There is plenty of research showing the link between acidic pH and cancer. Cancer thrives in an acidic environment and cannot survive in an alkaline environment. Cancer cells make your body even more acidic as they produce lactic acid. So if you have cancer, your pH levels are low and your body is too acidic.
Taking action to make your body more alkaline is vital in the battle against cancer.

The majority of food and drinks we consume are acidic, such as meat, grains and sugar, with colas and other soft drinks being highly acidic. So unless you have been eating a very healthy diet, full of fresh fruit and vegetables, chances are good your body is too acidic, providing the perfect environment for cancer to grow.
Actually, too much acidity is an underlying factor in many degenerative diseases — diabetes, arthritis, fibromyalgia and more. A basic maxim of natural physicians is: Balance the biological terrain. Do this first, then everything can come back to normal.
Taking medicines or supplements for cancer while your pH is highly acidic is a bit like washing dishes in a sink of dirty water, even when you put in plenty of soap, you can’t get the dishes clean.
According to Keiichi Morishita in his book, Hidden Truth of Cancer, when your blood starts to become acidic, your body deposits acidic substances (usually toxins) into cells to allow the blood to remain slightly alkaline. This causes your cells to become more acidic and toxic, which results in a decrease of their oxygen levels, and harms their DNA and respiratory enzymes.
Over time, he theorizes, these cells increase in acidity and some die. These dead cells themselves turn into acids. However, some of these acidified cells may adapt in that environment. In other words, instead of dying – as normal cells do in an acid environment – some cells survive by becoming abnormal cells.
These abnormal cells are called malignant cells. Malignant cells do not correspond with brain function nor with our own DNA memory code. Therefore, malignant cells grow indefinitely and without order. This is cancer.
As you can see, he is describing, from a different point of view, the link between pH and cancer, a process by which low oxygen levels turn some cells cancerous. Alkaline water (including the water in cells) holds a lot of oxygen. Acidic water holds very little oxygen. So the more acidic your cells are, the less oxygenated they will be. To make matters worse, the fermentation process cancer cells use to produce energy creates lactic acid, further increasing acidity and reducing oxygen levels.
Sang Whang, in his book Reverse Aging, points out that toxins are acidic. If your blood is too acidic, toxins will not be released from your cells into the blood. So your cells can’t be detoxified. This buildup of toxins in your cells results in acidic, poorly oxygenated cells, which can turn cancerous. He explains,
“In general, degenerative diseases are the result of acid waste buildup within us. When we are born, we have the highest alkaline mineral concentration and also the highest body pH. From that point on, the normal process of life is to gradually acidify. This is why these degenerative diseases do not occur when you are very young. Reverse aging requires two separate steps: chemical and physical. The first step is to lower the acidity of the body so that it can dispose of acidic wastes in the blood and cellular fluids safely and easily. The second step is to physically pull out old stored wastes into the blood stream so that they can be discharged from the body.”
There is a long history of reversing cancer simply by alkalinizing the body. It is one of the basic strategies in the battle against cancer and for improving your health in general.
Virtually everyone with cancer has low pH levels. Low pH causes your body to store more toxins in cells, and reduces oxygen levels, both of which are fundamental to the development of cancer. When cancer cells grow, they produce even more acid, making it very difficult to raise pH levels.
When you take supplementation to increase pH levels, your cells notice the difference and start to dump some of the toxins they are holding back into the bloodstream now that they have a chance to get rid of them. Because the cells are releasing these stored toxins, your pH levels drop again. This detoxification process can take months to get through.
In addition, because cancer cells pump out lactic acid as a byproduct of their energy production, they create even more acidity. It can take a long time to normalize pH because of these factors, but, as you do, you can make your body, in a sense, “cancer proof”.
Now that you know about the link between pH and cancer, you can do something about it. There are many sites and books or ebooks promoting various ways to beat cancer by alkalizing the body with their particular product suggestions. Coral calcium and alkaline water machines are a few examples. Also a combination of oxygen catalyst drops and a high quality green drink.
