Home Remedies for Foot Pain

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Home Remedies for Foot Pain

lifestyle of today gives a lot of pain.! Foot pain is one of them. How to get rid of foot pain with the help of home remedies is the question!

About 30 to 40 percent people suffering from pain in the ankle or foot pain or foot pain, tend to get relief from problems ankle and foot quickly. Some health conditions such as minor fatigue, heavy-duty, long-distance, etc., which lead to foot pain, go away by themselves. However, there are many other types of foot pain that are caused by various factors other than these. These types and causes of foot pain must be addressed with specific remedies. All other conditions of foot pain can be improved without popping a painkiller.

How to get rid of foot pain?

Foot pain usually goes away in a couple of days without any treatment. If pain persists, try some remedies foot pain. But what resources? You will see four sections of this article:

  1. Simple Tips for foot Pain- do these when your foot pain just started
  2. More information about the foot Pain- do these when you are not able to get rid of foot pain with simple tips in the first 2-3 days.
  3. simple home exercises for Pain- feet do these when your foot pain due to prolonged standing or sitting or if there is stiffness in the calf, ankle or foot muscles.
  4. Home Remedies for Pain- feet do these when the pain is severe and can not get relief in any way.

Simple Tips For Foot Pain

There are some self-therapy easy and simple that you can try to reduce foot pain.

RICE therapy

RICE here stand for -Rest, ice, compression and elevation.

Rest - Get some rest and not walk. Do not engage in any activity that makes you move. Just sit and relax or lie down and sleep!

ice - Apply ice. Wrap some ice cubes in a cloth and apply on the feet. You will find quick relief from pain.

Compression - Compress your feet by wearing tight socks. Compression limits mobility and therefore reduce the pain associated with moving the foot accidentally.

Elevation - Keep your foot elevated from the ground. When sleeping, place a couple of pillows under your legs.

And remember, home remedies for foot pain are not on the use of some ingredients to reduce pain. It's a lot about caring for the entire foot.

Keep your foot free accessories

When you feel pain with or without swelling, just with removing accessories like chains on legs, toe rings, etc., of the feet. Although it is not associated as a remedy for foot pain, stress and pain is reduced to some degree.

Soak your feet in warm water

The first thing you can do to get rid of foot pain is warm water to soak. Soak your feet in warm water relaxes the foot muscles and nerves. Just fill a tub with warm water and place your feet. Stay for 10 minutes and find a good pain relief. This is a simple remedy for foot pain. There are many effective recipes foot bath you can try, as detailed below in the section, "Foot Soak Recipe to rejuvenate your feet '. You can make one foot in simple soak every day before going to sleep.

gentle massage of the feet

gently massage your feet with your hands. Press your fingers around the foot and give a good massage. Rub your fingers or press your fingers in a zig-zag at the bottom of your feet. it's a good therapy car to relieve pain. If your foot is dry, apply a few drops of coconut oil feet and massage.

These were simple tips to treat pain in the initial standing at home. When should seek a more intense treatment or additional home remedies? when pain is not relieved in a few days. Try these advanced to get rid of intense foot pain tips.

More information about the sore feet

Wrap the foot

If you experience sharp pain and can not stay without moving the stand, wrap the foot. Although there are many feet wraps available, you can even make your shawl or cloth. Wrap the foot in a way that restricts the mobility of the ankles and toes. It is a good remedy for foot pain too! Alternatively, you can wear socks at night to control mobility.

Wear comfortable shoes and support

The use of appropriate footwear is the key to reducing and preventing pain on the foot. About 30 to 40% suffering from foot pain or foot pain are more likely to experience pain due to poor choice of footwear. Although you can switch to flat shoes, like flat shoes or sandals, always wear comfortable shoes that support the shape of your foot.

What not to do when you have foot pain?

Do not ignore pain.

Stay away from this attitude. Do not ignore the pain and keep doing activities. While foot pain is not a serious illness, sometimes ignoring it can lead to complications.

Do not wear heels

Heels here refer to all types of footwear heels. Whether the pointed heels or heel sandal, or even medium heels, avoid using it. Go for flat sandals.

Do not sit for long

If you suffer from foot pain for more than one day, take frequent breaks from sitting. Like the strenuous work filter your feet, sitting for hours also affect it. You may find it difficult to make a few steps after sitting for more than 3-4 hours continuously. So, walk 20 to 50 steps each hour.

not to walk or heel toe walk

If it is pain toes or ankle or whole foot, trying to walk normally. Do not try to walk on foot or heel ankle considering that you can reduce your pain. Without knowing what causes foot pain, you should not try this, as it can damage your feet a little more. Walking flat and normal walking.

not use adjusted means or rigid sheaths for more than 3 to 4 hours

The purpose of wraps is to control foot mobility, which can reduce pain. Using socks or wrap too tightly restricts the flow of blood. Controlling blood circulation is too bad.

Exercises Simple home for Foot Pain

Doing some simple exercises reduce foot pain greatly and can also prevent its recurrence.

