Robert De Niro: 'Let the People see VAXXED' and Decide for Themselves What the Evidence Shows

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Robert De Niro: 'Let the People see VAXXED' and Decide for Themselves What the Evidence Shows

Sloan - Robert De Niro has taken a stand for public debate about vaccines and autism.

In a widely cited Today Show interview , De Niro said it's time to "find the truth, we will find out the truth [about vaccines and autism]."

Robert de Niro was an acclaimed autism community for their courage to show the film first, which tells the story of complainant CDC, Dr. William Thompson , who openly admitted taking part in altering scientific data CDC statistics to hide links between vaccines and autism.

crucial to understand any coverage of the media of this story is to realize that all the media deliberately lies about the film VAXXED , claiming it is about Dr. Andrew Wakefield. It is not.

The film is about self scientist at the CDC admitted to take part in what will soon be revealed as the biggest medical scandal in the history of the modern world.

However, no media in favor of the vaccine on the planet today is ready to declare anything precise about VAXXED documentary , lest people dare to see and learn what has been hidden from them all these years.

see De Niro interview here, which also encourages people to see another movie called trace , documenting the toxic effects of mercury on children.

CDC is fully aware that vaccines cause autism

Almost all means of pharmaceutical controlled media also insist that any relationship between vaccines and autism has been "refuted". See This article Daily Mail by Hannah Parry, repeating like a parrot typical propaganda.

Actually, the link has been known to the CDC for more than a decade, but has been deliberately concealed. If hiding the scientific truth is to be accepted as "rebuttal" something, then the whole field of science deserves no credibility at all.

Natural News recently published partial transcripts of CDC scientist Dr. William Thompson describes how the CDC is knowing sitting on a treasure trove of statistical data showing a relationship between vaccines and autism.

See CDC hides a large collection of irrefutable scientific evidence showing vaccines are linked to autism ... shocking details of telephone calls recorded by Dr. William Thompson.

New scientific evidence links autism to vaccines and Mercury
Breaking: CDC Complaints reveals Cloaking vaccine and autism data link
"I, as a parent of a child who has autism, as I am concerned, I want to know the truth," De Niro told viewers of the Today Show. "There is a lot of information about things that are happening with the CDC, pharmaceutical companies, there are a lot of things that are not said."
Precisely. There are things that the media do not dare report about vaccines because the entire pharmaceutical industry controlled by the media is protecting the monopoly of the vaccine.

Do you want to make safer vaccines average a person is anti-science? Of course not ...

De Niro describes his position on vaccines as pro-vaccine.
"I'm not anti-vaccine, but I'm pro-safe vaccine," he said.
Such designation is key to this whole debate, because now it has become clear that all medical-industrial-media complex vaccine is safe.

Are we now know that, in total opposition to any discussion whatsoever about how vaccines might be safer.

is a surprising but true fact that both vaccine manufacturers and the media that catapulted propaganda of the vaccine must be wholly invested in the irrational, dogmatic belief that vaccines absolutely carry no risk and are not harmful at all to any child.

however, throughout the world, children are routinely damaged by vaccines, vaccines hospitalized, paralyzed, comatose since and sometimes killed brain. The UK government, for example, recently paid tens of millions of dollars for children damaged by the vaccine against swine flu .

In Mexico, 75% of children were vaccinated in a small town ended up dead or hospitalized , and in Japan, citizens who were paralyzed by the vaccine against HPV are now in the process of suing vaccine manufacturers no .

Even the CDC once admitted that until 98 million Americans were "accidentally" injected with cancer viruses through polio vaccines .

As expected, the CDC holed memory that document on its website three years ago. But even today, FDA documents hosts its own website linking vaccines with autism .

(unless they have already thrown them by now, of course ...)

If the vaccine industry has nothing to hide, why attempt censorship and silence everyone?

the very fact that the vaccine industry dare not tolerate a single documentary film that explores the admissions of scientific fraud CDC contains everything you need to know about totalitarian science and medical fraud now keep house together card vaccine.

If there was nothing to hide, that would not be so aggressively censoring books, films, websites and activists are raising awareness about vaccine safety.

I am the author of a model of safer vaccines as well as the director of laboratory science laboratory analytical science high end known as laboratories CWC .

As someone who has long fought for the removal of mercury and other toxic substances vaccines, I know exactly what kind of pressure is being directed to Robert De Niro at this time.

I have no doubt that he is being threatened with outright destruction of his career; with being called a "discredit" an anti-science; to be publicly blamed for killing children who refuse vaccines; and possibly even death-threated.

What I have learned in more than a decade of being one of the most outspoken voices that challenge the scientific fraud of the creation of the vaccine is that these people will stop at nothing to maintain their dictatorship scientific capacity.

vaccine pushers, after all, they are literally maul and kill an unknown number of children each year through the injection of neurological poisons such as mercury, aluminum and MSG ... all ingredients supports the CDC still being used in vaccines .

earlier this year, he sent me a letter from the Ministry of Health of California who led health professionals across the state to inject children with mercury.

