Title : Stages of Conscious Awakening
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Stages of Conscious Awakening
by MontalkWake World Up
is imperative that we awaken from the mundane consciousness in full spiritual memory of what we are. The problem is that even when physically awake, can still be mentally asleep, unaware of ourselves and fully absorbed in any mechanical drive or external stimulus captures our attention. This state of confluence, or mental absorption, keeps us in a state of unproductive sleep.
The common understanding of what it means to be "awake" disguises the truth, which is that although walking with open eyes , people tend to be hypnotized, however, barely conscious, sleepwalking, daydreaming, or in a state of trance. What all these states have in common is that the conscious core of the individual is absent or passive, blowing like a leaf in the wind environmental stimuli.
In dreams we could make strange "logical associations "amounting to no logic at all, have little say in what happens to us, do things impulsively, and stop questioning our reality or observe ourselves. Compare this with how people tend to behave in daily life, anecdotes and gossip they speak, how they can communicate via recitations of verses from movies or television shows, speak in memetic phrases hackneyed without conscious thought or originality, have ridiculous programmed behavior, engross themselves in small dramas, and switch between clumsy or borrowed personalities. For them, dreams do not end up in the morning.

The world is a madhouse, but society is too asleep to notice the madness. Just as you may not question insane dreams while they, some people never question their unhealthy life. The implications of mass somnambulism is obvious: with billions of people asleep, those in power who are awake have the advantage. people who sleep easily controlled. Its core consciousness exists within a mental prison, harnessed for time, labor and energy. They possess little or no freewill because they have abandoned the awareness necessary to utilize it.
The mind and body can be asleep or awake independently of each other. With mind and body awake, one is truly awake. With mind and body asleep, one is dreaming. With mind awake and body asleep, one is lucid-dream. With mind and body asleep awake, one is sleepwalking. There are gradations between these four states, ranging from hypnotism and trance daydreaming and dim consciousness
Stage 1:. Breaking Confluence Negative
The first step to awaken requires breaking this negative confluence by obtaining a degree of clarity, a measure of self-consciousness. At any time you can turn your attention inward and observe himself, putting his attention firmly in the present moment. You may notice your thoughts, analyze your feelings, pay attention to the sensations in your body, feel his breath, engage in self-examination and review their situation and surroundings from a higher perspective.
In doing so, soon he realizes that all these perceptions ultimately originate from outside of you, even if they are playing inside your own mind. This is because at the core of your mind it is a center of perception that defines the real you, while the peripheral territory of your mind is populated by thoughts that may or may not be your own. This inner core is the silent observer, consciousness to see through their eyes and thinking through your mind. It is what experiences, chooses, he realizes, and life. The rest is just the machinery.
Becoming lucid depends on being aware of your own consciousness. Some call this self-remembering from the confluence is the state of self-forgetfulness. Lucidity is as simple as turning on and reminding yourself in the present moment. Recalling himself confluence stops, and stop the confluence is the first step to removing it from what stifles their spiritual identity. One thing to know you are, but quite another to know who you are. Over time, the first leads to the second.
Be aware of this at the time it is easy to implement, but difficult to maintain. Books have been written on just this task alone. The problem is both physical and metaphysical time. Initially, increasing your consciousness requires both vital energy and an adequate supply of neurotransmitters. These exhausted after a short period of effort and one slides back into consciousness lowered. But like a muscle, mental concentration increases with training because the physical and subtle bodies adjust to increased energy demand.
Maintaining lucidity becomes easier with practice, as practice gradually increases the length and depth of focus. By practicing lucidity in a controlled environment, the same state of heightened awareness can more easily get and stay in more natural conditions. Hence some forms of meditation help the formation of self-awareness.
A common method for the exercise of lucidity is mindfulness meditation where attention is paid to their thoughts and feelings by being an observer calm and lucid third. Unlike transcendental meditation in the singing of a mantra for hours leads to self-hypnosis and decreased consciousness, mindfulness meditation raises awareness.
Another practice called Vipassana requires you to relax and then pay attention to all the sensations in your body, starting with the top of your head and work your way to the foot, and then back to the top. The main advantage of this type of meditation is that it is the knowledge of the signals are ignored and forgotten otherwise. This is useful because in this modern age is not only what we normally forget ourselves, but we tend to forget our own bodies. For example, watch TV or use the Internet puts our attention on the virtual bodies that displace ours. This causes a schism between mind and body, in addition to the already prevalent disconnect between the self and the mind. Dissociation of this type is antagonistic to higher consciousness. You observe the physical sensations is intended to excision repair, which in turn assists conscious integration with each other and the mind.
