Putin blames Ukraine for loss of Flight MH17 with 298 innocent souls but DOESN'T deny Russian separatists shot it down with missile - as McCain warns there will be 'Hell to pay'

Putin blames Ukraine for loss of Flight MH17 with 298 innocent souls but DOESN'T deny Russian separatists shot it down with missile - as McCain warns there will be 'Hell to pay' -Health & Beauty Informations. This article, entitled Putin blames Ukraine for loss of Flight MH17 with 298 innocent souls but DOESN'T deny Russian separatists shot it down with missile - as McCain warns there will be 'Hell to pay', we have prepared this article carefully for you so you can retrieve information therein. Hopefully you understand the contents of this article that we put under the category news, well, happy reading.

Title : Putin blames Ukraine for loss of Flight MH17 with 298 innocent souls but DOESN'T deny Russian separatists shot it down with missile - as McCain warns there will be 'Hell to pay'
link : Putin blames Ukraine for loss of Flight MH17 with 298 innocent souls but DOESN'T deny Russian separatists shot it down with missile - as McCain warns there will be 'Hell to pay'

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Putin blames Ukraine for loss of Flight MH17 with 298 innocent souls but DOESN'T deny Russian separatists shot it down with missile - as McCain warns there will be 'Hell to pay'

Michael Seamark, Ray Massey, Louise Eccles, Lucy Crossley, Simon Tomlinson, John Hall, Darren Boyle and Matt Chorley
  • Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 shot down over controlled by pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine
  • territory Russian President Vladimir Putin accused the Ukrainians not to have "peace" on earth
  • but he did not deny that the separatist pro-Kremlin took the flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur
  • US Senator John McCain said there would be "hell to pay" if this was the case
  • Ukrainians called "terrorism" and a recording between a fighter who claimed to be released was a Russian intelligence officer and a separatist who apparently shot down the plane and admitted it was "civil"
  • Interior Ministry of Ukraine said aircraft was shot down by a BUK Russian-made surface-to-air missiles
  • Dutch authorities say at least nine British, Dutch and 154 27 Australians were among the dead
  • Reuters reported earlier that 23 Americans they were the dead, but the State Department has not confirmed any
  • President Obama was criticized for saying it was a "terrible tragedy" in very few words ahead of a speech
  • Questions about why the flight was flying over the airspace of Ukraine in what is effectively a war zone
  • All airlines now saying they are avoiding the area
Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused Ukraine by tragedy Malaysian Airlines lives of all 298 people on board claimed, including about 100 children - but did not deny Russian-backed separatists are to blame for the shooting of heaven

Flight MH17, a Boeing 777-200 on its way from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, burst into flames at 33,000ft as it was hit by a sophisticated ground-based missile over the territory near Donetsk held by pro-Russian rebels.

Dutch authorities have said that at least nine British, Dutch, 154 27 Australians were among the dead. The nationalities of 41 people on board have not been confirmed. Earlier fears that 23 Americans had died based on a Reuters report, but has been no confirmation of American deaths since the State Department.

As emerging shocking images of bodies and debris, tragedy . provoked an international crisis in the making last night, the rising tension between Moscow and Washington

Putin said: "this tragedy would not have happened if there was peace in the land, if military actions had not been renovated in southeastern Ukraine. And, of course, the State on the territory of which this is responsible for this terrible tragedy. "

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downed plane: assault rifles in hand four separatist pro-Russian survey of the smoking remains of an airliner destryoed by a missile in Ukraine torn by war

'unspeakable horror': workers survey emergency in the wreckage of flight MH17, which fell in the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine

But the Ukrainian authorities blamed the attack on rebels - true to the claims of Russia on the territory of Ukraine and have been locked in battle with the forces of Ukraine in recent months
154 Dutch citizens
45 All users (including 15 members crew)
27 Australians
12 Indonesian
Nine British
Four Germans
Four Belgians
Three Filipinos
one of Canada

