How To Strengthen Weak Legs Naturally

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How To Strengthen Weak Legs Naturally

One of the most common complaints of many people is leg pain . This may be due to weak legs . Usually, women in the 30s and 40s later, and the elderly are most affected by leg weakness. However, men are not exempt. They may also suffer from weakness in the legs. Leg pain often is an indication that needs your attention and care. Life really becomes difficult when you can not even walk a few steps to meet their daily needs! How To Strengthen Weak Legs Naturally How to strengthen weak legs Naturally

Causes of leg weakness

legs and feet bear the weight of the body and are essential to balance your body while standing, walking or running ! The loss of strength in his body and legs can lead to weaker legs due to which you can experience leg pain frequently. But this is not all. There are countless reasons that can weaken legs. If you are unable to walk right balance or to stand even for a few minutes, you can consider legs weaken. Shaking legs or leg pain when walking or taking the stairs also indicate weakness in the legs! However, these situations can also occur due to some other medical conditions your body. Check with your doctor to rule out any medical problems. With respect to weakness, some causes of leg weakness include the following:
  1. weakness muscular caused due to wear and tear of muscles, injuries, spinal cord compression, etc.
  2. nerve problem that leads to instability in the legs
  3. Leg injuries or knee
  4. degeneration of the bones or weak bones and associated diseases such as arthritis
  5. not getting enough rest (which works too)
  6. side effects of certain medications
  7. the inactivity or overactivity
  8. poor diet or malnutrition
the above factors are the main causes leading to weakness in the legs. In addition to these reasons, obesity is another cause that weakens the legs. The legs can support only a certain amount of weight. Excessive weight damage to muscles and makes her weak legs! Weak muscles can be the result of nutritional deficiency, overuse, disease and overweight.

How to strengthen weak legs?

Strengthening weak legs involves many stages with different approaches. Focusing on the nutritional needs of your body, exercises and home remedies help transform other weak legs stronger. According to the National Institute on Aging, doing simple exercises three times a week to strengthen weak legs. His legs do not get weaker in one day. However, even making small changes to strengthen the legs can bring a big difference in your life.

Nutritional needs to strengthen weak legs

leg muscles must be strong enough to support the weight of the body and to make its stable body. Muscles require all kinds of nutrients of carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals. In addition, the muscles also need fluid content to run correctly. Sometimes, you may have overlooked nutritional deficiency of some elements within your body. micro nutrients and minerals like magnesium are very important for the optimal function of all parts of your body. As a whole, a well-balanced diet combined with moderate exercise or physical activity can strengthen weak legs. A simple blood test can analyze and report nutrient deficiency in your body. Below the list of nutrients that can make your strong legs weak it is presented.

Vitamins to strengthen weak legs

Vitamin B1

also known as thiamin , vitamin B1 deficiency can result in muscle pain, weak arms and legs, abnormal reflexes, spasms of the leg muscles, poor muscle coordination, etc. Poor diet or lack of nutritious food is one of the main causes of vitamin B1 deficiency. If you experience fatigue in the legs or legs feel the fallen in the absence of stability, which is a sign of B1 deficiency.

Foods rich in vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 is found in many grains. If you do not eat healthy carbohydrates, your body does not receive thiamine. The following foods are rich in vitamin B1:
  • Lentils
  • Pulses
  • Integral rice
  • long grain white rice
  • organic rice
  • wheat germ

vitamin B12

also known as cobalamin, vitamin B12 is responsible for the production of red blood cells. It deals with nerve impulses and DNA synthesis in the body. Lack of vitamin B12 (and iron) is often diagnosed in women and the elderly. When vitamin B12 lack, you may experience frequent numbness with tingling in the legs. This is due to insufficient red blood cells in your body. Also causes general weakness in your body and result in difficulty walking. According to a report published by the Linus Pauling Institute, the daily requirement of vitamin B12 in an adult is about 2.5 mg. The best way to get the proper nutrients is only through diet. Unless prescribed by a doctor, do not take any supplements to meet nutritional needs.

