Title : Moving Beyond ‘Awakening Shock Syndrome’
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Moving Beyond ‘Awakening Shock Syndrome’
by Jeff streetWake World Up
One of the things I've noticed that seems to occur with many people beginning of his spiritual awakening is that hyper-aware of all lies, manipulation and control is happening in our world become, and are surprised and appalled - and rightly so. Some people are so fixed in these disturbing revelations, so focused obsessively on them, they get stuck in a state that is highly counterproductive I have called "Shock Syndrome Awakening". While knowledge is good, the setting is not - here's why and how we can go beyond it
disturbing truths
There are a lot of disturbing truths. obsess about - conspiracy theories abound on the Internet and in our collective consciousness; the control program Illuminati, 9/11 was an inside job, the manufactured terrorism, chemtrails / geoengineering, the UFO / ET cover-up, and more. And there seems to be more than a little truth in most of these theories ...
The truth of most of these so-called "theories" seems to be quite well supported, if you are willing to keep an open mind and follow the trail of evidence presented by those who have studied it. It seems that a few very dark and self-serving people within our governments, banks and corporations have been cheating and manipulate us for their own economic and political benefit for quite some time.
of course, you will not find much of this in the media because these channels are largely owned by the same people who are the perpetrators of such deceit and manipulation.
shocked Enraged and
is a perfectly normal reaction to be deeply disturbed by these facts, still shocked and angry. And many of us go through a phase of focusing intensely on these injustices, spending a significant amount of reading books and articles on these subjects and passionately discuss with our friends and family time.
Our approach here seems It is motivated by more than a few websites that offer articles routinely a little sensationalist about these issues we encourage them to stay focused hyper-. While these websites may be well intentioned, there may also be a bit of motivation goes here "selling fear."
Fortunately, most of us go beyond this stage relatively quickly, choosing instead of focusing on changing ourselves and envisioning and contributing to building a better world
Unfortunately, others are stuck in this phase. - a disease that I have called, somewhat tongue in cheek "Shock Syndrome Awakening". These people Fester left on the unfairness of it all and often let their imagination take them away with thoughts of how control could be preparing vilest acts, and worry about the terrible events that happen.
often they talk constantly and emphatically on these issues, feeling compelled by the need to warn us. They tend to focus on the fight and stop all bad things that are happening in the world, however, often they have little constructive or positive to say. It seems that like to complain and blame and are on hand of evil and its evil ways hyper-focused
Do not misunderstand me.; it is good that we are awakening and becoming aware of all the injustice rampant in our world - but get obsessed with it is not good - or productive. We're heading off to put all our attention to imagine and create a better world.
Beyond Focusing on the Problem
People get stuck at this stage lack the wisdom to realize that focusing on what is wrong is, at best an inefficient way to create change. Focus on problems rather than solutions and the fight against the old place to build the new one is a well-known thought trap.
Anyone who understands and embraces the metaphysical laws and the mechanics of creating reality - the law of attraction and more - they know what they focus on attracting and what you resist persists. The same approach to the problem and the resistance against it potentially underpins the problem and take focus and energy away from creating what we want -. A better world
For this reason, it is essential that shock and fixing these disturbing truths are overcome and begin to imagine the better world we all know that can exist.
we are creators and attract the essence of our most dominant thoughts in our reality - that is why one of the golden rules of manifestation is Focus on what you want, not what you do not want
Unfortunately, there are some who are aware of the law. Attraction and yet still remain fixed on the world's problems and fears.
Transcending victim mentality
One of the many things that keeps anchored and fixed the injustices that have been perpetrated in us is victim mentality
Understand that nothing can come into your experience that invites with your thoughts -. this is the law of attraction. deeply understand this means that you fully accept that you are responsible for everything that comes into your life if you understand the reasons or not.
If you have been deceived and manipulated, which would have allowed. We have allowed to be not involved in our political process, not paying attention to what was important, and not exercise discernment. When fully accept his creative ability to take full responsibility for everything that comes into your life - no more than blame, complain no more, no more focused on the problem, just focus on what you do not want - victim mentality no more disabling !
by understanding your responsibility for everything that comes into your life is freed from the "blame game" and allowed to enter its true power and sovereignty.
