How To Conceive Naturally and Get Pregnant

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How To Conceive Naturally and Get Pregnant

In the world of today a large number of women can be seen asking, "how to get pregnant naturally!" Infertility is a growing problem today. When a woman is not being able to conceive naturally, even after months of trying, it is said that something is not right inside her body and she has to work on this. In fact, sometimes, not infertility for a woman to become pregnant. It is the lack of proper nutrition resources or not provided to your body.
How To Conceive Naturally and Get Pregnant

Why can not a woman conceive- the causes of infertility

There are many causes that lead to infertility in women. To name a few imbalance, hormonal, polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis, anovulatory cycles, physical obstruction, inadequate hormone production, the short luteal phase, lack of luteinizing hormone, prolactin or high levels, etc. All these factors come into between a woman and her wish to have their own child, of course!
Apart from the body and medical conditions mentioned above, there are some other factors that lead to pregnancy problems. These include poor nutrition, environmental toxins, and certain lifestyle habits. Age is not as great a restriction when a woman wants to conceive before menopause. However, the old school of thought say that it is difficult for a woman to conceive after 30 years in the middle, but women these days are getting pregnant, even at the age of 45! And also naturally! If you did not know, some changes in diet and lifestyle can be a great help when it comes to fertility. The following getting pregnant naturally home remedies are not only useful for the design, but also to address issues such as PMS, cramps, fatigue, heavy menstrual periods and other hormone related problems in women .

Before we give you the best tips to conceive naturally, the photo below shows how even they love to do can increase the chances of getting pregnant.
increase chance of getting pregnant

Remedies diet to conceive naturally

1. Get proper nutrition to conceive naturally

Your body knows best when to become pregnant. And if it lacks the necessary nutrition, your body will never let you get pregnant! If you do not receive an adequate supply of appropriate dietary sources, you will still be malnourished. This means that you will not get fat and essential proteins that are necessary to conceive naturally. Often in an attempt to lose weight, women begin to have low fat, high fiber diet. all-carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins necessary for your body receives everything that is essential to produce hormones essential for a pregnant woman.

2. Eat a good source of carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are not bad at all. They are one of the essential nutrients that your body needs, not only to design, but also for the basic functioning of the body. Just as it is necessary to separate good from evil. Do not have bad sources of carbohydrates such as sugar, grains and processed foods. Having it from vegetables, fruit and starch sources.
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Potatoes
  • Taro root
  • Squash
  • Other vegetables
  • Chickpeas
  • bananas and mangoes
  • Other fruits (all fruits are good sources of carbohydrates as well)
  • pulses

3. have healthy fats

also fat is not as bad as the image you have! Our body needs fats, especially saturated fats. This is essential for the body to maintain its operation. sufficient means saturated fats reduces lipoprotein cholesterol levels that otherwise lead to heart disease. a good fat is also needed to maintain healthy bones because saturated fat is essential for calcium absorption. The liver, lungs, brain, nerves, immune system, all need fat to function. When it comes to a woman who wishes to conceive, it is required that the fatty acids to regulate hormones, increase blood flow to the uterus, reduce sensitivity to the hormone prolactin (which suppresses ovulation) , increase egg white cervical mucus (which assists the sperm reaching the egg) and to maintain normal ovulation cycle. Having fat from good sources, however, for example, the following:
  • Coconuts and coconut oil
  • Olives and olive oil
  • Butter
  • grass-fed meats
  • Eggs
  • avocado
  • Nuts
in an attempt to have fat, do not start eating fried foods and junk or refined oils. Keep it natural and get your share of essential fats from natural and healthy as those described in the above list sources.

4. Get adequate amounts of protein

Proteins are needed for the design, is an essential requirement. In a research report presented at the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, a diet rich in protein is said to have positive effects on the fertility of women undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments. when they consumed high protein and low carbs, they had better quality of eggs and embryos. Therefore, when it comes to getting pregnant, eat more protein and less carbohydrate, at least three months before when going to conceive. Get your protein from these sources
  • Birds
  • Eggs
  • Lean meat
  • Fish
  • Dairy
  • pulses
  • nuts and seeds
  • wheat germ

5. Eating lots of vegetables

Under normal conditions, eat up to three servings of fresh fruits and vegetables a day is important for all of us. It becomes more important to have a lot of vegetables and fruits when trying to conceive. Eating these vegetables more if you want to get pregnant naturally
  • dark green leafy vegetables like spinach, romaine, arugula, and broccoli. They are rich sources of folic acid, a B vitamin that improves ovulation. green leafy vegetables also increase libido naturally.
  • Maca root is said to increase fertility in both men and women, with increasing energy and immune system. It provides vital minerals and nutrients your body needs for conception as iron and iodine.
  • yams have a substance that stimulates ovulation and therefore improves fertility.

6. drink enough water to help yourself conceive

Water is essential to our survival basic substance and lack of water in your body can hinder normal operation. This can also lead to difficulties in conceiving. Adequate water inside your body ensures that your uterus stays healthy. It also increases the cervical mucus. Sperm adheres to the cervical mucosa when they are on their way to the egg. By drinking enough water throughout the day, you can improve your chances of getting pregnant. Your urine should be clear or slightly colored. If not, it means you are not drinking enough water!

foods to avoid when trying to conceive

not only need to focus on healthy foods, but also to avoid certain foods that can reduce your chances of getting pregnant.

