Title : Drinking Coffee First Thing in the Morning is Dangerous to your Health!
link : Drinking Coffee First Thing in the Morning is Dangerous to your Health!
Drinking Coffee First Thing in the Morning is Dangerous to your Health!
coffee is a brewed beverage prepared from coffee beans are roasted. Coffee is slightly acidic and can have a stimulating effect on a person because of its caffeine content and is one of the most popular beverages in the world. A lot of Filipinos prefer to drink coffee in the morning. Some like it hot, some like it cold. Many people say that drinking coffee in the morning brings comfort and is "divine truth".
has been part of many people in their daily life, and admit it or not, it is the first thing that usually take early in the morning. Some people can also enjoy a cup of coffee when they got the time to chat with your friends on your favorite Starbucks coffee shops * cough cough *. And there are a lot of studies that say there is a lot of health benefits for the body of a person. But then, did you know that drinking coffee first thing in the morning is dangerous to your health? There are some studies that says that coffee should not be consumed in the morning because the stomach is empty at that specific time.
The basis of this surprising information is that the acid found in coffee may contribute to the level of acidity of the stomach in the that if the level of acid in the stomach goes beyond its normal point, a person can have gastritis inflammation, bowel irritation in the lining of our stomach, and what is worse is that we can not even have colon cancer.
Although apart from the danger of acid, coffee can also raise the level of cortisol which may interfere with the ability of our body to stay awake for a long period of time. And sometimes it will take you to the feeling of nausea and bloating. That's why doctors have been reminding everyone not to take or drink coffee at night because they can also prevent sleep.
Source: NPT
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