41 unconfirmed
President Petro Poroshenko called the downing of a terrorist act which called for an international investigation into the accident.

a newspaper of Ukraine published what it said was wiretaps, first among Russian intelligence officers and secondly between the separatist commanders. They have not been independently verified

In the first, Igor Bezler, claiming the Ukrainian is an official Russian intelligence and a leading commander of the People's Republic of Donetsk self-proclaimed says a commander. 'We shot down a plane 'a '30 minutes ago'.

in the second recording, detailed a dubbed rebel 'Major' says the jet Malaysia Airlines was shot down by Cossacks' from the position Chernukhino control "and added "in short, it is a civil aircraft ... there were a lot of people on board '

' major 'tells a partner with the codename." Greek "that was" 100 percent . a passenger (civilian) aircraft

Greek asked, "What kind of aircraft 'to which Mayor replied:" I have not checked this. I have not been to the main site. I'm just examining the scene where the first bodies fell. There are the remains of internal brackets, seats and bodies. "

Greek, still hoping at that point a military vessel had been shot down, said:" Is there anything left of the weapon? '

'Major' 'Absolutely nothing civilian elements, medicinal stuff, towels, toilet paper..'

Greek: "are there documents? '

Mayor. "Yes, a student from Indonesia From a university in Thompson."
"If it disappears': Haunting FACEBOOK IMAGE OF PASSENGER MH17 convicted

A Dutch passenger posted a photo that frequents Facebook just moments before boarding the doomed plane.

Cor Pan, on the social networking site as living in Volendam in the north Holland, uploaded his photo of the aircraft with the legend: ". If it disappears, this is what it seems"

it is believed that the comment was a reference to Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 who disappeared during the flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8.

Cor Pan (below) is believed to have published this image plane Malaysia Airlines (above) with the caption "If it disappears, this is what seems" just moments before the doomed plane took off from Schiphol airport in Amsterdam

After seeing photos of friends were initially along with the joke and wished him a good trip, but their messages quickly when news of the accident emerged became frantic.

Post below the picture asked if his flight was the one who had come down and said they were praying it was not true.

154 Dutch citizens were reportedly on board the doomed aircraft , according to Malaysian Airlines.
Officials of the Obama administration - which had only yesterday intensified sanctions against Russia for backing the separatists - confirmed that the plane was hit by a missile while cruising and US Vice President Joe Biden said that "it was not an accident," adding is 'blown sky'.

Biden, who had spoken with the president of Ukraine Poroshenko on the phone, is the highest US official to raise the idea that the aircraft was taken deliberately -. but he did not disclose that he thought was responsible

but US Senator John McCain said he "would have hell to pay 'if the plane was shot down . by the military or Russian separatists he said: "to draw conclusions could be very embarrassing ... But if it is the result of either separatists or Russian actions mistakenly believing that it was a warplane of Ukraine, I think it will be hell to pay and there should be '.

McCain suspicions were later supported by video sequences and tweets that emerged following the tragedy. Rebels can be heard gleefully showing off to shoot down the plane as a fireball rose from the rubble.

crash site: rescuers inspect the wreckage of a passenger plane Malaysia Airlines, which was shot down today over Ukraine, killing all 298 people on board

Place of accident: An image taken this afternoon shows bodies among the wreckage condemned

One of the voices is believed to be commander Igor Strelkov militia, who then wrote a triumphant cry of war on Twitter, saying: '. We note that - do not fly in "our sky ''

is believed that he thought he had shot down a military aircraft Antonov-26 Air Force of Ukraine. Later, when the horror became apparent, the tweet was deleted

Meanwhile, reports surfaced that the separatists had recovered black box of the plane and had it delivered to Moscow -. Russia able to give the opportunity to impede the investigation.

according to the Russian news agency Interfax, first Deputy Prime Minister Andriy Purgin of the breakaway republic Donestsk said the case will be transferred to Moscow for analysis.

