Title : Being the change you want to see in the world
link : Being the change you want to see in the world
Being the change you want to see in the world
by veilofreality.comOver the years as my eyes were opened to what is really happening in the world behind the curtain and smoke appearances, it became increasingly clear to me that my attempt to change the world without changing oneself through self honest work is a dead end road, or, as Don Quixote chasing windmills illusive. Gandhi was right, we must be the change we want to see in the world.
However, I came to the self-work before you even start to see the world more critically and questioning what we he says and teaches. Treatment of depression grow, it is not able to "fit in" and be emotionally very sensitive, I just wanted to understand and calculate myself. My inner suffering lead me to the works of Carl Gustav Jung, J. Krishnamurti, and eventually G.I. Gurdjieff and other esoteric, psychology, shamanism and healing arts like body, breathing, meditation, qigong, and yoga, all of which have been (and still are) very healing and deep. Drums and music have also been an important part in my life and very therapeutic, the release of physical and creative emotions. Diet and nutrition are important factors as well, because what we eat affects our thinking process, emotional states and general welfare. In essence, self-work is an ongoing process that is different for each person and only needed at different levels and qualities.

I also met with certain materials New Age and popular psychology, which seemed to be a great distortion of what constitutes work and true self-awareness. Actually nothing was resolved by just focusing on the "good", ignoring the "bad" meditation "peace" or visualizing what I would like to have / be / do. Just I put me in a state of blissful ignorance of mind with a very superficial knowledge and experience of love, lying all along myself.
Many things do not just go away just focusing on myself, "now" and try to become the person and most "happy" "happy" through statements, ignoring what was really happening in the world. My conscience will not let me close our eyes to the suffering in the world. Over time I realized that it is a process twice, just to focus on not necessarily result in a change in the world.
"It is not a measure of health to be well adapted to a profoundly sick society "the question is what is the real" happiness "anyway? Many people seem to conceive their state of ignorance of being like happiness, while believing lies about the world and themselves. Trying to adapt to a sick society that has been in pathological values as standard with a smiley face that did not work for me and I suffered even more trying. It was during that process that began to question more deeply the official culture, history, politics, religion, education and even self-work / spirituality as promoted these days in the mainstream and the stage of the New Age . Many of these new "teachings" seemed to be a corruption of true spiritual and esoteric knowledge in which truth is mixed with lies as discussed in ● • 0 · Know yourself · 0 • ●
- Krishnamurti
"access to knowledge requires courage, because it requires a special psychological effort of the seeker: he has to accept the proposition that" the truth is out there, but it is very difficult to find, "while at the same time without having into account their own ideas and beliefs "the burning desire to know the truth about humanity, our universe and the world in which we live took me to the world outside conspiracies . In the process I had to put aside everything I ever believed it was true or not, its candidates through the sea of information and misinformation. Many people tend to laugh at the term "conspiracy theories" and even use it with a negative, condescending tone. The social reality that are taboo solidifies this also deeper into the minds of people, unconsciously. Nobody wants to be called a "conspiracy theorist." It's like calling someone a "crackpot" and is commonly used as a ad hominem attack lacking critical thinking. Most people do not have a true understanding of what the word "conspiracy" really means. The historian Richard M. Dolan brings some common sense to this problem.
-. Laura Knight-Jadczyk
"From a historical point of view, the only reality is that of conspiracy Secrecy, wealth and independence add up to power. ... deception is the key element of warfare, (the tool of power elites), and when winning is all that matters, the conventional morality held by ordinary people becomes an impediment. the secret lies in a pervasive and fundamental element of life in our world, that those who are at the top of the heap will always take the necessary measures to maintain the status quo measures.Having said this, what I've noticed in recent years is that not many people play actually two: to separate truth from lies inside and out Many activists who are trying to change the "outside" world of fighting the system does not seem to be involved in any self-working honest because their actions are mechanical majority. and reactionary, which is in line with how the system wants to respond, even with violence and unrest, as we have recently seen in London. But can we blame them? no, not everyone is inclined to do the spiritual / esoteric work and we all know that the suppression of knowledge is the name of the game. the masses are being programmed to act and react in a certain way, rather than educated to think for themselves or even know themselves.
the same label of "conspiracy" serves as an automatic dismissal, as though no one acts in secret. Let's get some perspective and common sense to this issue. the United States understands large organizations - corporations, bureaucracies 'stakeholders', and the like - which are conspiratorial nature. That is, they are hierarchical, their important decisions are made in secret by a few key decision makers, and are not above lying about their activities. Such is the nature of organizational behavior. 'conspiracy' in this fundamental sense, it is a way of life around the world. "
the people who have been living in the poorest conditions in a system that keeps them in poverty on purpose and robs them on a daily basis do not have the privilege of seeing in the "now" as someone in Santa Monica reading Eckhart Tolle between a yoga class and go to Rawvolution for a healthy snack. Billions of people live in conditions we can not even imagine. They do not have the luxury of carrying out the "spirituality" promoted by Oprah as they fight for survival and basic needs of life. Yes, it is nice to see that Jim Carrey finally "got" and understood the source of his "suffering" to read Eckhart Tolle. But if you make $ 20 million per movie as a white man, who lives in a different / reality world with different "problems" that someone in the slums of the city or in Palestine.
