Title : Celery Heals Asthma, Rheumatism and Kidney Stones
link : Celery Heals Asthma, Rheumatism and Kidney Stones
Celery Heals Asthma, Rheumatism and Kidney Stones
celery is impressive in treating asthma and rheumatism, in can improve circulation and digestion, and is also increasing appetite. All parts of celery are healthy and can be used, from the roots to the leaves. it is rich with magnesium, vitamin K, fiber, and because of the large amount of vitamin C can successfully treat flu and cold symptoms. it is recommended celery soup and eat regularly while you have flu or cold.
These days, they realized that celery stimulates trade of substances in the entire body. In addition, air loaded with oil, vitamins and minerals. The root contains air oil, sugar, pentosan, fat, asparagine, tyrosine, and so on. Because of its diuretic impact celery it can be used to cure rheumatism, gout, joint pain, kidney and bladder stone and sand, irritation of the urinary tract, cellulite and overweight, asthma, lung irritation, nerve diseases . Also, excess fluid is ejected living being, and therefore is useful for swelling due to cardiovascular disease.
Celery regulates high blood pressure and can eliminate toxins from the body. It is ideal for liver and biliary diseases. Because it can regulate blood pressure is also recommended for people suffering from diabetes. So in general terms, celery is great attains asthma, rheumatism, kidney disease. You can calm the nervous system, growth of circulation and cleanses the urethra. The best way to say is that celery improves the results of blood tests. Source: http://www.healthyfoodteam.com/
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