Title : Individuality, Embodiment, and the Anchoring of a Higher Frequency
link : Individuality, Embodiment, and the Anchoring of a Higher Frequency
Individuality, Embodiment, and the Anchoring of a Higher Frequency
by veilofreality.com
Life is increasingly complex. With the rise of Internet we have access to more information than at any other time in recorded history. Social media has connected to millions in a global network scale. Almost anywhere you are in the world, which can connect to the internet, look up all that are interested in research, and "virtually" communicate with friends, family and strangers. 3 billion people are currently 'connected' online , and this number is increasing rapidly.
is as if the Internet has become a base cyber collective data that is operating parallel to the collective consciousness of humanity. The information continues to grow in a world that has become increasingly unstable through economic crisis, climate change, loss of privacy, and the inevitable corruption of government and authoritarian institutions. Despite these amazing technological advances, most people in the world still live in poverty - and even in "developed" countries, life has become a struggle, with many people facing great uncertainty about their future. The evolution of consciousness is not yet updated with our technological progress.

is easy to feel overwhelmed and feel that drowns in this sea of information. Most people are living on autopilot, trying to get ahead and 'survive'. Technological progress has provided many solutions but still created more problems. People are glued to their smart phones, especially communicating with others through text messages and messaging. His attention span seems to be decreasing, almost as a counter-reaction to the rise of unconscious information, distracted by all excess stimulation technology. Overall, it seems that we are at a breaking point. These are difficult times, but every challenge and fight provides an opportunity to help us wake up from that collective dream.
The struggle and internal friction experienced when trying to fit into a society that has it become normalized with pathological values has pushed some of us to question our world and our worship-URE. Rather than drown the inner voice, participation in avoidance strategies and jump into the race, "consensus" Rat, stop following the crowd and start looking for the truth, trying to understand the world and ourselves in the process. Often, this trip met with ridicule, resistance and attacks of others, and so it can become a lonely path to trod. There are forces at work that do not wish for humanity to awaken because of their own interests shortage of consciousness - is the archetypal battle of light against darkness; a spiritual war that is taking place inside and outside ourselves.
Many of us do our best to talk about the atrocities, injustice, oppression, environmental issues, and corruption in our world. That certainly is needed, and should not be ignored. However, I've also seen more and more (in my interactions with others) is that many "seekers of truth" and activists tend to focus only on these issues and get stuck in the "fight against the system" in a 3D level. Many renegades who bring darkness to light in our world - researchers and people in the field of alternative media - also fighting each other for points of relatively minor disagreement that devolve quickly so that delve into personal attacks . Whether in social networks, through messages, comments or youtube (with people hiding behind screen names), they behave in a way that probably never would do when interacting in person - such is the price of living in the Internet age. I do not take myself out of the equation, because I have done the same in the past, they were wroth projection of my own shadow and frustration in others and the world in general.
If we recognize that aspects shadow in ourselves, without rationalizing away by finding fault with others - and therefore take responsibility for the way we communicate at all times - we can show more humility and have more compassion for others and ourselves same. It's okay to disagree and focus on the information just as we can get to the truth together, but personal attacks are just counterproductive. Life is hard, because it is in this day and age, especially for those who can see through the lies of the official culture and the matrix in which we live. Frustration and anger are natural responses to the world situation, and when you feel helpless in our desire to help make this planet a better place, and just want to scream at the state of things-as-that- is, shaking his fists at the sky
on the other hand, there are many times when people were triggered. - not because of our inability to communicate effectively - but because of cognitive dissonance that the psychological state in which people react in a defensive / closed mind / reactive way to the information which contradicts the beliefs that identify with; this leads almost inevitably to her they attack us personally, 'ad hominem'. At other times, people project meanings and emotions in words that type are not there, and therefore the observations / comments submitted the wrong path taken.
This is an insightful video. It is "critical" myself - most of them based on personal attack rather than reactive responses critical thinking - I agree with your statement that many so-called critical project their own stuff, especially in Internet. These critics (and 'trolls' occasional simple) hide behind screen names (often false) and never get out there with their own work and words. They do not write articles, make videos or share anything about their own personal process. Many of them simply "cry" in the world and others mostly often used to republish articles and videos without a word of his own. I'm not saying that there is nothing wrong with that from a perspective of preference (and agree with the judgment of JP with respect to the amount of "subscribers" YouTube, which is actually a " call for popularity "fallacy) because everyone is free to explore their own calls and approaches. I'm not here to tell people what they "should" do, I'm just giving some food for thought and consideration when it comes to how much weight should be given to the contents of their contributions when the debate takes place.
vulnerability and compassion
There are many people who do a great job of exposing the lies that exist in our world. At the same time, I feel all these efforts would be even more effective if these same people (prolific researchers, journalists or anyone who shares information) also disclose some of their own vulnerable personal processes regarding living life in the womb, while while trying to expose its inner workings; talk about their own shortcomings, mistakes and lessons, but not a pity-me-me or poor fashion victim. I would be delighted to see these brave individuals reveal some of their own struggles - and travel deprogramming - so they can help others who wake up, allowing your audience to relate to the same difficulties we all experience, each in his way.