Interestingly, the practice of such lucidity literally changes the brain structure over time [http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2011/01/eight-weeks-to-a-better-brain/] and increases the activity of gamma brain waves, which are vibrations 40Hz whole brain resonance through quantum coherence.
in addition, Vipassana and related exercises such as new forms of energy Robert Bruce or microcosmic orbit meditation Taoist yoga all have the effect of encouraging non-physical structures and circuits in the etheric body, which if nothing else can help remove blockages and stagnant energies. If executed properly with sufficient regularity of practice, however, they can also raise certain extrasensory abilities.
handling negative emotions
Becoming aware your thoughts, feelings and physical sensations is also useful in transmuting internal negative emotional energy. By observing negative emotions that may arise and objectively observing the physiological sensations that evoke, you have to enter a loop uncontrollable feedback between thoughts and emotions that otherwise exploit in excess reactivity and generate a sense distorted of perception and judgment. In other words, this practice can break its confluence with external provocations.
If the negative emotion by an event of pressing buttons, lucid awareness of the emotion itself (rather than where it points, or the person is active / event that triggered it) is a way to disable the negative energy without suppressing it. On the other hand, if negativity is a constant pressure without any specific trigger, then self-awareness will help to stand against the power of this emotional gravity.
In the midst of these storms, through lucidity you will realize that you are the eye of the hurricane, impersonal observer who is above and beyond. That is the turning point that disarms and transmutes energy.
Therefore, lucidity is the key to maintaining composure. Only when you've got the edge over a growing excitement that are able to make an informed decision as to whether to go with it or reign in; unconscionable that the choice is not done and one simply reacts like an animal.
The suppression of emotions by allowing them to fester as you turn to look away will make them explode unexpectedly in unexpected moments. This is not healthy; Emotions must be addressed, not ignored. By becoming aware of the emotional raw energy instead you can take advantage - when appropriate. This includes anger in cases where the impending action fueled by anger that is both desirable and necessary, ie, if one is too weak to take care of business else is needed.
If a negative emotion and associated action is not the case, then the awareness that energy and memory of himself as the observer is important to turn off the power and transmute into a higher spiritual fuel for your soul degree.
so if you harness the energy towards the required action or to the transmutation into a higher form of positive energy, in any case, we are dealing with it rather than suppress it.
stage 2: Positive confluence
in summary, observing bandwidth expands your awareness, break the negative forms of confluence, and has potentiating effects in the brain and soul. Upon returning to the center it allows you to choose the moment to think, feel or do next. Without self-consciousness no choice but a mechanical reaction to a given stimulus. By default we behave like machines, but anytime we can recover the lucidity and disengage the autopilot.
Therefore, it seems that remembering, attention or lucidity is all we need to develop spiritually, but unfortunately that is not enough. Some esoteric schools of thought stop there and worry about deprogramming and remembering in an effort to cut weeds of the mind and soul. However, without planting seeds, the addition of water and sun, what remains is a clean field, but ultimately sterile instance of the earth.
Note that by itself, lucidity is no more a state of mindfulness that mutes the mechanical reactivity and allows thinking about what to do next, but does not have to provide a transcendental or transjective influence to direct it towards the ideal result. The sword is released from the stone but no map or compass for the mission is not provided.
And therefore there is a need for a second stage of development of consciousness that goes beyond the mere memory of whether. While the former is intended to interrupt the negative confluence, the second step is to initiate positive confluence with the higher aspects of your being. Speaking from the heart, following his intuition, tapping into your subconscious, virtually "channel" Higher Self. - These are all examples of positive confluence
Here, willingly look for these higher impulses and letting them flow as his self-awareness takes a back seat. Reflect on the days when the words were flowing from you that must have come from something higher. What he said was wise and more useful than anything that could have only come up with on your own. And while they were flowing, they were not aware of himself as if in a trance (not unconscious, just do not _self_-conscious). This is a state of being in the flow, in the so-called "zone".
This type of confluence is productive and occurs occasionally, even without being trained in self-observation. However, self-observation helps make these connections more consistently and intentionally by reducing interruptions for periods of negative confluence, mainly through her realize them and nipping in the bud.
the main function of the second stage is to strengthen your connection with the higher centers, the higher chakras, uplinks to your higher Self or higher Mind. By grooving a conduit to these higher aspects through regular use, their influences become more permanent. This is important because in this second stage, becoming lucid while in the flow momentarily interrupt the flow. For example, speaking from his heart but suddenly realize itself temporarily breaks the connection.
