Cocoa (Theobroma Cacao) Overview, Health Benefits, Side effects

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Cocoa (Theobroma Cacao) Overview, Health Benefits, Side effects

Cacao (Theobroma cacao) Overview, health benefits, side effects

cacao (Theobroma cacao) General information

cocoa (Theobroma cacao) other names: beurre de cacao, cocoa, Chocolat, Chocolat Noir, chocolate, cocoa beans, cocoa butter, cocoa Oleum, cocoa beans, cocoa seed, cocoa seed coats, black chocolate, Dutch chocolate, fève cocoa, Graine de cacao, Theobroma, Theobroma cacao, Theobroma sativum, theobromine, theobromine .

There is an interesting anecdote related to the "discovery" of chocolate by modern civilization. During one of his explorations in 1519, the Spanish traveler Hernan Cortes and his warriors were spectators to a strange ritual in the royal court of the Aztec Emperor Moctezuma. While his subjects keenly watched him with admiration and amazement, sitting on a throne of gold high, Emperor Moctezuma, who was considered the "living God" by his countrymen, he drank a continuous infusion of a gold cup. In research, Cortes and his men came to know that the dark and bitter drink brown was called 'chocolatl' by the native Indians, who showed their respects to the Spanish explorer and his soldiers, offering them the drink. Cortez native grains informed of the brewed beverage is derived from the sky and every sip of 'chocolatl' inspiration wisdom and knowledge among people. In fact, the Aztecs out chocolate beans in such high esteem, that have been issued with the value of the currency. And believe it or not, you could get a wild turkey exchange for four beans and grains 100 would allow one to buy a live slave!

Cocoa (Theobroma Cacao) Overview, Health Benefits, Side effects
Cacao ( Theobroma cacao) fruit

So impressed was courteous with the essence and taste of chocolate immediately sent a letter to the Spanish governor Carlos V, enthusiastically appreciate the qualities of coffee beans and even took substantial qualities of the grains back home with him. The passion for the new drink made tastier with the addition of sugar and vanilla spread chocolate different parts of Europe and finally reached the court of the French emperor. According to many, even in Europe, people initially drank chocolate mixed with sugar and about 1550 nuns in a convent Mexican flavor to it by adding vanilla to drink. It is significant that in those days chocolate was believed to be an aphrodisiac (a substance that increases the excitation / sexual interest) and consumed with satisfaction by all who could afford it. Gradually, chocolate he was introduced in England and the English has improved the taste of the drink adding milk to it. This new recipe became popular throughout Europe and people created chocolate houses in England and the Netherlands, where aristocrats or members of the upper strata of society took this happy retreat drink.

Native to Central America and North America, the cocoa tree is evergreen with a lot of branches. If left to flourish naturally, cocoa trees grow to a height of 40 feet, but when grown in plantations usually cut to a height of 20 feet. Trees give small fragrant pink or cream-colored flowers that bloom in clusters either directly on the trunk or main branches. The flowers eventually mature into fruits of forest and shaped ball that are up to a foot long. Fruits can be found in different colors, including red, brown and yellow. Within each fruit a fleshy pink gelatinous tissue containing about 50 seeds were found. These seeds of cocoa beans are bitter to taste.

Planter reap the fruits and seeds and pulp scraped together in the trenches of fermentation. During the fermentation process, the pulp or sweet soft tissue becomes liquid, while grains give up its strong astringent taste. After this, the beans are dried, roasted, removed from their shells and their different ingredients are processed separately. While chocolate is very popular worldwide as a beverage, it can be seen that more than 50% of cocoa beans becomes a cocoa butter rich yellow fat content. However, unlike most other commercially available fats, cocoa butter is not greasy. Furthermore, cocoa butter has a mild odor and is not easily broken. These qualities of cocoa butter make it an important ingredient in soaps and various products. Cocoa butter is also used in the manufacture of soothing creams and suppositories (small pellets inserted through the anus into the rectum to lubricate or stimulating intestinal clearance).

are usually the remains of cocoa beans chopped fat without. It is mixed with sugar, hot milk or water and yet be a warming and stimulating drink that many people still regard as the "food of the gods'. Different types of chocolate candies , including soft milk chocolate , hard sweets and bitter blocks are made by confectioners by mixing cocoa with an assortment of items such as cocoa butter, milk, vanilla and sweeteners. chocolate he is able to fight fatigue and provides a peak instantaneous effect due to the presence of stimulants such as caffeine and theobromine in it. This is the main reason why soldiers of the American civil war these days carry chocolate along with them to the war fronts. Interestingly, recent research scientists have established that chocolate also produces a soothing effect on the troubled minds.

