12 Ways to Relieve Back Pain at Home

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12 Ways to Relieve Back Pain at Home

El Back pain has become a common condition these days. More than 60 percent of adults suffer from moderate to severe back pain at some point in time. According to a recent study published by the US Health Journal, almost about 80% of adults suffer from various degrees of back pain, acute pain to chronic.

The most common causes of back pain

Back pain is caused by many factors. In most cases, poor lifestyle is a culprit that causes pain.
  • Sitting for long hours
  • Poor posture
  • Inactivity / lack of physical activity
  • Damage to the spine
  • muscle weakness
  • Bone deterioration
  • Arthritis
  • osteoporosis
  • sciatica
  • Other chronic conditions
Regardless of the cause of back pain, you can find good relief with pain relief techniques simple back in the country.


1. Heat Therapy Low Back Pain Treatment

heat therapy is one of the treatments to relieve back pain promising that you can try at home. Reduces pain, it helps relieve muscle tension and improves mobility.

  • Heat therapy dilates blood vessels, which improves the oxygen supply to the muscles and nerves in the lumbar spice. It reduces pain and heals damaged tissues.
  • Heat therapy signals the sensory receptors in the skin. It tells the brain and reduces the transmission of pain signals.
  • The heat makes you feel flexible, stretching muscles, ligaments and connective tissues. Subsequently, the rigidity of the back is reduced.
different elements can be used to apply heat therapy.

Heat Packs Homemade

Whatever type of bag with hot water is used, you will feel greatly comfortable. Here are some simple ideas therapy bag with hot water at home are presented.

Hot water

That's simple! Pour hot water into a bottle (which could withstand the heat) and gently roll over your espalda.sal PaqueteAsar crystal salt in a dry skillet. Remove salt before becomes watery. Salt wrap in a cloth and pat on the back. pack hot salt provides immediate relief of back pain.

warm cloth

This is a very simple heat therapy practiced for centuries to reduce pain and swelling.
  • boil water in a container
  • Immerse the hot cloth and squeeze (make sure the temperature is tolerable)
  • gently pat the warm cloth on the back .

Reusable Hot Pack

is available as gel packs. When you need it you can boil water and pat or simply place it on the painful area. This is also used as a cold compress. It can be used several times. The gel heat wraps are available in pharmacies and general merchandise.

When heat therapy is not for back pain

There are few restrictions on heat therapy for back pain relief. Heat therapy in any form should not be used in certain circumstances. If you are the one that falls under the following categories, heat therapy is not for you!
  • If the painful area is very swollen
  • If you have any bruising or open sores or blisters on the skin at the back of
  • If you are diabetic
  • If you suffer from any vascular disease
  • If you have heat intolerance
Check cold therapy for back pain is the answer for you, is our next remedy for back pain.

2. Cold therapy for the treatment of low back pain

Cold therapy contracts the muscles and blood vessels, reducing the muscle spasm, inflammation and pain. The simple application of ice pack or ice cubes wrapped in a cloth is one of the most effective remedies available for any pain relief including in its back.

Since the lower back is the comfort zone to place or gently wipe the icepacks, works very well and provides quick relief from lower back pain. Let's see how to apply cold therapy. There are many types of ice packs that can be used to relieve back pain. It ranges from ice cubes to ice reusable bags.

Made in ice house Packs

For cold therapy, can use many ingredients to create an ice pack. You can use the following elements to create simple ice packs homemade.
  • Ice cubes
  • towel or sponge
  • rice or peas

Ice cubes

hope you do not need an explanation about how to make ice cubes is not it? Take the ice cubes, wrap in a plastic bag or a soft cloth. gently massage the painful area or place the wrap ice on the painful area.

frozen towel and sponge

Wet a towel. Roll the towel, wrap it in a plastic bag and freeze for about 20 minutes. Remove the cloth from the freezer and place it in the back. It can be placed for about 15 minutos.Siga the similar procedure for the sponge well.

