You Can Cure Cancer With Baking Soda Just By Doing This

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You Can Cure Cancer With Baking Soda Just By Doing This

According to a former Italian oncologist called Tulio Simoncini cancer is caused by the fungus Candida albicans.

This fungus can be defeated with a sodium bicarbonate treatment.

This natural treatment is very simple. This cheap common and natural compound will alkalize the tumor and the body. Sodium bicarbonate will stop the Candida, shrink the tumor and stop the metastases.

Simoncini’s research and the four elements

Simoncini’s research is based on four elements. The first one is acid bodies. Acid bodies are related to cancer and other health issues.

Sodium bicarbonate can alkalize the body. It has been used as an ingestion aid or antacid for ages. This ingredient costs around one pound in most high street chemists’ store.

The beneficial bacteria in your intestine direct most part of the immune response. This releases anti-cancer vitamins such as vitamin K, biotin, folic acid and B-12 from the consumed food products. It also produces a compound called sodium butyrate that makes the cancer cells to destroy themselves. If the intestine acidity increases the beneficial bacteria won’t function properly.

Finally, the first defensive mechanism of your body is the beneficial bacteria. During the night, the beneficial bacteria digest the yeasts, microbes and fungus that enter the body through the consumed food. The beneficial bacteria’s favorite food is yeast and fungus.

Cancer and Candida

Candida and other yeasts are anerobes; they gain energy when there is no oxygen. Yeasts can colonize in some areas of the body through the blood stream and then they reduce the levels of oxygen in the area. The cells switch their system to a system that does not use oxygen.

Cancer cells have the same system. They do not use oxygen to generate energy. Otto Warburg won a Nobel Prize for proving that oxygen is the biggest enemy of cancer cells.
Candida Albicans travel around the body through the blood stream. Cinnamon and oregano oil kill the yeast in the blood stream. Cinnamon is also good for type-2 Diabetes.

People with high blood sugar are at greater risk for cancer since Candida also produces a waste product that is similar to sugar.

Women that took more antibiotics are at greater risk of breast cancer since their immune systems are weak and the levels of friendly bacteria were low.

Dr. Simoncini strongly believes that creating an environment that it’s not suitable for Candida can stop cancer.
Even though the discovery of this doctor is remarkable, important and inexpensive nobody in Italy supports this doctor.

Thanks for Reading You Can Cure Cancer With Baking Soda Just By Doing This

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