Why is it that we so afraid of our own vulnerability at times, especially when it comes to showing it? What prevents us to share our deepest fears and personal struggles? Is fear of what others might think, fear of being shamed and judged, of being seen as weak and damaged? Maybe that's part of it. Fear is natural. A warrior is not afraid, but fear accepts as natural and acts anyway, understanding that fear is part of the trip - not necessarily as a frequency to be conquered, but as a partner in this adventure in the embrace of The unknown; gaining strength to get out of the comfort zone. I have fears and worries, my mind usually represents, and that certainly can act as mechanisms of self-defeat. Shame and guilt has been an important part of the makeup of some people for life, from childhood, when their parents do not respond with compassion when they screwed up, opting instead for punishment and reactions as "you should be ashamed of himself". Naturally, as a result of this impression, we have developed masks and defense mechanisms due to fear of being hurt again, and therefore have a lack of confidence and courage in our great abilities.
I have always It has been hard on myself (and because I can be hard on others as well) and this can be traced to deal with the programming of guilt and shame for most of my life - in constant self-analysis (to point of diminishing myself constantly), always finding something wrong with me, repeating the "good enough" mantra. My inner critic has always been much harder on myself than any of my external critics. For a long time, even in my early thirties, I even felt guilty for feeling good and happy. When I was in a more positive state of being, my mind came up with auto-decreasing thoughts, telling me that something bad will happen soon, because life can not be so good and I do not deserve it anyway. It was an unconscious mechanism, which was not really aware of it at all - I did not question the negative introverted of my mind, but instead only accepted as "truth". This resulted in me relationships and self-sabotaging things I wanted to achieve sometimes. I clearly remember the day I realized how conscious I felt guilty about feeling good, and as I was at my worst enemy
My lack of healthy self-esteem -. and my negative introverted - has also been reflected back at me by others who embarrass and attack me my faults, or things that have nothing to do with me, but are rather their own unconscious shadow projections. Ironically, at that time, the universe was showing me how I unconsciously felt for myself, then I took care of my "truth", pulling me deeper into the downward spiral of shame / guilt. There have been many times in my life where I have internalized things based solely on what others are "pushed" to me, without ever questioning why, always finding errors within me, telling me that I was the culprit. The lesson from all this involved me, not trying to prove or explain myself all the time in order to understand or "liked", but rather to develop healthy self-esteem (which is not narcissism), self-acceptance and self respect - and just be good for me, first of all, express in an authentic way
in summary, it was a project built around having compassion for myself -. even if I made mistakes or bad decisions - and does not take other projected or culture in general shame or guilt; no matter how others may perceive me; and also to show compassion for others who do not act with kindness towards me. That's not easy to do, sometimes, because the ego loves getting into a fight and collaborate with our incessant feelings of justice, our / modes defensive attack, our need to criticize and despise others, our desire to " punish "them. This does not mean that we should abandon the principle standing up for ourselves when necessary, or simply "turn the other cheek", but I think it is necessary for all of us to find a space where we can get a more compassionate way place in our personal relationships with others.
people who hurt us often project their own pain on us, and occasionally turn projecting our own unconscious pain and hurt others. Sometimes compassionate answer is simply that it removed completely from the connection and does not participate in it longer, which basically means taking care of yourself and not try to convince someone of anything anyway. Sometimes, simply can not be a resolution, and therefore the "resolution" actually involves no resolution. That has been a hard lesson for me, because usually want to "talk things over" and reach a common understanding and compassionate work things out. I learned the hard way that this is not always possible.
"I agree that no one is trying to hurt me when hurtful words or cruel behavior on my way. I accept loss of knowledge as a way for other show me how deeply suffering. I accept even loss of consciousness of others does not force me to attack and match your vibration, or reflected back unconscious nothing about me.Many of us tend to be very hard on ourselves when we use spiritual / esoteric teachings (or psychology) to keep pulling bad emotional herbs, while forgetting to water the flowers existing soul. The same observation applies when talking of individuals "social justice" that talk about the world's problems, to the point where they can become so preoccupied with the pathology of the planet - corruption, atrocities, etc - that that project their own shadow (unconscious inner rage, frustration, repression) in both the world and others, and therefore can not see anything good anymore.
instead, let every act of unconsciousness to inspire a more loving response because witnesses an unconscious world helping to evolve, the rate at which I act out the same options as I expected others to embrace.
