Title : what is diabetes mellitus signs and symptoms
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what is diabetes mellitus signs and symptoms
What is Diabetes Mellitus / DM? Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which the body can automatically control pacienteno sugar / blood sugar. Esecausa higher than normal blood sugar levels in sufferers. Diabetes mellitus puedealteración of insulin secretion and insulin periféricaresistencia varying degrees of hyperglycemia decreases.Diabetes is metabolic distribution porcuerpo sugar disorder. Diabetics can not produce insulin encantidades sufficient or the body is unable to effectively use insulin, so Hayun excess blood sugar. Excess chronic blood sugar (hyperglycemia) becomes toxic to the body.

Glucose levels in the blood controlled by several hormones. Hormones is químicosustancia I roduced by endocrine glands that have an effect particularen the activities of other organs in the body. Insulin is a hormone hormonaproducida by the pancreas that allows your body to use sugar (glucose) from lacarbohidratos in the food you eat for energy or store glucose for use futuro.al eat pancreas produces insulin to send a mensajeen other cells in the body. I insulinaordenado cell to take up glucose from the blood. The glucose is used for energy hechapor the body.
Excess glucose is stored as glycogen in elcélulas. At a time when sugar levels in the blood reach a certain low level, cells break down glycogen into glucose to generate energy
Various disease, Ylos syndrome symptoms can be caused by diabetes mellitus as: ataxia-telangiectasia Alzheimer's, down syndrome, Huntington's disease, mitochondrial disorders , miotonisdistrofia, Parkinson's disease, Prader-Willi syndrome, Werner syndrome, WolframSíndrome, leukoaraiosis, dementia, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, hypogonadism, and others.
Symptoms Diabetes mellitus

is veryimportant that all early symptoms of diabetes are known. Aquellosen not only for high-risk, but also for those of you who feel it is not only healthy and thenthe history and the potential for severe diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes can develop rápidamenteen recent weeks, even a few days only. While many type 2 diabetics who hacenno realize they had had diabetes for many years because elsíntomas tend to be nonspecific. Some of the symptoms of type 1 diabetes ytipo 2 include:
· often Feelsed · frequent urination, especially pornoche. · The extreme hunger. · Weight loss without unarazón clear. · There are ketones orina.Las ketones are a byproduct of muscle metabolism and fat cuandola production of insulin produced is not enough. · fatigue. · blur vision · decreased muscle mass. · Old wounds heal. · High blood pressure pressure high blood may be caused because unhealthy eating patterns .
One food can prevent high blood is Greek yoghurt . Greek Yogurt can help prevent high blood plessure . · often experience an infection, forexample, in the gums, skin, vagina or urinary tract
DiabetesLos symptoms in women
in the meantime, unfortunately desdealgunos specific symptoms often experienced by women, but their unconscious. Thus, the symptoms normally present is? Here are some of the symptoms that seusted may have to be careful and without delay consultations with doctors, including the following conSacerdotes agreement are as follows:
· vaginal infection characterized porblanquecina repeatedly, despite treatment. · Diabetic women are more susceptiblesa fungal infections in the area of sexual organs because area is experimentandokelambaban is high enough. · Experience the hormonaltrastorno function due to blood flow is not smooth. · Polycystic ovary syndrome sonpropensos experience. The hormonal balance is disturbed that interferes withthe reproductive system. · trigger diabetes also usually encuentranen women suffering from depression. · have high cholesterol levels quelos men
diabetesMelitus what is the cause? From the results of a recent study conducted by médicosexpertos, he has begun been new theory that diabetes mellitus disease I esSólo not caused by hereditary factors (genetic) but it is also affected by several other factors that multi-complex, among other habits viday the environment the search for James W. Anderson.expertos the US diet, for example, you can change a young man with thin sanascuerpo people in less than two weeks suffering from mild diabetes, dandoalimentos to 65% fat. But when people were fed up 5% fat 0.5 kg of day add sugar, every eleven weeks none of those suffering from the disease of diabetes
Many concludes the investigation, which is the main grasacausa of diabetes mellitus. Fats resulted in insulin resistance. The ESNO sugar is good for people suffering from diabetes mellitus. But sugar is not elcausa of disease onset. Is that if most of the sugar quesignifica more calories, would someone be overweight so it will be more fácilpara the development of diabetes mellitus.
Hereditary factors play also important unpapel, this is corroborated by the incidence of this disease in elfamilia. If one or both parents or suffer from diabetes, then the mayoríaprobablemente their children at greater risk of serious illness. There are other factoresque can trigger such as viral infections, obesity, diet, aging, stress, consumption of drugs have side effects of raising this sugar sangreniveles and others.
them causes of diabetes often include:
· too often eat grasaalimentos · The lack of sport, even playing sports · they often stayed up late every day · often smoking · often eat andthe food drinks containing artificial sweeteners · lees fibers in the body
If you do not want experimentarestas diseases is recommended that you do things that may lead to lariesgo of diabetes, diabetes is very dangerous if exposed to unaEl body of the person even though there are many treatments for diabetes, perosería better perform various prevention. One of the keys to preveniresta disease is to keep your diet due to diabetes disease caused by hechoalimentos so you have to keep to make a healthy diet, control the amount deazúcar in your body does not recklessly consume sweet foods and drinks especialmenteque contain artificial sweeteners.
