Golden Rules for Raising Amazing Children

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Golden Rules for Raising Amazing Children

Children learn from their immediate environment. Parents are their role models. Some golden rules to raise wonderful children.

Six golden rules to raise amazing kids

1. always have when talking to them, and give them all the information necessary to do what is expected, appropriate to their level of understanding of your child. If given less information they will be confused and will mess up the task, with the result that you get upset, and confidence in their abilities diminish. So if you want your older child to iron a shirt for you, make sure you tell them that iron should not be too hot or shirt will burn, or should be ironed inside out so any embroidery or print it does not become damaged. No point half instruct your child and then yell at him when things go wrong.

2. Every time your child does something, always provide feedback. In fact, you should provide your child with a steady stream of feedback to let you know that he is on the right track. This will encourage him to repeat the desired behavior. So if your child takes the initiative to dust your room without being told, instead of saying that he missed a point, praise him for his behavior. This will encourage him to repeat it, and slowly will improve.

3. The eulogy is necessary but not sufficient. Do not limit yourself to praise a particular task and leave it at that. Be more descriptive and let your child know exactly what you liked about their behavior. For example, if your child willingly shared their chocolates with a friend, not just praise by vaguely saying "What a good boy." Instead, say you were very happy to see him be so generous. Go talk of how generosity is admirable and desirable quality and how to be greedy is counterproductive. To facilitate a healthy self-esteem provide generous amounts of valuation, the opportunity to develop skills, opportunities to do good works, and structure.

4. You do not have to hit your child when he does something wrong, but make sure that is punished so that such behavior is not repeated. It is well that children pay for behavior that is unacceptable, potentially dangerous or harmful.

5. Negotiation provides a process in which both sides can come away winners. Parents should not always feel that "no means no" unless, of course, is something you feel strongly about. Sometimes, however it is always good to close a deal with children. If you want to stay up late to watch a beloved and anticipated show on television, do you promise to finish their homework early or sleep another hour in the afternoon. Sometimes parents have to remember to let go a little.

6. Be aware of what is interacting with others at home. Children are more aware than we sometimes realize. If you yell to the servants, their children will follow suit and shout. If you want to teach your child to be courteous to others, you have to be polite to them as well. Never make fun of family in front of their children, to grow disrespect to all the relatives, and distancing of the family.

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