Title : 19 ways to prevent cancer amazing effect to lower cancer risk
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19 ways to prevent cancer amazing effect to lower cancer risk

Without his imposiblehacer, however nothing magical about cancer prevention , no murderer instantly puedeal cancer stay healthy. Genetics plays a big role in cancer, so even sitratar to live a perfectly healthy life, you may be desarrollarcáncer. but experts estimate that at least one third of all cancers adultoslos cases are related to lifestyle, which is under its control. "Up to 70% decausas known cancers are avoidable and related to lifestyle." Thomas A.vendedor, PhD, associate director for prevention and control of cancer in Moffittcentro of Tampa says. Exercise, diet and avoidance of products snuff, you must first line of defense. However, recent research has uncovered many small, surprisingly can weave even more disease prevention in their day to Diala life. with every healthy choice you make and every least saludablehábito, you are closer to the risk of cancer Here are the healthy lifestyle simple and easy queson that can prevent cancer development. 1. always keep your healthy weight under

obesities one of the major risk factors cancer. Probably many people know that in librosmucho weight around is not good for the heart. Obesity is the cause behind algunos14% of cancer deaths. And more than 3% of new cases of cancer each year.
unomanera to prevent cancer risk reduction is kept as thin as possible within unarango healthy weight. This may be one of the most important ways to prevenircáncer. According to Alice Bender, MS, RD, nutrition communications manager aThe American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR).
ennovember 2007 AICR put out an expert report about food, nutrition and physical activity and the effect of cáncerprevención cancer. " overweight is related to a wide variety CANCER, including esophagus, gallbladder, pancreas, breast, endometrial cancer riñóny ".
2. no smoking and be free from exposure to cigarette smoke

fumares a cause of lung cancer. Lung cancer kills more women and men enU.S than any other type of cancer, which is 28% of all cancer deaths each year or approximately 160.000peoople. most of the deaths due to the consumption of snuff. Smoking has also sidovinculado more of other types of cancer and represents 30% of all deaths overall cánceren.
larger cancer that can take Elpaso is to quit smoking or never start. but Ifyou you have a difficulty quitting altogether, can reduce the risk of cancercancer significanly just cut.
unaestudio that appears in the Journal of the American Medical Association found cake was reduced from about 20 cigarettes per day to less than 10 per reducirsu day risk lung cancer up to 27%. It is a good first step, but abandoned by completopor your good health. inclusosi you are not a smoker, but the dangers of cigarette smoke also can atacartú. about 3,000 cases of lung cancer occur each year due to exposure ael cigarette smoke and there is also a strong indicator that other cancers can servinculado to secondhand smoke too.
Ifyou are in a place with 100 smokers, who may also be exposed. Mack says ruffinIV, MD, MPH, preventive oncology expert and professor at eldepartamento of family medicine at the University of michigan.If let unalugar full of smokers and their clothes smell of snuff, which have inhaladouna lot of cigarette smoke.
lamas it is spending time with family at home.
3. reducing sugary drinks

Nosolo sugary drinks contribute to obesity and diabetes, but also can aumentarsu risk of endometrial cancer. according to research by the University dela Minnesota School of Public Health, "women who drink a lot you debebidas loaded with sugar were up to 87% increased risk of endometrial cancer is probabledebido to these pounds drink can add" .
4. they sit less and stand More

5. Many moves a

todoformas physical activity helps prevent many forms of cancer, according to laAICR expert report. several studies have found evidence that only Stole physical activity can reduce the risk of many common cancer 30 to 50%.
Seno matter much what kind of exercise you do or when you just do it, diceruffin. we will correlate with smoking, if you can reduce your arango healthy weight, increase your intake of fruits and vegetables, and increase físicaactividad. It was the equivalent to stop smoking if you are a smoker. some ofthese factors are very important to prevent the risk of cancer.
6. burn Your Risk

moderadaLos exercises like walking brisk 2 hours a week reduces the risk of cancer mamahasta 18%. Regular workouts can reduce risk, helping to burn fat, produce their own estrogen, a known factor for breast cancer.
7. Shake stress and always happy

