Gluten Intolerance Isn’t Just a Trendy Fad — It Can Wreck Your Whole Life

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Gluten Intolerance Isn’t Just a Trendy Fad — It Can Wreck Your Whole Life

by Melissa Melton
nutritional anarchy

(Author's Note: This is the first of a series I plan to write about this topic This is staff in the second part, I will bring science .....)

for those who suffer from it every day, gluten intolerance is not a joke.

I'm so sick of reading articles written by people - who obviously have never personally experienced gluten intolerance themselves - calling him a " fad diet " or " self-fulfilling prophecy especially mental "paranoid for foodies who have decided to exclude wheat from their diets based on some random" food anxiety. "

first, let's summarize what we're talking about here. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease; that means that the body has an immune reaction to eating gluten protein. The person ends up being attacked by its own immune system. Jordan suffers Reasoner summed it up very well

Celiac disease triggers a war inside your body ... autoimmune diseases "arise from the inappropriate immune response against substances and tissues normally present in the body."

I really like that word "inappropriate" ... I agree that it is inappropriate my immune system, which is supposed to protect me from the outside world, is actually mistaking some part of my body like a bad pathogen and attack my healthy tissue.
For people who have been diagnosed with the disease in every way, not eating gluten a celiac is like the insulin requirement of a diabetic. If a celiac eats gluten, which could literally kill them.

Being gluten intolerant is not quite at that level, but can also make very sick a person when they eat gluten . Renegade Power clearly explains Kristen Michaelis gluten intolerance
It is not a food allergy. It is a physical condition in your gut. Basically, gluten proteins undigested (prevalent in wheat and other cereals) hang out in their intestines and are treated by the body as a foreign invader, irritation of the intestine and the flattening of the villi along the wall the small intestine. Without these microvilli, which has considerably less surface with which to absorb nutrients from food. This leads to experience symptoms suffering from malabsorption, including chronic fatigue, neurological disorders, nutritional deficiencies, anemia, nausea, rashes, depression, and more.

If you remove gluten from the diet, healing the gut and the myriad symptoms disappear. ( source )
In short, if the lining of the small intestine is damaged, you have a much harder time absorbing nutrients from food. When that happens, you can make all kinds of disease, which manifests itself in a variety of problems glorious health horrible flat output still getting worse because the gluten is consumed.

Symptoms intolerance to gluten

While many people are mainly issues gluten with digestive problems like acid reflux, bloating, cramps, extreme or persistent flatulence, diarrhea and even nausea after eating connect, actually ., there are whopping symptoms more than 200 which may manifest as a result of gluten intolerance

for example, did you know that gluten intolerance may also appear also displayed as:
  • extreme fatigue, tiredness and exhaustion
  • weakness (due to deficiencies of vitamins / minerals)
  • mood swings, chronic irritability, depression and / or anxiety
  • headaches, leading to migraines
  • lack of concentration and / or brain fog, or a "loss of transparency of the process of thought"
  • eczema or other skin rashes
  • hair loss
  • weight gain or loss
  • insomnia
  • joint pain and muscle cramps
  • fertility problems (eg, abnormal menstrual cycles), problems of premenstrual syndrome, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis
  • neurological problems, such as dizziness, tingling in the extremities , difficulty balancing, "clumsiness" and even seizures
  • mouth sores (frequent ulcers apthus) and deficiencies of dental enamel
  • acne
  • edema
  • urinary tract infections
  • bruise easily
  • irregularities blood sugar
  • nosebleeds
  • night blindness
  • respiratory problems and asthma
... and the list literally goes on and on.

My gluten Story

I used to be straight-up obese. It was not just overweight, but I was also depressed and tired all the time. I probably tried a bajillion diets over the years, everything from the grapefruit diet or the diet of oatmeal to take more than my fair share of pills, powders and shakes unpleasant. Be bajillion is not a real number, but after all the times I've changed what I ate and drank to try to "fix" myself, I feel like it should be.