Over the years, as some of the more important cancer fighting suggestions like Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ worked well to increase pH levels, our primary suggestion was to drink 3 teaspoons of baking soda in water every day, an inexpensive alternative. But since pH is so fundamental to fighting cancer, we did some energetic testing to determine which products/methods were best for fighting cancer. The results were pretty interesting.
Alkaline drops, put in your daily liquids, tested at a low 35 — not very good. Getting a machine that makes alkaline water and drinking the water tested at 135. A machine that vortex’s water, oxygenates it and adds minerals to increase pH is a bit better at 195. The 3 teaspoons of baking soda in water every day tested at 142. Taking Coral Calcium was better, at 235 for fighting cancer. A high quality green drink marketed for alkalizing the body came in at 214. For adjusting pH only, Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ is 235 when used in the quantities suggested for cancer.
OxyDHQ tests energetically, for its pH-adjusting ability, at 345, virtually tied with the Oxygen Catalyst used for adjusting pH, which comes in at 346. (OxyDHQ tests much higher for fighting cancer, 1350, because the oxygen it creates also does an especially good job of killing cancer cells. Overall for fighting cancer, the Oxygen Catalyst comes in at 200, it doesn’t do as good a job at fighting cancer as at adjusting pH levels.)
OCMP is a proprietary formula of minerals with some other nutrients, that is effective at alkalizing cells and is a very strong cancer killer. Better still, it works to correct the main underlying cause of cancer, the buildup of toxins in cells which prevents nutrients like oxygen from entering cells. OCMP works by adjusting the ionic charge gradients inside and outside the cell wall, allowing toxins to be better eliminated, and for nutrients to be better absorbed. This makes it one of the best preventive/maintenance products to use. It’s healing power for fighting cancer is 1280 when using 1 to 3 bottles per month.
The next best pH adjuster we have found is an herbal formula originally designed to reduce inflammation and support the heart and lungs. But when the developer of this product checked to see how well it adjusted pH levels, he discovered it did a remarkably good job of increasing pH levels in the body. So good, in fact, he renamed the supplement pH Balancer 8.0.
Energetic testing validated his conclusions. pH Balancer 8.0 comes in at 499 when taken in the suggested quantities. It has the ability to potentize – making other products more effective. Most particularly, OxyDHQ and Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ. When using these three supplements in the appropriate quantities for the amount of cancer you have, energetic testing puts their healing power at 3340 for fighting cancer.
BLA Blocks Lactic Acid Release From Cancer Cells And Raises pH Levels
BLA (an acronym for Block Lactic Acid effluxion), is an elixir supplying a set of instructions to the body in the form of vibrational frequencies. BLA is designed to stop cancer cells from pumping the lactic acid they produce (as part of the fermentation process) into the body.
What users are finding is that it takes four days for BLA to stop the lactic acid pumps in cancer cells. Lactic acid is constantly being produced by cancer cells as they primarily ferment sugars to make their energy.
Once BLA stops the lactic acid pumps, that lactic acid can no longer be moved out of the cancer cells. Once this happens, the lactic acid starts to build up in the cancer cell.
Cancer cells produce a lot of lactic acid as it is a byproduct of the sugar fermentation they primarily use to make energy. As this lactic acid produced by the cancer cell accumulates, thanks to BLA, it makes the cancer cells too acidic. Over time, the lactic acid builds up to such a level that the cancer cells becomes too acidic and they die a natural death.
This process is the opposite of trying to kill cancer cells by increasing pH levels.
It is much more effective because it uses what the cancer cells produce, lactic acid, to kill the cells, as opposed to trying to make cancer cell pH more alkaline, with alkaline minerals, alkaline water and so on.
And cancer cells produce a lot of lactic acid, as glucose fermentation is their primary source of energy.
