Title : Relieve Back, Hip And Knee Pain In 20 Minutes With These 5 Foot Exercises
link : Relieve Back, Hip And Knee Pain In 20 Minutes With These 5 Foot Exercises
Relieve Back, Hip And Knee Pain In 20 Minutes With These 5 Foot Exercises
When it comes to our bodies, it all starts with the feet. It might not seem important contributors to their health in general, but when it comes to the external aspects of the body, the feet are the hardest working parts. We not only keep moving, but they can also prevent back, knee and hip pain if properly taken care of.
Here are 5 exercises that will help strengthen your feet, prevent pain and improve your balance.
- presses Toe
presses toe are relaxing moves with a low impact, and are a great warm-up for his feet. Feet, like any other body part, need to have their muscles warm up before participating in the exercise. Stand up and bend slightly at the knees. Then grip the floor with your toes and hold for a count of three. Release and repeat this exercise 10 times, three times a day.
- tiptoeing
This foot exercise is not just for ballerinas. This will help strengthen the muscles of the toes and its ligaments and muscles around the toes. To perform this exercise will have to stand on tiptoe and walk forward for 20 seconds. When this ride is completed, rest for 10-15 seconds and repeat this exercise 5 times.
Note :. For best results, perform this exercise 2 times a day
- Ankle Circles
is extremely important to mobile and flexible ankles. often narrow and restricted ankles make the rest of the body to compensate for his shortcomings, and this often results in muscle and joint pain. ankles tight cause the hip, back or knee pain.
To perform this exercise, put back on the floor and a leg over her head extend. Rotate the ankle of the extended leg to the right 10 times. Then turn the ankle of the extended leg to the left for 10 counts. Repeat with the other leg.
- resisted bending
resisted bending is an excellent exercise for targeting the small muscles in the foot that are difficult to reach. These muscles often play an essential role in maintaining the balance. Strengthening these muscles will prevent injury.
will need an exercise band to perform this exercise. Sit on the floor and stretch your feet out in front of you. Then wrap an exercise band around a sturdy chair or bedpost and put the band on the top of the foot. It will remain in position while you are sitting at the same time, slide back until you feel the tension in the band.
flex your foot back and keep a count of 5, release and repeat this movement 10 times.
- Toe Pencil tablet
pills toe pencil is a very easy exercise and can be done almost anywhere. All you need for this exercise is a pen that will put on the floor in front of you. Just stand in front of the pen and grab it using your toes, hold for 10 seconds and then release. Repeat this movement 5 times with each foot.
This exercise routine should not take more than 20 minutes to complete. Perform these exercises every third or second day for best results.
Source: theheartysoul.com
"Relieve Back, Hip And Knee Pain In 20 Minutes With These 5 Foot Exercises", Article source: http://www.healthylifetricks.com/relieve-back-hip-and-knee-pain-in-20-minutes-with-these-5-foot-exercises/
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