suchas stress can increase the risk of cancer? There is no convincing evidence that stress itself, that stress is an independent risk factor for cancer. But what can haceres lead people to adopt unhealthy behaviors in an attempt to make aestrés front. If you eat too much, drink, smoke to treat stress disappears, the behavior of all the stress may increase. Ruffin says.
by loencontrar healthy ways to cope with stress, such as exercise that can reducirel cancer risk, and meditation daily.
8. steamed broccoli

brócolies cancer prevention super foods you should eat frequently. but take note, unaestudio by Italian researchers in 2008 found that contienemás steam broccoli glucosinolates (healthy components of plant) boiled, fried or broccoli book microondas.según family home Harvard, nutrient leaching in cocinaagua instead of remaining in vegetables.
9. develop garlic consumption

Ajocontiene sulfur compounds allyl many stimulating the immune system naturalesdefensa cancer and may have the potential to help the body rid decausante cancer chemicals, and can help kill cancer cells die naturally, process called apoptosis. A health study of women found that women LOWA queconsumieron the highest amounts of garlic had 50% lower risk of colon cancer compared to women at least.
10. marinate meat

UstedTambién can rub a couple of fruit sliced kiwi in a cut of lean meat as ablandadorpara help protect the meat for roast cáncercoumpound causing harmful.
11. Get 15 minutes of sun a day

Casiel 90% of their vitamin D comes directly from sunlight, not supplements alimenticios.estudios have shown that vitamin D deficiency can reduce comunicaciónentre cells, making to stop sticking together and allowing the cells cancerosasa extended. Vitamin D can also help promote proper cell maturation and reproduction, in estosprocesos can lead to cancer growth.
personascon low levels of vitamin D are at increased risk of some cancers, including breast, colon, prostate, stomach and ovaries, and diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, and high blood pressure. but evitesobreexposición, which can cause skin cancer that needs only a few minutes a day aproducir adequate levels of vitamin C.
12. drink green tea

muchasestudios on the association between tea and cancer risk has been published desde2006, according to the national document institute.some cancer found drinker tétienen a lower risk of breast, colon, prostate, ovarian and lung cancer. elpoder healing green tea has been valued in Asia for thousands of years or more.There scientists believe that a chemical in green tea may be one of the powerful máscoumponds cancer has been discovered due to the very altaantioxidantes.
13. Kiwi snack

14. Keep your bedroom dark

Investigaciónmuestra that exposure to light at night may increase the risk of ovarian cancer ycáncer breast in women. light pressing normal melatonin production, chemical lasustancia the brain that regulates our sleep-wake cycles, which can increase laliberación estrogen ingredients. one study showed that the risk of mamaaumentado cancer among women who do not sleep during the time its altolos melatonin levels.
15. eat less fat high-animal protein She research at Harvard University found that people who ate three ounces of rojocarne per day, which is about 13% more likely to die of cancer often or corazónla disease, before finalizing the study of people who do not eat meat. a study by the University of Yaleencontró that women who ate more animal protein have a 70% risk non-Hodgkin mayordesarrollar lhympoma, while those who ate high fat diets increased the risk saturadasgrasas up to 90%. swithde low-fat or nonfat dairy products, choose chicken or fish instead of beef, and usoaceite olive oil instead of butter.
16. snack red grapes

17. eat onions

18. try walking 30 minutes per day

19. beverage Milk

recienteLos studies show that calcium may protect against colon cancer. participants elenfermeras health study who consume more than 700 mg of calcium per day can reducirel risk of colon cancer by up to 45% of those who consume 500 mg or less each day add. Despite 700g that may sound a lot, you could add a low-fat audiciónvasos yogurt at breakfast (345 milligrams), a cup of low-fat milk with lunch (300miligramos) and a cup of spinach in your sald with dinner (292 milligrams).
Source: http://www.webmd.com / cancer / features / 8-ways-to-lower-cancer-risk
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"19 ways to prevent cancer amazing effect to lower cancer risk", Article source: healthyiteasy.com
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