Many times, if a significant amount of cancer is in the liver, lungs or stomach, the cancer may produce so much lactic acid in a relatively confined space that the body produces fluid to dilute the acidic buildup.
The liver also plays a role in the development of this fluid buildup in the abdominal area. When the liver is not doing its job of eliminating toxins, they can build up to such an extent that fluid is produced to dilute the toxic overload — which is also acidic.
BLA is fundamental to dealing with toxic fluid overload, even when the liver is not involved. Use six bottles per month. Fulvitea and Immune Force are also important to use when the liver is involved in causing ascites.
The process of alkalizing cancer cells is slower and less effective than making them too acidic, because cancer cells naturally neutralize pH buildup with their lactic acid production. All cells, including cancer cells, die if they get too alkaline or too acidic.
So to explain again, cancer cells produce energy almost entirely by fermentation, breaking down sugars, as opposed to aerobically producing energy with oxygen. This fermentation process produces lactic acid as a byproduct. When you stop the elimination of lactic acid with BLA, lactic acid builds up in the cancer cell. At some point the lactic acid builds up to an amount that the cancer cells become so acidic they can no longer function, and die a natural death.
The buildup of lactic acid works amazingly well for causing cancer cells to die a natural death — fast.
One researcher, Dr. Rosenberg, MD, a leading cancer doctor, using a different process to block the lactic acid pumps in cancer cells, fed a patient a huge amount of sugar by giving him glucose IVs — once the lactic acid pumps were blocked.
Feeding cancer cells sugar caused them to produce much more lactic acid then they normally would. In fact, the more sugar he gave his patient, the faster the cancer cells died because the lactic acid built up faster in the cells.
He brought the tumor markers in one advanced cancer patient down to 0 in 30 days. A second patient’s markers dropped 40% in 2 weeks. Truly amazing results.
In use since early 2011, BLA is proving to be one of the top cancer fighting supplements we have researched. Especially when used with PrugX, a sister elixir that causes a build up of hydrogen peroxide in cancer cells. They work synergistically together, creating a toxic soup of lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide in cancer cells.
You can read more about PrugX and the new PrugX Enhancer in the Antioxidants and Cancer section of this site.
The hydrogen peroxide buildup causes free radical damage to cancer cells. PrugX was developed to tell the body to stop the release of hydrogen peroxide by cancer cells after researchers discovered that cancer cells were continually producing hydrogen peroxide and releasing it to damage nearby healthy cells.
When using BLA you can more rapidly increase the build up of lactic acid in the cancer cells by doing what Dr. Rosenberg did, increase consumption of sugars so that the cancer cells eat more and thus make more lactic acid. Any sugar will work, but as refined sugars tend to wipe out the immune system response, natural sugars are better. Early on the recommendation with BLA was to do just this.
However, with the addition of PrugX, PrugX Enhancer, BLA Enhancer and Glutam, additional sugar is not needed or even wanted.
The combination causes cancer cells to die quickly without consuming extra sugar. And feeding cancer cells sugar will increase their energy. This combination is now focused on shutting down the energy production of cancer cells so that they are starving for energy along with suffering an overload of lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide.
Even from the first, without PrugX, BLA was producing impressive results.
Dean Edmonds reported that his PSA had been rising every month, from 940.6 in February of 2011 to 3778.7 on May 11, 2011. This was when he stated using BLA, a couple of other supplements, and honey. On June 7, 2011, less than a month later, his PSA test came in at 77.
Another user writes:
“You will know that I started taking [BLA, Custom Elixir pH and Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ] some 7 weeks ago. My local doctor is fully aware of what I am doing and is being very supportive. I had my blood tested at that time ( 7 weeks ago). At that time all my liver functions were normal apart from the tumor marker which showed a level of over 11.000 (eleven thousand) My blood was re-checked last week and yesterday my doctor advised me of the results. The tumor marker had reduced dramatically to 1400 ( fourteen hundred ) back down to the level when the cancer was diagnosed some 12 months ago….
