Title : Health Benefits of Eating Onions
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Health Benefits of Eating Onions
What are the health benefits of Onions body? Onions is widely used worldwide for co Oking used as a spice for food, but only a few people knows the benefit onions health of the body and why they have to eat. Onions is one of the best foods in the world because it contains fi b res, containing vitamins and minerals and also cont ain elem active entos that helps the body preventing diseases.
Onions is fruit, a vegetable, the plant that also cures all kinds of diseases and while gives a soup, st ew or any ty PE food a good smell and delicious state. Below is a list and brief description of the various onions shows benefits, this includes;
1. Prevent C it burned Diseases One of the relevance and benefit onions body when eaten is is that it contains substances that help guide against cardio vascular d ISEASE s as hypertension, high blood pressure, stroke, cardiac arrest and many more. You can not eat raw onions on it way to obtain this benefit, but you can grinding with pepper, tomato, salt advertising or other foods. It helps the heart work well and ensure the blood circulation f ince the heart to another part of the body.
2. To prevent constipation : A benefit for joint health you get when you eat more onions is onions helps digestion and is very active for the prevention of constipation is known as the capacity to move out feces or waste of the year due to a digestive disorder or lack of water in the body. Onions contain fiber and vitamins, which improves digestion processes in the stomach.
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3. Prevent Diabetes onions is also very active and when eaten regularly, almost no problem excess sugar in the body . T his means that onions help to assist in the breakdown of sugar content in the body. Many of the foods we eat in my country contains mainly carbohydrates which then decomposes into Sugar excess of these ma and cause diabetes. So to save himself from becoming diabetic, eat more onions and be safe.
4. Prevent Asthma : Another health benefits that receives by eating onion is that it helps prevent asthma. Onions reducing substance contains histamine and histamine is a major cause of asthma. But for people who already have As thma or opi- reduces gh COU and pain associated with it.
5. Improvement Sigh t : Another health benefits you get when you eat more ions is that it helps improve the relationship ions. Onions contain vitamin A, which is responsible for bright eyes, if you notice that your vision is getting blur, simply increase the amount of onion in food, you will see the difference and eventually, vision will be improved. All this I know my grandmother in the days, but I know that Now we know that is presen ce of vitamin A containing improves sight.
6. prevent slow blood Movements Out of the many health benefits you get when onion is eaten, this one prevent slow blood circulation is very important because it is directly wi ap heart and heart itsel f is life. When stops the heart, it means death and heart is only organ of BOD and that pumps blood and but also helps in the movement elements of blood in the body. Onion helps prevent slow but improves blood circulation to a rap ID movements.
7. Digestion : One of the ways you achieve quick and easy digestion is to add more onions to the stew or food. Onions contain more than 50% of the fiber s and water , it means that high metabolism rate is obtained when eaten onions and food is digested at a rapid pace. This will make the adjustment, slim look and also prevent weight gain.
In Conclusion Onions is very good for the body and health benefits are too numerous. But health advant ages described previously are very imp ortant which encouraged to eat more onions. Onion contains vitamins and minerals that improves eyesight, prevent constipation, prevent Asthma and prevent diabetes. Thanks for reading.
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