Title : Kill Brain Cells - 50 Things That Endanger the Brain
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Kill Brain Cells - 50 Things That Endanger the Brain

By drew
1) food additives - food additives contain a group of compounds commonly known as "exotoxin" that slow and destroy cognitive development in the brain "exotoxins" are not only present in some. foods; which are present enPrácticamente all processed foods. To avoid future health problems and maintain a healthy brain, it is best to eat healthy, unprocessed foods.
2) Exposure to pesticides - is always important to take precautions when pesticides are trabajacon or being in an area around pesticides. The matanlas pesticides brain cells quickly and are responsible for mental and physical development anormal.Si is in an environment where exposure to pesticides is common, conseguircabo, save or report the company and people with elpesticidas authorities corresponding. Pesticides are related to Parkinsonla disease and many other forms of mental illness!
3) Too much stress - Some stress is healthy for everyone. Motivadoy remains motivated to achieve goals. When stress gets out of hand to lapunto in which is having adrenaline, your body produces excess unael chemical "cortisol". Excess cortisol is lomata to brain cells. Please do not stress after reading this.
4) Brainwave Entrainment - brainwave entrainment is a safe, innovative to stimulate and shape the way it is working cerebroy. Literally, you can accumulate more control over suvida and exploit the potential of your brain!
5) avoid junk food - Junk food has been shown to decrease the energy in the body and promotes "brain fog." Cut some junk food from your diet, and reap the benefits of one brain chemistry focused more calm.
6) Deep breathing - Deep breathing actually increases oxygen levels and blood flow to the brain. 10-15 minutes of deep breathing daily can make a big difference in the quality of life and the potential for brain function.
7) learning a new language - Learning adds more structure to the brain and improves brain delos speech centers. Do you speak Spanish? It may be time for you to take a claseo the work program to complement their skills and brain power! 8 Taking fish oil - oil supplements fish are literally like membrane material for lacerebro. The 2 main components of EPA and DHA every act of fortalecertanto in the emotional center of the brain and improve concentration. There unaumento of overall brain activity after taking fish oil for a while.
9) Laugh it Up - Laughter causes a natural release of endorphins in the brain - chemicals queahogar pain and increase overall wellness. Laughter is a pozoconocido, natural stress reducer. See a comedy, a joke, yaumentar endorphin levels!
10) The use of methamphetamines - Taking methamphetamine is probably the most uncultured decision queposiblemente could do. Not only are they one of the groups most adictivosde drugs destroy lives and kill brain cells. The sad part is, Methamphetamine use results in severe permanent brain damage, inclusoPoco after the drug has been stopped. In my opinion, the metanfetaminasson the most dangerous group of drugs involved with. Stay alejadode them, get help now if you use them, and help a friend if Sabeque are a user.
11) Getting a concussion - A contusion is a severe concussion in the brain. neuronal death (death of brain cells) causes. Unfortunately, most people who have contusionesrealmente could not do much to avoid them. Sports like boxing, where you tomangolpes on the head is common, influences the development of contusiones.Medidas safety: wear a helmet or safety helmet otrolos debris or objects have potential to damage your head. The great-est Mohammed suffered brain Alicontusiones its strong involvement in boxing.
12) having a stroke - A stroke results from a temporary loss of blood flow to cerebro.Por usually damage having a stroke is centered on a brain side only. Strokes can cause anything from minor injuries, wing widespread cell death. Unfortunately strokes can not be avoided, perohay things you can do to reduce your risk: bajarniveles stress and staying active are just a couple of healthy activities quereducir the risk of stroke. interesting fact: millions of cells every minute cerebralesmueren stroke left untreated.
13) Avoid exercise - The act of avoiding exercise does not kill brain cells, however, laefectos associated with lack of exercise appear to be asesinos.El exercise reduces stress levels, likelihood of brain damage, and even creates new brain cells. If you are avoiding exercise, it is configured brain cells to an early death. Make time in your paraejercicio agenda and reap the benefits; Exercise should never be avoided.
14) Sensory deprivation - We know of my article "hearing voices" sensory deprivation puedehacer having auditory hallucinations. When sensory brain sufreprivación for longer periods of time, cells cells are lost cerebro.Cuando unstimulated for long periods of time, their cerebroreorganiza; which naturally lose the unused understimulatedCélulas.
