9 Best Home Remedies for Tooth Decay and Cavities

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9 Best Home Remedies for Tooth Decay and Cavities

home remedies for tooth decay and cavities
According to one study published in the British Medical journal, cavities and tooth decay can be cured, and reversed with diet. To heal cavities, it is also necessary to control the acidity and bacterial invasion of the mouth, only to protect the weaker teeth. Tooth decay is a common problem that occurs when acids in the mouth dissolve the outer layer of the tooth they are also known as tooth decay or dental caries. Dental caries are those whole teeth that results because of tooth decay

What causes cavities and tooth decay ?

Bacteria that live in our mouths survive and grow in these food particles and produce acids. You do not need more time for these acids destroy tooth enamel which in turn leads to cavities and tooth decay. But there are more causes of dental caries as shown here.
  • A diet that lacks minerals such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.
  • overeating amounts of foods high in phytic acid.
  • deficiency of fat soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K. The lack of vitamin D in particular is harmful to the teeth.
  • And we discussed earlier, having too much processed sugar (and starch as well).

Here are the natural home remedies for healing tooth decay and cavity.

have raw dairy products to cure tooth decay

Contrary to popular belief, dairy products is good for teeth and can make use of raw milk to cure their pockets faster. This is because dairy is a good source of minerals like calcium and phosphorus, as well as the fat soluble vitamins A and D. This component is not called Activator X in dairy products (Activator X is the name given by Dr. Price he found that this component) is important in the mineralization of the teeth. Activator X occurs mostly in butter when cows eating rapidly growing green grass. Many people have been cured by having their cavities fed raw milk and butter, obtained from her grass. dairy grassfed also said to have some negative effects on toxins and anti-nutrients found in processed grain products. What else, grassfed raw milk and all products derived from it like butter, cheese, etc. give an easily digestible form of calcium and phosphorus. Therefore, it makes sense to have loaded with calcium, vitamin K2, vitamin D3, magnesium, phosphorus and fat soluble vitamins dairy products. Of course, this is not the option for people with lactose intolerance. Then they may depend on plant and animal sources of these minerals and vitamins. All others must include the following dairy products in your diet.
  • Raw milk
  • raw cheese
  • raw butter
  • kefir milk, preferably goat's milk

have a loaded diet nutrients

from the above discussion, it is clear as crystal that their cavities are due to poor nutrition and abundance of phytic acid in your body. How to deal with the factor Phytic acid is known to know. The next step would be to provide enough vitamins and minerals your body to help heal cavities. This includes increased intake of fat-soluble vitamins. Here is a list of foods to guide you as to what constitutes a good eating habit if you really want to cure their cavities naturally.
  • Over green leafy vegetables, raw and cooked.
  • fermented vegetables.
  • Meat, fish, eggs and bone broth.
  • Fruits, especially one of the fruits early in the morning.
  • Healthy fats. You can start having good fats found in coconut oil, avocado, olives, fish and cod liver oil (fermented).
  • Less than grains. Adhere to the fermented beans. For example, you can start using sourdough bread.
  • Less than nuts, seeds and legumes. If you have them, let them sprout first.
  • Without treatment, packaging and fast foods.
  • raw dairy products such as kefir, butter (grass-fed), cheese. Why raw milk is good for healing cavities discussed below.

Avoid sugar in your diet

we know why! Because the sugars are food for bacteria that cause decay. When you stop having sugar, you help yourself this way it:
  • You will have a good flow of dental fluid into his mouth, since there would be no bacteria to avoid this flow.
  • Will you save your teeth to get softened and demineralized. It contributes to the highly acidic environment that steals all the calcium and minerals which lead to cavities and tooth decay.
Therefore, avoid all foods that have sugar as soda, candy and baked goods that have sugar as an ingredient. Instead, you can take natural sugar substitutes such as raw honey, stevia leaves and maple syrup. No addition of artificial sweeteners depending as they also are not too good for your oral health

prevent phytic acid in the diet

studies have shown that, phytic acid or phytate mineral blocks and enzymes to be absorbed by the body. A diet high in phytic acid not only leads to cavities and tooth decay but also cause osteoporosis. Why is phytic acid that danger to your health? Let us know the reasons.
  • phytic acid blocks available phosphorus in your body.
  • minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc that are essential for oral health joins. Therefore, these minerals are no longer available for your body to proper use, even if you have them in abundance.
  • decreases the absorption of magnesium in the body by 60 percent and zinc by 20 percent.
  • Not only phytic acid blocks mineral is absorbed in the body, but is harmful to the available minerals out of your body, as from bones and teeth. This is really frightening.
  • This anti-nutritional factor phytic acid causes more digestive disorders, lack of appetite, causes tooth decay and cavities.