Well, I've given all elinformación about the symptoms of diabetes is wet Queser can provide useful information for you all. Thank you friends have read this article, it becometh not forget to always keep your diet so that everyone is safe from enfermedaddiabetes.
Riesgofactores diabetes
Riesgofactores of diabetes is based on the type of diabetes.
Type 1 Risk factors for diabetes
Although the exact cause of type 1The diabetes is not known, it can affect heredity. Another factor is exposed to unaenfermedad caused by a virus.
Elfactores risk of type 2 diabetes
• Fat. The more fat tissue of your body, the higher the Balinese have done anyway to insulin.
• passive behavior. The passive behavior will make the grasaen the body does not burn. Physical activities help control and Moreand increased use of glucose for more contraglucosa cells sensitive to energy.
• Hereditary factors.
• Age. The risk increases with age withthe physical activity tends to decrease.
• Gestational diabetes. If you have diabetes gestacionaldurante pregnancy, the risk of prediabetes and diabetes type 2aumentará later. If your newborn baby weighed more than 4 pounds, then tambiénafectada risk of type 2 diabetes
• polycystic ovary syndrome. marked by menstrual irregularperíodos, hair grows too and obesity.
Other diseases related to diabetesincluir: High blood pressure cholesterol
asto prevent diabetes mellitus? make prevention efforts since from elempezando or disease before diabetes is an act that is very wise. Diabeteslos prevention efforts or prevention of diabetes mellitus should have yaconvertido in our common consciousness. Very true saying "Prevention is better Been cure".
You should know that the cost dela diabetes or treatment of diabetes mellitus treatment is not cheap when estátervonis of developing diabetes mellitus, severe stage. So soon they made several intentosque can be prevented diabetes mellitus terjangkitnya disease.
Below are some of the efforts quepodría or even should you do so that you could do without diabetes disease.
· Apply the pattern of healthy life · Make your life regularmentey scheduled in managing the activities of life. The manifest irregularity in the patrónde life will sting affect the work of the various organs and glands · Apply a good diet and healthy · Keep your car entrance dela food intake little healthy and risk for long-term health, such as foods rich uncomida fat containing preservatives, artificial flavorings and colorings · keep a mental and spiritual state · Keep away from prolongadocondiciones stress, stay away from the attitude as anger, and always in unarelación with God by various acts of worship of religion. the mentalescondición of the spiritual is very influential on health. · Doing regular physical activity · physical activity can be done conejercicio, a work full of physical activities like shopping in the mercadoa foot and so on · Keep your weight on the edge idealbandan · You are obese or overweight? immediately lose weight. Obesity has a very high risk factor for alguienaquejado of various serious diseases such as heart disease, cancer, mellitus, dibetes and other serious diseases. · Stay away from smoking and alcoholbebidas · You smoke and drink? Carefully! Tuhan launched the future than their health. Pican susceptible ael development of diabetes and other heavy diseases in the future. · consumed several herbs that puedenprevenir dibetes mellitus · in the about widely disponiblesingredientes herbal nature that are useful to prevent and overcome
source: http: //www.alodokter.com
image source: http://www.pixabay.com
"what is diabetes mellitus signs and symptoms", Article source: healthyiteasy.com
You are now reading the article what is diabetes mellitus signs and symptoms Url Address https://healthnbeautyarticles.blogspot.com/2015/05/what-is-diabetes-mellitus-signs-and.html
DiabetesLos symptoms in women
in the meantime, unfortunately desdealgunos specific symptoms often experienced by women, but their unconscious. Thus, the symptoms normally present is? Here are some of the symptoms that seusted may have to be careful and without delay consultations with doctors, including the following conSacerdotes agreement are as follows:
· vaginal infection characterized porblanquecina repeatedly, despite treatment. · Diabetic women are more susceptiblesa fungal infections in the area of sexual organs because area is experimentandokelambaban is high enough. · Experience the hormonaltrastorno function due to blood flow is not smooth. · Polycystic ovary syndrome sonpropensos experience. The hormonal balance is disturbed that interferes withthe reproductive system. · trigger diabetes also usually encuentranen women suffering from depression. · have high cholesterol levels quelos men
diabetesMelitus what is the cause? From the results of a recent study conducted by médicosexpertos, he has begun been new theory that diabetes mellitus disease I esSólo not caused by hereditary factors (genetic) but it is also affected by several other factors that multi-complex, among other habits viday the environment the search for James W. Anderson.expertos the US diet, for example, you can change a young man with thin sanascuerpo people in less than two weeks suffering from mild diabetes, dandoalimentos to 65% fat. But when people were fed up 5% fat 0.5 kg of day add sugar, every eleven weeks none of those suffering from the disease of diabetes
Many concludes the investigation, which is the main grasacausa of diabetes mellitus. Fats resulted in insulin resistance. The ESNO sugar is good for people suffering from diabetes mellitus. But sugar is not elcausa of disease onset. Is that if most of the sugar quesignifica more calories, would someone be overweight so it will be more fácilpara the development of diabetes mellitus.