“You should be aware that I have undertaken three separate chemo treatments already none of which showed any improvement in the tumor marker, as I said above it actually increased!
“I should probably add that my doctor was totally astounded by the results!!”
Len S.
If you are not using BLA, it is best to avoid consuming carbohydrates like sugar that feed the cancer. But when you are using BLA, once the lactic acid pumps have been shut down, the additional lactic acid that is produced by the cancer cells when you feed them sugar stays in the cancer cells. The faster you increase levels of lactic acid, by feeding them sugars, the faster the cancer cells die a natural death.
BLA raises overall body pH levels too.
When the cancer cells have stopped pumping out the lactic acid they produce, your pH levels naturally will start to increase. One Naturopath tested BLA on 10 of her patients with advanced cancer. At the end of two months every one had increased their overall pH levels significantly, most by at least .75, some by a full point some by half a point.
In addition, the CA markers all went down, most by around 20%, one was 10% and another by 25%. All these are significant scores, and they were caused by BLA alone.
Two Elixirs Prevent Cancer Cells From Neutralizing The Lactic Acid Buildup Caused By BLA
1. BLA Enhancer — Reduces The Ability of Minerals To Neutralize Lactic Acid Buildup
This sister elixir to BLA reduces the ability of cancer cells to neutralize the buildup of lactic acid in them. The major minerals, calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium would do just this if taken in high quantities. (The amount in ESME is a problem.) While cancer cells contain low amounts of calcium, magnesium and potassium, they contain a great deal of sodium along with the extra water that sodium attracts.
BLA Enhancer is also a frequency enhanced elixir. Among the instructions it carries into the body are instructions to reduce as much as possible the amount of minerals entering cancer cells. This keeps to a minimum the absorption of any acid neutralizing minerals.
Additional instructions tell the cancer cells to eliminate sodium and the extra water they contain. Potassium too, as sodium and potassium work together and we don’t want extra potassium being brought into cancer cells to replace the sodium being eliminated. The decrease in sodium and water means that less lactic acid will be neutralized — and that it will be more concentrated as there will be less water to neutralize it. So they will die faster. Significantly faster.
2. Glutam — Prevents Glutamine From Neutralizing Lactic Acid Buildup In Cancer Cells
L-Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body. Your body needs it for ensuring nitrogen balance, maintaining gut integrity, and keeping your immune system strong.
Unfortunately glutamine also is avidly used by cancer cells in many ways. It is metabolized for fuel. In fact, one reason cancer can grow when you are on a no sugar, low carb diet is because it will burn glutamine in place of glucose sugar to make the energy it needs.
Glutamine also supplies nitrogen to cancer cells so that they can function correctly, and in general, promotes the growth of cancer cells. Even more importantly, it unfortunately helps cancer cells thwart efforts to destroy them.
There are three primary actions using glutamine that protect cancer cells and enable them to grow and thrive.
First, glutamine stimulates production of glutathione in cancer cells. Glutathione is a major antioxidant enzyme. You want to have glutathione, lots of it, in healthy cells. However glutathione protects cancer cells from free radical damage. Many types of chemotherapy and the elixir PrugX, kill cancer cells by causing free radical damage the DNA in cancer cells.
When cells have plentiful glutamine, they can make enough glutathione to prevent destruction.
Secondly, when cancer cells have excess glutamine, they are able to exchange it for essential amino acids needed to prevent cell death when cells are badly damaged and poorly functioning. This process of destroying damaged cells is called autophagy, and is an important component of natural cancer cell death. Glutamine, excess glutamine at any rate, prevent this.
Third and most important, researchers have discovered that glutamine buffers or neutralizes lactic acid buildup in cancer cells. As we have talked about in this article, cancer cells produce most of their energy through the metabolism of glucose sugars (and glutamine too). This produces excess lactic acid that would lower pH in cancer cells to such a low level that they would die.