7. Avoid sugar

Refined sugar is the most dangerous form of carbohydrates. This makes it difficult for your body to keep insulin levels under control, even when you do not have diabetes. A diet high in carbohydrates often leads to a certain level of insulin resistance and therefore is a "NO" complete for women who are trying to conceive. Healthy foods discussed in the previous section help the body more sensitive to insulin. This helps further the production of other hormones as well as the proper functioning of your body.
  • There are foods and drinks that have high fructose corn syrup
  • Avoid desserts made with refined sugar.
  • Do not use sugar in their drinks such as tea, etc. If necessary, use honey or brown sugar, safer and natural sweeteners.

8. Avoid excessive caffeine

Have no more than 2 cups of caffeinated beverages a day. Excessive caffeine consumption leads to fertility problems. Caffeine hinders the body's ability to absorb iron. can also lead to dehydration. All these can collectively, whether it impossible for you to conceive or may increase the risk of premature birth and miscarriage.

9. Avoid alcohol

If you do not want to completely avoid drink, limit your intake of alcohol. No more than a glass or two is what you should aim for. Excessive alcohol consumption leads to irregular periods, ovulation problems, and abnormal levels of hormones estrogen and progesterone. All this makes it more difficult for you to conceive.

10. Avoid fish rich in mercury

While the fish is a good source of protein, many fish are not for those who are trying to get pregnant due to its high content of mercury in them. When there is a high level of mercury in the blood, affecting their fertility. In fact, high levels of mercury affect fertility in men as well. Even if they succeed in conception, mercury will stay in your system for more than a year and can cause damage to the developing brain and nervous system of your unborn baby. Therefore, avoid eating these fish high mercury
  • Marlin
  • Orange roughy
  • Tilefish
  • swordfish
  • Shark
  • King mackerel
  • yellowfin and bigeye.

11. Avoid soy

Soy contains a compound that is similar to estrogen, the female hormone. High levels of estrogen can adversely affect fertility. Phytoestrogens in soy have been shown to interfere with endocrine function. This leads to several fertility problems. Even processed soybean foods have large amounts of aluminum obtained from processing system high pressure. It is toxic to the nervous system. Soybeans, therefore, it is not good for women who want to conceive.

conceive naturally

Remedios lifestyle to conceive naturally

12. quit

There are at least two reasons why immediately like to stop smoking:
  1. Smokers take longer to conceive
  2. a woman's eggs smoking are more prone to genetic abnormalities
These are the results of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Apart from the two specific smoking cessation for pregnant reasons, there are some more harmful effects of snuff consumption in a pregnant woman and her fetus. Smoking puts you at higher risk of ectopic pregnancy and Miscarriage. Not only the mother-to-be, even the father-to-be have to quit otherwise would have reduced sperm count and motility (swimming speed) and more sperm abnormalities.

13. Get enough sleep

Sleep is essential for the proper functioning of our body and all your internal organs and systems. It has a key role in hormone production. Many studies have found that women who have low levels of melatonin and serotonin also have a short luteal phase. This phase can be defined as the time between ovulation and menstruation. It means a short luteal phase less likely to get pregnant.

not only yours, when you are deprived of sleep, your body can not properly regulate adrenaline, cortisol and insulin. This makes the design even more difficult. Therefore, take all necessary steps to get a good night's sleep measures. If necessary, take a nap during the day too.

14. Does this fit amount of exercise

Neither too much nor too little! Make just the right amount of exercise every day. If you are obese, you need to lose weight, because it can help you in conceiving. However, you should also have some fat in your body. Have very little body fat can make your body enters a state anovulatorio. Your BMI should be between 18 and 30. BMI lower or higher than this range can lead to irregular or missed periods is certainly not good when you want to get pregnant. When abnormally low weight is a risk of not ovulating altogether. On the other hand, being extremely overweight can lead to pregnancy complications such as gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, birth defects and even a cesarean section. If you can not think of ways to exercise and keep your weight at optimum levels moderately, get help from your doctor, nutritionist or yoga expert or trainer who can deal with weight problems a woman trying to conceive. The key to the optimal weight for a woman who wants to get pregnant, however, lies in the following:
  • Eat well
  • has a lot of nutrients through sources healthy
  • moderate exercise
  • drink plenty of water

15. Keep away from stress

If you are too stressed or trying too hard, your chances of conception gets smaller. Stress affects your system in many ways. Stress not only affects the functioning of the hypothalamus gland that regulates appetite and emotions, which impacts negatively also those hormones that are responsible for the release of eggs from the ovary. Too much stress delays ovulation stops ovulating or not. This certainly does not help you get pregnant. Stress can actually affect fertility of your partner too! In a research report published in the journal Human Reproduction, it was stated that conception is more likely to occur during the period in which couples felt good, happy and relaxed. Therefore, if you want to conceive, avoid stress. Try to be happy with your partner. While there may be different ways for you as a couple to be happy, you may also consider the following tips to get rid of stress:
  • massage. It works to reduce the physical signs of stress your body, such as heart and brain wave frequency.
  • acupuncture. We experimented in a method of in vitro fertilization. Those women who received acupuncture treatment just before and just after an embryo transfer into the uterus, had a good success rate.
Although it is not true for all but stress reduction is a good idea when you want to conceive. In fact, stress reduction is good for overall health. It makes you feel good and enjoy your life.