Rice / Peas

You can use rice or peas and create a cold wrap.
  • Rinse rice or peas.
  • wrap the wet rice or peas in socks or make a poultice with a cloth.
  • Place the envelope in the freezer for half an hour.
  • Apply gently over the painful area.
Both rice and peas get as cold as ice, however, do not rapidly melt as ice.

Disposable instant ice bags

disposable bags of ice intend to use the time available in many medical stores. You can buy disposable bags / instant ice even local goods. disposable ice bags carry the advantage of using instantly to back pain. These packages are ready for use at any time and do not need to freeze for a few minutes to be cold. The chemical composition of this package retains the cold for a longer time. It is also safe to use on bare skin.

The main disadvantage is the time for individual use. Obviously, it is more expensive than home or reusable ice packs bags. However, it is very useful and reduces downtime making the wrap ice for cold therapy.

Reusable Cold Packs

Ice reusable bags are generally available in the form of gel packs. Often it is a multi-purpose package that can be used as packaging hot and cold for back pain. You can freeze the package and use it when needed and re-freeze and use later.

Precautions when using cold therapy

Precautions to prevent ice burn or other complications of using cold therapy.
  • Do not apply cold therapy for more than 20 minutes per session.
  • repeat no more than 3 times a day.
  • Do not rub the ice directly on the skin. If you feel too cold, place a thin cloth as a barrier.
  • Cold therapy is not suitable for people with allergies cold
  • Do not try cold therapy if they had a history of paralysis or suffer from chronic arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.

When cold therapy is not for back pain

In case of damage, inflamed tissue, where heat can aggravate pain, almost always cold therapy is suggested. It is said that ice therapy provides significant relief in many types of back pain, but because about 85% of patients have reasons not explained for back pain, can not be a general rule that cold therapy work in all patients with back pain. Apply ice also sometimes aggravates back pain. Therefore, if you have an immediate sense of increasing spasm ice is applied, or even if you feel unpleasant with this application of ice, not go for it. stiffness and pain in the coming hours will be increased.

However, if you feel comfortable and get relief from it, there is no harm in getting a cold therapy!

3. Soak feet to reduce low back pain

Why soak feet and how it works? Foot soak tired it provides instant refreshment. You've experienced.

The feet have many small canals connected with almost all organs of the body. Simply it called pressure points or trigger points. Activation of these points stimulate the respective organs and help optimal relief of pain and discomfort. However, not many of us are experts in choosing appropriate pressure points. A foot soak in warm water triggers all channels. We also scouring the foot to stimulate pressure points that provides fast pain relief.

Things to

  • A tub
  • Hot water
  • Scrubber
  • vinegar / lemon juice (optional)

How to get your foot soaks

  • Heat water in a large bowl.
  • Ensure that the amount of hot water is more than enough that can be immersed in water ankle.
  • Pour the water into a tub and make sure the temperature is neither too hot nor too cold. Adhere to the maximum tolerable temperature.
  • You can add vinegar or lemon juice for an additional shell.
  • Immerse your feet and stay for at least 15 minutes.
  • Scrub and wash your feet.

4. Position control shelter for relief of back pain

sleep position is one of the important things to consider to reduce and prevent back pain. The way each of sleep varies widely. However, sleeping in the correct posture prevents many health conditions.

alignment healthy spine during sleep reduces muscle tension and pain. Good sleeping position is one of the simplest treatments for back pain.

How different sleeping positions hit back pain

Always sleep on your left. Sleeping on the left allows uninterrupted supply of oxygen throughout the body. However, those with different episodes of back pain can be too hard to sleep on your left.

A few have the habit of sleeping on your back. This sleeping position seriously injured his back and when he gets a lot of tension in the spine when sleeping on your back. Moreover, those who sleep on their back are more likely to experience back pain ankle pain well in the morning, as soon as they wake up.

Sleeping on your stomach comforts her back, however, it not recommended at all. Sleeping on your stomach compresses the digestive organs and leads to many complications regarding digestive health.

How you should sleep to reduce back pain?

