Power companies prepare as solar storms set to hit Earth

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Power companies prepare as solar storms set to hit Earth

Three large explosions from the Sun over the past few days have led scientists the US government to warn users of satellite, telecommunications and electric equipment to prepare for possible disruptions in the coming days .
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Three large explosions from the Sun over the past few days have led scientists the US government to warn users of satellite, telecommunications and electric to prepare for possible disruptions in the coming days team.

"the magnetic storm that is soon to develop will probably be at the level of moderate to strong," said Joseph Kunches a space weather scientist at the Center for space weather Prediction, a division of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration US (NOAA).

said solar storms this week could affect communications system and global positioning satellites (GPS) and could even produce an aurora visible as far south as Minnesota and Wisconsin.

An aurora, called aurora borealis or northern lights in northern latitudes, is a display of natural light in the sky in the Arctic and Antarctic regions caused by the collision of energetic particles charged with atoms in the high altitude atmosphere.

the major disruptions of solar activity are rare but have had serious repercussions in the past.

in 1989, a solar storm led the mains in Quebec, Canada, leaving about six million people without electricity for several hours.

the largest solar storm ever recorded was in 1859 when communications infrastructure was limited to telegraphs.

the 1859 solar storm hit telegraph offices around the world and caused a giant aurora visible as far south as the Caribbean islands.

Some telegraph operators reported electric shocks. Documents were burned. And many telegraph systems continued to send and receive signals even after operators disconnected batteries, NOAA said on its website.

A storm of similar magnitude today could cause up to $ 2 billion in damage worldwide, according to a 2008 report by the Higher Council for Scientific Research.

"I do not believe that solar storms this week will be anywhere near that. this will be a two or three five in the spatial scale NOAA weather, "Kunches said.

Solar scale

the scale Space Weather NOAA measures the intensity of a solar storm one being the lowest intensity to five being the highest, similar to scales that measure the severity of hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes.

the first of three solar flares from the sun this week already past Earth on Thursday with little impact, Kunches said, considering the second was passing the Earth now and "seems to be stronger."

and third, he said, "We'll have to see what happens in the coming days. It could exacerbate the disturbance in the magnetic field of the Earth caused by the second (storm) or do nothing at all. "

TSO supply receive alerts from the Space Center Weather Forecast to tell prepare for solar events, which peak roughly every 12 years, Tom Bogdan, director of the center.

He said he expected the next peak, called a solar maximum in 2013.

"we are reaching the next solar maximum, so we expect to see more of these storms from the sun during the next three to five years," Bogdan said.

"Power companies prepare as solar storms set to hit Earth", article source: riseearth.com

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