Stretching exercises for foot pain and ankle pain

In some people, the pain feet often associated with heel pain or stiffness or tension heels.

pose basic standing stretching exercises to reduce foot pain

  • Stand in front of a straight wall.
  • place both palms against the wall and make sure your hands are straight.
  • The distance between the user and the wall should be the length of your hands.
  • Press the wall with both hands and the hands should be at chest height.

Muscles stretch calf

stretching the calf muscles reduces pain in the heel. Make these simple stretching exercises to reduce stiffness of the heel and heel pain. To do this, after staying in basic attitude.

  • a step back with the right leg.
  • Keep the left leg straight without bending the knee.
  • Make sure both feet flat on the floor are placed.
  • Double slightly forward of the left knee.
  • lean forward and press the wall.
  • Push firmly until you feel the right leg is stretched gently.
  • Hold the stretched position for 10 counts
  • Repeat with the other leg and make a minimum of 5 games.

Permanent Extension Leg (reverse)

standing leg raise helps to stretch sore muscles of the leg and heel reduces stiffness.

  • Stand basic pose (mentioned above). It can also occur as shown in the image above.
  • Extend one leg back and try to lift your leg back straight
  • Do not worry, palms give good support.
  • Hold for 10 to 20 positions and repeat with the other leg.
  • If support as shown in the picture, you can also stretch your legs forward.

Towel Stretch

This is an easy and very effective exercise that stretches for foot pain. This can be done in three ways. All that is needed is a towel or blanket long.

  • Make sure the fabric is long enough to stretch your legs.
  • Adjusting the length of the fabric is kept at both ends.

Sitting Stretching

  • Sit straight with your legs extended straight in front of you .
  • Place the fabric roll under the ball of the foot.
  • Keep the towel at both ends and gently pull the towel.
  • stretch slightly upper body back and not the knees bend when the towel is pulled.
  • a good stretch of the muscles in the forefoot is given.
  • Hold the stretched position for 10 to 20 counts.
  • Repeat with the other leg.
  • If you have very extensive fabric, you can do so simultaneously in both legs. Instead of putting the fabric in the ball of the foot alone, just do it on both feet.

Reclining Leg Stretch

reclining leg stretch is a simple modification recumbent exercise leg raise. Instead of raising your legs without accessories, you do so using a cloth to give a good stretch of your foot.

  • flat on the floor on your back are maintained.
  • Place the fabric under your foot, near the ball, hold the two ends of the fabric in the respective hands.
  • Slightly lift the leg and make it straight, perpendicular to the cellar.
  • At the same time pull the fabric and stretch the foot.
  • Hold for 10 to 20 positions and gradually decrease.
  • Do this for 10 games and repeat with the other leg.

Permanent Stretch

  • Stand up straight.
  • Roll the towel or shawl you have with you.
  • Place the towel under your feet, just below the toes on the forefoot.
  • Hold both ends of the towel and gradually raise your legs toward your chest.
  • can also extend forwardly of the legs supporting the towel.
  • You gentle stretching leg will feel.
  • Hold the stretched position for 10 to 20 counts.
  • Repeat with the other leg.
This exercise also helps reduce belly fat and thigh fat! It also has a great support team for exercises leg raise.

All these stretching exercises also strengthen your feet.

leg drives

Balancing legs give it a good session exercises leg muscles and muscle spasms and stiffness. It's a fun workout to reduce the stiffness of the heel.

  • Rather than face wall, standing next to the wall with the left side near the wall.
  • Extend the left arm to the wall and press the palms against the wall.
  • Hold the wall firmly.
  • Lift the right leg and swing back and forth.
  • Give a good swing and you will love it.
  • it can also holding something for a good balance.
  • balance right leg 10 to 20 times back and forth and repeat with the other leg.

five minutes Exercises to reduce foot pain, ankle pain, pain in the toe and the pain

The following exercises are very easy and effective. You can do it anytime anywhere. In 5 minutes or less, you can get rid of pain in the foot and throbbing pain in the foot.


Yes, this is something you learned in elementary school. Seize your feet! Tap your feet for 30 seconds. You can do this by sitting or standing.

Tap the heel

  • Sit or stand comfortably
  • Just raise the heel of the foot and tap it on the ground
  • you can do both legs at the same time
  • Tap it for a minute

Tap the toes

  • Just tap the front foot as the heel.
  • do it for a minute.

Touch heel and toes alternately

  • Tap touch the heel and foot
  • Do this for a minute

That's right! Tapping feet increases blood flow to the legs and reduces pain.

contract and expand toes

This specific exercise reduces pain in the finger and relaxes the fingers from the feet.

  • sit in a comfortable chair
  • Lift both legs
  • Double all toes and released. (Like heart rate, contraction and expansion)
  • do it slowly and carefully
  • Running it may cause more pain
  • do it for a few seconds

in addition, bending the foot inward and place the top of the toes on the floor for a few seconds.

Turn foot

The rotation of your feet in the air, strengthens and it provides relief from foot pain.

  • Sit in a chair.
  • Lift both legs.
  • Turn both feet clockwise for 30 seconds and counterclockwise for 30 seconds.
  • You will love to swing their legs in the air and feel the light.

You can make the rotation of the foot by foot, but one foot at a time !!!

These simple exercises away easily even sharp foot pain and strengthen your feet.