What foods to avoid for phytic acid

Here is the list of foods that have high amounts of phytic acid:
  • Grains
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Beans
  • soybean
That's very sad to avoid all foods over just because phytic acid. After all, they contain many other nutrients very beneficial body. So what to do if you do not want to completely rule out these foods, but also do not want to have to phytic acid present in these foods? Here's the answer:
  • Consume only limited quantity of grain.
  • completely avoid unfermented soy products.
  • Try to eat foods that are organic and GMO-free. Phytic acid is much higher in foods grown with the help of high phosphate fertilizer modern. If natural fertilizer to grow used these foods, the amount of phytic acid is not as high in them.
  • If you need to have beans or nuts, soak and then sprout before consuming them.
  • can also sourdough fermentation. sourdough fermentation decreases the level of phytic acid in about 50 to 100 percent, even!

get vitamin D from sunlight, food and supplements

There is evidence in the form of a study in 62 children with cavities where the importance of vitamin D in the cavities healing entered light. These children were divided into 3 groups of different diet.

  • Group 1- had a standard diet, along with oatmeal. It is worth mentioning that oats is rich in phytic acid.
  • Group 2 had their normal diet but were given vitamin D supplement.
  • Group 3- had a grain-free diet rich in vegetables, fruits, meat, milk and also took vitamin D.
the result reads as follows:
  • Group 1- increased caries.
  • Group 2 some improvements, but also has some new cavities.
  • Group 3- cavities healed and not get new ones.
This shows how vitamin D can cure tooth decay and do wonders when it rests with a grain free diet, which includes vitamins and minerals laden foods. To increase the level of vitamin D in your body, you can do the following:
  • Get plenty of sunshine
  • Where no sun, get supplemental vitamin D (D3 daily 5,000IU). However, it is best to consult your doctor before taking any supplements.
  • Having foods rich in vitamin D. These include:
  • fatty fish such as trout, salmon, swordfish and etc.
  • oil cod liver
  • Fungi
  • Caviar
  • dairy [19459018Products]
  • pig
  • beef liver
  • Eggs

6. Use coconut oil Remedy Pulling heal cavities

oil tug can be defined as oral detoxification technique used by Ayurvedic medicine India for centuries. Why throw oil is so beneficial to treat cavities! For this, it should be understood that the teeth are made of passages hour porous like a sponge. This type of structure helps teeth to provide nutrients to the outer enamel. But for this, good nutrition must be present in the diet and that is why therefore emphasizes good dietary habits. A lack of nutrition, teeth receive only the toxins from your body. Traction oil helps remove toxins in the teeth and oral cavity as a whole. pulling oil also strengthens teeth, along with the reverse flow of toxins and bacteria pulling teeth. Now why use coconut oil to pull? Because coconut oil has excellent anti-bacterial properties. In addition, this oil is a good fat. As we discussed, healthy fats are also essential to include in your diet anti-caries. Therefore, apart from throwing oil may also consume coconut oil!

How do Oil Pulling heal cavities?

get this:
  • Coconut oil, organic-2 teaspoons
  • clove oil (optional) - 1-2 drops
  • tea tree oil (optional) - 1-2 drops
Do the following:
  • If clove oil or oil tea tree is used , combined with coconut oil. These essential oils have excellent anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and therefore benefits to add more oil pulling sessions. However, coconut oil is also plain enough for the purpose.
  • Take the oil in your mouth. Coconut oil tends to solidify in cold temperatures. If so, just keep it in your mouth for a few seconds and will melt due to body heat.
  • Now start swishing oil in the mouth.
  • Pull the oil and forth and sideways too. Allow it through all of your teeth and gums.
  • swish oil for at least 20 minutes.
  • then spit it out and that's it. He has finished shooting oil. You will be surprised to know that this oil pulling not only heal cavities, but can cure gingivitis, headaches and even systemic diseases such as diabetes!

Some tips for oil pulling

  • Make oil pulling early in the morning. Yes, replace this with your brushing and flossing in the morning session. If you are not comfortable with this principle, brushing teeth after only a few minutes drive oil.
  • Do this for at least 20 minutes every day in the morning. Initially, this seems to be a lot of time, but gradually will not notice when 20 minutes to beat! You can make your other works, while oil swish in the mouth.
  • You may also be interested to rinse your mouth with a little warm water after throwing the oil as it will remove the oily feel away from your mouth.
  • Do not panic if you spit out after throwing the oil turns out to be milky or yellowish white.
  • Thereafter you can proceed to brush their teeth, preferably with mineralization toothpaste whose recipe is what comes next.

The use of activated charcoal to heal cavities

Activated charcoal helps your body get rid of toxins . Many people use this to clean the skin activated and coal teeth whitening . You can even use it to remove toxins from your mouth to heal cavities. Activated carbon is more than regular coal created exclusively for medical use. For this, regular charcoal is heated with a gas which causes the coal to expand and therefore creates porous surface that traps toxins. Because of its very large surface area provided by the porous structure, only a little activated carbon can absorb a large amount of toxins, atoms and ions. You can easily get activated shaped capsule having therein powdered carbon charcoal. You can also buy loosely in bulk. When teeth with activated carbon brush, not only whiter teeth are made, but also destroy the cured plaque and gingivitis, by preventing the accumulation of bacteria upward. Because the activated carbon also promotes the formation of new enamel, the strongest teeth also obtained. Therefore, the use of activated carbon appears to be a good remedy for curing cavities.

