Title : Mom Saw A Ring Around Her Daughter’s Neck. If You Spot This Too, Rush To The Hospital. Here’s Why…
link : Mom Saw A Ring Around Her Daughter’s Neck. If You Spot This Too, Rush To The Hospital. Here’s Why…
Mom Saw A Ring Around Her Daughter’s Neck. If You Spot This Too, Rush To The Hospital. Here’s Why…
When Pantera was only 14 years old, he learned the truth firsthand when his health began to suffer. She felt constant thirst and may have headaches and severe mood swings.
But that was not all. Pantera also began to get a foreign, strange dark circle around your neck. Mother thought it just enough not showered, but the truth led to a surprising diagnosis.
While many people think that the dark ring is just dirt, it is actually a warning sign of type 2 diabetes
When the dark ring appears, doctors say it is a insulin signal that your body is not working properly. This could be a sign of type 2 diabetes, which affects the way your body metabolizes sugar.
In addition to the neck, the dark ring called "acanthosis nigricans," can also be found in the armpits or groin.
Type 2 diabetes is more common in children and adolescents than ever before. When it appears in time, it may be more difficult to treat. Therefore, preventive measures are important. That includes exercise and eating right.
Mom Pantera hopes the story of her daughter will inspire others to make changes in lifestyle now rather than suffer the dire consequences of type 2 diabetes
"I want other parents to know that it can happen to your child, even if not diabetic and anyone in your family have diabetes, it can happen," Pantera's mother told ABC News. The things you're feeding your children that you think are good for their children - chicken nuggets and chips and chips - is not right. You really have to watch what you eat because it actually has a permanent effect on their health. "
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