Research Proving Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells Safely Has Been Suppressed Since 1974!

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Research Proving Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells Safely Has Been Suppressed Since 1974!

Rick Simpson went through pain in his Canadian town of Nova Scotia trying to bring priests cannabis oil that he and others used to cure themselves of various cancers. It is assumed that the world was ready for the good news that he and his townsfolk experienced.

However, after the many testimonies of people who had been helped and several attempts to obtain cannabis oil allowed through the judicial system, Rick realized the harsh reality: the cancer industry does not want a cure for cancer.

grew hemp on their land and made cannabis oil that shared for free with people who needed it after cure your skin cancer and posterior cerebral severe neurological disorder commotion from a severe head injury that pharmaceutical products only made it worse. The people of his city were cured of various diseases, including lung cancer. All of them had previously been failed by conventional medicine.

Rick left Canada and moved to Amsterdam, Netherlands. Now travels the world spreading the word about the healing properties of cannabis to whoever is willing to listen. You can see entire length documentary below.

The constant disappearance Cannabis Research from 1974

In 1974, the Medical College of Virginia was funded by the NIH (National Institutes of Health) to demonstrate that cannabis slows down the immune system and destroys brain cells. This investigation was initiated by the (Drug Enforcement Agency) DEA under the Nixon administration in order to justify throwing marijuana smokers in jail.

Unfortunately for the DEA, the researchers had some interesting results with laboratory rats. What we actually found was that cannabis kills cancer cells without affecting healthy cells. The immune system is improved, and unimpaired. And that was the end of the investigation.

The DEA requested funding to be canceled, and research papers were destroyed. In 1976, President Gerald Ford all research on cannabis stopped, in addition to the attempts of big pharmaceutical companies create synthetic THC. In 1983, other research centers of the university who had access to copies of research papers Virginia were urged by the Reagan administration to destroy them. This almost destroyed the results of the investigation.

In 1996 and 2006, the Medical College of Virginia applied research grants for further research on the potential healing of cannabis. both applications were denied. The mainstream media ignore the 1974 study, with the exception of a short mention of it in the local section of the Washington Post.

The documents entered into such a hole memory in 2000, when researchers in Madrid, Spain, made a breakthrough study of cannabinoids TCH cannabis effects on cancer, could not get their paper. The principal investigator of the study, Dr. Manual Guzman said. "I am aware of the existence of that investigation In fact, I tried many times to get the journal article in the original investigation by these people, but it has been shown that it is impossible ".

He made this statement when an independent investigative journalist obtained copies of the document from a University of California and sent them faxed over. By then, the study of Madrid was completed.

However, almost all major media ignored the Madrid advance research in rats. In addition demonstrating efficacy in reducing tumors of brain cancer in rats , this study THC is also used to test the healthy rats to see if there were any detrimental effects - and they found without harmful effects on normal brain tissues.

At this time, there are two major hospitals in Israel, Saba and Abarbanel who are carrying out successful clinical trials and treatments in humans with cannabis for various diseases. These studies are funded by the Israeli government. However, our major media can not touch.

In 1999, Rick Simpson has media coverage of TV target more favorable in Canada when he was trying to share their findings on the ability of cannabis to cure cancer. And he was not trying to make money with their findings.

Anecdotal evidence and independent studies confirm Cannabis cancer efficacy and safety

There have been many recoveries from terminal cancer recorded by people as old as 80. Dr. Sanjay Gupta made an investment of 180 public anti-cannabis in his previous position when covered healing extremely cannabis among epileptic children.

Obviously, cannabis is effective and safe. apoptosis in cancer cells is induced tumor. Apoptosis is programmed cell death cell (PCD) forming part of mortality normal cells and replacement of new cells. But cancer tumor cells do apoptosis. They just keep expanding. Cannabinoids slow angiogenis, used by tumors to develop blood vessels which supply glucose for their metabolism.

Thus cannabis stimulates apoptosis to kill cancer cells and prevents angiogenis to cut their food supplies. And, as shown by the study of Madrid and anyone who has used or used cannabis, healthy cells are not harmed. That's what standard oncology treatments do.

is easy to argue that many of the deaths from cancer are actually referred due to chemotherapy and radiation. But the family of the medical mafia does not say that. Instead, they say cancer death. Meanwhile, fundraising still deceiving people to contribute money, time and energy to finding a cure for cancer.

Cannabis warning: Smoking is the least effective for treatment. It is best to use a vaporizer or "vaping". The best approach is to ingest cannabis oils or pastes. However - ignoring life and diet lifestyle changes can reverse what was obtained from alternative treatments for cancer

There is an example of a baby who was cured of brain cancer without being. subjected to the brutalities of surgery, radiation or brain cancer. The baby was given cannabis oil through a pacifier, and cured completely within eight months. After two months of progress observed, the pediatric oncologist called the baby a "miracle baby" and out of any future treatment that could cause more damage.

This report short video "miracle baby" is completed with brain scans showing progress and recovery, and the only media reported that was the Huffington Post.

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