Title : Monsanto’s Big Secret: GMO Insect Planned To Replace Honey Bee
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Monsanto’s Big Secret: GMO Insect Planned To Replace Honey Bee
id = " Do not worry, Monsanto is coming to the rescue! When it comes to human food crops, 70 of the top 100 are pollinated by bees. In the past 60 years, bee populations have decreased by 90% from 3.2 million to 2.4 million beehives. Monsanto is working on a way to resolve this crisis ..Beekeepers in Western countries have reported a slow derating due to impaired protein production, changes in agricultural practices, or the unpredictable weather. In 2007, one (30-70% of hives) abnormally high die-offs of honeybee colonies of European honey produced in North America that was later named as "colony collapse disorder" This lead the team of researchers Monsanto to develop alternative strategies to reduce the gap of a collapse disorder bee colonies molasses. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded researchers Montesano dollar a research fund $ 3 million to develop a modified form to save the world food supply.
The team of researchers led by John Leere, a biochemist developed a genetically modified ant has a similar striking feature with bee common honey with 50 times greater immunity certain types of pesticides. Through genetic manipulation, which could eventually create a hybrid species that have both characteristics pollinating bee common honey and possess pesticidal properties immunization certain ant species, a perfect combination that would take thousands of years to develop its own nature, "he explains. according to a recent study by Greenpeace, seventy of the 100 major human food crops, which supply about 90 percent of nutrition in the world, they are pollinated by bees. statistics US National Agriculture show a decline in honey bee around 3.2 million hives in 1947 to 2.4 million hives in 2008, a reduction of 90%.
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