Robert De Niro Enters the Vaccine Safety Battle

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Robert De Niro Enters the Vaccine Safety Battle

Vaccine Safety
De Niro brings safety of the vaccine in the spotlight

While De Niro felt pressured to pull the film, it becomes clear that it is a movie people need to see, considering that there many issues related to how the CDC evaluates and monitors vaccine safety that are not being spoken openly - and they should. [1]

De Niro has a son of 18-year-old, who is autistic, and he admits he has concerns about vaccines and autism.

"There is a relationship," he says, and draws a parallel between people who have serious, even fatal, reactions to penicillin. De Niro says that the same may be true for some people who react to vaccines.

also it makes the point that everyone should really have the choice whether or not to vaccinate their children.

Interestingly, while De Niro asked for more discussion and more research on vaccine safety, Rosenthal appeared openly uncomfortable about the whole issue when she and De Niro were originally interviewed on the "Today Show" NBC on April 13 [2] and even more uncomfortable when she and De Niro appeared in a follow-up interview on the "Today Show" April 18. [3] program

One of the possible reasons for your discomfort may be related to the fact that her ex-husband, Craig Hatkoff, is a board member of the NYU Child Study Center, which is involved in the research and treatment of child psychiatric disorders.

As noted by journalist Jon Rappoport: [4]
"NYU Center never, in a million years imagine that vaccines could cause autism ... A film purporting to show a link between the MMR vaccine and autism would be a frightening affront to the NYU Child Study Center, where Craig Hatkoff, co-founder of Tribeca film Festival, member of the Board. "
Rosenthal's sister, Pamela Rollins, Ph.D. It is also deeply involved in the field of autism, and is a member of the Council of Texas for autism. [5]

The conventional view is that whatever autism is caused by, not caused by medical intervention, such as vaccines, and to suggest that it might be related simply is not allowed.

Organic Consumers Association (OCA) has created a petition to encourage Robert De Niro to continue the search for the truth about vaccines. Click here To sign the petition.

Vaccine Shills leaving the wood processing

A number of shills in the industry have already written disparaging articles about "Vaxxed . " This includes Dr. Paul Offit, Article [6] places the focus squarely on Andrew Wakefield, the director of the film.

Pointing, Offit makes sure Wakefield character and qualifications are questioned in order to try to discredit the movie information.

No surprises, such as defamation is part of the modus operandi of Offit - regardless of whether he has his facts straight or not. Offit does not have a good record of being accurate in his assessment of the facts.

In at least one case, a newspaper was forced to issue a correction, noting that it found actually disparaging statements Offit on CBS News Investigative Correspondent Sharyl Attkisson (who had written a report critical of vaccines) to be totally unjustified and / or false. [7]

The crux of the matter is, every time you hear or read terms like debunked, discredited, quack, conspiracy theorist, science is established, the debate is resolved, the scientific consensus is of agreement, or the poison is in the dose, may be more or less sure you are reading propaganda driven program.

The same is true for anyone based on Offit as the only voice of what is true and what is not true about the safety of the vaccine.

There are many respected researchers out there who are well qualified to talk about vaccine science, and I have interviewed several of them. And contrary to what it claims Offit, science is far from conclusive in terms of safety.

Science vaccine is at all Settled

Science has shown that when overuse of antibiotics, antibiotic resistance develops . So what is the science of mass vaccination with multiple vaccines?

The truth is that science is not at all "resolved" when it comes to the potential long-term risks of mass vaccination.

Furthermore, vaccines are clearly not as effective as previously thought. For example, repeated outbreaks of pertussis (whooping cough) have been linked to the failure of the vaccine, not the lack of vaccination.

More recently, 56 people pertussis in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania and each were vaccinated. [8]

If you're like most people, you probably thought The government recommends vaccines have been scientifically proven to be effective.

But every year we hear about many vaccines, pertussis besides failing, including mumps, measles and chicken pox - with most outbreaks again be among fully vaccinated people.

