Title : Harvard Scientist Urges People to Stop Drinking “Low-Fat” Milk
link : Harvard Scientist Urges People to Stop Drinking “Low-Fat” Milk
Harvard Scientist Urges People to Stop Drinking “Low-Fat” Milk
raw and organic milk can provide numerous health benefits, but a researcher and pediatrician Harvard argues that conventional milk and dairy products alike can cause some damage to their health due to compromise health sweeteners are added to them.
The Journal of the American Medical Association of Pediatrics published research David Ludwig, in which he mentions that there have been countless research papers that concluded the harmful effects of drinks sweetened with sugar. Of course, it is well known that excessive intake of sugar is linked with obesity, diabetes, inflammation-related pain, and more. Due to the negative effect of sugar on our health, including the Department of Agriculture, the American Academy of Pediatrics and other US organizations have recommended not to consume the calories of sugary drinks.
The low-fat milk is highly touted as a drink that contains calories, and the organization should drink 3 cups a day. Mr. Ludwig questioned the scientific rationale for this recommendation.
"This recommendation to take three cups a day of milk - is perhaps the most prevalent advice given to the American public about diet in the last half century As a result, Americans are consuming billions of liters. of milk per year, presumably under the assumption that their bones would fall apart without them, "he says.
It is believed that while the USDA recommends consuming low-fat milk, but also inadvertently encourages consumption of added sugars - advice that goes against all the research that sugar consumption is discouraged and sugar-sweetened beverages. The idea of consuming low-fat milk or chocolate milk nullifies all the reasoning of the recommendation, first, since fats simply are being replaced with dangerous sugars.
"The worst possible situation is reduced fat chocolate milk. You take out the fat, it is less tasty So to get children to drink 3 cups a day, this drink sweetened get with sugar, "says Ludwig. "... We will get plenty of calcium from a wide range of foods. In one gram per base gram, kale cooked has more calcium than milk. Sardines, nuts, seeds, beans and green leafy vegetables are sources of calcium. "
the case against low-fat dairy, and other hazards of milk
Undoubtedly, Mr. Ludwig has a point in the analysis and finally criticize the USDA recommendations, but there is much more in the total fat content vs. argument low fat milk and dairy products.
There are plenty of reasons to avoid trans fats and polyunsaturated fats refined vegetable oils (such as corn, soybean, sunflower and canola), but the evidence for moderate consumption of saturated fats, which it is in milk, coconut oil and land animals grass, is coming to the surface. While saturated fat was vilified for decades, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published an analysis in 2010, which concluded that "There is no significant evidence for concluding that fats it saturated in the diet is associated with an increased risk of [coronary heart disease or cardiovascular disease]. "
in addition, there are numerous benefits to drink fat-rich dairy products. In its purest form (raw, organic, and from grass-fed cows), dairy products all the fat has been found to potentially promote heart health, aids in the absorption of vitamins, control diabetes, lower risk of colon cancer, and even helps in weight loss. But while the pure dairy products may promote, conventional milk may be harmful to health.
Each of us must be educated on the content of our milk before consuming more conventional dairy products. Do not be surprised if you find more than 20 painkillers, antibiotics, and much more in their milk.
Source: www.healthy-holistic-living.com
"Harvard Scientist Urges People to Stop Drinking “Low-Fat” Milk", Article source: http://www.healthylifetricks.com/harvard-scientist-urges-people-to-stop-drinking-low-fat-milk-2/
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