Title : Paronychia Nail infection Herble Treatment At Home
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Paronychia Nail infection Herble Treatment At Home
The infection may start suddenly or gradually. The incidence is common among people engaged in domestic work.The named as paronychia infection occurs when the area around the toenail or fingernail hand is damaged while carrying on with manicure or pedicure. When long nails cut and hang nails too, this can lead to paronychia. People with diabetes suffer from this problem more forcefully. People suffering from paronychia also suffer from various symptoms. It includes swelling around the nails, pain and redness.

There are also methods of treatment should stay away from such problem . If you go with medicine and medical procedures for the treatment of this disease, which can be time consuming. However, you can also try some effective home remedies for quick relief and stay away from side effects. There are some treatment procedures that take several months to cure this health disorder.
factors common grounds for paronychia:
- wrong court cuticle or nail bed or edges
- Contact chemicals
- repeated to cold / aqueous matters exposure
- injury to the nail bed or the folds of the nail and finger
- nail biting
- digital suction, etc.
Classification of paronychia:
according to its appearance is classified into two below- guys like
acute paronychia which is caused suddenly due to infections of the folds of the tissues surrounding the fingernail. The infection usually begins on the side of the nail, with local redness, swelling and pain. direct or indirect trauma is a common cause behind this type of acute manifestations.
washing utensils, washing clothes, minor injuries from a thorn, nail biting, biting, sucking toes, ingrown toenails or inadequate procedures manicure, etc., are the factors that cause this type of disease conditions.
paronychia is chronic infection of the folds of the tissues surrounding the nail of a finger or a toe lasting more than six weeks. The incident is common among people whose hands or feet are subject to local environments wet repeatedly. washer men (dhobis), hospital workers, cleaners and house maids are suffering most common of these problems.
aggressive cut cuticles or frequent contact with chemicals is the other strong factors causing these problems.
paronychia, such as Ayurveda system of Medicine:
Ayurveda as Kunakha refers paronychia. The Kunakha work is derived from Ku (meaning-bad) and refers Nakha nail.
So it is a bad condition nails caused due to unhygienic condition of the individual. Although the specific causal factors have not been mentioned, all the elements contained in the above contexts can be considered as the real factors for the manifestation of Kunakha (paronychia) as all are in support of the unhygienic conditions.
Furthermore, "unhygienic" refers to infection of the nail and therefore manifests paronychia.
Thus Ayurveda Acharyas regarded as a dominant condition Tridoshaja Pitta.
treatment line Kunakha (paronychia):
The causal factor should be checked immediately. In addition, measures are taken to pacify vata and pitta dosha. Shothahara (anti-inflammatory), Pittahara (no septic) and Shoolahara (anti-inflammatory) drugs are recommended.
Formulations of choice in Kunakha (paronychia):
For external application-
- Jatyadi taila
- Panchaguna taila
- Ropana taila
- Gandhakadya malahara
- Jasadamrita malahara
- Marma Gulika etc.
Medication Internal
- Gandhaka rasayana
- Triphala guggulu
- Arogyavardhini
- Bilvadi Gulika
- Nimbadi guggulu
- Amritadi guggulu
- Kaishora guggulu etc.
home remedies for paronychia (Kunakha):
in acute conditions paronychia, a cotton cloth soaked in warm water mixed with turmeric powder and the cloth tied around the nail bed.3-4 times if it takes a considerable benefit is seen.
beaten rice (Poha in Hindi) powder is mixed with a pinch of pepper and turmeric powder. This spread around the nail bed and wrapped with a cloth for a day. This reduces inflammation and pain in paronychia.
Oregano oil
Most people keep oregano oil at home these days because it is an excellent way to stay away from all kinds of fungal infection that occurs during the rainy season. You can now apply 2 to 3 drops of oregano oil on the cuticles as well as fingernails. You can do this 2 times a day to stay away from paronychia.
Olive oil
One of oil easily available at home is none other than olive oil. There was a time when people used to use mustard oil during cooking. After some years, the improvement and low-fat vegetable oil and soybean oil was observed to have been used by people. Today, people have become much more cautious about their health and have adopted the healthiest option, ie olive oil. If you or add flavor food kitchen sausages, olive oil is a wonderful consideration. In addition, this olive oil has several medicinal remedies. People suffering from paronychia can easily treat fungal and bacterial infection.
Last drop
Ayurveda denotes every condition of ill health which may be lower or higher . It explained treatment measures regarding the appropriate doshic concepts and treatment line.
The intelligent physician is free enough to make the decision for the selection of formulating such a cure. Great idea and general knowledge will wonder in the treatment of diseases that can be minor or major disorder depending on the time of the demonstration and the stage of the disease.
Lemon juice
You need to take a glass of warm water and squeeze a few drops of lemon juice in it. Mix well with a spoon and dip your finger swollen hand and feet. This will help you easily reduce your pain effectively.
betel leaves
betel leaves have many surprising benefits. The use of betel leaves for paronychia is one of the old home remedy. Shred some betel leaves required (8-10), along with quicklime (10 g). After what is to soften the paste and then apply to the nail effected. To maintain this long time, simply tie a piece of cloth dry, clean cotton around the nail. Dress the nail with this paste daily for 7 days.
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