Lucidity prevents any convergence, even positive. That is, unless the flow is strong enough so that it does not interrupt lucidity. To illustrate this, consider how when we drift off to sleep at night, if we catch ourselves to sleep we woke up again immediately. In this case, the initial state of sleep is not strong enough to withstand the conscious mind suddenly withdraw confluence. However, once it has entered into a deeper sleep and dream started, it is possible to be lucid and keep dreaming. Those who are inexperienced in lucid dreaming have difficulty maintaining their lucidity either, which are unknown keep dreaming, or keep your dream state, which break out of sleep to realize that they are dreaming. But with the practice of lucid dream state it can be prolonged
Stage 3:. The positive lucidity
What does this say about the positive confluence? It is said that the positive confluence is nothing more than a means to connect with the higher aspects of a sufficiently permanent (through exposure and repeated practice, which in turn changes the structure of the brain and the soul . create a more wired) connection so that you can finally have self-awareness and the connection is cut
This is the third stage being the lucid and connected once
Hay. two categories of meditation, consciousness is low and the other lifts. Both seek to unify the conscious mind with the subconscious and thereby achieve integration of the whole being. But while the first category is regressive, the second is progressive.
meditation aims to dissolve the ego down in the subconscious so that, in theory, becomes an unconscious extension of the highest sources. If one goes well in the positive confluence, then that's good.
But the mere subconscious being a gateway to anything and everything that was being inferior, without deliberately to establish a genuine positive destiny that door could easily lead to becoming a puppet of subconscious complexes, gurus power struggles or negative entities.
This means that retrogressive practices carry the risk of losing ego in favor of the influences potentially malignant. chanting a mantra nonsense, focusing on external guru, the practice of channeling without filters in place, and fall into altered states of consciousness for the sake of novelty are examples of things that carry this risk. If you do not engage in positive confluence with your spiritual core by being and feeling, then there is no way to know what you're getting into confluence with.
Some forms of meditation marketed to the West should be called meditations unconsciousness because that it is precisely what they accomplish: a decrease of consciousness in a murky state of unconsciousness that only ends up creating trance states and susceptility usual meaningless to manipulation by evil forces or delusional; works to relieve stress in the same way psychiatric drugs take the edge, but is not appropriate for spiritual development as at best merely alcoholics and reassuring and at worst leads to becoming a puppet nonsense.
Technically speaking, the positive confluence is regressive because it puts us back into the infant state of naive innocence divine as before the fall. Self-awareness is lowered to the mere awareness that one becomes an expression of a superior will. But while this remains a means rather than ends, which is fine. This state has its uses, and it is better to be in the negative confluence, which is the state society sleepwalking seems to be in the puppet or meaningless state that certain meditators and channelers enter.
Despite being regressive , positive confluence is also better than being in a sterile state of lucidity is not connected to anything positive, as with those who do the remembering for years without training your capacity for love, empathy, intuition and other faculties of spirit. They become very lucid but very cold and temperate, which means the appearance of ossification or Ahrimanization soul.
As a medium, positive confluence (Stage 2) is more useful as a step toward emerging in the active divine consciousness (step 3). The aim is operating with self-consciousness intact so that rather than being an unconscious extension of a higher source, performs in that higher source.
In this third stage, self-consciousness is practiced without interrupting the flow of impressions flowing from the higher centers. This amounts to a passive observation and soft subsidy from the influence of your Higher Self has on your thoughts, feelings, words and actions.
Why is it important lucidity again after being left out in the second stage? Because remain lucid while letting positive influences working from within is simply an act of overseeing the process so that it can intervene when necessary to correct deviations or start a new line of research and action.
The problem step 2 is positive confluence easily passes into negative because one is not always self-aware enough to catch the conversion to the system. Think of a dreamer who is heartful and wise in a dream, then quickly sinks into stress and anger when the dream changed to something negative. No consistency. That's why I said positive confluence is fragile, just as Adam and Eve were in a fragile state, it was good while it lasted, but ignorance is bliss and ignorance allowed them to be easily influenced by interceding negative forces.
is quite difficult to obtain clarity without interrupting the flow, so the clarity should be the passive principle at the beginning of the third stage, which means "Watch but do not interfere with the expression of his heart." This, unlike the "express your heart and the superior wisdom to forget himself" aspect of the second stage. The latter is a means to achieve the first, however, so anyone trapped in Stage 1 to the point of becoming more lucid, but at the same time colder inside, should practice entering the confluence positive. That means loosening and absorbing yourself in positive, productive, creative, empathic, developers, and generally spiritual activities.
Once the lower is free of negative confluence and the Higher Self has a link clear and permanent communication (achieved through the brain and structure improvements soul caused by the aforementioned exercises) and are present at the same time, both higher and lower, a mutual flow of communication is possible. The lower becomes an adept assimilate the wisdom and the essence of the Higher Self, and rising to their level. Thus, the bottom finally merges with the highest and achieve total integration of being
This is different from the highest sinking lower during positive confluence.; It is different from the annihilation of the ego and return to a state of primitive purity. Rather, it is a progression forward, a pipe dream of human consciousness.