Although cocoa is originally from Mexico and Central America, which can be found in all tropical regions around the world. The cocoa plant grows in several ways, including cuttings, grafting and budding, the cheapest way to grow cocoa saplings raising their seeds. Cacao seeds sprout when ripe and become feasible in a short time. Cocoa beans can be stored for a period of 10 to 13 weeks provided that its moisture content is maintained at 50 percent.

Fruits of mature cocoa trees throughout the year, but usually only two harvest - a primary and a secondary - is made. For example, in West Africa, the main harvest begins in September and lasts until February. A smaller harvest is during the months of May and June. A cocoa fruit requires five to six months from fertilization to harvest and normally harvest season continues for about five months. After the cocoa beans are cut from the trees, which are left in the soil for a period to allow them to soften. Once they ripened, the pods are broken and grains removed. The dried pods shells are burned. Then the beans are dried in the sun for the duration between two to eight days and then fermented in barrels or casks. During this period, the color changed from purple beans to brown. After fermentation, the beans are packed in bags and prepared for shipment. To be able to be used for food, the grains are further processed and the process includes roasting, maceration, separating the core or seed, pulverizing the tips and extracting cocoa butter yellowish, comprising 50 percent bean content.

After harvesting the cocoa pods, which split open with a sharp knife or blade and pulp or soft tissue found inside along with seeds They are removed separately. Peel strip pods. The pulp together with the seeds are then kept in piles, stored in baskets or spread on iron bars for many days. During this period, both the cocoa beans and pulp subjected to 'sweat' or fermentation and bulky pulp is transformed into a liquid form. The fermented pulp is filtered little bit leaving behind the seeds to be collected separately. It should be noted that the process of 'sweat' is very important for the quality of the cocoa beans. Originally, the cocoa beans have a very bitter or astringent taste. The process of 'sweat' eliminates this astringent flavor of the beans. In addition, if the process of 'sweat' is disturbed, cocoa derived from the seeds is spoiled. At the same time, if the process is poorly done, the cocoa bean have a strong flavor like raw potatoes and can even be vulnerable to yeast and fungi. Although the liquefied pulp is usually discarded by most, in some cocoa producing countries it is effectively put to use for purifying alcoholic beverages.

On the other hand, fermented cocoa beans are left to dehydrate by spreading them over large areas, while they are constantly scraped manually. In large plantations this process is carried out by placing the beans fermented in large trays in the sun or by the application of heat from other artificial sources. This not only makes light work for planters, but also accelerates the drying process. This procedure also has its disadvantages and many plantations avoid cocoa beans drying by artificial heat, because not only can add a little strange taste to the beans, but even may be affected by smoke and oil. The use of artificial heat can also give cocoa beans taste a contaminated area. In plantations minor, the same process is carried out by spreading cocoa beans either smaller or alternatively in trays cowhides. In the next phase, the grains are often trampled and troubled by human barefoot. During this procedure, red clay mixed with water is sprayed onto the beads in order to obtain better color, polish, as well as protect yeast and mold, while being sent to factories in the United States, the Netherlands , the United Kingdom and many other countries around the world.

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cacao (Theobroma cacao) health Benefits

cocoa is the plant from which chocolate is made . Bitter Chocolate is produced by pressing roasted cocoa beans (seeds) between hot rollers. Cocoa powder is produced by squeezing the fat (cocoa butter) semisweet chocolate and sprinkled the remaining material. Sweet chocolate it is produced by adding sugar and vanilla to chocolate bitter . White Chocolate containing sugar, cocoa butter and milk solids.

Cocoa (Theobroma Cacao) Overview, Health Benefits, Side effects
Cacao ( Theobroma cacao) Flower

long considered as a food reward, cocoa is now used by some people as medicine. cocoa beans is used for infectious intestinal diseases and diarrhea asthma bronchitis , and as an expectorant for pulmonary congestion. The seed coat is used for liver, bladder and kidney diseases; diabetes ; as a tonic; and as a general remedy. Cocoa butter is used for high cholesterol.

As the Latin name of chocolate mentioned above, 'Theobroma "literally means" food of the gods' in English. The Aztec, who is said to have discovered the drink, called chocolate as xocoatl (cocoa) and used it as both a currency and a drink that was drunk by aristocrats in golden goblets. chocolate became known to the world only remaining when Spanish explorer Hernando Cortes the housewares brought beans in Mexico Aztec way back in 1519 for more than a century, the Spanish kept chocolate a secret and spread to other parts of Europe only when he arrived at the court of the French emperor years later. Initially, cocoa was just drunk as a sweet or bitter drink and is only about 150 years ago, it began to be used in baking. A yellowish butter made from cocoa beans is widely used as the basis for many creams, an emollient, and a major in today's cosmetics and toiletries manufacturing component.

