Unusual Signs Of Stroke In Women That No One Talks About

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Unusual Signs Of Stroke In Women That No One Talks About

Stroke can be a serious health risk for all women. The National Stroke Association says there are more than 55,000 deaths from stroke than men per year, which makes it the third leading cause of death in women.

generally men are more likely to have unhealthy habits, like smoking and drinking, compared with women, but still, women face more death rates in relation to stroke.
is important to know that stroke happens when the brain is not able to receive nutrients and oxygen from the blood due to a blockage or clot in the vein connected to the brain. The lack of blood and oxygen to the brain causes the death of brain cells.

Depending on the cause, there are different types of strokes. If it has occurred due to a clot, it called ischemic stroke. If it is a result of the rupture of blood vessels, it is a hemorrhagic stroke, and transient ischemic attack or a stroke is the result of a temporary clot.

mini stroke or transient ischemic attack
Although the stroke will alone, this is a very serious sign of what can come. The stroke can last from a couple of seconds in a day, but this does not mean you do not need medical help.

Most women are unaware that they are having a stroke, so be familiar with the symptoms and signs may prevent future damage. Do not overlook any of the symptoms listed below stroke in women.

The risk of stroke in women
These are the risk factors for typical stroke applicable to both men and women:

● obesity

● high blood pressure

● lack of exercise

● high cholesterol

● drug

● cardiovascular diseases

● Diabetes

● Smoking

in addition, there are risk factors for single women that increase the risk of stroke. These are:

● Pregnancy

● Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

● Birth control pills

● migraines suffering

● Mental health

symptoms of stroke in women
symptoms again, not shared a stroke that are applicable to both sexes:

● numbness

● vision problems

● Confusion

● dizziness and weakness

● unexplained headaches.

However, there symptoms that are unique to women, and knowing that can save your life. Some of them are:

● Fainting

● Behavioral changes

● Shortness of breath

● Agitation

● vomiting and nausea

● hallucinations

● Pain

● hiccups

● seizures
If you want to know how to recognize a stroke, then you should remember the acronym FAST. This acronym was created by the American Heart Association refers to the usual symptoms of stroke:

F means facial paralysis

A it is weakness in the arm

s is for speech problems

T means it's time to call the emergency.

stroke prevention
is important to take measures for the prevention of stroke. Based on the aforementioned signs of stroke, keep in mind that avoiding risky behaviors, including drinking and smoking, is the single most important step stroke prevention. Other methods for the prevention of stroke are:

● Keep an eye on blood pressure, especially during pregnancy or birth control pills
● evidence of regular diabetes

● Controlling cholesterol

● Having a healthy body weight

● training for about 20 minutes every day

● Present moodiness

● having a healthy sleep (7-8 hours)

● Use more olive oil in their diet

● consider your headaches

● Try to remove the stress as much as possible.

What happens to your body after a stroke?
Early detection of stroke can reduce the effect on your life. If you can recognize the symptoms of a stroke, can prevent long-term damage by seeking immediate help.

The impact of stroke can be destructive.Some people may experience physical, such as facial paralysis, behavior changes, memory loss or impairment of language problems. It depends on the severity of the stroke, the location of it and the treatment time.

If the race is on the right side of your brain, you may experience impaired judgment of distances and memory loss.

If the race occurs on the left side of your brain, you may experience speech impairment, behavior problems and slow memory.

If it affects the cerebellum (balance responsible party), you may experience dizziness, balance problems and abnormal reflexes.

Recovery after a stroke can be very difficult. Depending on the severity that may require speech therapy and rehabilitation to regain his abilities. Some people need assisted care for routine, such as showering, feeding and dressing tasks.

A stroke can completely change your life. If involved in risky behaviors before the race, it is essential that you turn to a healthier lifestyle with proper diet and exercise.

Because there are unique risk factors for stroke in women is very important to recognize and understand. Although stroke can occur in women of all ages, age continues to be an important health factor.Monitoring regularly will help you detect any changes and eventually prevent

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