" of course, it is likely that we will give the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC), to Moscow. they are highly qualified experts who will be able to accurately determine the cause of the disaster, although it is so clear, "he said .

the one with the black box will be able to control the information that is released from on board before the accident.

the black boxes are used to check flight information and recording talk cabin. They allow officials to discover whether the pilot was aware of any problems before the plane crashed.

Many were horrified that MH17 could have been a shorter fuel-saving way to what is effectively a . warzone

Consequences: the wreckage lay scattered on the floor in Grabovo after the plane was shot down by a sophisticated ground-based missile

Loss: a struggles concerning contain his excitement when relatives of victims are taken away Schiphol airport in a special bus tonight

in memory: a girl places her head on a bear teddy people light candles and lay flowers in front of the Dutch Embassy in Kiev

as the family gathered at airports for news their loved ones, it became clear that airlines twice warned about the risk of flying over an area where two military planes from Ukraine and had been shot down this week.

in April, the Organization International Civil aviation advised companies to consider alternative routes recalling "the possible existence of a serious threat to the safety of international civil flights' risk

on Monday, Eurocontrol -. the body that coordinates all traffic through European airspace - sent an official note to airmen, known as a NOTAM, repeating the warning and saying 'strongly advised' to avoid airspace

However, many companies continued to use the route. as it was shorter and therefore cheaper.

Putin and US President Barack Obama were talking on the phone at a preset call when the news of the tragedy began to emerge.

Flight MH17 took off from Amsterdam at lunchtime and was flying around 33,000ft in one of the main routes from Europe to Asia when he was hit by a missile. Fell near a poultry farm in the village of Grabovo, an area controlled by rebel pro-Russian about 30 miles from the border between Ukraine and Russia area.

Witnesses said they saw bodies falling out the plane hit upon the people of Rassypnaya. Some residents feared they were being bombed.

Aleks Noit, whose relatives live nearby, said more than a dozen corpses, some naked, were scattered around the village.

"The remains and bodies fell on private houses in the village and near the hospital. people in uniform picked up the bodies, "he said.

Others described all covered debris field of airplane parts and body scattered in an area up to nine miles in diameter, suggesting the plane broke up in the air

Destruction. the Boeing 777 was reached by sophisticated ground-based missile over the territory near Donetsk held by pro-Russian rebels that the Ukrainian government says are backed by the Kremlin

Placing blame: the Ukrainian authorities blamed the attack on rebels by denying any responsibility for launching missiles with President Petro Poroshenko called the downing of an act of terrorism

Check: the self-proclaimed prime minister of the pro-Russian separatist 'Popular Donetsk Republic' Alexander Borodai (center) arrives on the scene accident

Casualties: Dutch authorities have said that at least six British, Dutch and 27,154 Australians were aboard doomed plane, and it is feared that up to 23 US and four French passengers had died

Picking up the pieces: work at the crash site they continued overnight, as world leaders called for a full investigation into the tragedy

Fight: a firefighter sprays water on the flames in an attempt to extinguish the fire

fighting fire fuel airline continues to burn through the rubble at nightfall on the accident

a worker emergency services rescue said at least 100 bodies to the time had been found at the scene, next to broken pieces of the wings marked with red and blue paint used in the fleet of the airline.

"I was working in the field of my tractor when I heard the sound of a plane and then an explosion and gunshots. Then I saw the plane hit the ground and break in two. It was thick black smoke. "Said a witness, who identified himself only as Vladimir

A separatist rebel from nearby Krasnyi Luch who identified himself only as Sergei said:" From my balcony I saw a plane begins to descend from a great height and then heard two explosions.

He denied the rebels had fired at the plane.

map to show that no planes flying over Ukraine 17/07/14
Why was the flight MH17 flying through a war zone in the first place?

The flight airspace Malaysia Airlines flying in MH17 as he went down was not restricted, but airlines had been warned about the potential dangers, it has emerged.

the International Transport Association said an initial assessment revealed that the airspace of the plane was traveling "was not subject to restrictions'.

