Title : 10 Yoga Poses That Melt Belly Fat
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10 Yoga Poses That Melt Belly Fat
Although most people do not associate yoga with weight and fat loss, even yoga exercises can help smoother to get rid of unwanted esoslibras.
Yoga still requires movement, and though perhaps not requierael same rigor and resistance as sports , yoga works best, of algunade cases because it involves quieting the mind and work surespiración. In fact, Multiple studies have shown links between yoga and weight loss , which actually confuses most scientists, as many yoga practices even involve breaking a sweat.
However, studies suggest that changing and moving the body through yoga, this changes the brain, which in turn changes the behavior. The driving force behind weight loss that people see yoga since then, has more to do with the mental state of one of his physical being. More of us live with an incredible amount of stress and yoga can help better manage this stress so that you do not give malhábitos as emotional eating, binging, drinking too much alcohol on weekends, etc.
Since we have shown that yoga definitely helps you lose weight, we wanted to share some poses with you that the area most stubborn destination for most people - belly .
10 yoga postures that belly fat melts
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This approach works well for a warm up to get your free body for the rest of your practice. To do this pose, stand with flat feet, high heels propagaciónun little and big toes touching. Keep palms sucuerpo. Now, he puts his hands to his forehead and put his palms near ofThe each other. Inhale now extends your spine, and then raise sumanos over his head. Stretch your body as much as possible.For more of a challenge, try to lift the ankles a little yponerse on tiptoe, eyes looking up. If not deseahacer this step, just keep your feet flat. Breathe deeply and try to keep posture for 20 to 30 seconds. In his last breath, that pieslentamente to the ground. Repeat this pose ten times with a 10 segundodescansar between each pose.
2. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)
sun salutations are wonderful to start the day with. are composed of twelve different yoga positions, while helping to detoxify elcuerpo deep breathing help simultaneously. Step by la12 positions, they begin standing with your feet together. Take a deep breath and feel your chest becomes full, while relaxing elespalda. Following inhalation, raise both arms separate body, YEN an exhalation, bring both arms in front of his chest. Put your brazosen prayer position.Then, take a deep breath, raise your arms above your head, and make a stretch back. After this, exhales, leans forward, and try detocar knees forward. Then, with the left knee bent, stretch your right leg back, palms of hands playing elpiso. Hold this breath and stretch the left leg, so conseguiren board. Now, bring your body to the ground. Only knees, chest and chin should touch the ground, however.
Now, inhale again, stretching the body forward and bend backwards. Keep your hands on the floor, exhale, and then lean forward. After inhalation, this time bring the right leg forward in his hands, yestirarse. Bring the left leg forward, breathe deeply, and estiramientode around his waist.
3. Padahastasana (standing forward bend)
To perform this posture, place your hands on either side of the body, while his feet touch, including the heels. Stand straight, inhale and raise your hands above your head. Sobreexhalar, he leans forward so that your body is parallel to the ground. Inahle, entoncesexhale and bend forward until your head is in contact with the knees (siposible). Try to touch the floor if possible, with the palms of all elcamino on the floor, and without bending the knees. If you are unaprincipiante, just try to touch your toes or ankles.Hold your breath, suck in the belly, and hold for 60 to 90 segundos.Exhale and lift your body to the starting position. Repeat 10 times, taking 10 seconds between each rests two replications.
4. Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)
This position is ideal for stimulating your core and burn belly fat. To begin, sit up straight on the floor with legs stretched in front of you. Keep your feet pointing toward the ceiling. Inhalarprofundamente, raise his hands above his head as his eyes still Sulas hands up and keep the spine long. Now exhale and doblarreenviar all the way to the legs. Beginners can keep their hands inthe ankles or thighs, but more advanced yogis should aspire to the toes.5. Pavanamuktasana (Wind Relieving Pose)
As you may have guessed from the name, this position involves lying on your back with your knees touching his chest. This helps relieve gastric problems and helps in burning fat panza.Para start, lie with outstretched arms and feet with Coupon contact with each other. Now, bend your knees, inhale and exhale, bring your knees to your chest. Hold them in place, putting his hands under her thighs. Then again inhale, exhale and lift head, chin lola knee.Hold for 60-90 seconds. Then slowly exhale, release your knees and put her head on the floor. Relax in Shavasana, then repetirel asana 7 to 10 times.
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6. naukasana (Boat Pose)
This is one of the best moves of yoga to burn belly fat because it directly addresses this region. To do this, lay down on the yoga mat with arms and piernasextendido and toes up. Inhale, exhale, then lifted his head, chest and legs off the floor. Extend arms to esténen parallel legs, then look toward the toes.feel your ab muscles contract, and hold for 30 to 60 seconds. Inhale, exhale, then return to starting position. Repeat five times paraempezar, with a second break of 15 after each pose.
7. ushtrasana (Camel Pose)
This approach works well to do right after the Boat Pose, and queayudará to stretch your abdominal muscles anteriorcontracciones. starts out in Vajrasana. Then lift your cuerpohacia above the knees so that your knees support all cuerpo.Exhalar deeply, then arch your back; then reach your hands towards atrásy try to keep each ankle. Tilt your head back until you feel laestiramiento in the abdominal muscles.Hold for 20 to 30 seconds, working up to 60 seconds. Exhale, release, and return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times, rest 15 seconds between each.
8. uttanpadasana (Criado standing Pose)
For this position, begin in the supine position. Then inhale and exhale, and bring your head back to touch elpiso. With hands to their original position, on both sides detu body. Stretching as far as you can without hurting yourself. Now, inhale and raise your legs off the ground, making an angle of 45 grados.Mantenga the position for 15 to 30 seconds, paying attention to breathing. inhale deeply and bring the legs back to the starting position.Repeat 10 times, with a break of 15 seconds between each repetition.
9. marjariasana (Cat Cow Pose or Posture Cat)
begins in Vajrasana. Breathe normally and increase your body so you are resting on your knees and palms. knees should be directly under the hips, and palms in the delespalda frame. Keep your head up, and place the rodillasAparte slightly so that your weight is evenly distributed. Inhale deeply, then push back down. Expand your abs as much as possible by taking large unarespiración.Hold for 15 to 30 seconds. Exhaling, lower your head, and ahoraarquee back up this time. Breathe deeply and hold for 15 to 30seconds. Exhale, return to the starting pose, and relax músculosdurante 15 seconds. Repeat 10 times.
10. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
This pose strengthens the back muscles and stretch the abdominal muscles. Lie down on the carpet with his chest down, with legs apart a little, ydedos feet touching the ground. Keep your hands on either side of sucuerpo with palms touching the ground. Bring palms below lahombros, inhale deeply, then slowly lift your chest and head fuerael floor. Your eyes should be on the roof, and buttocks should hacerloser tight. Take a deep breath and try to lift the body up both comopuede, bending backwards from the waist as much as possible.Hold for 30 to 60 seconds. Exhale and bring your body back to initial laposición. Stretch your arms forward. Repeat this posediez times, with a second rest between each repetition 15.
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Via powerofpositivity.com
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