Cocoa also has a number of medicinal qualities for centuries and Central Americans have used effectively to treat pain cocoa during pregnancy and childbirth. Cocoa is also beneficial in curing cough and fever. Cocoa contains a substance called theobromine which is basically alkaloid and produces a result that is comparable to caffeine. Therefore, the cocoa is useful in energizing muscles, heart, and kidney. Theobromine is also closely related to theophylline which helps in healing asthma . As a result, theobromine and caffeine also helps in relieving blockages during colds by opening or enlargement of the bronchial tracts of the lungs. Moreover, theobromine is also beneficial in calming the muscles in the digestive tract. Due to the presence of methylxanthines in cocoa, also it has diuretic and vasodilator actions bronchyolitic.

Some people apply cocoa butter on the skin to treat wrinkles and to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy.

cocoa worldwide is very popular as a food, but cocoa also has several medicinal properties and is beneficial as a stimulant to the nervous system. herbal practitioners in Central America and the Caribbean also prescribe cocoa beans as a stimulant for the healing of heart and kidney ailments. Even the cocoa plant has therapeutic value because it can be used to cure angina and as a diuretic (a tonic to improve urine flow). Butter fact also cocoa beans used as a lip cream and forms the basis for the manufacture of suppositories.

should not be confused with cocoa coca (Erythroxylum coca).

cocoa (Theobroma cacao) Side effects

Eating cocoa is considered safe for most people. Cocoa contains caffeine and related chemicals. Eating large amounts can cause side effects associated with caffeine, such as nervousness, increased urination, insomnia and rapid heartbeat.

Cocoa can cause allergic skin reactions constipation , and could trigger migraines . Cocoa can also cause digestive problems such as nausea, intestinal upset, rumbling stomach, and gas.

Applying cocoa butter on the skin is also considered safe for most people. It can, however, cause a rash.

Cocoa (Theobroma Cacao) Overview, Health Benefits, Side effects
Cacao ( Theobroma cacao) tree

pregnancy and lactation: cocoa is possibly safe during pregnancy and during lactation when used in moderate amounts or in amounts commonly found in food. But be sure to monitor your intake. Cocoa larger amounts is possibly unsafe because of the caffeine it contains. Caffeine is found in cocoa producing it crosses the placenta fetal blood concentrations similar to levels of the mother. Although controversial, some evidence suggests that high doses of caffeine during pregnancy may be associated with preterm birth, low birth weight and Miscarriage. Some experts advise keeping caffeine intake below 200 mg per day during pregnancy. Note that chocolate products provides 2-35 mg of caffeine per serving and a cup of hot chocolate provides about 10 mg. Caffeine is also a concern during breastfeeding. It is believed that concentrations of breast milk caffeine in about half the level of caffeine in the maternal blood. If the mother eats too chocolate (16 ounces per day), the infant may become irritable and have too frequent bowel movements due to caffeine.

Anxiety :. There is concern that caffeine in large amounts of cocoa could worsen anxiety disorders

bleeding disorders: Cocoa can slow blood clotting. Consuming a lot of cocoa could increase the risk of bleeding and bruising in people with bleeding disorders.

Heart conditions: Cocoa contains caffeine. Caffeine in cocoa could cause irregular heartbeats in some people and should be used with caution in people with heart disease.

Diabetes : cacao seems to be able to raise levels of blood sugar and may interfere with control blood sugar in people with diabetes .

Diarrhea . Cocoa contains caffeine. Caffeine in cocoa, especially when taken in large amounts, can worsen diarrhea .

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): Cacao seems to hamper the effectiveness of the valve in the food pipe (esophagus) that keeps the stomach contents back to the feeding tube or airway. This could cause the symptoms of GERD worse.

Glaucoma : Cocoa contains caffeine. Caffeine in cocoa increases the pressure in the eye and should be used with caution in people with glaucoma .

High blood pressure: Cocoa contains caffeine. Caffeine in cocoa can increase blood pressure in people with high blood pressure. However, for people who already consume a lot of caffeine, could not cause a large increase.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): Cocoa contains caffeine. Caffeine in cocoa, especially when taken in large amounts, can worsen diarrhea and could worsen IBS symptoms.

Migraines : Cacao can trigger migraines in susceptible individuals

. osteoporosis : cocoa contains caffeine. Caffeine in Cacao it could increase the amount of Calcium is released in urine. Cocoa should be used cautiously in people with osteoporosis .

Surgery: Cocoa may interfere with control of blood sugar during and after surgical procedures. Stop eating cocoa at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.

Quick, irregular heart rhythm (tachyarrhythmia): Cocoa chocolate black can increase heart rate. Cocoa products could also make the heartbeat irregular heartbeat worst.

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