Title : Aluminum Foil Treatment for Back Pain & Joint Pain – Treatment of Russian & Chinese Healers
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Aluminum Foil Treatment for Back Pain & Joint Pain – Treatment of Russian & Chinese Healers
Chinese and Russian healers have long been using aluminum foil because of its healing properties. According to them, foil can be used as a healing tool out of the kitchen, which should be used with extreme caution.
If you suffer from pain in the neck, back, shoulders, knees and heels, simply wrap the affected area with some aluminum foil area, and pain will soon disappear.
Bioflows that pass through our body in a biologically active point, reflect and re meridians where they first came.
This has a positive effect on the affected organs that are associated with the same meridian. This method will help you solve any health problems and relieve persistent pain. It has been practiced much by the Chinese and Russian healers, and has thoroughly explained in the books of Wilhelm Reich, a psychotherapist and student of Freud.
Using foil for healing?
Cut a piece of aluminum foil, placed on the sore spot and secure it with a bandage. According to Chinese healers, the treatment should last for 10-12 hours. You can use aluminum foil overnight. Pause for 1-2 weeks and repeat the treatment if necessary.
The foil can be used to treat different types of pain, including pain in the neck, back, legs, joints, arms, deposits of sciatica, rheumatoid arthritis, heel spur, and salt. It can also be used for the treatment of post-surgical scars and gout.
The foil has a strong anti-inflammatory effect
In addition to relieving pain, aluminum foil can also help relieve cold.
Put your feet with five to seven layers of aluminum foil, while a piece of paper or a piece of cotton cloth between each layer is placed. Keep the compress for an hour. Remove it and place it back after 2 hours. Keep it for one hour, and make another pause. Treatment should be repeated three times. The whole procedure lasts a week.
Many people, who have found that this treatment is effective, discuss the reason for its effectiveness.
Some think it is science, and others explain that refers to bioenergy. Here's how AV Skvorcov, a Russian scientist, explains:.
"healers often use special tools structuring of energy, like paper products Aluminum Human bodies have cells special mother who constantly intertwined with the field of the Earth. for some reasons, this field is distorted, affecting the flow of energy that takes stem cells.
Its surface reflects field of the Earth and the same as a huge magnifying glass approach is made to appear several times larger, allowing restoration of the interaction between cells and perturbed field. on the other hand, its glossy surface prevents the penetration of the inharmonious external radiation on the human body, and also radiation accumulates "
Source:. www.healthyfoodhouse.com
"Aluminum Foil Treatment for Back Pain & Joint Pain – Treatment of Russian & Chinese Healers", Article source: http://www.healthylifetricks.com/aluminum-foil-treatment-for-back-pain-joint-pain-treatment-of-russian-chinese-healers/
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