So if science is not resolved when it comes to efficiency, perhaps is resolved in this way when it comes to safety.

Just last year, researchers made the remarkable discovery that the brain is actually connected directly to the immune system through previously unknown vessels. [9]

According to the researchers, the discovery of these new vessels has "enormous implications for all neurological diseases with an immunological component," and that certainly would include autism.

So how does this affect vaccination system? Anyone who says we have the answer is sufficiently informed or lying, because until last year that not even know about the brain and the immune system is linked!

Every year we make new discoveries about how the body works, however, we are to believe that everything there is to know about how vaccines affect human biology for decades was discovered?

Did mass vaccination against measles eradication in the US?

The day after the appearance of De Niro on the Today Show on NBC, the network issued a follow-up report to counter some of the statements and questions Niro had raised. [10]

For example, say that mass vaccination against measles eradicated in the US in 2000. However, in 2014 they resurfaced with 667 documented cases, and in 2015 there were 189 cases.

According to the CDC, "most patients were not vaccinated," reports NBC.

Here are some things not said it: according to the CDC, no one has died from acute measles in the US since 2003. Meanwhile, the database reveals MedAlerts 98 following deaths MMR or MMRV vaccines occurred between 2003 and 2015.

In addition, there were 694 reports of MMR or MMRV vaccines that cause disability in that time frame.

Given the fact that less than 10 percent of the adverse effects of vaccines never to VAERS reported, the actual number of measles deaths and disabilities related to vaccines that have occurred since 2003 could be up to 980 deaths and 6,940 disabled.

According to NBC:
"While no drug or treatment is 100 percent safe, said vaccines are much, much safer than the diseases they prevent."
Given these statistics, do you agree with the statement that the MMR vaccine is "much, much safer" than measles?

Ironically, it seems NBC did exactly what De Niro opposed in the first place - downplayed the risks, casually throwing a couple of reassuring statements, completely ignoring statistics such as the fact that anywhere 98-980 children died after vaccination against measles compared with none of the actual disease.

And that's how you know you are listening to the propaganda.

Do Studies' finally shows "No link between vaccines and autism?

the NBC also made sure to note that while parents are "looking for answers", studies have "shown conclusively that" there is no link between vaccines and autism.

that sounds all well and good, but just because a statement is repeated does not mean it's true. I've interviewed a number of health experts and vaccines and researchers in recent years, and the consensus among them is that safety studies lacks clarity

As noted by board-certified pediatrician Dr. Lawrence Palevsky .
"... [T] Hey children are not following time enough to know if there could be some autoimmune antibody or any immune challenge happens to the body that extends or just sits there as a genotypic effect in three months, six months, three years, six years or 10 years.

"There is a change in genetics, there is a change in DNA, which are not necessarily apparent until years later because of other stressors, perhaps even another vaccine is years later. None of these studies have been done, so I do not know how you can say that vaccines are safe.

"... we're not looking at micro-molecular to see levels' OK, there had been an autoimmune antibody? Were there other inflammatory markers produced? Where these markers manifest? Do they stay in the body?

"are manifest in clinical symptoms? What are relevant? Is doing any of that science. But we're just saying that vaccines are safe, as we have been doing for so long. And anyone with a good scientific mind could say that is inadequate. "
There are biological, genetic and environmental among us differences, and that is why some of us get a shot or MMR experience against measles and do not suffer complications, while others suffer complications and brain are injured or killed.

Doctors can not predict in advance who will be harmed by a vaccine or an infectious disease, and can not guarantee that those who have been vaccinated will not be infected or spread the infection.

These are important points that usually are not shared with parents in the decision-making process regarding vaccination.

Even studies that have been made are not enough time to show what could be the long-term consequences of vaccines.

As mentioned above, now we have new information on the connection between the brain and the immune system; a connection that may well change the way we need to study vaccines and their impact on both the brain and immune function.