Foods rich in vitamin B12

Mostly, vegetarians and vegans suffer from a lack of vitamin B12, as is in abundance in meat and poultry. Some of vitamin B12 rich foods include
  • Meat
  • Salmon
  • chicken
  • Eggs
  • soy foods (the best option for vegetarians)
  • dairy
vegetarians and vegans can add enriched cereals and grains in your diet to get vitamin B 12.

the vitamin C

vitamin C is not only responsible for the health of skin and hair, but also essential for the production of collagen, which keeps our muscles intact. Free radicals are the primary cause of aging. It is in fact a detrimental chemical caused due to oxidation in the body. Vitamin C is prepared cells in the body and prevent damage. Lack of vitamin C is also associated with the body and legs weaker because collagen is the main component of bones, muscles, skin and tendons. Lack of vitamin C is equal to lack of collagen in the body. Vitamin C deficiency is also a contributing factor for pain in the joints, knees and leg bones. National Institute of Health Sciences reported that an adult needs a minimum of 75 mg of vitamin C daily.

foods rich in vitamin C

vitamin C it is found in abundance in many foods. Some of these are as follows:
  • Citrus fruits. They are the engine of vitamin C. Han oranges, lemons, lime, grapes, etc., for vitamin C.
  • berries and cherries
  • peppers, tomatoes, broccoli leaves, spinach, stick, etc.
Vitamin C is found in abundance in natural products. eat fruits will provide sufficient daily dose of vitamin C.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin. It is essential to maintain strong bones. Calcium is not absorbed in the body without vitamin D. Vitamin D is related to many chronic disorders. Exposure to sunlight allows the body to produce vitamin D from cells. Sun exposure of about 15 to 20 minutes a day is enough to generate adequate vitamin D for a day. Poor vitamin D leads to bone disorders such as calcium is not absorbed into the body. This can lead to weakness in the legs.

Foods rich in vitamin D

Sunlight is the best natural source of vitamin D. Beyond natural sunlight , vitamin D is found in the following foods:
  • Mushroom
  • Oyster
  • Liver
  • The fortified milk.
It is recommended not to take vitamin D supplements intake of this vitamin in supplement form can be toxic.

Minerals to strengthen weak legs

When it comes to staying healthy and eating nutritious foods, minerals are often overlooked or ignored. In fact, mineral bind nutrientesy enable a stronger support system. The following are some of the minerals that are essential to strengthen weak legs.


The need for iron can not be overstated! Iron deficiency is closely linked with chronic fatigue. Low iron makes you feel exhausted and you literally can not walk even for a couple of minutes enérgicamente.La iron deficiency, also called anemia, is very common in women. However, anyone can have iron deficiency if the diet is not balanced with alimentosrica in the ore.
Low levels of iron in the body affects his duties due to ill sangrecirculación. When there is no blood supply, the muscles become sensiblesy nerves become weak. It affects the legs more to carry their body piernaspeso. When you walk or stand that are more likely to experimentardolor knees, ankles and calf muscles. You are more likely quesufrir of wobbly legs and moderate to severe foot pain due to deficiency hierroniveles.

Foods rich in iron

There are many foods rich in iron. The iron content is displayed through the color of food. Choose the one that looks darker.
  • Beets
  • spinach
  • leaves stick
  • Kale
  • Figs
  • dates
  • The green leafy vegetables
vitamin C, as vitamin D facilitates calcium absorption in the body, keep your legs healthy and strong bones.


Potassium is a key nutrient that allows electrolyte balance in the body. The lack of electrolytes has been directly associated with músculodebilidad legs. Low potassium levels not only leads to water retention encuerpo, but also ends up causing frequent muscle cramps, fatigue yinflamación feet. The National Institute of Health states queun adult needs a minimum of 4,700 mg of potassium daily.

rich in potassium

  • Bananas
  • Potatoes with skin
  • Raisins
  • Prunes
  • raw tomatoes


calcium is the nerve center of the bone health. weaker bones obviously mean weaker legs. The management of bone density is essential to strengthen piernas.ingesta Mere calcium is not enough to handle ósea.A mineral density as they age, the bones tend to degenerate and become weak. Therefore, along decon some simple to manage your bone strength exercise, also debeaspirar to adequate calcium intake.