15) Taking wormwood - Most types of absentacontienen extremely high amounts of ethanol and a chemical called thujone; which can cause the death of brain cells. Thujone has the opuestoefectos of barbiturates, such as Xanax and in high doses can cause convulsionesy possibly death. In short, avoid absinthe and not ponersu brain at risk of harm. 16) excessive water consumption - The act debeber excess water in a very short period of time inundarásu really nervous and kill brain cells system. How exactly este¿trabajo? When the ratio of water to sodium intensifies, their brain swells and brain cells die in the process. People with low-sodium diets may estarespecialmente vulnerable to "water toxicity." It is important to mantengahidratado, but be reasonable; you know what is right for your body. noir water and kill brain cells!
17) Being a chronic negative thinker - The act of thinking negative simply not cause any cerebralpérdida cell. Most people have negative thoughts that creep into suconciencia occasionally. It is when negative thinking llevamás, becomes "offline" and causes of stress, and you do desaconsejabledecisiones such as drug like ecstasy to improve your mood in elclub when you are probably losing cells from the brain. Side effects ysubproductos negative thoughts are what make it more likely queparticipar in activities that kill brain cells. Negative thinking is indirect unaasesino; surround yourself with positivity and a circle saludable¡de friends!
18) PTSD - victims of PTSD unfortunately facing the memoriaproblemas, anxiety, flashbacks, and happen to lose brain cells in elproceso. PTSD causes the brain to produce unaexceso stress hormone "cortisol" which kills brain cells. I gustaotros stress-related disorders, they do not lose a lot of cerebrocélulas overnight, but you can certainly lose a significant amount but receive care and treatment.
19) Head injuries - The scary thing of head trauma is that not only kills brain cells, it also damages the brain's ability to repair itself daños.trauma same after the head is linked to Parkinson's disease and poor sensoriomotortransformados in the brain - always try to protect your head siempreparticipando in a contact sport, working in construction, on a motorcycle, etc.
20) elevated levels of testosterone - high testosterone levels has proven detrimental Tenerdemasiado parasalud and brain does kill brain cells. If you are tomandosuplementos that increase testosterone levels, note that excessive supplementation may cause the death of brain cells!
21) Chemotherapy - Unfortunately for those who have undergone chemotherapy, the process Matalas not only cancer cells, but many of his good brain cells. To queevitar cancer, take steps to reduce your risk of developing cancer, such as healthy eating, exercise, sleep, etc. Not all mundoes able to prevent cancer, but you can certainly make an effort to try.
22) A single stressful event - Yes, you read that right - just a stressful event has the potential dematar brain cells. If you live in a high-stress environment, sonsiempre moving, and never simply take time to relax, your mind is overactive and másprobablemente is losing brain cells. If you know vasestará exposed to stressful situations, I recommend learning coping estrésmétodos as meditation, deep breathing, guided imagery, yoga, etc. There many things you can do to reduce your stress response hectic events.
23) Smoking cigarettes - The defumar act cigarettes is not only detrimental to your physical health - espodría be taking a heavy toll on their mental health. The fact is, scientists have found that "smoking" kills brain cells and it stops production of new brain cells (neurogenesis). If you are a smoker, quit trabajodifícil. If you are free to smoke snuff, and stay that maneraalentar smokers to quit.
24) Taking steroids - taking steroids is terrible for the brain and body. Elevanlos steroids testosterone levels and increase stress levels: 2 activities [mentioned
earlier] which are known to deplete brain cells. Tempranala steroids cause death, an increased risk of suicide, and give the user absolutely CEROcumplimiento in the long run. Take the time to lift lapesos and not expect to get "ripped" overnight; You will be mejorapagado in the grand scheme of life.
25) Extreme anxiety and panic - Anxiety and panic in extreme situations without doubt provocarásentimientos stress, cortisol release, and kill their severe brain cells in forms. mild and moderate forms of anxiety and panic can sentirseincómodo, but probably not damage the brain. Aprendizajevaliosa coping techniques when visiting a psychotherapist, relaxation usandotécnicas constantly, and given medication are todoscosas that will prevent you from losing brain cells of ypánico anxiety.
26) painting Oler - Yes, the paint will olerdarle a "high" for a while, but in reality it can inflict gravedañar brain. Avoid inhalants such as paint and keep brain cells sano.Incluso worse than just killing brain cells is the fact that the inhalaciónpintura has the potential to kill you - even in your first time. Stay away from this material and get help now if you are addicted.