However, it was learned on Thursday that the Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777-200 flying 300 meters above the restricted airspace when downed

Prior to the Ukrainian authorities had barred the aircraft from the ground up to 32,000 feet, but the downed aircraft was cruising at 33,000 feet, within the reach of anti-aircraft missiles when he was hit.

Indeed, there is speculation that the aircraft may have taken a shortcut through the disputed region of eastern Ukraine to save fuel itself.

on Monday, Eurocontrol - the body that coordinates all traffic through European airspace - sent an official note to airmen, known as a NOTAM, repeating the warning and saying 'strongly advised' to avoid airspace

. However, many companies continued to use the route because it was shorter and therefore cheaper.

on July 8, the Aviation Administration of the State of Ukraine closed its airspace to civilian aircraft after that rebels fired on a military transport plane flying over 20,000 feet.

the restriction airliner warned against the use of airspace of Ukraine.

Sabrina Tavernise, the New York Times, wrote an online blog describing "a scene of almost indescribable horror."

'incongruous, many of the bodies scattered among the smoldering remains were largely intact, "he said.

" a woman with a black sweater lay on his back, blood flowing from his face, left arm raised, as if someone signs. Another victim, naked except for a black bra, lying in the field, mixing with the green gray hair grass, with a broken leg and broken body.

"a young boy, who looked to be about ten years , lay on its side in a red shirt that said "do not panic".

"Pieces of the plane were scattered on the road and field, a rear seat with its screen cracked TV, a tail fin that clearly shows the red and blue colors of Malaysia Airlines. A TV image showed a travel guide to Bali, almost untouched. '

The Tavernise Miss, who had been reporting on separatist militants in the border region of Ukraine and Russia, where the plane went down, was among the first on the scene.

Writing in the website of the New York Times, said: "rescuers tied pieces of white cloth on the branches of nearby to mark the spot where the bodies were found trees

" Many of the victims were still on. the seat belt and attached to aircraft parts. One man, still in his socks, but no pants, put in jars in the field, his right arm placed in the stomach, as if he were at rest.

discarded: luggage plane accumulates in the crash site by rescuers performing work of recovery in eastern Ukraine

search: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in talks with consular teams in Amsterdam and Kuala Lumpur for passenger lists to set the number of UK citizens were aboard the plane

Action: a Whitehall source said the meeting this afternoon involving officials of government, rather than ministers, and focused on establishing what needs to be done for any British citizens caught up in the incident

"A young man in blue shorts, red dress Nikes, lay with arms and legs extended outward, holding the iPhone."

Noah Sneider, an independent working journalist based in Ukraine for the New York Times, tweeted regularly the scene.

"in accident site # MH17. Bodies everywhere, "he wrote." Too awful to post pictures. This is an absolute disaster.

"Locals say that everything exploded in the air, fell to pieces, bodies and plane itself. People thought they were being bombed. '

reported' attempts to extinguish the flames of the smoldering remains, writing: 'fire. Impossible to understand '

The graphic images showed a huge cloud of smoke billowing into the sky, charred remains and many bodies.

President Barack Obama called it a "terrible tragedy" in statements earlier on Wednesday, which was criticized for its brevity.

the president spoke about the accident as it appeared in Wilmington, Delaware on Thursday afternoon and said his national security team are working to determine if there was Americans aboard the plane carrying 295 people to Kuala Lumpur citizens.

"Our thoughts and prayers are with all the families of the passengers," he added.

combustion: rescuers walk through the burning wreckage of the plane after it crashed near the city of Shaktarsk in portable rebel east of Ukraine

No survivors: witnesses say body parts are scattered over a distance of 15 kilometers, suggesting the plane broke in the air

Meanwhile, the new British secretary of Foreign Affairs, Philip Hammond, said tonight that does not have detailed information about the exact number of British dead, or what had caused the plane will crash.

