Mites And Viruses Help Each Other, And Their Mutualism Is Killing Bees

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Mites And Viruses Help Each Other, And Their Mutualism Is Killing Bees

Is Killing Bees id = " Honeybee colonies have been devastated over the past decade. And researchers believe it may have to do with the relationship of mutual benefit enjoyed by a parasitic mite called Varroa destructor and the virus is transmitted. The work is described in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences this week.
The Varroa destructor (pictured below) carrying the virus deformed wing ( DWV), and this parasite and its accompanying pathogenic and have been implicated in the staggering losses of bee colonies. Previous studies have found that mites and their offspring feed on the blood as vital fluid (or hemolymph) of immature bees called pupae. This helps the spread of the virus, which suppresses the immune system of bees by manipulating signaling of a protein called NF-kB, and stress makes it worse. However, the mechanisms underlying this association of mites virus and evolutionary implications remain largely unknown. to see if there is a mutuality between the vector mite and the virus, a team led by Francesco Nazzi of the University of Udine and Francesco Pennacchio of the University of Naples tested whether or not the virus-induced immune suppression facilitates feeding mite. Insect parasites responding to intruders enclosed in a capsule coated melanin pigment to prevent continuous feeding. So the team implanted a piece of 0.08 mm nylon thread in the bodies of mellifera larvae infected by virus Apis (the stage of development before pupae). After a day, the implants are removed and the extent of melanization of the thread was measured and the encapsulation using a light microscope. The team found that melanisation, encapsulation and gene expression levels of genes related were negatively associated with levels of virus in the larvae of bees: with higher viral loads suffered decreased immunity. Meanwhile, virus levels were positively correlated with reproduction of mites in bee pupae. This jump in the number of copies of the viral genome and the mite offspring suggests that a viral infection increases the reproductive success of parasitic mites. The mutualistic symbiosis between Varroa destructor DWV and perpetuates a reciprocal loop - one that has an adverse impact on the health of honey bees, the authors write. And this link mite-virus can be the key to understanding at least one of the factors contributing to the collapse of bee colonies.

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