This does not justify the unconscious behavior of anyone, nor does it mean I should put myself in situations that endanger my well-being. it allows me to go where my qualities and talents are honored, while acting on higher wisdom of my soul, as a way to help those suffering with energy to find their way home "
. - Matt Kahn
we need positive reinforcement from time to time, all from within ourselves. In the end, it is love - and "love," I do not mean avoidance strategies or live in denial by forcing ourselves to be pleasant and positive all the time. I mean the love that allows everything to come and be felt without trial from the same or other, and allowing it to be transmuted through the power of his harmonica full of grace. This obviously also ties in compassion and forgiveness for self and others.
When we get in touch with our vulnerability without judging ourselves, heal the wounded child within and discover that all have same fears, the same "problems" and struggle with ourselves; and the more we share our deeply vulnerable moments with each other, the more others can really relate to us (and vice versa) of a genuinely authentic and compassionate manner. In this way, we are co-creatively help heal ourselves and the world we live in, while creating the most authentic relationships that have a more compassionate approach that transcend war intellectual information.
In digital day and age today is so easy to get distracted by the "outside" world, and end up losing our human connection to each other for long periods of time. This does not mean we should ignore the outside world and become pre-occupied with ourselves and our "inner journey". It is, after all, balance and authenticity - indoor and outdoor go hand in hand at work . Surely it can be scary to "enter" the regions of the human psyche, and some people will always judge or cast a shadow over us instead of us receive acceptance and compassion when we try to find a mirror of relational understanding.
I feel that the "rules" of the world - hyperdimensional, political, and otherwise - are actually fueling this quiet desperation, and I want to remain silent and withdrawn, not to show our vulnerability, but rather to be pre-occupied with artificially presented outside world, keeping us in a lower frequency of fear and fighting each other. They feed on fear (unconscious) that we have shown ourselves as vulnerable - to express without masks - because behind all this deception, buried in our vulnerability, is the true love and power energy. This power represents the human deeper connection we all have toward each other, a frequency based on the heart that vibrates at a level that can not touch.
At the same time, many people have a very difficult time access their vulnerability and express their feelings. If we are not comfortable with our own vulnerability, we can not fully receive the vulnerability of another person. It takes honest self service for access to our deepest emotions, which are hidden behind layers of armor and buffers built up over years of having been disconnected from our body. Our body is constantly giving clues. The more we are in touch with our bodies, the more we can receive these messages, which also put us in touch with our vulnerability.
Modern life desensitizes us and keeps us prisoners in our heads. Many people have cunning intellects and are well versed in articulating their thoughts when it comes to issues of the outside world, but when it comes to access their deepest feelings and express themselves through their "emotional intelligence index" things can be very difficult for them. The psyche also has its own schedule of healing, and the deeper aspects of this process are revealed over time. astrological transits can give you some ideas on that calendar. It is a process of "peeling back the layers" that can not be forced or rushed, and is different for each individual.
"The voice of our soul reveals our deepest wisdom and our deepest wounds, so to untie the voice of our soul is often our deepest desire and our deepest fear. we suffer from self-manifested, to be authentic, to make it absolutely 'er rip and yet we are terrified of being so vulnerable, that raw, than real. So we edit, shape or even shut up the voice of our only soul in order to be accepted, success, and even loved. But in the back of our wombs, where our power burns brighter we know we can not be of service, can not be free, we can not rich hues if we are not sharing the truth of what we are "
-. it will be Beack

However, share our most personal and internal struggles things - or talking about subjects "taboo" - can be a scary proposition, so I understand why people are reluctant to do all this more often. Others may misinterpret things that express, take things out of context ( cherry picking fallacy ), or have their own shadow active area, leading them to ridicule or embarrass us. Based on my own experience, these reactions (and the people involved) are certainly in the minority, and at the end of his (unconscious) behavior teaches us to fight for ourselves, and not be concerned about what others think of us. Such scenarios may also reveal the identities of those who can be considered to be "true friends".
It is important to note that these people (who are not part of our lives) do not really know us at all: what we do or how we live on a daily basis; nor they have any understanding regarding our staff internal process. They do not know our life story, or even the whole image (in terms of the things we share with unknown relative), so that the projections and distortions are inevitable. Obviously, what we see people interact with online is only a fraction of what they are like a complete individual. Words on a screen can be easily misinterpreted or projected in the false and misleading patterns of "the other" when there is a lack of face to face, 'feel the presence of interaction.
