Honey Wine….. Drink of the Gods

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Honey Wine….. Drink of the Gods

Honey Wine….. Drink of the Gods

Scientists believe that the first drink alcoholic ever made was a combination of honey, and perhaps the grains, yeast and bacteria spontaneously fermented wild. Someone along the way decided to drink this drink and go!

This honey wine / beer mashup was nothing like our modern understanding of mead or beer, but it was the basis of some of the largest beverage known to man. For many years, the two have become different beverages. That's probably because the official term for a hybrid beer and mead as braggot, and all that rhymes with worm was clearly not meant to be popular.

Mead is an ancient beverage made from only honey, water and yeast. Modern versions can be sweet or dry, with or without gas. It can be drilled with fruit or fruit juice (to make Melomel), hops (for miodomel), herbs (to make mead), or barley (for braggot). Mead is very easy to prepare, just mix the three ingredients and wait.

Like the beer, mead sometimes flavored with fruits, spices, grains or hops. But it is generally higher in alcohol beer and more in line with wine grape, typically between eight and 20 percent ABV. Also like wine, mead occurs in a variety of levels of sweetness, bone dry deliciously sweet and may be with or without gas.


An alcoholic beverage everywhere, everyone-ancient Greeks, Africans, Chinese and all drink-Mead as far back as 3000 BC. Mead is especially important in Norse mythology, especially in the legend of a legendary drink with magical powers known as "Poetic Mead." According to history, mythological gods created a man named Nordic Kvasir that was so wise that he could answer any questions. When he was killed, his blood was mixed with honey, mead and drinking blood it took power Kvasir intelligence. And most likely this myth that inspired artisan Danish mead producer Dansk Mjod to make your Viking Blod Mead , which is flavored and red hibiscus.

Mead commonly eaten in Eastern Europe and Russia. Almost any country that produces honey has a production history and appreciation of mead.

Outside Europe, Mead has been and remains popular in Ethiopia, where it is known as tej.Customarily a homemade drink, tej is usually flavored powdered leaves of the plant gesho a bush Africa which imparts a slightly bitter taste and preserves the beverage, like beer do jumps.

Instructions for Making Mead

Now the part you've all been waiting for, the steps involved in making your first batch of mead. You will start out making all your equipment is clean and disinfected. Anything that touches the wort (unfermented honey and water mixture) should be disinfected.
  • Leave a gallon of water in your stainless steel pot and boil for 10 minutes.
  • After boiling for 10 minutes, remove the pot from heat and add yeast nutrient, yeast energizer, and honey.
  • stir the pot until the honey and water are mixed completely.
  • Keep the wine at that temperature (about 170 degrees) for 10 minutes.
  • Chill the wort to 80 degrees.
  • take a hydrometer reading.
  • Pitch (add) the yeast in the must, stir vigorously for 5 minutes.
  • Place the lid on the fermenter with attached air lock. Fermentation should begin about 24 to 48 hours.
  • 2-3 weeks later (or when the fermentation is carried out) on a bottle rack mead disinfected.
  • Let stand another 3 to 4 weeks.
  • Rack for the final time in another carboy disinfected and allowed to stand until the mead is clear (2 to 3 months others).

Now that you've finished making your mead is the time of the bottle. For Mead still you need to add potassium sorbate to stabilize. Mix the sorbate through your whole batch and then bottled. For a sparkling mead NOT add potassium sorbate. Use bottles of champagne-style mead carbonated.

Here comes the hard part, letting the mead mature or age in the bottle. Mead improve dramatically with age. Letting it sit for 6 months to 1 year before the opening is ideal. Be patient and what really worthwhile. Enjoy!

love beer, Love Food

Thanks for Reading Honey Wine….. Drink of the Gods

Thank you for reading this Honey Wine….. Drink of the Gods, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.

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