Clearly, De Niro is quite correct when he says that it is a complicated matter, and there are still many questions that need to be answered.

Vaccines deserve their 'Halo security'?

Our genome consists of viral DNA between 5 and 8 percent, in what I think is a component of synergistic fit with our environment.

microbial signaling plays a role not yet fully understand, however, our federal policies put a halo on all drugs called "vaccines".

The assumption is that we understand everything that needs to be understood by them, and that without them would be worse. But where is the proof?

As noted by Rappoport: [11]
"[M] AIN means not disclose the numbers of death caused by medical reasons ... So we started with some quotes .. . Journal of the Medical Association of America, author Dr. Barbara Starfield, revered public health expert at Johns Hopkins school of public health;

" ' is US health really the best in the world ? ' Starfield reported that the US medical system kills 225,000 Americans a year, 106,000 as a result of medical drugs approved by the FDA ... extrapolate the number of a decade Phone: which is 2.25 million deaths ...

"BMJ June 7, 2012 [12] ... Lenzer refers to a report by the Institute for Safe medication Practices: 'it is estimated that in 2011 prescription drugs is associated with two to four million people in the US suffer "severe and disabling, or even fatal injuries, including 128,000 deaths. '' the report called this" one of the most significant for humans resulting from human activity hazards. "

"... the FDA knows and does not say anything about it because the FDA certifies as safe and effective, all medical drugs that are maiming and killing Americans routinely ..."
If other drugs cause more than 100,000 deaths a year, where is the evidence to show vaccines do not have a similar history?

The reason why the media refuses to discuss these security issues due to their pharmaceutical advertisers have the ability to punish financially.

But there is also the general question of credibility. If these statistics were widely known and recognized, it would accept no guarantee the safety of medicines more? As Rappoport says, it would sound something like this:
"Well, the system I represent kills 2.25 million people per decade, and maims between 20 and 40 million people per decade, but I want to ensure that this vaccine presents no problem at all.

"it is incredibly safe '... Every single pronouncement, on any subject, issued through the Ministry of Truth of the medical cartel would fall into unbelieving ears, and only increase general indignation. "
the struggle for the Improvement of vaccine safety continues

the crux of the matter is, there is still much we do not know when it comes to vaccines and their effects. our knowledge is still very limited when it comes to the microbial world, as well as our own immune system.

to protect the vaccination program and the fantastic profits generated from it, any and all "cracks in the wall", therefore, must be sealed, and the main way is through censorship, ridicule and defamation.

They want mandatory from start to finish, and in order to implement that all dissent must be destroyed vaccines.

In the case of De Niro, who may have found that person, since he is not one to be intimidated and dismissed so easily - although a number of industry "heads Bobble" and have tried to make it seem as if he's just another confused parent of an autistic child for a scapegoat.

They are wrong, of course, and efforts to paint Niro as a fool would only be counterproductive in the most spectacular way. Eventually, as more and more parents see the tragedy of autism develop in your own life, how long you can keep up the charade?

protect their right to informed consent and defend Vaccine Exemptions

With all the uncertainty surrounding the safety and efficacy of vaccines, it is essential to protect their right to make independent decisions of health and exercise voluntary informed consent to vaccination way.

is urgent that everyone in America stand up and fight to protect and expand vaccine informed consent protections in public health laws and state employment. The best way to do this is personally involved with their state legislators and educate leaders in their community.

think globally.

national policy recommendations vaccines are made at the federal level, but the laws of vaccines are made at the state level. It is at the state level where action to protect their rights of choice vaccines can have the greatest impact.

is critical for everyone now involved in defending the legal right to make decisions on voluntary vaccinations in the United States because those options are being threatened by lobbyists representing pharmaceutical companies, associations trade medical and public health officials, who are trying to persuade lawmakers to strip all exemptions from vaccines of public health laws.