How to brush your teeth with activated carbon

get this:
  • powdered activated carbon or capsule coal
  • Toothbrush
Do the following:
  • Moisten the toothbrush and dip in coal dust.
  • If the use of the capsule, download on the toothbrush.
  • Place the mouthpiece in your mouth carefully as spot coal that comes in contact with.
  • soft brush in small circles for about 2 minutes.
  • Spit carefully.
  • Rinse the mouth with water.
  • Do this 1-2 times a week.
At first, when coal is put in the mouth, everything looks black scaringly but do not worry because it would not stain teeth. It is rather whiten your teeth with the drive toxins out of your mouth. precautionary If you are on any medication, consult your doctor before using activated carbon to treat cavities.

Make a paste of remineralizing teeth at home

When you are in the mission called cavities healing, the first thing you do is buy a toothpaste called "natural" composed of herbs and natural ingredients. But did you know that these toothpastes also contain cavities which can give knew. Yes, they may also have sweeteners, fluoride, and glycerin- everything that should be avoided when you want to heal cavities naturally. While the remineralization of teeth need a good diet and prohibition of certain ingredients, you can also make a toothpaste mineralization at home! get this:
  • Coconut oil 4 tablespoons
  • dust- Calcio 5 tablespoons (you can use calcium tablets powder or capsules)
  • sodium bicarbonate (free aluminum) - 2 tablespoons
  • xylitol powder (optional) - 1 tablespoon or stevia (optional) - 1/8 teaspoon (to keep the bitterness away)
  • clove extract / oil / grapefruit seed mint (optional) - 10-20 drops
  • diatomaceous earth (optional) - 1 tablespoon - (for their trace minerals and silica)
  • trace minerals (optional) - 20 drops
  • Small glass bowl or jar to store pasta
Do the following:
  • Mix all the ingredients -CALCIUM powder, sodium bicarbonate, xylitol if using- in a bowl.
  • Add coconut oil slowly until the time a paste-like consistency is obtained.
  • Now add any other ingredients such as essential oils, etc., which may use NE.
  • Mix well and store in a small bowl or jar.
  • takes some of it in your toothbrush every time you want to brush your teeth.

remedies Herbal Neem to heal cavities

had talked about oil pulling with coconut oil, which is only one of the many herbal remedies for cavities that Ayurveda has to offer. Lets have a bit more of this kind of remedies to cure their cavities using neem as a basic ingredient.

Chew on Tender Neem Stems

In India, people have been using parts of the neem tree for centuries to cure many diseases. One of the parts of this tree is its mother. Take a tender stalk and chew neem to fight this fight tooth decay and heal cavities. Neem has excellent anti-bacterial properties that protect the teeth of the plates and cavities. Besides neem stem can also use the stems of Miswak that is high in anti-microbial properties. You can also find these neem and Miswaak teeth cleaning twigs health stores Ayurveda.

Click tooth powder of herbs with Neem

Like toothpaste remineralizing whose recipe is given earlier in this article, you can make tooth powder herbal home using neem powder and salt. Buy neem powder store health or crush the dried leaves of neem for their dust. Add a pinch or two of salt to a teaspoon of this powder and brush your teeth with this to get healthy teeth free from cavities. Additional information
  • regularly using antibacterial mouthwash. This can help remove bacteria, remove plaque and prevent gum disease.
  • Rinse your mouth with warm water after every snack or drink.
  • avoid foods and drinks with refined sugar because they can create the plate.
  • Drinking green tea and black to reduce plaque buildup and reduce the growth of bacteria in the mouth.
  • After drinking any acidic drink, brush your teeth and rinse thoroughly with warm water.
  • sugarless gum to stimulate saliva production and make strong your teeth.
  • Drink a large amount of water during the day. Water not only helps clear away bacteria, but it is important for the production of saliva.
  • Drinking cranberry juice regularly also helps improve oral hygiene.
  • Eat foods high in fiber to help increase saliva production in the mouth, which serves as a natural protector of teeth.
Now you know what to do. Follow above advice and remedies for healthy teeth and do not hesitate to continue smiling.So those resources and can prevent tooth decay and cavities naturally cure your taste.

Resources http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Dental-decay/Pages/Introduction.aspxhttp://www.nidcr.nih.gov/oralhealth/OralHealthInformation/ChildrensOralHealth/ToothDecayProcess.htmhttps://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/toothdecay.htmlhttp://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/su6302a9.htm

Thanks for Reading 9 Best Home Remedies for Tooth Decay and Cavities

Thank you for reading this 9 Best Home Remedies for Tooth Decay and Cavities, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.

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