Still, there seemed to be days I could eat nothing but cookies and drinking only water and still manage to gain some weight mode. The exercise did not affect the numbers on my scale one iota. Packed the pounds easily and would not come out for anything.

During my first years of college, which soared to nearly 245 pounds. (I'll give up the story about what makes a person self-confidence and social life just as they enter adulthood, but it is safe to say, I had problems in the body.)

I in my heaviest, circa 2002. there is a lot of pictures of me at the time because I usually hid anything that even remotely resembling a camera.

When I ate, I realized that I often felt sick soon after, just in time began to digest my food. It would start with bloating. Painfully. Then cramps. Sometimes I'd have to run to the bathroom immediately, suddenly, we are talking about emergency level. In an attempt to avoid graphic here, let's say that I would end up at one end or other disease. It was painful. Excruciatingly painful.

My bathroom cabinet was filled with a wide range of medicines stomach over-the-counter. Things to help you go to the bathroom. Things to help you stop going to the bathroom. I kept feeling horrible and I kept going back to the doctor and made me increasingly marked a new wonderful mess after another. My gallbladder had to be removed. After anesthesia wore off, they told me I almost died. It was not even 25 years old.

Then I discovered that I could not have children. Doctors do not know why. After a series of uncomfortable tests, I simply said my ovaries "not working" for some mysterious reason. It was some time later that I also was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis, two reproductive terrors which had several surgeries painful elimination where they cut you open and use a laser to burn cysts her uterus (which they can only do so many times, since only keeps coming back anyway). I spent a lot of my days alternating between writhing on the floor in agony and crying in a fetal position. My life became a nightmare he could not wake up, and every day was exactly the same. Pain

After being diagnosed as insulin resistant, I went on the South Beach diet, which advocates primarily meat and vegetables. I lost some weight (25 lbs perhaps?) And I felt a little better. Suddenly, like magic, I got pregnant. But I was still frequently ill after eating and could not understand why. I was really trying to eat what I thought was "good". I had a lot of vegetables, fruits and lean meat there. I cut mostly sweet. He had not stopped eating wheat, however. Whole grains are supposedly a healthy part of any balanced diet ... right?

My symptoms continued to worsen over time. I suddenly felt tired most of the day, every day. When I was paying attention to myself, I realized that a lot of the time my wounded body. Most days were sprayed with a small "PMS enamel" all over them, despite my real female cycle. He was sulking at random for no reason at all. Often sad. Discouraged because. Stress was easier and more things that usually do not matter. I started to have some time more and more difficult to sleep at night.

In the shower, I noticed my hair would be pooling around the drain more and more. I started developing thinned areas in which I could see my scalp if trying to use my hair pulled up, so I never did. I eventually began to cut, and then cut it shorter and shorter. As I continued to come out, finally, I just said, "F," and went to a wig shop.

My face also he began to explode in what began as pimples. Adult acne, I thought. Freakin large. But then these red bumps mutated into something worse than mere acne - large red welts that made washing my face a delicate, laborious process, because touch my skin hurt as if it had been burned

(Interestingly, both my. shampoo and conditioner containing hydrolyzed wheat protein and my buds were aligned with the shape of my haircut. Hm ...)

never wanted to eat more, but obviously if we do not eat, we die, so I had no choice. I was also sick all the time ... constantly coming down with sinus infections ... ... upper respiratory infections, ear infections. Blood tests drew with vitamin deficiencies, even though my doctor had me at a huge dose of vitamin D we had to pick from behind the pharmacy counter.

Now I know that my body was dead hunger for nutrition, which could explain why I always felt hungry even though I was eating what the average person probably consider a fairly decent diet and faithfully taking my vitamins (wrong on both counts, but that's an article different).

