Title : Cancer Destroyed By Berry Found In Queensland Rainforest
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Cancer Destroyed By Berry Found In Queensland Rainforest
"A team of medical researchers are on their way to finding a cure for cancer after the discovery of a berry the incredible rainforest that has properties that fight cancer .Scientists from QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute of Queensland have used an experimental drug produced from the seeds of the plant of the jungle, Blushwood tree (Hylandia Dockrillii) which only grows in northern Queensland, to treat solid cancer tumors in preclinical trials. " (Dailymail.co.uk)
This natural fruit contains compounds that began to kill cancer cells almost immediately when studied in the laboratory.
A single injection of the drug, called EBC-46, directly into models of melanoma in the laboratory as well as in cancers of the head, neck and colon in animals, destroyed the tumors long term by more than 70% of cases, the study's lead author, Dr. Glen Boyle said.
"What is surprising for us and what we do not see very often is the speed with which this happens. Usually when a tumor that takes several weeks to resolve is but this is very, very fast. There is a purple zone, the tumor itself, and you see that within five minutes and comes back the next day and black tumor and is returned within a few days and tumor fallen. "
in the pre-clinical trial was funded by QIMR Berghofer and the National Health and Medical Research Council and the results were published in the journal PLoS One.
Here is a short video about this amazing discovery.
Although this experimental drug has been successfully used by veterinarians in about 300 cases, trials are still ongoing to test its effectiveness in patients humans.
There was no evidence EBC-46 would be effective for treatment of cancers that had spread to other parts of the body, known as metastatic cancer, said Boyle.
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