Title : The Healthiest Fruit in The World, “Kills” Cancer Cells, Viruses and Slows Aging
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The Healthiest Fruit in The World, “Kills” Cancer Cells, Viruses and Slows Aging
Multiple studies have confirmed that Aronia is a very healthy fruit, which cleanses the body of heavy metals and substances harmful, and therefore prevents cancer.has a strong anti-cancer activity since a large percentage "kills" malignant tumor cells of the breast, liver, brain, lung and colon.
This excellent antioxidant prevents free radicals and the damage to healthy cells of the body and blood plasma. Therefore, aging slows and prevents several chronic diseases.
Aronia originates in North America, and was brought to Europe. In North America, it has been used as medicine and food. After the Chernobyl explosion, the berries have been used to alleviate the effects of radiation, and have provided surprising results.
Since effectively removes heavy metals from the body, aronia can prevent their entry through vaccines, as well as "chemtrails" popular. The ORAC and TEAC rules state that has the highest antioxidant activity of all fruits and berries.
Aronia is rich in flavonoids, antioxidants, folic acid, trace minerals and vitamins B, C and E. It is rich in anthocyanin antioxidants that stimulate the immune system, slow aging and reduce the risk of cancer.
Due their high levels of vitamins C and E and antioxidants, has potent antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.
also it prevents heart disease, reduces high blood pressure and cholesterol, and is compatible with the production of good cholesterol. Additionally, Aronia beneficially affects the stomach, and thyroid stimulating, and is especially useful in the case of hypothyroidism.
Furthermore, this fruit helps digestion, relieves stomach pain and spasms, diarrhea comes and relieves inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. This helps in the case of gallstones, treats inflammation of the gallbladder, and supports liver function.
It is often included in many weight loss products, as it helps maintain a healthy body weight. The portal of the X Force reported that the excretion of heavy metals and some radioactive substances from the body rests.
However, note that you should consult your doctor or pharmacist before starting treatment Aronia.
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