You can read the letter in itself this link . Reflecting on this, consider that when I tested concentrations of mercury in flu vaccines by ICP-MS instrumentation in my laboratory, the results showed mercury in over 50,000 ppb - about 25,000 times greater than EPA allows in drinking water.

At a time when the national press goes crazy right over the children of Flint, Michigan being poisoned with lead, absolute silence on children throughout the country being poisoned routinely with mercury is nothing less than disconcerting.

believe that vaccines are safe and carry no risk, a person has to believe that mercury, aluminum, MSG, squalene, formaldehyde and partially viable virus present zero health risks to a child when injected.

This idea is totally absurd, irrational and grossly unscientific, and shows that real science "charlatans" in this debate are those who blindly vaccines thrust without any cognitive consideration of risks to the very real health.

Robert de Niro reaffirms its belief in human rights and basic medical choice

One of the most totalitarian aspects and unethical lobby vaccine is the insistence that people should be forced to be injected with vaccines even if they do not want them.

the idea that people should be vaccinated against their will echo genocidal philosophy of the Third Reich is done, war crimes and medical experiments on prisoners.

The Code of Ethics of the American Medical Association clearly states that no medical intervention should be forced to a patient without their "informed consent".

I have the book of the AMA in medical ethics, and clearly states:
"The patient must make their own determination about treatment ... Informed consent is a basic policy, both ethics and law that physicians should honor, unless the patient is unconscious or unable to give their consent and damage from lack of treatment is imminent. "
Here's a snapshot of screen full statement on the website of the AMA:

to force a patient in any medical intervention - especially one that involves an injection of substances with risks -. It is fundamentally unethical and immoral ... if not a crime against humanity

How can the medical system of the vaccine makes America look much like North Korea or China Communist

medical coercion is the kind of thing most Americans might suspect that is happening in the gulags of North Korea ... or perhaps the dungeons of organ harvesting of communist China ... but not in the United States, right? Mal

The pushers of vaccines require toxic vaccines -. Provable, that hurt some children and even kill others - be injected into people reluctantly, without their consent.

When an industry coercive simultaneously requires injections of toxic substances, while censor all public debate on the safety of this type of intervention has achieved a prescription for a medical holocaust.

Indeed, in learning the full measure of the number of children who are maimed and killed by the vaccine industry, who have begun to call this devastating phenomenon a 'medical holocaust. " Those who deny being carried out are naturally "Holocaust deniers doctors."

The media is full of Holocaust deniers doctors. They pretend to be journalists, but they are actually anti-dogmatic science who worship at the altar of the Church of Mysticism Science, from which all vaccine safety "proof" magically comes after the ritual sacrifice of children.

When an entire branch of medicine becomes so imbued with coercion, intimidation, censorship, damage to the routine of children and refusal to participate in a discussion about the risks against benefits is no longer science or medicine at all .

is a totalitarian regime that poses a health real and present for the safety of children everywhere danger.

And it seems that Robert De Niro has decided it's time to start questioning the regime, much as Galileo, once questioned the dogma of the Catholic Church.

Daring to challenge the totalitarian powers of the day needs a lot of courage - and subject to one big risk - however, it is also the process of scientific revolutions that have, throughout history, dangerous dogmas overthrown and he replaced them with more enlightened and views on important matters reported as vaccines.

the idea of ​​taking a stand against a dangerous totalitarian regime mortal has its roots in the promotion of fundamental human rights for parents and children.

"the specific rights that form the corpus of human rights standards are listed in several key documents," explains Louise Kuo Habakus, a collaborator of "epidemic Vaccine how corporate greed biased science and coercive government threaten our human rights and our children. " She continues:

The most important is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), which, together with the United Nations Charter (UN Charter), the International Covenant on Civil and political rights (ICCPR) - and its optional protocols - ". International Bill of Human rights" and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and cultural rights (ICESCR), constitutes what is called the

developed the UDHR to give more specific to the rights and freedoms enshrined in the United Nations Charter definition. The ICCPR and the ICESCR develop the content contained in the Universal Declaration more, and to establish the conditions under which states can legitimately restrict rights.

mandates the vaccine violate these fundamental human rights , and so when someone like Robert De Niro gets up and says:
"It's time to start a reasonable discussion about this theme."
He is, indeed, the defense of human rights of women and children around the world.

Dr. Wakefield is not discredited - was accused falsely, then vindicated

However, there is little doubt Niro will now branded a heretic, shamed and ridiculed publicly and film roles maybe even denied in an effort to destroy her career and reputation.

After all, the same machine smears largely achieved in making totally false accusations against Dr. Andrew Wakefield, and that the campaign was so successful that all the mainstream media now described incorrectly Dr. Wakefield as "discrediting" when, in reality, has already been exonerated and found completely innocent

from Dr. David Lewis, a former EPA scientist, informer and author of the book " Science for sale .: "
" I spent almost two years collecting and analyzing confidential documents (GMC) of the General Medical Council of the UK behind accusations research misconduct Brian deer and the British Medical Journal (BMJ) published Dr. Andrew Wakefield against.