The calcium-rich foods

  • Dairy products are loaded with calcium. You should drink at least two glasses of milk every day to get adequate amounts of calcium. Those skeptics queson about drinking milk, you can go for low-fat options.
  • Another wonder ingredient rich in calcium is sesame seeds. Home sualimentos generously with sesame seeds to get enough calcium in your diet.
  • green leafy vegetables, seafood, vegetables and fruits also contain calcium.


More than 1/4 of ap of our body muscles are demagnesio facts. Magnesium is one of the important nutrients that we proporcionancon energy. Poor ends magnesium literally weakening yexhaustividad leg muscles throughout the body. Men need a minimum of 400 mg and women need about 320 mg of magnesium daily.

Foods rich in magnesium

  • leafy greens
  • Nuts and seeds
  • oat bran (oat unprocessed)
  • whole grains
  • nuts
  • dark chocolates
Including foods from the list mentioned in your diet helps strengthen weak legs.

Nutritional supplements to strengthen weak legs

When you are too weak to walk, talk to your doctor and get nutritional algunossuplementos. Lysine and CoQ10 are the two supplements WHAT CAN help strengthen weak muscles legs.
lysine is an essential amino acid required by the body tissues paradesarrollar strong, muscles, cartilage and bone. inadequate lysine leads to fatigue, muscle weakness, and irritability.
coenzyme Q10 or CoQ10 is an enzyme responsible for the absorciónde nutrients in the body. Talk to your doctor and get prescribed estossuplementos.
Do not take any supplements without consulting your doctor.

home remedies to strengthen weak legs at home

In addition to improving nutritional intake, also debeenfoque in home treatments to strengthen weak legs. Eat nutritious foods without exercise does not improve the condition of their weak legs. Pobrecirculación, injuries, dehydration, arthritis, anemia, back pain, etc., can also lead to weakness in the legs. Here are some easy things you can try encasa to strengthen weak legs are presented.

Massaging legs regularly

massage the legs, improves circulation. deficientecirculación blood is one of the main causes of leg weakness. When sangrela is optimal circulation, weaker muscles also receive nutrientesque strengthens muscles. It also reduces swelling, pain and laobstáculo. Massaging legs daily for a few minutes. You can find a lot of improvement.

Click herbal oil at home for Massage legs

If you have pain and wobbly legs, make this massage oil DIY at hogary massage with this oil regularly. If you do not want to put this muchoesfuerzo, you can also use coconut oil, olive oil, sesame oil or mostazaaceite to massage the legs.
Get this:
  • sesame oil - 2 cups
  • oil coconut oil or mustard - 2 cups
  • fresh ginger - 1 inch (ginger is natural analgesic and reduces muscle spasms)
  • Camphor - two teaspoons (relieves pain and inflammation)
  • rhizome- piece fresh turmeric 2/1 inch or 2 teaspoons turmeric powder-
  • garlic pods - from 10 to 15
  • fresh oregano leaves (which causes the flexible muscle and gives you a better joints)
  • a few drops of essential oil (no mint, lavender, rosemary, eucalyptus, etc.)
How to make:
  • Place all ingredients (except oregano leaves and essential oil) in a pan and let it warm.
  • You can use a double boiler to prevent burning oil.
  • Keep the flame low.
  • When you heat all ingredients give a pleasant aroma combined.
  • Once the mixture begins to boil, add the oregano leaves and remove it from the flame.
  • Allow to cool and filter the oil after 3 to 4 hours.
  • Store in a dry container and add the essential oil, mix well.

How to massage your legs:

  • Wash and dry legs.
  • slightly heat the oil and apply the hot oil on his legs from the knee to the foot.
  • Gently rub the oil and massage in circular motions. (If necesariopuede seek help from family members to massage the leg or can be done also buy a massage roller)
  • Massaging legs with firm strokes for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • focus more on calf muscles, soles and feet.