Speaking at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs after an emergency meeting with ministers and officials, who called for an international investigation led by the United Nations to establish exactly what happened to the aircraft .

smoke Signals: a column of smoke thick gray it rises from the point at Malaysia Airlines commercial plane crashed in the eastern Ukraine

badges: red and blue stripes that adorn the fleet of Malaysia Airlines can be seen in this piece rattan outside the plane, like a flag of Malaysia

in parts: Part of the wreckage Malaysia Airlines is in a cornfield otherwise deserted

destroyed: An armed separatist pro-Russian is in a site of an accident Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 plane in the solution of Grabovo in the Donetsk region of Ukraine

operation rescue: members of the Ministry of Emergency work in the crash after the plane was shot down, killing all on board 295

in a war zone: the plane was flying over the region affected by the crisis in Ukraine, where authorities have accused Russian-backed separatists of previous attacks on planes
designed to provide air defense TROOPS AGAINST ATTACK: it needs to be BUK missile launcher

The system BUK missile is a set of system-to-air missiles midrange that first developed in the Soviet Union and are still produced by Russia.

Designed to carry cruise missiles, aircraft, helicopters and ballistic short-range missiles that can reach heights of up to 15.5 miles, according to the manufacturer's website.
Powerful: The missile system BUK-ground-air (like this one), which is believed to have shot down Flight MH17 is an ancient weapon Soviet-made designed to engage light aircraft, cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles
Developed by the company Almaz-Antey Moscow, which is believed to have been used during the war between Russia and Georgia in the territory of South Ossetia in 2008.

the manufacturer's website, which also includes military equipment, including radar systems and naval missile launchers shows two models Buk - Buk-M1-2 the . and Buk-M2E

a description of the Buk-M1-2, which has a target range altitude of up to 25 km (15.5 miles or 82,000ft), reads as follows: "the" Buk -M1-2 "ADMC is designed to provide air defense troops and installations against attacks by high-speed maneuvers and tactical aircraft present and future strategic, attack helicopters, including helicopters, floating and tactical ballistic missiles cruise and air-to-air, under heavy fire jamming and counter; and to destroy targets water and the soil surface. "

Meanwhile, the Buk-M2E 'is designed to destroy tactical and strategic aircraft, helicopters, cruise missiles and other aerodynamic aircraft at any time its operating range, along with air pumps ballistic missiles and aircraft, and intelligent tactics under heavy enemy fire and counter radio interference; and to attack targets contrast water and the soil surface. '

"I am deeply shocked by this terrible incident and I send my deepest condolences to all those who may have lost family and friends. We are determined to get to the bottom of the understanding of the has happened here, "he said.

" So far we have no definitive information about how there was this incident and do not want to speculate at this stage. we believe that there should be an international investigation led by the UN the facts'.

said that Britain was ready to realize the assets and specialists in the research branch of Air Accidents available to assist the investigation.

Prime Minister David Cameron, he said: "I am shocked and saddened by the air disaster in Malaysia. Officials of all Whitehall meet to establish the facts. "

A Whitehall source said the meeting was with public officials rather than ministers, and focused on the establishment of what to do for any British citizens caught up in the incident.

Britain has also requested an urgent meeting of the United Nations Security Council in New York, said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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"Putin blames Ukraine for loss of Flight MH17 with 298 innocent souls but DOESN'T deny Russian separatists shot it down with missile - as McCain warns there will be 'Hell to pay'", article source: riseearth.com

Thanks for Reading Putin blames Ukraine for loss of Flight MH17 with 298 innocent souls but DOESN'T deny Russian separatists shot it down with missile - as McCain warns there will be 'Hell to pay'

Thank you for reading this Putin blames Ukraine for loss of Flight MH17 with 298 innocent souls but DOESN'T deny Russian separatists shot it down with missile - as McCain warns there will be 'Hell to pay', hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.

You are now reading the article Putin blames Ukraine for loss of Flight MH17 with 298 innocent souls but DOESN'T deny Russian separatists shot it down with missile - as McCain warns there will be 'Hell to pay' Url Address https://healthnbeautyarticles.blogspot.com/2014/07/putin-blames-ukraine-for-loss-of-flight.html

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