"in the process, I discovered a document that allows the analysis of patient records that deer published in 2010 is perfectly suited to a request by government lawyers in the procedure GMC four years prior analysis.

"The analysis, published deer in the British Medical Journal, was the result of a deliberate plan by people working for the British government to combine expert analysis blinded outcome of the biopsy pathology reports routine to make it appear that Wakefield had misinterpreted records linking the MMR vaccine to autism

"what government lawyers probably could never get away with in the room -. which was to condemn Andrew Wakefield of research fraud - Deer achieved through convoluted government publication analysis in the BMJ.

"General Medical Council UK (GMC) held hearings on allegations of deer, which were first published by the Sunday Times of London in 2004. medical licenses Wakefield was revoked and last co-author, John Walker-Smith.

"the Supreme Court of England, however, eventually took sanctions against Walker-Smith, which describes several conclusions of GMC panel as" not legitimate "," perverse "," unsustainable, "and" unsustainable ". Wakefield had moved to the United States and dropped his appeal. "
measles and mumps outbreaks may actually be caused by vaccines, say Merck virologists

Even more surprising, while all mainstream media news Pharma-funded media in the Western world routinely blame Dr. Wakefield for each outbreak of measles and mumps occurs, Natural news has uncovered strong evidence that deliberate release manufacturers no vaccines vaccines with the purpose of causing epidemics that sell more vaccines.

from my story titled 2012 fraud vaccine Merck exposed by two virologists Merck, company misrepresented the efficacy results of mumps vaccine for more than a decade, says demand
"according to two Merck scientists who filed a false complaint Claims Act in 2010 - a complaint that has now just been revealed - vaccine manufacturer Merck knowingly falsified their data vaccine trial against mumps, spiked blood samples with animal antibodies, he sold a vaccine that actually promotes mumps and measles outbreaks, and swindled governments and consumers who bought the vaccine thinking it was 95% effective. ' "
This document False Claims Act - which states that" [Merck engaged in] ... an outline of a decade-long to distort and misrepresent the true efficacy of the vaccine "- is available in . this link

according to Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski, both former virologists Merck, Merck participated in all the following behavior:

• Merck knowingly falsified their test results of the mumps vaccine to manufacture a "95% rate of effectiveness."

• in order to do this, Merck blood analysis with antibodies animals to be shot artificially increase the appearance of antibodies in the immune system.

• Merck then used the falsified test results for defrauding the US government of "hundreds of millions of dollars for a vaccine that does not provide adequate immunization . "

• fraud Merck vaccine has actually contributed to the continuation of mumps across the United States, causing more children infected with mumps. (Gee, really? This is what NaturalNews has been reporting for years ... actually vaccines are formulated to keep outbreaks go because it's great for repeat business!)

• Merck they used their false claims of "95 percent effectiveness" of monopolizing the market for vaccines and eliminate potential competitors.

• The Merck vaccine fraud has been going on since the late 1990s, according to the Merck virologists.

• Checking the Merck vaccine was never made against mumps virus "real world" in the wild. Instead, the results were simply falsified to achieve the desired result.

• All this fraud was carried out "with the knowledge, authority and approval of Merck's senior management."

• Merck scientists "witness firsthand the improper testing and falsification of data in which Merck committed to artificially inflate the results of vaccine efficacy," according to court documents (see below).

believe that vaccines are completely safe is mentally ill

However, despite the existence of this on-site registration admission of fraud Merck vaccine, despite open admission of scientific fraud by CDC scientist Dr. William Thompson, all medium-financed Pharma continues to claim that vaccines are 100% effective and risk 0%.

the only diagnosis for this position is, of course, clinical dementia. delusional thinking. irrational dogma that has infected the minds of many.

And as seeing Robert De Niro being brutally attacked and smeared in the coming days, it is recalled that all such attacks are fought by fans upset vaccines exert cognitive rationality no more than a band of mind - numbed zombies in a blood thirsty rampage.

regarding the discussion of the vaccine, actually there is no debate at all. There is a massive cover-up that is now being exposed, and all this is happening because the vaccine industry refused to discuss the issue with anything similar reason.

Dogmas do not negotiate. They dominate and terrorize people until the day they are taken down and irrelevant facts.

A day earlier, the medical Terrorism vaccine industry will also fall, and the truth about children vaccines damaged can cause an explosion at the scene, to the great embarrassment of all those mind journalists zombie " science "that controlled Robert de Niro, the Bigtree, Andrew Wakefield and Health Ranger.

Personally, I find it inspiring that De Niro is starting to recover the voice of truth. Hopefully it keeps and can find spiritual strength and courage to call the bluff of totalitarian vaccine, trolls media communication sciences and the Church of Mysticism Science fans of zombies who are thirsty for the blood of new victims.

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