Home Remedies for foot pain

Hot Therapy and Cold alternative

When it comes to pain, hot and cold wraps always come handy. Heat and cold therapy reduces pain in two different ways.

  • heat dilates blood vessels and allows good blood flow, reducing pain.
  • cold constricts blood vessels contain blood and reduces inflammation, pain as well.

If you suffer from foot pain and foot pain without inflammation, go to heat therapy.
When the ankle or heel or balls swell, go cold therapy.

If foot pain persists for a longer period, try heat therapy and cold alternate. It is simple. Apply heat for one minute and immediately switch to shelter from the cold.

You can do this with the help of foot bath too. Get hot water in a bucket of cold water and in another by adding ice cubes to running water. Soak your feet in warm water for one minute and switch to cold water.

Therapies for sore feet warm and foot pain

There are many ingredients that can be used as therapy to rejuvenate hot foot pain and reduce pain. Here are the few things you can try at home to get rid of pain occur easily.

Salt Wrap

You can use the crystalline salt or pink salt or Epsom salt salt to coat.

  • Take two handful of salt and roast in a dry skillet.
  • Wrap the hot salt in a thin cloth and tie.
  • Apply the wrap of salt in the painful areas of the foot.
  • is a very simple home to get rid of intense foot pain remedy.

Rice bran

Rice bran is one of the byproducts of rice, which is produced when rice flakes. Rice bran has lots of nutrients packed tightly. Hope you heard of rice bran oil, healthy oil can test instead of using refined oils. Follow the same steps as mentioned above when a plastic salt is used, but the use of rice bran instead of salt.

Rice bran oil contains content, minerals and micronutrients that act as healers. You can massage rice bran oil well, which is a natural remedy for the treatment of heel spurs. bone growth and reduces pain disappears.

The Paste

ginger paste ginger is not a very popular remedy for pain and inflammation, but is effective. Ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory ingredient with a lot of medicinal properties. The application of hot ginger paste reduces pain and oozing blood flow to the feet. Ginger kick your feet gives you energy.

  • Peel the skin of fresh ginger and ginger puree or grind to a nice pasta.
  • Add a few drops of sesame oil to the ginger paste.
  • saute over low heat for a couple of minutes.
  • Remove from heat and apply it on the painful areas.

Cold therapy for Foot Pain

We all know that when it comes cold bandages, ice cubes come handy! Beyond using ice cubes, you can also try using the following home remedies for foot pain therapies as cold!

leaves of lettuce / cabbage

Cabbage has been used as a remedy for centuries and very popular in the folklore culture. It is used to soothe aching joints and stiffness. Lettuce and cabbage contain phytonutrients and most importantly, glutamine, which is an anti-inflammatory ingredient.

  • Keep large lettuce or cabbage
  • Place the foot or heel or painful part of your feet on the frozen leaves and It wrapped.
  • stay for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • works better than ice cubes.
  • You can find relief from pain in minutes.

Botella frozen water

This is one of the best and simplest remedy to get rid of sore feet.

  • Fill a water bottle and freeze it.
  • Place the bottle under your foot and roll as long as you can.
  • That's it!

will not take longer and may do so even when working. You can also make a roll of hot water.

Foot Soak Recipe to rejuvenate your feet

The foot soaks has many benefits for the foots. In fact, it also has nutritional properties for the entire body. Feet contain tiny channels or pressure points that connect to all organs of the body. rejuvenation feet also channel the respective bodies and nourish the entire body. Foot bath not only reduces foot pain and provides relief from foot pain, you feel invigorated and relaxed like you feel after a massage on the legs.

Basic Foot Soak Recipe

A basic recipe soak foot is all about soaking feet in hot or warm water. Water can be smooth or can add a little salt to it. There are many variations on foot soak recipe, where the base remains the same.

Things You Need to foot base soaking prescription

  • half the water cube that provides enough space to place your feet comfortably
  • A large vessel for heating water
  • A handful of crystalline salt

How to do this?

  • Heat water and boil
  • Add salt to boiling water
  • transfer hot bucket or tub
  • water
  • Make sure the water temperature is comfortable for you. Some prefer hot bath and some prefer really hot soak. Make sure it is not too hot.
  • Immerse your feet in the water and stay for a minimum of 15 minutes or as long as the water stays warm.
  • Prepare feet and wash it under running water. Pat dry.

Combine foot soak with aromatherapy recipe to reduce foot pain and rejuvenate your senses.

ingredients can be added in the foot bath foot bath or

lemon - The lemon is a fruit rich in nutrients. It has acidic properties, which cures many foot conditions. Lemon helps rejuvenate the skin, fights infection, treat dry, scaly feet, etc.

How to add lemon foot bath?

  • Squeeze 2 or 3 lemons hot water after boiled.
  • Rub lemon peel on your foot. It brightens your foot.
  • you can also grate the lemon peel and add to boiling water. a good aromatic foot bath is given.
  • Use fresh lemons to scratch the skin.

Essential oils - Essential oils are very beneficial for the skin.

Thanks for Reading Home Remedies for Foot Pain

Thank you for reading this Home Remedies for Foot Pain, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.

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