of this maze.

Returning female divinity

Therefore, understanding its vastness and the internal conflict that can create, I appeal to the world's women to walk the path of healing - to return to the ways of the Sacred Feminine: look within to find the source of their feminine identity, the essence and being. Look inward to heal and find the truth of his voice, wisdom and heart. Look inward to find the courage to embrace its inherent value, intuition, wisdom and healthy and sacred sexuality and fully embrace the sovereign state of womanhood. Look inward to find her true feminine identity and embody a state of wholeness, lightness, wisdom and knowledge that you do not live in opposition to man, although some may live in opposition to you. Re-align with what exists as a matter of life and truth so you can embrace your fuller expression of a whole and be feminine.

And, it is in the same spirit of healing that I call on men around the world, also to walk the path of healing. Embracing the return of the sacred feminine and allow your love to heal the wounds of patriarchal distortion. Incorporate the Divine Masculine inside, living in perfect harmony with its female counterpart that gives life, and to rediscover its most sacred whole.

And so knowing the power of his light is a call to women world goddess to sound your voice and well down the path of his female sovereign integrity, wisdom and truth to become a force of self-esteem and changing its fundamental essence. When one becomes, it then becomes transformative.

A New Earth calls on the evolved women to see beyond the false prophet of patriarchy no longer tangling. She is the "goddess" that by creating your own inner world creates outer worlds beyond worlds we see today. She consciously charts the path to balance and harmony between the Divine Masculine and the Feminine Sacred, and cultivates space for the full expression of each coexist in alignment with the force of life, our relationship with nature, Gaia Sophia, and the cultivation of a New Earth. And it does, with courage, in a world that for now continue to resist it. And it does this now, leaving aside all the pain and the darkness that has gone before it because he knows no change, no change.

Therefore, it is a prayer that all women should want to experience their female sovereign self, voice and expression without apology and regardless of the fear of punishment, ridicule and condescension. And knowing that healing, hugging and return to their entire sacred feminine may well be a journey of discovery. And whenever possible to let the healing path is one of joy. He knows he must walk the path to healing care and seek all the help you might need along the way. And he knows it is time; for only with his love, which is in its truth, distortions of patriarchy is truly heal. So we seek is a new culture of love, vision, wisdom and gentleness. Born of feminine values ​​culture, wisdom, creativity and vision that can guide and overcome existing imbalances in life

and so, with these words, which I call the goddess to soften: breathe deeply into their more feminine being and allow himself to embrace all of its being, his voice and fulfillment as a woman. Let the wounds come into the light, revealing her feminine truths, principles and values ​​that are within its own essence, and allow those wounds to be healed and transformed into a state of wholeness. And in doing so, you can find his voice and confidence to speak the truth of their own wisdom, intuition, values ​​and heart awareness in all areas of social, political, commercial, business, cultural and economic life. Can you create your world based on their values ​​and feminine principles: Understanding the power and importance of these. The culture of feminine wisdom, insight, intelligence and intuition is heard. It is not a lower voice. It never was it. And it has to be heard, so that we all individually and collectively revive, recover and restore the energy of the Goddess of healing, light and guidance on this earth and create the fabric of a New Earth to move forward.

Consciously evolve into a new land

in the dance of life, the Divine Masculine and Feminine Sacred should strive to fully express themselves and each exist in equilibrium, dance union and together the opposition. They are equal and opposite forces, and, indeed, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. And so the restoration of the feminine essence calls for respect to his counterpart male divine flame. And wherever the masculine appears in its entirety - in its greatness and fullness, or his best attempts (we are all human) - honor and give thanks for it, because there is nobody bigger, brighter or more intoxicating than a man standing in the integrity of his divine male flame. And above all, he is needed. If the balance is to be restored, which should not be suppressed or, as it must fulfill its mission as the counterpoint to the Women: each other. This is indeed a journey to restoration, balance and wholeness for all.

As a final note, as a matter of life there is inequality. In life, all beings are equal; all we are and all of us the divine source of divine depth within our own being. Equality is no longer a social, political, religious, economic or cultural issue. In truth, it never was. Such questions are questions of man, not questions of life. We are all one.

Indeed, the principles of spiritual Lore and equality, understanding of our inherent divinity, resurrection, regeneration and expression of the essence Sacred Feminine and the energy balance divine Masculine and the Sacred Feminine and our conscious evolution in a New Earth - in the fifth dimensional consciousness of love - and fall into alignment with our life and Gaia Sophia, have now evolved far beyond the situation of the questions; www.facebook.com/littlebearconsciousevolution.

"A Call to the Goddess Women of the World: The Return of the Sacred Feminine", article source: riseearth.com

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