I was in seven different medications for all kinds of problems across the spectrum, and my doctor was about to diagnose irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and I prescribe even more on top of everything. He had already spiraled down into the dark hole of modern medicine. I could not discern what were the side effects. Even without being all drugged, I felt like I was losing my mind - a zombie barely there sleepwalking through my life instead of living it

... And I was not even 30 years old [

Finally, one day I said, not f'n more. I sat at a computer and did not get up all night, except to urinate. I could not sleep. I have read, I have researched. I would find the answer or die trying.

This is how I found gluten intolerance and celiac disease. All my symptoms - each - are listed below. Then I realized. What I was eating was ruining my life.

The next day, I made an appointment and went into my doctor's office with a printed battery out of scientific studies about the size of a dictionary, highlighting and underlining . I knew that the blood test for anti-gliadin antibodies was expensive (which was more than $ 300 at the time and insurance does not cover it), but I was determined to make my case for it anyway.

I remember when my doctor told me in his snarkiest voice reserved for rogues, "I do not let my patients diagnose themselves via the Internet" - an answer to it rejecting my application for the blood test ridiculously expensive it was willing to pay out of pocket for. "Okay," I replied as I got up to leave, "then I'm getting another doctor."

Why? Because it is not normal for 30-year-old collapses, to have more "disorders" fingers, or be on more medications a nursing home patient with one foot in the grave.

My quality life at that time was almost zero. Actually, it was explained to me that because all my supposed "chemical imbalances" would just have to accept the fact that probably would have to be on these drugs for the rest of my life.

I have said that the average doctor receives only a small handful of real nutritional education in medical school. It seems the system response of allopathic medicine almost everything is, however, only to launch new pharmaceutical concoctions to all problems without having to try to cure anything. Just a lot to alleviate the symptoms with drugs that cause even more symptoms.

is very similar to this picture someone sent me on Facebook .

makes sense, I guess. There is not a lot of money to be had in cures.

My doctor finally relented and said goodbye to me to take the test for celiac disease after I said I was failing as a doctor if your reason be one in the first place was the health of their patients. Drawing blood was tested for five different types of antibodies. I still remember the smile of satisfaction on the face of the document when the test came back and I was on the level before officially tested positive for a specific type. I could not find the paper to scan for this article, but my blood turned antibodies in all categories across the board. On the one hand, in particular for positive cut was "over 16" Whatever was ... and I actually had 16 (or 15.9 or something), therefore the test was officially negative. (Never mind the obvious fact that my body was producing antibodies to gliadin obviously at all).

"You're negative," he said in a self-congratulatory oily tone, everyone is happy with herself in full patronizing "Look, I'm the doctor here, and therefore I know everything" kind of way. "But I am sending you to a gastroenterologist for IBS anyway," she ended before concluding the meeting, regardless of the fact that I said several times that he does not have IBS.

Never again to her after that. I gastroenterologist humor, however. I was informed that an official diagnosis would require a biopsy of five or six pieces of my small intestine by undergoing + procedure $ 1,500 to A) tends to return with a lot of false negatives like the gluten intolerance blood do, and B) sounded like the idea of ​​a serial murderer a fun date.

My other option was, oh, I dunno, just stop eat wheat and see if I felt better. I was advised it would lead to a completely unofficial "no medical diagnosis" unrecognized ,. Oooh, oh no, not that.

For if a doctor does not say it on a piece of paper or on a computer somewhere, I guess that does not make it real. Are Suddenly people know me better than I know just because they have a medical degree? When it comes to the modern concept of health, it is as if it is not supposed that our common sense or knowledge of critical thinking to take into account at all. But allopathic medicine had done a bang up job for me so far!

Rather than simply lining up as I was told to get a lot of machinery pushed down my throat so parts inside me could be cut and examined under the microscope, I chose instead to simply stop eating wheat. Crazy, I know.

On the other hand, I say "simply" although it was quite difficult at first. Wheat is one of the three main subsidized US crops, and hides in a lot more food than just breads and pastas and cereals obvious. I found myself getting very emo also on all food would never be able to have ever again ... all those foods that was emotionally connected to for one reason or another. Strange to say, but we all do.

