15 Potential Cancer Signs People Usually Ignores

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15 Potential Cancer Signs People Usually Ignores

While some symptoms of cancer can be quite obvious and deeply troubling , other symptoms may be much less noticeable and alarming.

When it comes to pain pain and others health problems , just because something seems less does not mean you should not take it seriously.

listed in this article are 16 cancer symptoms that people often overlook.

1. Unexplained weight loss

Unexplained weight loss is often one of the first obvious signs of cancer. It is particularly common in people suffering from cancers of solid tumors such as breast cancer and lung cancer. Sometimes, it can also be an early sign of colon cancer or other digestive cancers. Most people with cancer to lose weight at some point. When you lose weight with no known reason, it is called an unexplained weight loss. abnormal weight loss of 10 pounds or more may be the first sign of cancer. This happens most often with cancers of the pancreas, stomach, esophagus (swallowing tube), or lung.

2. frequent fevers or infections

A persistent or prolonged fever can be a sign of a cancerous condition, such as lymphoma. Leukemia, a cancer of the blood cells, can also cause symptoms such as frequent infections, fever, fatigue, aches and other flu-like symptoms.

3. Weakness and fatigue

Once the weakness and fatigue does not diminish, even when you get more sleep and rest, it may be a sign of a variety of cancers, so you and your doctor will also consider other symptoms. Fatigue is extreme tiredness that does not improve with rest. It can be an important symptom as cancer grows. It may occur early, although in some cancers, such as leukemia. Some cancers of the colon or stomach can cause blood loss is not obvious. This is another form of cancer can cause fatigue.

4. Wheezing or shortness of breath

These symptoms may be associated with lung cancer. - When a tumor in one lung and presses against the airway, which can lead to wheezing narrows. A whistle that occurs during expiration due to constriction of the airways

5. Chronic cough and chest pain

Symptoms of cancers such as leukemia and lung tumors can mimic a cough or bronchitis. The problem may persist or come-and-go in repeating cycles.

6. Swelling

unexplained abdominal distention continuous on-and-off for a long period of time may be a sign of ovarian cancer. Swelling accompanied by pelvic pain, swelling in the abdomen, and the feeling of satiety may be another tip-off to this condition.

7. Chronic heartburn

If heartburn is persistent, may be associated with Barrett's esophagus or esophageal cancer.

8. intestinal problems

If you notice a change in bowel habits that lasts four weeks or more without any obvious reason, consult your doctor as you may be a sign of bowel cancer, especially in older adults.

9. Difficulty swallowing

difficulty swallowing, or feeling that food is stuck in the throat or chest, that worsens time can be a symptom of esophageal or throat cancer.

10. unusual swelling or lumps in the body

unusual lumps in the breast, testicles, groin, neck, abdomen, armpits, or other parts of body should be thoroughly checked by a doctor, especially if they last for three weeks or more.

11. nail changes

unusual changes in the nails may indicate various cancers, such as skin, liver or lung cancer. While each of the following changes can occur for many reasons, which can be warning signs of cancer.

12. The pelvic or abdominal pain

lower abdominal pain or pelvic, accompanied by pelvic heaviness, can be a symptom of ovarian cancer. It can also cause changes in bathroom habits. Moreover, pain in the pelvic area can be a sign of uterine cancer or leukemia.

13. Unexplained pain that lasts more than four weeks

If you experience persistent and unexplained pain or if it comes-and-top of a four-week period or more, is an early symptom of bone or testicular cancer.

14. Abnormal bleeding

Blood in the urine, but sometimes a symptom of a urinary tract infection can be caused by bladder or kidney cancer. Similarly, blood in the stool, but a common view among those who have hemorrhoids, can be a symptom of bowel cancer.

15. Skin changes

Along with cancers of the skin, some other cancers can cause changes in the skin they can be seen. These signs and symptoms include:

Darker looking skin (hyperpigmentation)
yellowish skin and eyes (jaundice)
skin redness (erythema)
Itching (pruritus)

excessive hair growth

Source: Top 10 Homeremedies

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