  • If you sleep on your left, place a pillow between your legs to keep your spine erect. This prevents and reduces back pain greatly
  • If you sleep on your back, place a firm pillow behind the knees to reduce pain.
  • To prevent the worsening of pain, it was better a mat and sleep on flat ground. Avoid sleeping on a soft mattress.

starfish position to reduce back pain

is the best sleeping position for pain relief. Sleeping on your back and remote hands and legs. However, the pillow should not be too high.


5.Oil massage as an effective treatment for low back pain

may be aware of the wonders massage oil. Massage oil has been a ritual in ancient days. weekly oil massage helps the body to nourish internally. The application of hot oil on the back and gently massage the back helps find pain relief. Regular massage oil significantly reduces pain.

Oils can be chosen include,

  • Coconut oil
  • Sesame also known as sesame oil
  • Oil Oliva
  • rice bran oil
oils who need a vehicle for use include

  • mustard oil
  • chamomile oil
  • Any type of essential oil

How to massage your back with oil?

If you are using a different oil essential oils, simply heat the oil. Do not boil, only warm. gently apply warm oil and massage with circular movements. Remember not to press too hard or massaging with any deep stroke.

Essential oils are too harsh on bare skin and must be mixed with a carrier oil like coconut, sesame or olive oil to prevent the skin from burning. Add a few drops of essential oils to the hot oil and massage the painful area.

Your skin absorbs oil quickly. muscles, ligaments and joints lubricated. Lubrication relaxes muscle spasm and provides pain relief. Regular massage oil strengthens bones and muscles as well.

6. Epsom salt bath reduces back pain

If you experience back pain frequently, you may need this therapy Epsom salts bath! It is very cheap, very effective and easy treatment for low back pain. All you need is a handful of Epsom salt and warm water.

  • Fill your bathtub with warm water and put some Epsom salt.
  • soak for about 15 minutes!
  • salt
  • Epsom penetrates deep into the muscles and tissues. It heals muscles and provides fast pain relief.
  • Furthermore, Epsom salt gives a natural boost to skin health.
The key to the Epsom salt bath is water temperature. If the water is too hot, you may suffer from swelling. If the water is cold, which irritates the skin can you! Therefore, make sure the temperature is warm.

If you do not have a bathtub, take bath in Epsom salt water.

7. gentle stretches for relief of back pain

Sitting all day, either in the workplace or home is one of the main causes of low back pain. Sitting compresses the lumbar spine and makes it rigid. Even when it moves a little stiffness causes lower back pain. The only way to avoid pain and reduce stiffness is doing some gentle stretching and exercises for back pain relief .

  • stretch your hands above the head and close together.
  • Do some laterals (both sides)
  • Do some simple leg lifts from his seat.
  • Lie on your back and twist your hip side path while your upper body remains upright upwards. Repeat for both sides.
  • Swing your front leg and back.
ways-to-relieve-back-pain-at-home There are many asanas easy yoga or yoga postures that help you stretch your spine in the right way in order to relieve pain backwards. Here are Top 5 Yoga exercises for low back pain

8. Walk to relieve back pain

Walking is the best remedy for many diseases of lifestyle. Although walking is not connected directly to the treatment of back pain, it is a form of physical activity that makes active, improves blood circulation and increases your metabolism.

Remember, sedentary lifestyle and sitting for hours before the computer is one of the main causes of back pain and life-threatening complications causing severe back pain.

You can simply feel that, "My back hurts so much and I really want to take a break to feel better!" Remember, back pain begins with physical inactivity in most cases. In many cases, in fact it rests having increased pain and stiffness. Therefore, be active most of the time. If you love to swim or be in the water, you can even think of Aquatic Exercise Water therapy for low back pain

How Walking helps alleviate the pain?

  • You get your daily dose of physical activity. Back pain aggravated by lack of physical
  • activity
  • Walking reduces stress.
  • because it improves oxygenation and blood supply, healing muscles tired and bored.
  • Walking reduces the rigidity of the back and therefore reduces and prevents pain.

9. Get frequent breaks and slow down to relieve back pain

In most cases, running and pushing himself puts too much pressure on you. Too much stress can aggravate the pain. Regardless of the work you do, get some frequent breaks and slow down. Take a walk for about 5 minutes per hour.