However, many people in better circumstances of life that focus both "man behind the curtain" also seem to not make the effort to put the magnifying glass on themselves. Alex Jones is a good example of someone who is ranting and screaming, sometimes doing more harm than any good, of course not involved in any sincere gift of self work.
The problem that comes with seekers of truth and activists only focus on the outside is that they can easily fall into the trap of misinformation or resonate with lies because his "instrument reading" being is not "tuned" properly through self sincere tasks that could help their critical thinking skills. It becomes more difficult to separate truth from falsehood and one can even spread disinformation unknowingly, because they are less likely to see the "invisible" or "the devil is in the details" so to speak, resulting in simplifications, the assumptions and misconceptions. In other words, I need to understand my "machine", in my usual way of thinking and how my emotional reactions and attachments can distort things, how to take the information and how my prejudices and conditioned beliefs filter information that may result in cognitive dissonance.
"sometimes people have a fundamental belief that is very strong. When presented with evidence that goes against the belief that you can not accept the new evidence. it would create a feeling that is very uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance and because it is so important to protect the core belief, they rationalize, ignore and even deny everything that does not fit with the core belief "Sincere self work, and understanding what that implies (working toward objectivity inside and out), so that our actions are aligned with our true self / essence and not from our reactive personality is needed and mechanical conditioning
-.. Frantz Fanon
according to GI Gurdjieff, the human body is made up of two basic functions. "essence" and "personality". The essence is what is born, the raw material being. It includes the physical body, genetics, energy metabolism, innate capacity for emotions and feelings. There are also external influences that affect us, such as planetary vibrations present in the immediate environment in the design, during the fetal stage, and at birth. An astrological birth chart can give an idea of that.
As we grow, our essence is shaped by cultural influences. It can mature along the lines of its inherent nature and potential, or it can be locked in maturation and therefore form something that goes against their innate potential. Essence evolve in societies and prevailing practices, such as sincerity, love, truth, compassion, knowledge, and so on essential values. Obviously we live in a world in which these values have been distorted and ponerized , which means that our society in general has assumed pathological values which are seen as normal and people can no longer make the distinction between healthy and pathological thinking processes and logic. One is no longer able to draw a line between right thinking and swerve thought. The influence of beings higher density and strength can also have an effect on us, as explored in " UFOs, aliens and the possibility of contact "
Personality is the mask we wear most of our essence. The vehicle for work through the core so to speak. Our personality is conditioned and programmed through education in a society that is based on lies, and the strongest of programming, the harder it is of essence to succeed. Therefore, de-programming and against the lies of personality is the key so that it becomes a direct reflection and expression of the essence, which ultimately leads to conscious actions based on the intrinsic ability of one . In a mature person, essence and continuous personality "I", which means that the person is unified.
"People always infused with all sorts of fantastic ideas about themselves, the world, people, love, idealism, society, etc. driven by their desire to avoid an unpleasant reality, the man unleashes his imagination and inclined to believe that the first nice lie on the way . the individual projects his personal dreams in a cold and unchangeable reality, and thus fooling himself, he strives to contemplate reality through rose-colored glasses. "Delusion" is a painful process and may be extended, depending the amount of time the individual takes to realize that he is living artificially and that this condition is a product of their internal dreams. great value is required to face reality and to destroy the illusion of a pleasant "dream.
