Clean The Body Of Toxins With Rice. You Will Also Get Rid Of Back, Neck And Joint Pains
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Clean The Body Of Toxins With Rice. You Will Also Get Rid Of Back, Neck And Joint Pains
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Clean The Body Of Toxins With Rice. You Will Also Get Rid Of Back, Neck And Joint Pains
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Clean The Body Of Toxins With Rice. You Will Also Get Rid Of Back, Neck And Joint Pains
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The toxins that accumulate in the body create health problems in our body and it is important to clean periodically from the body. There are several methods of detoxifying the body. However, it is not a sufficiently effective body detoxification method with rice.
Method detoxification Take regular rice and count the spoons of all that has years. For example, if you are 37 years old, taking 37 tablespoons. Wash rice and place in a glass jar. Then place the jar in warm water, close it well and place in the refrigerator. The next morning, drain the water, take a spoonful of rice and cook for 3 to 5 minutes in tap water without salt. Eating rice on an empty stomach in the morning. Fill the container with rice with hot water and let it back in the refrigerator until the next morning. Repeat this procedure until you eat all the rice. The secret of this method of cleansing the body is in the rice grain has a crystalline structure. When the rice grains are dipped in water, starch is removed and the cells are maintained. The rice is digested in the intestine and not in the stomach, and their grains make absorption of toxins. With this method, the intestines, blood vessels and other body parts are released from toxins, heavy metals and harmful substances deposited all in the body. This method helps to regulate and normalize body weight. After treatment you will feel healthier, but will look younger too. There is a condition to obey -. In the morning, after eating rice, you should not eat or drink anything for at least three hours After detoxification, the use of this method , back pain, neck pain and joint pain will disappear completely. Treatment effects are not immediate but gradual. The cleaning process itself starts in two weeks. Toxins are excreted through urine excretion. urine color change and become blurry. For detoxification to succeed you have to drink plenty of fluids, about 2 liters of water a day. You can drink green tea as well. Source:
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