If you have to sit before the computer for a long time, and take desirable measures Preventing back pain while working on the computer

10. Get the Sun Shine vitamin to relieve back pain

Strong bones are important for optimal health aspect. weaker bones or bone deterioration of accounts to many health complications. The degeneration of the spinal cord causes much pain as weak bones could not resist and manage regular functions. Not an easy thing you can do to strengthen your bones! Get the sunshine vitamin!

Vitamin D is called the sunshine vitamin brightness. It is called this because Sun is the only natural source of vitamin D that provides free. daily sun exposure to strengthen joints and bones is recommended. There is another reason why this sun shine vitamin is important for bones!

Our body works in many strange ways! When it comes to bone health, calcium is the main nutrient needed most! Poor calcium obviously affects the health of bones that leads to pain and many other problems. More views on Why do we need vitamin D

Sun exposure therapy is a natural heat

  • exposed to natural sunlight for at least 20 minutes a day.
  • To reduce back pain, it can also expose the painful area directly for sunlight
  • If you suffer from varying degrees of pain, you can get exposure to the sun during the half day.
It is believed widely practiced and should avoid exposure to the sun from midmorning until evening. It is true! Sun extended its harsh rays during the middle of the day. However, UV benefits those who suffer from low back pain.

Just apply a little oil or moisturise the skin (to prevent damage to the skin) and sunbathing for 20 minutes during the day full! It is the most effective for relieving back pain remedy can never experience. Try it for a few days and see the difference!

11. Gelatin or agar-agar for lower back pain treatment at home

Gelatin is one of the ingredients that can lubricate joints within a few days and help you get rid of back pain. You can buy the gelatin powder available in stores.

Take 1 tablespoon of gelatin and mixed with hot water and cool the mixer. Eat this mixture of gelatin as the first thing in the morning. If you do not like the taste, add some flavors like honey, a little cinnamon, cardamom, lemon juice, etc. In addition, you can add the gelatin powder in soups and sauces.

If you are a vegetarian and hesitate to use gelatin, agar agar go! Agar agar is a natural plant and vegetarian substitute for gelatin!

12. Control your weight to manage back pain

Being overweight is the main cause of most health conditions. Excess weight generally puts a lot of pressure on your knees and feet! However, if your belly is big, it hurts severely back.

Big belly waist with wide and heavy pull muscles. The spine can not withstand the weight of his belly and gradually becomes rigid, resulting in back pain.

Therefore, make sure your stomach is flat and lose the extra weight.

Quick tips to reduce and prevent Worsening of low back pain

  • Do not bend forward. When muscles are stiff the risk of injury is high when tilted forward.
  • If you want to pick something up, do not pull the chair and try to get it. Get up, bend the knees and pick things up. If you can not, learn from children! Never lean forward to pick up things from the ground.
  • Be careful when driving or drive to avoid bumps in the road.
  • Make sure you do not wear clothes too tight.
  • Check in your shoes. high heels or Hi-heels undoubtedly hurt his back.
  • This is for men: Do not keep your wallet in your back pocket. When you sit with a little wallet full (well a half-wallet) that affects the spinal alignment. When the alignment of the painful disc is altered!
  • Remember any kind of support brace or any kind of elastic bands can reduce back pain. It has no evidence regarding back pain relief.
  • Maintain proper posture. Sit and stand so that your spine is misaligned.
  • Reduce time to rest. Engage in a lot of activities.
  • get some more tips on lower management of back pain and treatment

While it is may need proper medical treatment for chronic conditions causing back pain, these home treatments for low back pain will reduce the pain to some extent. However, in most home treatments for low back pain, you need a little help. Therefore, do not be shy and ask for help from your family, relatives, friends, neighbors, anyone who can help get rid of back pain!

Thanks for Reading 12 Ways to Relieve Back Pain at Home

Thank you for reading this 12 Ways to Relieve Back Pain at Home, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.

You are now reading the article 12 Ways to Relieve Back Pain at Home Url Address https://healthnbeautyarticles.blogspot.com/2015/09/12-ways-to-relieve-back-pain-at-home.html

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