Cancer cells deal with this in two primary ways. They pump out of the cell as much lactic acid as they can. And they metabolize glutamine. When glutamine is metabolized, ammonia is produced. Researchers have discovered that ammonia will neutralize acid buildup.
Cancer cells grown in a dish that had no glutamine as a food source could not survive low pH levels but would grow rapidly in high pH environments.
Cancer cells that had glutamine as a food source were found to consume more glutamine as pH was lowered — and not die at the low pH levels.
When the glutaminase enzyme used to metabolize glutamine was inhibited, cancer cell survival dropped when pH was lowered — causing the cancer cells to become more acidic.
What this means is that the cancer cells in your body depend on glutamine to survive — especially when BLA is used.
They can pump out lactic acid to remove some of it, (until BLA stops that process). Cancer cells metabolize glutamine to make some of their energy, and the byproduct of this energy production is ammonia which will neutralize the lactic acid.
This mechanism explains why BLA hasn’t caused all cancer cells to die quickly. They die, but not as quickly as they would because it takes a longer period of time to build up the lactic acid levels when glutamine is available to metabolize.
The cancer cells metabolize more glutamine to make energy which produces more ammonia which neutralizes the lactic acid buildup caused by BLA. Or at least some of the build up — slowing down the process of cancer cell death by acidosis.
It doesn’t do any good to stop consumption of foods that supply glutamine. Researchers note that cancer cells will always get enough from the glutamine that is made by the body. So stopping the consumption of glutamine will only harm our healthy cells. For example, your body will not be able to make as many immune cells to fight cancer.
Stopping glutamine consumption would also create a serious negative nitrogen balance in the body. Nitrogen depletion is tied to Cachexia or muscle wasting that is the principle cause in about a third of all deaths from cancer.
So what can be done to deal with this issue?
Glutam is the solution as it carries instructions to the body to stop the use of glutamine in cancer cells.
It is a frequency enhanced elixir that, like BLA, PrugX and other frequency enhanced elixirs, carries a set of instructions — in the form of vibrational frequencies of the subtle energies of those instructions — into the body. Its instructions turn off the metabolism of glutamine by cancer cells only. They stop production or uptake of the glutaminase enzymes needed to metabolize glutamine.
Glutam also tells the body to reduce the amount of glutamine that is absorbed by cancer cells.
As a consequence of using Glutam, cancer cells will have less glutamine in them, and less of that glutamine will be metabolized. This results in an inability to neutralize the lactic acid buildup caused by BLA and BLA Enhancer. This increased lactic acid buildup will cause faster cancer cell death. This is a natural death that does not initiate an inflammatory response by the immune system.
Glutam will also help PrugX and PrugX Enhancer work more effectively. PrugX causes a buildup of hydrogen peroxide in cancer cells. This hydrogen peroxide causes free radical damage to cancer cells. Glutam, by reducing the amount of glutamine in cancer cells, will reduce the ability of cancer cells to produce glutathione. Glutathione would neutralize the free radicals in hydrogen peroxide.
Glutam Doubles the Effectiveness of BLA and BLA Enhancer
Between Glutam and BLA Enhancer, Glutam is the more effective supplement. While using both with BLA is excellent, many other elixirs are more important to add on than the BLA Enhancer, starting with Glutam and PrugX.
OCMP, Baking Soda, alkaline water, MSM, and other mineral alkalizing supplements like coral calcium or cesium, interfere with the action of BLA. These work to alkalize cancer cells. This would, to some extent, neutralize the acid buildup in the cancer cells that BLA causes, and thus would protect the cancer cells from some of the acidosis BLA causes.
Fortunately this next supplement is a unique highly alkaline OH water concentrate that actually helps BLA to work better.
Source: thedocsapothecary.com
Thank you for reading this ACIDIC PH LEVELS CAN LEAD TO CANCER… NORMALIZING PH LEVELS CAN STOP CANCER IN ITS TRACKS, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.
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