Ultimately, however, feel alive again without constant pain of simply existing penalty.

Within a few days without wheat, my stomach stopped hurting so much just to digest a meal. Bloating, pain sensations that plague my body calmed down a bit. I could eat without terrors "bath" painful and embarrassing. I actually slept better and felt rested for a change.

Within a week, I had the actual power again. My face stopped breaking both. My body did not hurt all the time. I also began to lose weight. I was smiling more.

Within two weeks, I stopped taking all medications random everything under the sun. Only threw bottles into the trash and I have not looked back.

me now.

As the wheat sans months past, it was like I was a different person physically, mentally and emotionally. A year later, and he had lost, literally, a whole sentence every person weight.

For someone who went to the doctor more often than most women's hair worst of all are made, the only thing I felt the need to set foot in an office again once since then, and that was three years ago. My life is free of drugs now.

Looking back, I realize I've lost all twenty years of not only some doctors crazy merry-go-round he could not give me my health return if trying (if called to deal), but gluten. I had not gone to the office of my doctor armed with hours and hours of my own personal research, who knows where I would be (or the sicker it would be or how many more medicines would be) for now.

now this ...

at present, celiac disease and gluten intolerance are soaring in this country. It is a growing public health problem at a level that can no longer be ignored. Most restaurants and grocery stores have gluten free menu items and hallways now, when that did not used to be one thing. Research suggests that the disease has increased fourfold since the 1950s, and scientists and medical professionals are struggling to find out why. Now this is an amazing one out of 100 that support celiac, and millions of all ages paralyzed by intolerance to gluten every day. In total, some estimates say up to 15% of America suffers from this.

Unfortunately, the figures we have are not remotely trustworthy, because many people who deal with the symptoms mentioned above do not realize gluten may be what is causing havoc on their bodies and killing their health. . Most likely attribute their health problems to something completely different, although it could be something as simple as what is at the end of their holders

The Mayo Clinic says:
studies show four times the incidence compared to 1950, with fatal complications if treatment is not received.

"celiac disease was rare, but it is now more common in all groups age, "Dr. Murray [a Mayo gastroenterologist] says. Although the cause is unknown, celiac disease affects about one in 100 people. What's more, Mayo has found an increased risk of death from four for people with gluten intolerance undiagnosed.
Okay. We are talking about chronic inflammation that can create fatal complications. A four times greater risk of death. When playing the symptoms of gluten intolerance, many ultimately lead to chronic diseases and diseases ... diseases and lead to death.

The scientific consensus so far points to environmental factors, ie, You are eating what is now compared to decades ago. Something has obviously changed. Wisconsin cardiologist Dr. William Davis, the author of wheat belly wrote
modern wheat has hybridized (cross different strains of generating the new features; 5% of the proteins generated in the offspring, for example, are not present in either parent), backcrossed (repeated to winnow out a specific feature, for example, short stature) crossing, and hybridized with wheat plants (not to introduce genes fully only). There are also chemical, gamma- and x-ray mutagenesis, ie, the use of unpleasant stimuli to induce mutations which can be propagated in offpspring. This is how was created by BASF Clearfield wheat , for example, by exposing seeds and embryos of industrial chemical, sodium azide, which is highly toxic to humans.

by definition, hybridization, backcrossing, and inducing mutation techniques are difficult to control, unpredictable, and generate a lot of unexpected results. In short, they are worse than genetic modification. Imagine that we were to apply similar techniques of hybridization and mammalian mutagenesis we'd have all sorts of strange creatures and genetic monsters in our hands. I am not an advocate of genetic-modification, but it is pure folly that defend modern wheat Agro-industry apologists because it is still not the recipient of the "genetic modification".
nutritional Anarchy own Daisy Luther Notes
The problem, according to Davis, which is sold as "wheat" today is very different from the grains consumed by our ancestors. It has changed until it has little resemblance to wheat grown a century ago. Wheat available closer to the heritage of wheat called einkorn wheat ...