Hereditary factors play also important unpapel, this is corroborated by the incidence of this disease in elfamilia. If one or both parents or suffer from diabetes, then the mayoríaprobablemente their children at greater risk of serious illness. There are other factoresque can trigger such as viral infections, obesity, diet, aging, stress, consumption of drugs have side effects of raising this sugar sangreniveles and others.
them causes of diabetes often include:
· too often eat grasaalimentos · The lack of sport, even playing sports · they often stayed up late every day · often smoking · often eat andthe food drinks containing artificial sweeteners · lees fibers in the body
If you do not want experimentarestas diseases is recommended that you do things that may lead to lariesgo of diabetes, diabetes is very dangerous if exposed to unaEl body of the person even though there are many treatments for diabetes, perosería better perform various prevention. One of the keys to preveniresta disease is to keep your diet due to diabetes disease caused by hechoalimentos so you have to keep to make a healthy diet, control the amount deazúcar in your body does not recklessly consume sweet foods and drinks especialmenteque contain artificial sweeteners.
Well, I've given all elinformación about the symptoms of diabetes is wet Queser can provide useful information for you all. Thank you friends have read this article, it becometh not forget to always keep your diet so that everyone is safe from enfermedaddiabetes.
Riesgofactores diabetes
Riesgofactores of diabetes is based on the type of diabetes.
Type 1 Risk factors for diabetes
Although the exact cause of type 1The diabetes is not known, it can affect heredity. Another factor is exposed to unaenfermedad caused by a virus.
Elfactores risk of type 2 diabetes
• Fat. The more fat tissue of your body, the higher the Balinese have done anyway to insulin.
• passive behavior. The passive behavior will make the grasaen the body does not burn. Physical activities help control and Moreand increased use of glucose for more contraglucosa cells sensitive to energy.
• Hereditary factors.
• Age. The risk increases with age withthe physical activity tends to decrease.
• Gestational diabetes. If you have diabetes gestacionaldurante pregnancy, the risk of prediabetes and diabetes type 2aumentará later. If your newborn baby weighed more than 4 pounds, then tambiénafectada risk of type 2 diabetes
• polycystic ovary syndrome. marked by menstrual irregularperíodos, hair grows too and obesity.
Other diseases related to diabetesincluir: High blood pressure cholesterol
asto prevent diabetes mellitus? make prevention efforts since from elempezando or disease before diabetes is an act that is very wise. Diabeteslos prevention efforts or prevention of diabetes mellitus should have yaconvertido in our common consciousness. Very true saying "Prevention is better Been cure".
You should know that the cost dela diabetes or treatment of diabetes mellitus treatment is not cheap when estátervonis of developing diabetes mellitus, severe stage. So soon they made several intentosque can be prevented diabetes mellitus terjangkitnya disease.
Below are some of the efforts quepodría or even should you do so that you could do without diabetes disease.
· Apply the pattern of healthy life · Make your life regularmentey scheduled in managing the activities of life. The manifest irregularity in the patrónde life will sting affect the work of the various organs and glands · Apply a good diet and healthy · Keep your car entrance dela food intake little healthy and risk for long-term health, such as foods rich uncomida fat containing preservatives, artificial flavorings and colorings · keep a mental and spiritual state · Keep away from prolongadocondiciones stress, stay away from the attitude as anger, and always in unarelación with God by various acts of worship of religion. the mentalescondición of the spiritual is very influential on health. · Doing regular physical activity · physical activity can be done conejercicio, a work full of physical activities like shopping in the mercadoa foot and so on · Keep your weight on the edge idealbandan · You are obese or overweight? immediately lose weight. Obesity has a very high risk factor for alguienaquejado of various serious diseases such as heart disease, cancer, mellitus, dibetes and other serious diseases. · Stay away from smoking and alcoholbebidas · You smoke and drink? Carefully! Tuhan launched the future than their health. Pican susceptible ael development of diabetes and other heavy diseases in the future. · consumed several herbs that puedenprevenir dibetes mellitus · in the about widely disponiblesingredientes herbal nature that are useful to prevent and overcome
source: http: //www.alodokter.com
image source: http://www.pixabay.com
"what is diabetes mellitus signs and symptoms", Article source: healthyiteasy.com
Thanks for Reading what is diabetes mellitus signs and symptoms
Thank you for reading this what is diabetes mellitus signs and symptoms, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.
You are now reading the article what is diabetes mellitus signs and symptoms Url Address https://healthnbeautyarticles.blogspot.com/2015/05/what-is-diabetes-mellitus-signs-and.html
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