Registration for the defense of free NVIC Portal gives you easy immediate access to their own state lawmakers your smart phone or computer so you can make that their voice is heard.

will be kept up to date on the latest state accounts that threaten their rights vaccine of choice and get useful and practical information to help you become an effective vaccine choice advocate in their own community.

Moreover, when national vaccine issues appear, you will have the date and the call to action items you need at your fingertips information. So please, as their first step, register on the Portal of Defense NVIC .

share your story with the media and people you know

If you or a family member has suffered a severe reaction vaccine , injury or death, please talk about it. If you do not share information and experiences with each other, everyone feels lonely and afraid to speak.

Write a letter to the editor if you have a different perspective of a vaccine story that appears in your local newspaper. Make a call to a radio that only one version of the story of the vaccine is presented.

Must I be frank with you; you have to be brave as it can be strongly criticized for having dared to speak of the "other side" of the story of the vaccine. Be prepared for it and have the courage to not back down.

Only by sharing our views and what we know to be true about vaccination, will be the public conversation about vaccination open so that people are not afraid to talk about it.

we can not allow pharmaceutical companies and professional organizations medical funded by pharmaceutical companies or public health officials to promote the forced use of a growing list of vaccines to dominate the conversation about vaccination.

The injured vaccine can not be swept under the carpet and treated as nothing more than a "statistically acceptable collateral damage" one size fits all national policy of compulsory vaccination that put too many people at risk of injury and death.

should not treat people as guinea pigs instead of humans.

Internet resources where you can learn more

I encourage you to visit the website of the charitable nonprofit organization, the Center national vaccine Information (NVIC) in

  • NVIC Memorial for Victims of the vaccine : View descriptions and photographs of children and adults who have suffered vaccine reactions, injuries and deaths. If you or your child experience an adverse event of the vaccine, please consider publish and share your story here.
  • If vaccine, to ask questions 8 :. Learn to recognize the symptoms of reaction of the vaccine and prevent vaccine injuries
  • Vaccine Wall Freedom . View or send descriptions of harassment and sanctions by doctors, employers and school and health authorities to make independent decisions vaccines
  • Wall vaccine failure . View or post descriptions about vaccines that have not been able to work and protect the vaccinated disease

connect to your doctor or find a new one that will listen and care

If your pediatrician or doctor refuses to provide medical care for you or your child unless you agree to receive vaccines that do not want, we especially encourage the courage to find another doctor.

Harassment, intimidation and denial of medical care is becoming the modus operandi of the medical profession in an effort to stop the change of attitude of many parents about vaccines after they become truly educated about health and vaccination. However, there is hope.

At least 15 percent of young physicians recently surveyed admit they are beginning to adopt a more individualized approach to vaccines directly to the security concerns of vaccines parental response.

is good news that there is a growing number of smart young doctors, who prefer to work as partners with parents in decision-making customized for children vaccines, including delaying vaccines or give children a minor number of vaccines on the same day or continue to provide medical care for families, who reject the use of one or more vaccines.

So take the time to locate a doctor who treats him with compassion and respect, and is willing to work with you to do what is right for your child.

By Dr. Joseph Mercola

From the author: The existing medical establishment is responsible for killing and permanently injuring millions of Americans, but the increasing number of visitors to since I started the site in 1997 - we are now routinely among the top 10 health sites on the Internet - convinces me that you, too, is tired of his deception. You want solutions health practices without the hype, and that's what I offer.

  1. Fox News April 13, 2016
  2. NBC "Today Show" April 13, 2016
  3. NBC's "Today Show" of April 18, 2016.
  4. Jon Rappoport April 8 , 2016
  5. April 13, 2016
  6. Hollywood Reporter April 11, 2016
  7. Orange County Register April 18, 2011
  8. April 12, 2016
  9. Time June 3, 2015
  10. NBC 13 April, 2016
  11. Jon Rappoport 13 April, 2016
  12. BMJ 2012: 344: e3989

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