Yellowstone supervolcanoes, fleeing bison, and the ongoing battle to infect your mind with disinfo

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Yellowstone supervolcanoes, fleeing bison, and the ongoing battle to infect your mind with disinfo

by Mike Adams
Natural News

One of the strangest examples of fear mongering video viral still seen on the Internet, a Youtube video entitled " Yellowstone Buffalo running for their lives! " Recently unleashed a wave of panic that Yellowstone caldera was about to become a supernova. This clip simple video, a minute somehow sets in motion a stampede near disinformation through websites of alternative media jumped to the conclusion that Yellowstone was about to explode.

From the first day, I thought this story was a joke of the innocent, and was surprised to see that the rumors of Yellowstone "buffalo" proliferate through the 'net. Click here to see the video of Yellowstone bison concerned , which has now garnered 1.8 million views.

He spent time in Yellowstone, bison and run all time

to begin with, it seems to me to be one of the few people who has really spent considerable time in Yellowstone National Park observing these bison up close and in person. I rented snowmobiles and toured the park in the winter, and I have gone through the park many times over the summer months as well. has always struck me about the stupid way the public was when it comes to bison, as almost every year, at least one visitor get gored by trying to be next to one of these beasts while a member the family took a picture. Somehow, people living in cities do not understand that Yellowstone is not a petting zoo , and they do not understand that these animals are truly wild.

(once had a visitor from New York city, on the impulse toward Yellowstone, I asked, pointing at the same time hundreds of deer in a field, "who are the deer?" Ummm ...)

So I'm not surprised when visitors who know nothing about Yellowstone, rural life or wild animals are frightened when they see bison running down the road. These people apparently have no idea that Yellowstone bison running up and down the streets all the time. And because? Because the roads are the easiest way to get from point A to B, which is precisely that humans build them in the first place. bison are not mentally retarded . They like roads, too. It's easier than running on dirt and grass.

A group of running bison does not cause a mass exodus

This video in particular captured just a few dozen bison running down the road while giving no indication how it is actually running or the location of the road inside the park. Again, the city people tend to have no idea that Yellowstone Park is not a small city park defined by a pair of square miles of border. In fact it is almost 3,500 square miles of desert , so it is bigger than Rhode Island and Delaware combined.

Trust me when I say that there plenty of room for bison to run all day in any direction they want. A few dozen of these animals having fun along a road not amount to a "mass exodus" out of the park.

And, as a rule, to take into account when considering Yellowstone, tourists are idiots. Every once in a while, some of them get cooked after jumping into a "pool of clear water" nice aspect that turns out to be just below the boiling point.

it is true that animals can detect seismic events long before humans

Now, I understand the thought that animals tend to flee natural disasters long before humans be aware of them. That part is true, as evidenced in the 2004 earthquake in the Indian Ocean and the subsequent tsunami. Many animals in the region, indeed, fleeing the hills and thus saved from imminent death.

There is no doubt that animals can detect vibrations of ultra low frequency emitted by seismic events. Humans may well be able to detect them too, if they were not busy checking their mobile devices to Facebook chat. There is a good science, in fact, the documentation that animals have keener senses when it comes to detecting seismic events.

Such commonplace, however, is not equivalent to the statement that all running with it the animals must escape a catastrophic seismic event. Sometimes animals run around as it only feels like . It's fun. Heck, if I had four legs, would be running all day, too, because that kind of biological configuration is built to run !

Incidentally, this ability of animals to detect seismic events It does not mean they can "predict" earthquakes. This is not a premonition; it's just a wider set of senses that humans do not share.

Web sites need to fact check more thoroughly

What in actually this story brings up, however, it is the fact that online media have to do a much better job data confirmation of their stories. I understand that a viral story of great sound as "Yellowstone is about to explode" may seem an important scoop, but if it is not true, then it just makes you look stupid in the end.

All editors of committing errors from time to time and have had to recant stories or update with corrections, but to post this video of Yellowstone bison and then jump to the conclusion that the Yellowstone caldera is about to explode is a crazy jump. There is literally no evidence linking the two. A story claiming a link would have had to invent completely the link of nowhere. Sure, Yellowstone is a massive underground volcano - a giant "caldera" - which is due to explode and blanket North America with ash. That part is true, but the timeline of these explosions is about once every 600,000 years. Chances are that you and I will be long dead and buried before it erupts.