27) abuse of oxycodone - Oxycodone abuse kills brain cells, heart tissue, kidney damage, and tieneterribles side effects. If you or someone you know oxycodone abuse, seek help immediately! The brain and body will thank you in the long run -The oxycodone is nothing to mess around with.
28) Taking cocaine - Thank you Captain Obvious, right? It is possible that not everyone there fuerasabía that cocaine killed brain cells. Cocaine azarlas not only kills the brain cells, either, that sweeps the brain cells in the brain delas cells in the brain that make you feel good and soar - center placercon positive emotion and pleasure. Do you want to keep the fun in life ysentir pleasure? Stay away from cocaine.
29) Exposure to lead - It is known that early exposure to lead can cause later aging cerebroen life. What about the loss of brain cells from exposure to lead? Científicola evidence shows that exposure to lead leading to brain cell loss and damage years later. Scientists believe that a single exposure is equivalent aal least 5 years of brain aging. Avoid exposure to lead in all posiblecostos and do what you have to do to keep your brain healthy!
30) The toxicity of mercury - is very likely that you probably know that avoid mercury exposure aWe recommended. When a person is exposed to mercury, which puedendesarrollar what is known as "mercury toxicity" in the brain. Mercuriotoxicidad is a known murderer of brain cells. I find it interesting that muchosviejos, tooth-fillings could be releasing mercury into your body and sepodría be a victim of mercury poisoning.
31) Carbon monoxide poisoning - Yes carbon monoxide itself can kill brain cells, but cerebralLas reason cells die in carbon monoxide poisoning is mainly the fact quecantidades inadequate oxygen reaching the brain. To avoid carbonoenvenenamiento monoxide, take precautions for the home, such as installing unadetector and check for recording.
32) Getting Lyme disease - Severe forms of Lyme disease causes memory impairment and cerebralespérdida cells if left untreated for a long period of time. Esgeneralmente Lyme disease carried by deer ticks, but can be found in other types of ticks. To prevent Lyme disease, you should always check your cuerpodespués long expeditions through the woods.
33) Get a concussion - Unfortunately most people do not have much control over getting concussions. The hechoes, concussions are neural murderers and should be avoided at all casoposible. There are special precautions to take to avoid shocks cerebralescomo eg wearing a helmet in contact sports, wearing a helmet cuandoconducir his motorcycle, even wearing a helmet when cycling.
34) Certain types of cosmetics - Certain types of cosmetics have demonstrated adversointeracción mental health effect. Some forms of shampoo have ingredientesque have been shown to kill brain cells. Note that certain types of cosmetics have ingredients that kill or damage brain cells.
35) The use of cleaning solvents - Taking a good whiff of a solvent can really knock out! If "sniffed" concon to get high, solvents can cause severe brain damage yposiblemente death. They can cause severe learning disabilities, was redujeronfuncionamiento social, and reduce the capacity of its memory short plazo.La most cleaning solvents, when used correctly for its intended purpose (Clear), will not cause any harm. If you know someone who is abusing solvents, get help! You are not only helping your brain, you estáayudando to your life!
36) The ingestion of aspartame - If you did not know, aspartame is an artificial sweetener found enchicle, sweets, and Nutra-Sweet. Several studies enlazanaspartamo connections to the destruction of brain cells. It is a very controvertidoSustancia that has been proven to be bad for health in some studies, and has been proven safe in others. Either way, I would avoid aspartame; susnada to risk their brain more cells.
37) Air pollution - Fitness Center air pollution affects the kidneys, bone, blood cells from the bone, nervous centrosistema, and brain. Depending on the type of interiorla air pollution, the effects can range from being imperceptible to causandopérdida brain cells. It is important to keep the air inside your home clean and safe ynegocio breathing. Do not underestimate the potential of indoor air pollution is harmful to the health of your body y¡mente!
38) Lack of quality sleep - All sabemosque when we do not get enough sleep, can not function properly following Eldia! Not only the lack of quality of sleep interferes with aprendizajey social functions (left hemisphere), which kills brain cells. EnPara prevent loss of brain cells due to lack of sleep, recomiendapara get a good quality sleep. Some people are effectively in only 6 horasde sleep, while some need 9 for keep a clear head. It is the judge model that works best for your body and brain!
