How To Remove Skin Tags Naturally

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How To Remove Skin Tags Naturally

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How To Remove Skin Tags Naturally

How To Remove Skin Tags Naturally

How To Remove Skin Tags Naturally

Well, today we will be discussing of DIY’s to remove skin tags. Skin tags really make you conscious if they are in the visible parts of the body. Skin tags are not at all dangerous or cancerous but their unwanted presence can bother your personality. It can be on any part of your body like face, neck or any other part which is visible. Now you have to think about how to remove it safely. Cosmetic procedures are widely available but can be heavy on the pocket. But don’t you worry we will provide you with a lot of home remedies which will help you remove them without any side effects.

Ways to Remove a Skin Tag:

1) Skin Tag Removal Using Dental Floss

Tie off your skin tag with a dental floss as it stops blood circulation and oxygen supply to that portion which results in drying and falling of the skin tag. Other name of this method is Ligation. It is one of the most popular methods among people as it is cheap and easy. You can do it by yourself or can take help of someone to tie the floss around the skin tag. You need to make sure to clean and sanitize the skin area before tying the floss, so as to avoid any chances of skin infection Tie the floss tightly at the root. Tighten it up daily so that the blood flow stops .After 2-4 days the skin tag will start to change its color and will turn black eventually. Within a week or more the skin tag will fall off this is one of the easiest methods.

2) Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Get Rid of a Skin Tag

Apple cider vinegar can prove as a great remedy for curing skin tags. It is pretty easy you just need to dab a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply it directly to the skin tag. Continue this at least three times a day. It will start drying within a week or so and will fall off eventually.

3) Use Liquid Nitrogen to Remove a Skin Tag

Liquid nitrogen can help in freezing off your skin tag. It is really a simple procedure you just need to buy liquid nitrogen spray from a drug store and spray it on to your skin tag. This procedure will freeze off your skin tag within a week or two.

4) Tea Tree Oil for Removing Skin Tag

As you would know the benefits of tea tree oil for skin, it can also help you getting rid of skin tag, don’t go by its strong smell. Firstly, cleanse your skin with cleanser. Now, apply 2-3 drops of tea tree oil on to the skin tag using a q- tip. Try doing this 3-4 times a day. If you feel any irritation on your skin try diluting it. You can dilute tea tree oil with an equal proportion of coconut oil. After a week or so you will start seeing the skin tag getting darker, if will fall off and will cause no scar.

5) Use Lemon Juice to scrape off a Skin Tag

Lemon juice can help in drying out your skin tag by the decomposition of cells as it has antibacterial and antiseptic properties as it contains citric acid. Squeeze out lemon juice and apply it directly on to the skin tag with the help of a cotton ball for 2-3 times a day. Keep repeating this process until your skin tag falls off.

6) Use Garlic to Remove a Skin Tag

Make a fine paste of 3-4 garlic cloves, apply this on the skin tag and cover it with a bandage. Keep repeating this process 3 times a day, for a week. You may start see the skin tag color darkening, and finally falling off. Garlic has antifungal and antibacterial properties which is very much beneficial for skin health.

7) Skin Tag Removal Using Oregano Oil

Though it may take a month or so to show results but it is a very effective method. Oregano has anti septic, anti inflammatory properties and anti bacteria properties. Mix 2-3 drops of oregano essential oil and 4-6 of virgin coconut oil and apply this mixture to your skin tag with a help of a q- tip. Apply it three times a day for a month. After a month the skin tag will fall off. It is advisable to dilute oregano oil with any other oil before applying otherwise it may cause redness and burning sensation.

8) Duct Tape for Removing Skin Tag

Duct tape can also help in removing skin tag. Cover your skin tag with duct tape for 10-12 hours, the tape should be tight and intact if it has loosened up reapply it tightly until you see the results, after applying it continuously it may fall off. It is one of the easiest methods to get rid of skin tags.

9) Pineapple Juice to Get Rid of a Skin Tag

As pineapple juice is acidic in nature it can help in scraping off skin tag. It is also helpful in removing warts and moles to. Apply pineapple juice on to your skin tag with the help of a cotton ball; apply this 2-3 times a day. You might see the result within 10-12 days.

10) Banana Peel for Removing Skin Tag

Using the peel of banana can also help get rid of skin tag. Cut the banana peel into small pieces and apply it onto the skin tag so that the inner side of the peel can come in contact with the tag, wrap it using a bandage and leave it overnight. Repeat this process continuously until the skin tag falls off.


Hopefully this post How To Remove Skin Tags Naturally that we share this day 18 April 2016 | 5:11 am may be therapeutic for you. Be sure you always visit to get other quality health articles you could read. Thanks A Lot.

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