Too many sites weave fictions known only to win eyeballs

There are a lot of fiction being spun these days through the alternative press and even the mainstream press. Even the major business magazines routinely involved in the publication of blatant falsehoods that serve the interests of their advertisers. However, alternative media is where the strangest stories get - and I am convinced that there are "anti-P.R." intentionally groups attempting to inject these stories in the alt in order to discredit media realm.

Remember all the craziness surrounding the predictions of doomsday Mayan calendar on 12/12/2012?

I mocked publicly in such predictions , in advance, of 12 December - and I was criticized for doing so - but I knew that this was an example of "nonsense doomsday astronomical ", as we have seen again and again with the myths of comets, meteors, planets invisible mirror and the like

of course, there are real to Earth cosmological threats that exist in our solar system.; the most important is the threat of a solar flare achieve a direct impact on the Earth's magnetosphere, causing a massive explosion EMP is carried out most of the global energy network. This threat is real and scientifically legitimate. But talk of invisible and motherships planets aliens hiding behind the comet is pure crazy.

As a direct example of this, the text description in the video Yellowstone "Buffalo" claims a brown dwarf hides could " I pop a superwave "of earthquakes on Earth:
" I found another piece of data - the cloud G2 - and its relation to a possible imminent eruption in Yellowstone, I thought I should be aware of First let me present the data in the cloud G2 scientists tell us that .. there is a giant gas cloud is coming very close to the center of the Milky Way, and contains a brown dwarf, which could trigger a superwave. If produced the superwave that could possibly trigger major earthquakes, volcanoes and other land make several events. cloud is supposed to be closest to the core in mid-March. "
I guess that for a person who has no knowledge of the laws of physics or cosmology, this sounds pretty scary. However, the center of the Milky Way is 27,000 years from Earth years, which means that the light rays are 27,000 years to reach our planet. I am quite sure that a gas cloud 27,000 light-years away is not going to magically cause tremors shook the earth on our planet. In fact, if this cloud G2 actually contains a brown dwarf, then what? The severity of the cloud and the brown dwarf are already having some tiny impact on our planet, and nothing changes with that just because the cloud G2 begins to interact with a black hole.

Moreover, none of this up the situation compared to supermassive black hole that exists in the center of our galaxy (and probably all galaxies, according to cosmologists). Why do you think the Milky Way is a spiral? It is because there is a slow orbit around the galaxy around a supermassive object at the center (or a collection of supermassive objects in very close proximity and high speed local orbits around the other).

However, the description "bison Yellowstone" Youtube continues with another story of strange fear galactic that claims will all soon be plunged into a "hypernovae" that transforms the Milky Way in a Seyfert Galaxy:

in the case where a whole brown dwarf mass of 100 Jupiter were to dive into the galactic nucleus in a discrete event, the release of energy would be equivalent to that released in a hypernovae, the most powerful of exposions known supernovas (about 1053 ergs ). This might be enough to launch the galactic core in a Seyfert state and generate a potentially lethal superwave ...

1053 ergs! OMG! What's happening, Captain? Should we push the dilithium crystals and jump to warp 10?

discern truth from fiction

The most difficult work the strange world of today is to separate fact from fiction. The mainstream media, of course, is transmitting knowing almost pure 24/7 and hoping to convince you that is a fact fiction. Anything that does not want you to believe is branded a "conspiracy theory." - A phrase used as a pejorative, almost as a kind of hate speech against the intellectual curiosity

But there are also a lot of garbage floating through the means of nonconformist communication, including intentional misinformation that is designed to discredit any news organization not run by the powerful cartels "info" who own the mainstream media.

so what to believe, then?

Hopefully by now it has been discovered that everything is officially denied by the federal government is probably true. Everything broadcast by the media (or published in scientific journals) that is compatible with the commercial interests of powerful corporations is probably false. Any information that helps you live longer, healthier and happier - with greater awareness and cognitive function - is likely to be attacked or systematically deleted. Any scientist who discovers something that goes against the current of the underlying mythology global corporate profits is likely to be censored, oppressed and blackballed. (Case in point, see this gagged by Monsanto article .)

You are living in a kingdom of extreme deception , and the ordering of the truth of the fiction is a full time job. Most people completely fail in the task and end up quitting to the influence of engineering companies, governments and corrupt institutions. It is easier, after all, to just go along the story you are spoon-fed instead of trying to think critically about the world around him.

And that is exactly what institutions Control include: cognitive "laziness" magnified by substances that damage the brain as fluoride, lead contamination, mercury in flu shots and of course the most soporific poison of all :. TV today

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