Nonlinear Evolution
In practice, these stages of conscious awakening are not sequential discreetly as grades in school. Rather, we occupy one of the stages as a primary center of gravity can still peak spontaneously at higher or drop into the bottom levels.
The upper stages are more difficult to access and maintain, but that does not mean that prevented access to them, only without the practice accessed less frequently. The flashes we captured one of the highest stages should motivate us to acquire them permanently as our new center of gravity. This is much like regular dreamers are motivated by spontaneous lucid dreams to practice and make more frequently until it returns to normal sleep. awareness happens in flashes, like a light bulb flickering fluorescent before turning completely.
The shortcomings of existing systems
Regarding the esoteric systems like Fourth Way who claim that the more incomprehensible to the lower stages are mastered, remember there is a difference between the systems conscious evolution and conscious awakening systems. We are not here to grow our souls from scratch, since there is no time for that, but to awaken ourselves in complete spiritual memory. We did not start life as a blank slate, to embody the spirit is already well seasoned from previous incarnations. Higher centers of the soul can be simply dormant or atrophied due to biological and social factors that receive programming from birth that cause abandonment and neglect; if so, then access them is not as impossible and incomprehensible as Fourth Way makes it out to be. I Fourth Way spoke more to the generality of the vaguely aware people in this world (including human beings without spirit) instead of those in the top percentile, but in adjusting force the latter in the first makes it a great harm.
So we have society in general advocating a kind of stage 0 is negative confluence (excluding anything above), Fourth way and similar paradigms that defend stage 1 (excluding anything above), and Christianity and Buddhism each highlighting a solution being less than the step 2 (excluding anything above). While these are even better than the last, all of them do not reach the aforementioned pipe dream of human consciousness, which is the realization of our potential without restrictions and exceptions.
Few systems worry Stage 3. to do this, we should look to the hermetic, gnostic, Rosicrucians, Toltec, fifth way, and Anthroposophic currents.
Interestingly, the steps of conscious awakening reflect the macrocosmic process of conscious evolution. What follows is a diagram comparing the two:

The process paintable through the next story. A prince leaves the kingdom of his father and suffers memory loss then leads the life of a farmer until he gets tired of poverty. In his longing for a better life, he suddenly remembers he is a prince and returns to see his father. From afar seen his father perform the duties of a king, then when certain of his own identity, the prince gathers enough courage to speak to her father. In the following years this meeting, the king teaches his son all his wisdom until one day the prince himself becomes king.
The goal is to recover what was locked inside us, to return to establish contact with our higher centers, and ultimately we must remember that we are. And it all starts with self-observation and listen to your heart
To read more
- HypsoConsciousness -. John Baines. A guide to "various exercises to help the individual to raise their level of consciousness through concentration, relaxation, centrality, willpower and the development of a superior."
- The Stellar Man - John Baines. Explore the synthesis of modern psychology and secrecy; a detailed explanation of the Hermetic principles. It also includes a legend of how Moses screwed things by making a pact with a demonic entity called "Y".
- Gnosis Book I Book II and Book III - Boris Mouravieff. Supposedly based on the original teachings of the Fourth Way which is just a collection of fragments, Mouravieff considered his approach to the fifth way. The main source is internal Eastern Orthodox, but probably dates back to Sufi and related groups. There is something valuable on each page. I'm not a fan of their political views, but the esoteric material on the nail. It includes discussion on human beings without spirit, called pre-Adamic.
Tom / Montalk is an author, researcher and musician dedicated to empowering others with practical wisdom esoteric and technical knowledge. His published works include an extensive website and books Knowledge of the range for beginners and foreign Discerning Disinformation .
Tom was born in 1980 in central Germany . In early childhood, and paranormal phenomena encounters with aliens wrenching taught that reality was strange and mysterious. At twelve I got a library card and started reading everything and anything he could find on ufology and spirituality to make sense of their experiences. was also interested in the physical fringes and suppresses inventions after stumbling with recurrent references to systems of exotic propulsion ufology literature.
After majoring in physics and electrical engineering for years, Tom left college to follow a more independent path of knowledge. The combination of their research and personal experiences with those of others, who now devotes his life to solving the deepest mysteries of metaphysics, gnosticism, ufology, hyperdimensional physical, and spiritual warfare. He strives to communicate their findings clearly and concisely so that the greatest possible number of people can implement such knowledge.
"Stages of Conscious Awakening", article source: riseearth.com
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