Title : Health Tips: Why Salt is good for you
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Health Tips: Why Salt is good for you

HmmSin doubt we are talking about what makes food taste mom so great. Elsal common table (aka Sodium Chloride ) is simply ingredientelo copper which makes food and life without the hours or minutes spent inthe kitchen preparing a meal wasted.
Silla science and medical qualifications I think it's good for me, for you yAll others.
NosotrosSiempre are trying to make the right decisions diet. Sometimes it goes with extremaingredientes or going below its required value.
Sales ingredient that definitely applying too little or too much not seríaaceptable.
Peroeste ingredient is dangerous or wise useful health
the estudiosha shown that salt is not dangerous, but having eat little or too tieneciertas repercussions
Eneste article we will talk about why salt is good for you
Sees necessary for growth and reproduction
the estudioshan shown that very little or no salt in our diet crecimientoproceso slows down and causes people to die prematurely. Also a study conducted programs deque reduced sodium diet leads to health problems and it shows that people queconsumir less than the recommended daily intake have significantly highhigh risk death compared to people who consume exactly or above recomendadade admission daily dose.
Seayudas to control blood pressure
the consumotan little salt is unhealthy as we know it. According to a study of sodium is mínimadieta that has resulted in a 3.5% decrease in blood pressure paralas people with hypertension, although this is not scientifically. Estadisminución can be good for them, but also lead to other complications of salud.Se raises the level of cholesterol and increased levels ynorepinefrina aldesterone. All these things risk factors for heart disease are known.
Salque is needed to maintain the balance of body fluids Saltiene an important role in regulating water content and balance in elcuerpo paper. Elcantidad of water present in the body needs to stay within a certain range. remains Estegama intake and excretion of salt (ycomiendo through sweating). So after an exercise or any physical activity it is necessary to replace lost lasal drinking water with salt. Just take water alone can lead to fluid unadesequilibrio known as hyponatremia, which can be fatal.
Salayudas for transmission of nerve impulses
human elcuerpo thrives on information it receives. A quick and valiosorespuesta activities around that increases the chances of survival of esaorganismo. Inthe humans this information is transmitted as impulses. Eliones of sodium in salt helps transmit this pulse lacuerpo a part of the brain and to the required part of the body reacts to theinformation received. The reduction in salt intake reduces the amount of sodiopresente in the body, which in turn will reduce the efficiency of the system leads to a detrimental nervioso.Esto electrolyte imbalance which then leads to cramps, dizziness and other neurological problems as neurological: tumors , trauma, infection, Guillain-Barre syndrome, dysautonomia that occurs in cases raroscuando malfunction of the autonomic nervous system. The salt is administered as a realidadtratamiento.
Salmejora sleep quality
the estudioshan shown that an increase in salt intake lead to increased cortisol laeliminación and therefore lowers levels of cortisol in the blood. SeTambién reduces the physical and mental stress by calming adrenaline spikes causausted heart to go jogging when he wakes up suddenly at night. Todosestos anti stress stimuli qualities and suppresses stress hormones that mododando to a quality night's sleep and an increase in metabolic rate.
Yseñoras and gentlemen, finally salt makes food taste better .
Mimayor ingredient of the breast (in soup) Esteno a secret Letsintentar make a meal and sparing the sweetener ingredient and find cómosabe? insípido¿verdad? listónen the right amounts mouth-watering food. While lesser amounts mayorlas or you can walk down an appetite.
consumibleLa salt comes in two types common Elsal processed, most people consume. Elsal unrefined Ifyou are looking for something more than just good taste of a meal, then you yorecomendadas by salt unrefined because it is rich in minerals and free deaditivos.
Note The recommended daily intake is 2300mg UNSE increased intake recommended for people with a slow metabolism ymal thyroid function. However, a decrease in intake is recommended for people with kidney disease yhipertensión. SeTambién would be safer to consult a doctor before considering laconsumir staff more salt.
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