- John Baines

A couple of weeks ago I posted a couple of articles on Facebook about the shooting in Norway, where more than 90 people died. It seems clear that not only was the work of a "lone nut", but had an Israeli / Zionist signature written all over it. In one of the articles I have published, which examined the Zionist connection in greater depth, someone who calls himself "Shadowmeister" said and basically threw me to project my shadow in the world (the irony!). In his words: "You are here for frothing madness ... the projection of the shadow on everything that is not the solution, is paranoid, paranoia ungracious infected with complicity Mossad, the CIA, NATO, its. mother, who ... is too easy to find fault and continue scapegoat. These faceless that accrues both agencies, is a childish fantasy wish they could be organized in such a way ... .. I am the shadowmeister and bad smell. take it for what you can .... "
Now usually just ignore messages like that, but here is a comment from someone who has worked as Jungian psychotherapist for 30 years and even wrote some books about the work of Carl Jung. So I thought it was interesting and an eye opener, especially because I like the work of Jung and have gotten a lot from him. There is certainly truth in the idea of "shadow" as I wrote about earlier blogs. However, post this "shadowmeister" confirms what I have seen many times in the "conscious movement" where certain people try to explain everything through a system or education and do not see its limitations or even distort to mold in their belief system.
first, there is a difference between blame / scapegoat and just see things as they are and examine them. If I see the person to hit the person B and find out who the person C may be told to do it and then point out that the person C has any involvement in the attack of person A in person B, then this is just my objective observation. I do not blame or C patsy person, nor do I project my shadow in this situation or in any way'm paranoid. I'm not emotionally involved at all. I just called out as it is. Now people as "Shadowmeister" who are unaware of the "third man" and see that as "childish fantasies" (which never made any sincere investigation into the reality of conspiracy to begin with) are trapped in their own vision of subjective tunnel, especially when it comes to explain everything through a lens / teaching. In this case, the concept of the shadow according to Carl Jung.
Not all "negative" in the world is a manifestation of our shade material, nor is everything that happens to us our karma, and we attract all with our thoughts. Surely no truth in the idea of karma, but using that explanation to justify all the atrocities in the world is shortsighted and does not reach the point that we still act and learn our lessons, not just "turn the other cheek" or stay by and remain silent, saying "oh, it's just your / your / my karma."
we are not the peak of God's creation and so special and sacred that is nothing other than ourselves could harm, control or manipulate. It's actually quite arrogant and anthropocentric to think that way. We do everything for ourselves. It's not about blame, but out of our egocentric view of reality and the universe. There are other forces acting upon us, as we influence, consume and to some extent control lower life forms such as plants and animals. Both above and below.
The learning never stops and humanity still has a lot to deal with and learn about who may require a new understanding of reality that includes a different view in psychology, as there are different or extended views now in science compared with what Einstein and Newton had discovered.
also psychology and psychotherapy is not exempt from it and move on, as there is always more to learn and discover that requires an adjustment and a new understanding, broadening our vision and understanding of reality. It is implying awareness. People who are stuck in an idea or teaching and try to explain everything through him are building their own box actually limited. This also applies to astrology, philosophy or religion (east and west), where many "experts" in any of these systems are looking through a lens (many of them distorted / false to begin with), without realizing that this approach can easily lead to distortion and tunnel vision. You can also become a selfish point of pride prevent that person to admit him / her that there is perhaps more to the story that has not been considered before, especially when they have written books about him, his career depends on it and have a picture to sell / height.
I've seen the same fallacies with yoga teachers successfully, reformers, seers, healers and other therapists and self-help gurus, where career and image seem to take precedence over the truth and reality. There are many issues that affect us more than many of them are aware of, whether the idea of hyperdimensional manipulation genetic psychopathy or soulless humans . But instead of being more open to these kinds of issues and looking at them honestly and without bias, these seemingly intelligent and conscientious teachers ignore or discredit them right off hand to present their own lack of critical thinking.
awareness and the study of the above issues and also looking for the "taboo" subject of conspiracies actually help and expand their knowledge and ability to truly help others and society in general. Our views on life and existence, science and religion, spirituality and evolution, consciousness and psychology and reality as we know it would take on a completely new understanding when you look deeper on issues we dismiss so easily simply because we do not "believe" that they are true. Do not forget, not long ago we believed that the earth is flat.
"Conscience means, literally," knowing- together. "A development of consciousness would lead to know" closer together "and so would bring a new relationship to all previously known Learn more always means to see things differently."We are lying in virtually all areas of our lives and being vectored our attention away from the truth. Corruption of science plays an important role in it as well. As a matter of fact, those who get too close to the truth are often attacked and ridiculed. The truth is that it is not good for business in a society ponerized with psychopaths in power, the government of the ship, where the pathological features have become the accepted in our official culture standard.
. - Maurice Nicoll
Returning to work popular spiritual such as "inner peace", who lives in the "now" and gaining self-knowledge without seeking the truth in the "outside" world. This also relates to the concept of "create your own reality", which has been corrupted in the sand of the New Age, so people believe living in the solipsistic void and nothing can hurt them as long as they think "positive" thoughts of what you like to experiment, which has been explored before in " positivity of objectivity and the time of transition ".
only focuses on the car regardless of objective reality it is not only ignorant, but very "non-spiritual" reality in a world where people are increasingly connected and global events affect everyone to some extent. It can lead to more self-delusions, confusing happiness and emotional highs for love or lighting and narcissistic behavior, even for one is pre-occupied with oneself.