Focusing on the solution
"Focus on solutions, not problems" is a timeless pearl of wisdom is true whether you believe in strictly rational view of the nature of the reality or embracing the idea that reality is a creation of our thoughts .
the fact that we are awakening and becoming aware of the many injustices in our world is good because only consciousness change is possible. And there's nothing wrong with being bothered by these things, but instead of getting fixated on them we will use our knowledge to motivate us to create a clear vision of the world as we would like it to be. We will use our understanding of what has happened in the past to help us make our vision of the future -. and then we will focus on that with all my heart and mind
Let's see your wonderful future and think about it, talk about it, and do everything possible to contribute to building it. Do something, however small. It could only be sharing his vision with others, or you may donate money or time to offer their favorite projects and humanitarian or progressive organizations. Learn, share information, and participate in the new paradigms of the future; the exchange of the economy, conscious capitalism, food independence, contribtionism, the movement of clean energy / green, and so many more. Do everything possible and everything interests you!
The road to a better world has little to do with concern for the injustices of the past or the fight against old and everything is an inner spiritual growth and focuses on imagining and building the new.
focusing on solutions but still resentful
Many go beyond the phase of "shock to wake up" and begin to concentrate on imagining and creating a better world. However, few neglecting the need to fear and condemn the dark who have struggled to control us for their own benefit.
A few enlightened people choose to change their perspective and see the dark not as bad or bad but simply as LOST SOULS, and completely releasing their judgments towards them. They understand that in the long and winding road of our souls, we have all been lost in varying degrees, and all that have explored the dark side at one time or another in our lives. They understand that we all find our way back to light over time, so they chose to send unconditional forgiveness and love lost and invite them to join us in the light and in creating a wonderful new world for all .
And this applies not only to the few dark ones who have tried to dominate. It also applies to all those who have been caught in fear and darkness -. only more lost in the long and winding road back to light souls
unconditional forgiving and loving the lost
is very difficult for some to embrace forgiveness and unconditional love. For many, the idea of unconditional forgiveness and love has no rational sense whatsoever and seems like a recipe for getting exploited. And from a purely rational point of view, this is a very reasonable response.
However, our rational perspective was formulated based on our observations of the surface layers of the great illusion that we are part of, and in ignorance of the wider and deeper reality.
Remember that dark have souls like us. everything that joined the game earth to experience separation from our divine source, to see what it would be like and what it can teach us. The dark are more than lost souls - souls who have lost their connection to the divine source and can not feel the love and light that is deep within them. We've all been lost in the game for some time and in varying degrees. Holding the fear or resentment toward others serves no useful purpose -. In fact, is counterproductive
The celebration on fear, resentment and condemnation is an energy that does not serve the greater good by itself himself or anyone else. It also delayed taking full responsibility for their experiences and fully into their power and sovereignty. The release of our resentments and unconditionally forgiving and loving everyone has the power to transform our world if we just give him a chance.
A Prayer for the Dark
Here is a prayer that I use to help release any resentment or judgment of dark and spread love and light to them, hoping to join us as we move forward in creating a wonderful new era of humanity.
for those on Earth who have been playing the game of domination, I say Bravo! You've played your game with skill and cunning. You almost controlled our whole world. You have demonstrated their skill in deception, manipulation and control, and I saluteAbout the author:
But now the game is over and it's time to play a new game - the game "cooperation". This game is much more challenging and rewarding your game of domination, and its aim is not to create wealth and power for a few, but to create wealth, prosperity and happiness for all.
We invite you to come and play this new game with us. All we ask is that your hearts to open and embrace all the love and light that we send them. It is in this spirit that we welcome with open to join us in the challenge arms and reward of creating "heaven on earth." - a world where everyone is prosperous and happy
And for those who have played this game of domination so skillfully I say "thank you". Thank you for teaching us a lesson he will never forget. A valuable lesson about trusting ourselves, about being demanding, and not give away our power. And perhaps the greatest gift that this experience has given us is that we now have complete clarity about what we want to be and the kind of world we want to live in and intend to create.
Jeff Street woke up about a year and a half ago, after being an atheist / agnostic scientific nature without any spiritual beliefs for most of their life. After many 'magical' new experiences, which is now a passion to learn and share their views about spirituality and metaphysics in his blog www.divine-cosmos.net . You can also follow Jeff on Facebook via www.Facebook.com/DivineCosmoz
"Moving Beyond ‘Awakening Shock Syndrome’", article source: riseearth.com
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