Early Introduction To Peanuts Could Prevent Allergy Later In Life -
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Early Introduction To Peanuts Could Prevent Allergy Later In Life
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Early Introduction To Peanuts Could Prevent Allergy Later In Life
id = " Parents hear a lot of conflicting messages about how to prevent their children from developing allergies food. How young they start to boost your immune system? Or is it better to wait until more developed are to give them food like peanuts? Well,
new research seems to support the first, which is compatible with
a previous study suggesting that early exposure to pulses drastically reduces the chances that children will develop allergies to peanuts.
New research is a continuation of learning about peanut allergy study (LEAP) , which for a period of five years took children from four to 11 months of age who showed signs of a peanut allergy - such as as it has severe eczema - and gave half of them of peanut protein frequently to age of five, while the other group were asked to avoid completely. Both groups were analyzed for allergic reaction to peanuts. The researchers found that there was a reduction of more than 80 percent in peanut allergy among those who consumed the protein. Then the researchers decided to see if this apparent protection against allergy persists, even if the children stopped eating peanuts. They asked both groups of the original study to avoid eating peanuts for another 12 months before retesting the two groups of allergic reactions. What they found was that even after a period of one year, the group of children who were fed the peanut protein to the age of five retained this tolerance legume, with 74 remaining allergy percent free. "[The research] clearly shows that most children actually stay protected and that protection was long lasting," Professor Gideon missing, lead author of the article published in
New England Journal of Medicine said
BBC . "I think this fear of food allergy has become a self-fulfilling prophecy because the food is excluded from the diet and as a result, the child develops tolerance." There is a word of caution teacher lacking, however, as pointed out that due to the controls and limitations of the study, may not be entirely representative of what happens in the real world,
as the long term effects of eating peanuts stop after early introduction are not known. The researchers next plan extends the study to see if the tolerance persists even when children are consuming random pulses. However, parents should be careful: "These studies were conducted by trained allergists under controlled conditions,"
says Professor Barry Kay from Imperial College London. "There are some questions to answer before again, in general, may be advised. For example, what are the correct amounts of food required are to induce tolerance, and what is the age at which it is already too late to induce tolerance? there are also issues around food preparation to make them easier for parents to manage. therefore, do not try this at home yet. "
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Thank you for reading this Early Introduction To Peanuts Could Prevent Allergy Later In Life, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.
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