The "new and improved wheat" is so different genetically that is causing health problems ...
By the way , USDA scientists admitted 'fix' the gluten in the flour in a movie file from the 1960s called "Miracles in Agriculture" (see below).

Now back to the symptoms listed above. Think of all the people who suffer from some of the less obvious, not stomach related ones: depression, anxiety, mood swings and brain fog. Immediately if these people go to the doctor, they'll probably get prescribed antidepressants like going to the solution (and maybe something for acid reflux if they mention the problems of indigestion, which will probably attributable to depression or anxiety as a secondary!) question.

Something like one in 10 Americans take antidepressants now. With a lot of pharmaceutical commercial telling people to "ask your doctor today" for having depression, anxiety, insomnia, moodiness, and an inability to think clearly, which would actually consider your diet (and not a nebulous brain chemical imbalance caused ...?) could be the problem, and more specifically, gluten?

I am an educated person otherwise with a college degree under my belt, but the idea that my depression, mood swings, insomnia, fatigue, and general lack of being able to think clearly for five minutes together could have at all been linked with the turkey sandwich whole wheat bread regularly had to cross lunch or even remotely my mind (and, indeed, why so?) to hours of unconditional personal research led me there.

Why am I telling this story?

Because, as I said, I'm sick of the mainstream media telling people gluten intolerance is just a food fad fashion.

I sick of having waitresses act as if it were a great thing annoying when I have to make a few more questions than the average customer while ordering dinner - sorry if she thinks I'm wasting your precious time, but I'm actually trying to make sure she does not bring anything to me that my body will treat as poison up when like him, causing suffering the consequences of not only hours, but weeks later.

I'm tired of people acting as if it was no big deal anyway just because they have not been there and experienced the suffering firsthand.

While "gluten-free" is becoming commonplace, unfortunately, and therefore standard and although I'm sure there are people out there who have stopped eating wheat because they heard it could help you lose weight, there are many more people have stopped eating because actually sick.

and more and more people are getting sick of what we are eating in this country. That's the bottom line. And many of them have no idea why. Maybe you just feel tired all the time. Or they are left with indigestion much. Perhaps they have a lot of digestive problems, or get a lot of headaches at random, or have difficulty sleeping at night. Or they have difficulty thinking, especially after eating a meal high in grains. Perhaps all these things.

Perhaps you are like me. Maybe you know that something is not right. You do not feel good but you. Maybe gluten is not a culprit who would have thought in a thousand years. Maybe my story will help you understand.

And maybe we all have to start checking what we are putting in our mouths before popping a pill is only intended to "treat" our symptoms without actually cure anything.

While there any one of billions of industry dollars Big Food built around the sale of something to eat, simply because it tastes good, the point of eating it in the first place sole is supposed to nutrition. That's a big part of what keeps us alive. If we can not get nutrients from what we eat because our intestinal mucosa is all about tacos, over time we could die.

just playing off of gluten intolerance as some fad diet random fashion or make-believe food hysteria is not only misleading ... it's dangerous. You could kill someone.

And away from the real question we should be asking:

Why the sudden pandemic of intestinal inflammation based on wheat? }; var s = d.createElement ( 'script'); input[type="submit"]{background:url("") repeating shift 0 0 transparent;color:#FFF;cursor:pointer;font-family:arial;font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;height:40px;margin-top:5px;padding:8px input[type="submit"]{background:url("") repeating shift 0 0 transparent;color:#FFF;cursor:pointer;font-family:arial;font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;height:37px;padding:5px;text-transform:capitalize;border:0;float:left;margin-left:10px}#optin-single

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Thank you for reading this Gluten Intolerance Isn’t Just a Trendy Fad — It Can Wreck Your Whole Life, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.

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