39) The use of heroin - As you probably expected, the use of heroin kills cells cerebro.La heroin has been linked to Alzheimer-like brain damage. Opiate tieneha associated with accelerated brain aging. heroínadaño causes nerve cells in key parts of the brain. Do not allow a drug like heroin ruin your brain and your life!
40) Stripper - When the paint remover is put on the painting, which is eaten away. When inhalaremovedor paint, corroding the brain! Paint remover, when he smelled, he crosses the blood-brain barrier and eats away at your brain tissue AND CELLS. Making the decision to help others who have a problem with "sniffing" or "huffing" paint remover to make psicológicaasistencia and being around support.
41) Welding fumes - Exposure to these fumes is an extreme danger to health. Welding fumes rod tienenha related to Parkinson's disease and many other diseases. Most humosde occur during welding "arc welding." Ydañar gases entering the lungs, nervous system, and deplete brain cells. If you are a welder, you may want to check out this informative guide American lasociedad of Safety Engineers.
42) Air pollution - Like air pollution, outdoor air pollution can have side terriblesefectos. Places like Mexico City have so much pollution airemuchos citizens chose to wear masks and filters to protect themselves mismos.Dependiendo the type and severity of air pollution, puedepotencialmente lose a lot of brain tissue. rápidamentey gases accumulate chemicals mixed together, these gases are trapped in the environment, people inhale gases, and loss of brain / cell damage is the result.
43) Microwaving "popcorn" - It does not really matter what's in the microwave, if you stand cercasuficiente for the microwave or leaking "microwave" , killing brain cells is. There standing near a microwave oven that is totalmentesellados while driving, you run the risk of losing some brain cells - but nocasi many as if there was a microwave leakage. Is importanteSiempre check up on your microwave and to repair any possible leaks. Esose always recommended to be at least 2 feet away from the microondasdurante cooking.
44) having narcolepsy - a disorder characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness Control ysin fall asleep at random times. Research has shown cake has narcolepsy kills "hypocretin" brain cells found inthe hippocampus. People without narcolepsy have around 70.000las hypocretin brain cells, while patients with narcolepsy have 3,000 y10.000 (significantly less). Luckily new advances ylös treatments are constantly being developed to help narcolepsy!
45) Formaldehyde - Formaldehyde can be found in forest fires, automobile exhaust, yhumo of snuff. Formaldehyde can deplete brain cells and decreases celularrecuentos within the brain. Exposure to formaldehyde can cause burning in lalos eyes and nose, coughing, difficulty breathing, and could causarleucemia. For good physical and mental health, exposure to formaldehídodebería be avoided.
46) Radiation treatment - is not surprising that damages brain cells from radiation treatment. Despuéstodo, radiation treatment works to damage the DNA of cells cancerosas.Algunas other cells become struck with the intention of taking them cancer cells and healthy brain cells die radiation. Most médicotratamientos accepted view of cancer involving the death of both healthy cells unhealthy comolas brain.
47) Taking the chemical MPTP - MPTP is a neurotoxin that causes permanent symptoms of Parkinsonenfermedad for killing neurons in the substantia nigra area of cerebro.Da fear that there is an illicit drug like this ... Hopefully nuncaincluso hear of MPTP than on the Internet.
48) laughing gas alias nitrous oxide - When nitrous oxide is used in a controlled like deoficina dentist environment is fine and will not cause brain damage - the amount of lasustancia is carefully controlled. It is when nitrous oxide is ilícitauso and abuse resulting in brain damage and cell loss. It does faltamonstruo out the next time the dentist uses this material. Do not use estecosas in a non-medical environment and you'll be fine.
49) The use of ketamine - The use of ketamine, a common type of anesthesia, prevents cerebralesde cells collect "glutamate" - a protein that is essential for célulacomunicación and survival. As nitrous oxide, the use of ketamine should serlimitado medical professionals. Using the proper amount of ketaminaprobablemente will not do much harm.
50) Taking PCP - more commonly known as "angel dust", PCP drug (phencyclidine) can cause memory problems, inability to control thoughts, compulsive yacción. PCP has been correlated with brain lobe frontaldaño and like most drugs, help in the process of the death of brain cells. PCP is dangerous, dangerous behavior triggers, and should be avoided amantener a healthy brain.
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