I make mistakes, I learn my lessons and work things out as I go along, and in the company from time to time to share some of it, but not all of it. I've been pretty open about my personal short and long trips the years process - I would say that sometimes was too open, and I learned the hard way that only "wearing your heart on your sleeve" is not always well received by others. We still have to discern our expressiveness, and to 'check-in' with ourselves when it comes to sharing our personal approach, so we can feel safe in doing so. Obviously, we can not be completely open about our own personal trials and vulnerabilities, as we have our own private secure containers to work through the material; also do not want to fall into the victim mentality "poor-me" or self-pity, trying to draw the attention of others in a pseudo-narcissistic way.
The dark side of the Internet
Carl Gustav Jung suggested that everything we feel about (or see in) another person consists of approximately 75% of our own "stuff" our infamous shadow (ie, the unconscious aspects of ourselves) - we project, either positively or negatively, in others; but in reality, such perceptions really have nothing to do with the other person. A more accurate character and intentions of an individual indicator is based on one-on-one interactions with them in real life, from a place of self-awareness to earth and experiences that accompany that "work".
As you can probably guess, shadow casting is further amplified within the protected realms of the online world compared to "real" face-to-face interactions. Everyone can participate in the projection of shadows in a given time without exception. Ask yourself, how many times have you looked at the pictures of a person and projected (good or bad) qualities on / what they are actually completely off base? How many times have you been "drawn" or "infatuated" with - or "repel" and "offended" by - a person based solely on the content of his / their jobs or their appearance in photographs? How many times we project emotions and the "tone" in publications of other people who are not really there in the context of the content, but are simply arising out of our own unconscious shadow?
Note, too that the mood / mood you are in (when a communication attempt is carried out) can distort the interpretation of that message. For example, a person who is sending a text online or write a post media may be smiling while doing it, and others are offering a genuinely good for the heart, based on positive feelings; but the receiver / reader is in a wavelength different vibration, and misread the context of content, viewing it as full of resentment, or maybe it is offensive - the misunderstanding, in such circumstances, is based on assumptions that they are based in the reader's own stories and themes.
sometimes when I met people in real life, with whom he had previously connected through Facebook, I can see how my perception of them (either positive or negative) was off in parts, and I realized how much he had projected qualities about that person - completely based on facebook interactions / messages / images and nothing else -. that were not true
"the shadow is, so to speak, the blind spot in nature. it is what you will not see on himself. ... you can recognize that it is simply to think of people who do not like. they correspond to the person who could have been otherwise, it would not mean much to you. People who are excited either positively or negatively have caught something projected from yourself ... I do not know if you have had similar experiences in your life, but some people scorn the time I see them. These people represent those aspects of myself, the existence of which refuse to admit to myself "Facebook (or any website social media and the Internet in general) it is a great tool to connect with people and share information, but understanding projection of shadows - and how they really do not see others as they really sometimes - it's worth . think Let's be clear here. okay they are not "similar" to one person; nor is there any need to be "best friends" with everyone However, if we set off by someone out of proportion (and attack him / her personally or engage in gossip), then usually there is more at stake than just the behavior "other" person and attitude. But even if we "negative" traits in another person what is true (without becoming largely triggered in response), we can still reach a place of compassion and empathy about their behavior? Most of the time, people who act in this way are deeply wounded and hurt individuals, compensating low self-esteem (because of childhood injuries and other traumas) lunging or provoke others in reactivity. By the way, I'm talking here about ordinary people in everyday interactions, not psychopaths or sociopaths who have no conscience in the making.
. - Joseph Campbell
"Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves "
- Carl G. Jung

." in the shadow is projected, split-off and try to get rid of a part of ourselves, which is a self-mutilation which is actually an act of violence. in the act of the shadow projected, we distance ourselves from a part of ourselves and "split" (in two), giving the back in revulsion and the breakdown of our partnership with our darker half, like we have never seen before in our life. we launched our own darkness outside ourselves and see ourselves as if only exists in others. then react violently when we find a reflection with our bodies shade in the outside world, wanting to destroy it, as it reminds us of something dark within us that prefer to have nothing to do with.
the act shadow projected that violence (both mental and / or physical) is practiced not only in ourselves, but in the "other" who is the recipient of our projection of shadows. This act of external violence is another thing that violate our internal process to a part of ourselves change the channel and is expressed in, as and through the outside world. In trying to destroy our projected shadow in the outside world, however, act, be possessed by incarnate and shadow same as we are trying to destroy.
"Individuality, Embodiment, and the Anchoring of a Higher Frequency", article source: riseearth.com
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Thank you for reading this Individuality, Embodiment, and the Anchoring of a Higher Frequency, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.
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