"[…] knowledge of self, if it does not correspond with the knowledge of the world" outside ", a subjective vision and interpretation of the world, limited by our experiences feeds, our routines , our dreams, our prejudices, and our social conditioning.search for truth and make conscious needs darkness to happen inside and out, not just one or the other activism and spiritual self-work. they go hand in hand. it is not separate but interrelated. of course, this job is not for everyone, everyone can not participate in it for reasons which have been explored here . not all world is a Guerrero (as coined by Castaneda) and each has different lessons to learn and talents to develop. for that reason also there will be a collective awakening where everyone is suddenly "enlightened" or "conscious". Many people who are eyeballing 12/21/2012 or 10/28/2011 (according to Calleman ) to make that happen will be very disappointed. Awakening involves consciously evolve. Now it is the opportunity (not a guarantee), a "window" to go up one level so to speak, but does not happen by itself. conscious effort and work to counteract the forces of entropy that there is a way up and down as the Hopi Indians say of this transition time is needed.
to escape, to find the way out of this sea of suffering, we must see the world as it is, without blinkers. Unfortunately , knowing that some members of the herd always attempt an escape, those at the top who benefit from our ignorance, bad shepherds, knowledge of which is part of the necessary knowledge of "out there" they have raised many hurdles that must break through each output. We are caught in a maze, where the roads seem to lead to the exit bend back at the last minute and even more deeply trapped leave; where teachers who claim to know the output will leave us even more lost in illusion because we think we're clearly seeing when all we see is our own subjectivity enshrined as Truth.
Some of these teachers are sincere, being them They deceived themselves. Others are truly spiritual predators feed on the thirst for truth and knowledge of his followers. Whether sincere predators or conscious, that have the same purpose, keeping the hypnotized and imprisoned flock.
This pernicious idea of inner peace as presented by many teachers ensures that people have started to ask questions, which are drained by the horrors and suffering of the world and his own life, will continue to feed these predators around them by developing a capacity to access a hidden source energy or happiness. A fixation in this -. "Right now" in the particular context of limitation - It blinds us to our past experience and application of our lessons to the current situation and the consequences in the future Knowledge defined as emotional certainty, we freeze ourselves, has locked us away from those people who may be able to see more clearly than we see ourselves, closing all hope of escape.
Any or all of these teachings may be accompanied by techniques designed to produce an altered in the search state, an altered state of consciousness which causes certain neurochemical that "feel like" bliss and this then serves to reinforce the idea that teaching is "good" and "real".
the goal of any esoteric work must be that of objectivity, for the first time in our understanding of ourselves, and then, as our filters and programs are dislodged, the world. A real esoteric teaching is, therefore, not only focus on "Know yourself", but will also provide knowledge about the reality of our reality. If one or other of these aspects missing in teaching, then you can be sure that it is incomplete, and incomplete education, even if ignorance of the teacher, though unconscious, is dangerous "
-. Henry Headquarters " spiritual Predator: also known as Maharaji Prem Rawat "
"What is difficult to understand is that without a conscious effort, nothing is possible. the conscious effort is related to the higher nature. My lower nature I can not bring to consciousness. he is blind. But when I wake up and I feel I belong to a higher world, this is only part of . a conscious effort became conscious only when I open all my possibilities, highest and lowest There value only in a conscious effort "However, those who they are aware and have the "seed" so to speak also have a responsibility to do the job inside and out. The responsibility to live according to your higher self / essence and soul of call, depending on its destination and do what needs to be done, which is not necessarily what the conditioned personality likes to do with all your wishes, hopes and wishes. There are countless distractions, temptations and deceptions that keep the search from the truth and awakening in this Matrix Control System with various forces acting on humanity to keep us asleep. The work to awaken and seek truth is not a hobby, work or running about with a megaphone and embracing the policemen. It's not a popularity contest.
-.. Jeanne de Salzmann
Recently I heard interview with "Police Love" Charlie Veitch when he made a sudden 180-degree turn in 9/11 after claiming that for years it was an inside job. Well, I do not even know where to start with all this nonsense you are talking about, whether your call "field research" about 9/11 to understand under what "spirituality", "love" and "negativity". es.
"Being the change you want to see in the world", article source: riseearth.com
Thanks for Reading Being the change you want to see in the world
Thank you for reading this Being the change you want to see in the world, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.
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