Title : What are Haemorrhoids- Facts on Piles
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What are Haemorrhoids- Facts on Piles
know what hemorrhoids or aND HOW hemorrhoids treat hemorrhoids according to their causes, signs and symptoms. .What are the treatments for hemorrhoids.

What are hemorrhoids?
The network of small or sangrelos veins vessels within the inner lining of the anus and bajarecto part, sometimes get wider and swollen with sangrede influx of more than usual. These swollen veins and tissue on the node type mismospodría form small lumps known as hemorrhoids.
What are the causes of hemorroidesPilas?
Very often pressure on AroundThe region and anus causes batteries. This pressure can result from situations lasiguientes.
- Constipation , which requires put tension on the anus region because the hardened feces.
- intestinal disorders when you take frequent amovimientos can exert pressure on tissues leading asangrado.
- Pregnancy where the baby can put pressure above the anus and rectum. Hormonal changes can also give you stack place during pregnancy.
- Aging can also causahemorroides because the tissues within the mucosa of force and support anofuerza loose lesser extent a person ages.
- sitting for long periods or doing hard work can also cause hemorrhoids
- Obesity , especially alrededorzona fat can put pressure on abdominal organs are within the pelvisregión that leads to inflammation of the veins of the rectum and anus.
- General weakness , especially unahígado weak can not support tissues and cause haemorrhoids.
- Hereditary factors where unapersona can inherit the weakness of the wall of the veins in anal delregión.
The most common sign of interiorhemorroides include fresh red blood covering the stool. Esproceso often painless. Itching or irritation and as nudoestructuras leaving the rectum are also an important symptom of lahemorroides. external hemorrhoid is more painful and hard lump around the anus acompañacon.
- bright red blood in the stool.
- mucous discharge, itching, irritacióny / or pain in the anal region.
- Swelling or hard lump around the anus.
- A feeling of fullness / heaviness in elano and rectum, as if he has no empty even after going to the bathroom.
- Sometimes a swollen vein could pegarsea through the anal opening.
- A rare symptom is hanging from uncoágulo blood that may have formed inside the hemorrhoid.
Hemorrhoids are classified inthe degrees representing their size and severity. His oscilana sizes from 2-4 cms. There are four degrees of hemorrhoids.
Degrees of hemorrhoids |
- Grade 1- These are pequeñosinflamaciones that occur inside the return passage lining. These sonlos most common types of hemorrhoids that can not be seen from elexterior.
- Grade 2- These are comparativamentehemorroides larger and can be driven in part by the cuandopasar year feces, but leaving inward once you finish the process.
- Grade 3 - cuelganhacia These hemorrhoids outside the anus and you can feel when touched. There may be one opequeña, s multiple soft bumps hanging from the anus. They can empujadohacia inside the anus.
- Grade 4 - These are grandeshemorroides and hanging down from the anus, but are permanent and No can be pushed inside.
Internal hemorrhoids mild (grade 1hemorroides) often require no treatment or can be treated simple conprecauciones and home treatments such as avoiding estreñimientoa through diet rich in fiber, drink a lot of water and other sanalíquidos (not soda), whose isabgol fiber supplements, avoid painkillers that cause constipation and go to bañocuando felt the urge. Delays can lead to the formation of stools more duroque leads to constipation. Relief from itching and discomfort can be requested ointments and suppositories that are available as OTC medicines that do not require a prescription. The crucial point is that one has to avoid putting pressure on the pelvic region, especially due to constipation, in no way can be done. Get Diet and Home Remedies for Constipation
The most severe hemorrhoids, however, hacennecesitar treatments and there are plenty of options for this.
Rubber Band Ligation- Tambiénllamada bands, has become a common treatment, especially for grade 2 and 3 haemorrhoids. A surgeon places a special elastic band in the hemorrhoid elbase the blood supply to lahemorroide stops. The hemorrhoid then falls after a few days. This Espor usually a painless procedure as the base of the hemorrhoid lies enterminar part of the lining of the intestine that is not sensitive. Hemorrhoids not hacenreaparecer after annealing in most cases where the patient pilotestomar precautions against constipation rather exerts pressure on laregión ..
Injection Sclerotherapy- sclerotherapy was approved for the treatment of smaller internal hemorrhoids are overactive. In this surgery, a chemical in which elhemorroides is injected. This stops the blood supply elhemorroides leading to its elimination.
heat and cold treatments paraHaemorrhoids- These are muyrara once used treatment options for hemorrhoids. Some of the treatments queutilizan heating methods include infrared coagulation, photocoagulation, diathermy and electrotherapy. Sometimes it fríaterapia also used when haemorrhoidcongelado with bags of ice or liquid nitrogen.
hemorrhoidectomy - This is unacirugía haemorrhoid performed in the conventional method. Principalmentese used for treatment of hemorrhoids grade 4, the surgeon cortadurante an operation performed under general anesthesia.
stapled Haemorrhoidectomy- Thisis also surgery, but here a circular stapling device is used to cortaruna circular section of the anal canal lining lying above lahemorroide . This strip of hemorrhoids back to the positive side of anal Lacanal. It also reduces the blood supply to hemorroidesque carried contraction.
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