16. Reducing exposure to toxins

You have to protect yourself against all kinds of toxins- the environment as well as those who are consumed, knowingly or not! Exposure to toxins is emerging as one of the leading causes of infertility in both men and women.
  • quit smoking, including smoking snuff and marijuana
  • Avoid alcohol
  • Avoid caffeine (or limit your consumption)
  • Reducing exposure to plastic products. Avoid canned foods and bottles using metal instead of plastic. Even aluminum containers have plastic liner within them.
  • Reducing exposure to toxic metals such as lead and mercury
  • Reducing exposure to chemicals in the workplace, as well as chemical household products
  • stop using conventional cosmetics and beauty. Go for those who do not have toxic materials in them or not use cosmetics at all!
The elimination of toxins from your life is not only essential to help conceive but also for healthy pregnancy and your baby's health.

17. Change drugs that impair fertility

There are many drugs that affect fertility. Check with your doctor and see if you are taking these medications is prevented from conceiving. Some of these medications and drugs include the following:
  • Antibiotics
  • Certain hormones
  • Antidepressants
  • Some medications for pain relief
  • chronic use of narcotics fertility impact of men
  • steroids
  • antidepressants
Ask your doctor to change medications if he learns to come in their way of conception.

Herbal remedies to get pregnant

Most women conceive successfully once take care of their habits of diet, nutrition and lifestyle. However, some women may need to use more home remedies and herbal conceive. Sometimes, certain supplements can also help you get pregnant.

18. Raspberry leaves

containing flavonoids, tannins and ellagic acid in them, raspberry leaves are palatable herbs. They taste much like black tea. However, you are safe from all the caffeine than black tea contains. raspberry leaves have been used as fertility herb traditionally because of its high nutritional value. It is a good source of calcium and is a good tonic for the uterus. Although it is available in capsule form, you can make a delicious tea with raspberry leaves. Get this:
  • Raspberry leaf (dry) - 1-2 teaspoons
  • Water 1 cup
  • Honey (optional)
Do the following:
  • Pour hot water over the dried raspberry leaves.
  • Cover and let stand for 10 minutes
  • Add honey if used and stir well
  • HAVE hot.
  • You can have 2 to 3 cups raspberry leaf tea a day, even during pregnancy.
However, it is always recommended to consult your doctor before taking any herbs or supplements to avoid any complications in pregnancy that can be of an exclusive nature for you.

19. Nettle Leaf

nettle leaves are highly nutritious with a series of minerals in them. It has lots of chlorophyll that can feed the adrenal glands and kidneys. What else, a hot cup of tea made with nettle leaves is a great stress buster. As you know, stress can stop you from getting pregnant. Therefore, this uterine tonic can have for your additional benefit of reducing stress. You can steam and eat these leaves in salads and pasta, add them to soups or stews, or get in extract form and capsule. However, nettle tea leaves is what will make you free from stress in a major way. Get this:
  • Fresh nettle leaves-1 cup dried leaves or 1 teaspoon
  • 1-2 cups water
  • Honey (optional)
Do the following:
  • wash fresh leaves properly
  • Bring 2 cups boiling water
  • Add a cup of fresh leaves of this
  • boil for about 5-10 minutes
  • then simmer for a couple of minutes.
  • Remove the flame and cover the pot
  • Let stand for a few minutes if you want a little stronger
  • Strain and add honey if used
  • If using dried leaves, simply pour hot water over them, cover and let stand for 5-10 minutes.
  • Strain, add honey or have it as it is
  • Have 2-3 cups of nettle tea leaves a day before conception and during pregnancy
consult your doctor anyway before starting any herbal drink during pregnancy.

20. Alfalfa

Alfalfa is an ideal conception grass. One can say a grass with a high value of vitamin due to the presence of vitamins A, D, E and K, and 8 in the same digestive enzymes. Alfalfa also contains trace minerals. It is a phytoestrogen that balances estrogen in your body. When estrogen is high, phytoestrogens that bind to receptors function to block estrogen. On the other hand, when estrogen is low, phytoestrogens bind with sufficient power to help boost activity, however, not as real estrogen would. Phytoestrogens are useful to treat premenstrual syndrome, a cause, because they can not conceive. However, do not eat a lot of alfalfa, as sometimes lead to depletion of essential minerals like calcium and magnesium. Add alfalfa sprouts to salads have all your benefits and help you conceive. So here I would like to summarize the issue that how to conceive naturally and become pregnant. above are some tips you can apply in your lifestyle and food that will help you conceive naturally without any artificial help from other facilities.

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