Go for a normal walk

Do you know one thing, there is no effective and simple exercise that seacaminando for many health problems. Walking is a simple thing that puedecurar many conditions. Regular walking strengthens the legs and weak muscles empresaslos and invigorates them. 30 minutes walk from 5times a week can reduce the weakness of his legs in a few days.

soak your feet in warm water

foot bath is one of rejuvenation therapies fatigue and debilidadpiernas. Soaking the feet in warm water relaxes the muscles of the legs yalivia tension, pain and foot pain. The foot is connected to all principalesórganos body through small nerves. When tibiaagua feet soak in water, these nerves relieves your entire body. Adecuadacirculación also improves blood and reduces muscle cramps. You can add essential oaceites salt in warm water for peace of mind.

Increase fluid intake

Dehydration is a major cause of muscle cramps in the legs and weak muscles. Keeping your body hydrated to prevent weaker legs.
  • drink a lot of water at regular intervals throughout the day
  • Eat a lot of fruit-based water and vegetables such as watermelon, cucumber, tomatoes, etc.
  • Limit consumption of caffeine. This leads to dehydration

Horsetail tea to strengthen leg weakness

Horsetail is one of the highly recommended for weak legs herbs. RESULT FROM rich content in silica, horsetail increases muscle strength, permitelos muscles contract and remain firm. It also strengthens the huesodensidad and prevents bone degeneration.
One or two cups of horsetail tea can be very effective inthe strengthening weak legs. However, not consume more than 2 weeks in one go. Furthermore, drink no more than twice daily. If you have any health crónicacondición where you regularly take any medication, consult sumédico before tea horsetail.
Just add about half a teaspoon of horsetail to a cup of water to make tea.

Strengthening exercises leg

weak leg muscles can be strengthened with exercise. Another quemasajeando regularly, doing leg strengthening exercises a few minutes one day makes your legs strong. A short guide to simple exercises parafortalecer weak legs is as follows.

exercises to strengthen weak legs

The exercises are a vital part of life. Soft and gentle exercises unagran make a difference in staying healthy. A regular exercise regime previeneque are victims of disease. Inactivity or poor activity físicaconduce to weak muscles and legs too. Doing some simple exercises improves strength, reduces pain and stiffness, makes muscles stronger, ANDBUSINESS IMPROVEMENT their quality of life.
Caution - When you have weak legs, do not try extenuanteentrenamientos or exercises that can put all the pressure on his legs. forexample, squats, sit-ups, etc.
The following are simple exercises that anyone can perform every day.

ankle exercises to strengthen weak legs

flexible and strong ankles are essential to manage the balance yfuerza legs. Doing simple stretches hinchazóny reduce ankle pain ankles. ankle exercises also strengthen the bottom of the cuerpo.Hay a lot of benefits of exercise ankle:
  • Creates a balance and stabilize your body
  • prevents him off balance in the body
  • improves blood circulation in the legs

How do ankle exercises

ankle exercises are best performed while sitting. Remember tienedebilidad legs! Once you get the balance, you can do it while standing as well.
Ankle Circles
  • Sit comfortably in a chair
  • place feet flat on the floor
  • lift your right leg 2 to 3 inches from the floor and make a circle with your feet in a clockwise direction for a minute
  • .
  • Repeat with the left leg.
  • repeat the same circling counterclockwise to clockwise for one minute.
  • Try to lift both legs and feet circle.
  • Exercise ankle circle can take about 5 minutes. If you do not puedeshacerlo continuously for one minute, circle 20 to 30 in one shot.
After a few days, you can do while standing. When you do, mientrasde foot, better balance and stability is obtained. It is one of the mejoresejercicios for the elderly to strengthen their weak legs.
ankles Touch
Tap your ankles on the floor to allow proper circulation, reduce pain and swelling in the foot.
  • Sit in a chair
  • Tap ankles on the floor for one minute.
  • Do this for a few minutes while you feel comfortable.

Marcha hip to strengthen the lower body

up hip is nothing more than exercising the hip flexors . It is very essential to strengthen the lower body. hip flexors are essential for elderly amantener balance and prevent wobbly legs. Caminarresistencia also improves.

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