18 Dangerous Ingredients The Tobacco Companies Do Not Want You To See

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18 Dangerous Ingredients The Tobacco Companies Do Not Want You To See

by John Vibes
True Activist

Smoking is a major cause of illness and death in the world. The use of snuff has spread more than ever and the substance itself is much more dangerous than it has ever been.

Today, cigarettes are mass produced and treated with thousands of additives and chemical products. Carcinogenic, toxic and toxic metals all can be found in the products of modern snuff chemicals. These chemicals are present for many reasons ranging from the taste and conservation of being deliberately addictive. There are over 4000 of these chemicals in cigarettes and they are actually not even revealed to the public, which are protected by law as "trade secrets". This means they can add whatever they want there without our knowledge

The following list shows some of the harmful chemicals in cigarettes that we really know about.

  1. Nickel: A human carcinogen that is poisonous if ingested and cause gastrointestinal problems
  2. ammonia: household cleaner
  3. Arsenic:.. it is used in rat poisons
  4. Benzene :. It is used in the manufacture of dyes, synthetic rubber
  5. Butane: Gas; used in lighter fluid.
  6. Carbon monoxide :. A toxic
  7. gas
  8. Cadmium: Used in batteries
  9. :. Cyanide. Deadly Poison
  10. DDT: A banned insecticide
  11. ethyl furoate. Causes liver damage in animals
  12. Lead :.. Toxic in high doses
  13. Formaldehyde :. It is used to preserve dead specimens
  14. Methoprene :. Insecticide
  15. Maltitol :. Sweetener for diabetics
  16. naphthalene :. Ingredient in mothballs
  17. Methyl Isocyanate: Its accidental release killed 2000 people in Bhopal, India, in 1984.
  18. Polonium :. Cancer-causing radioactive element
  19. Acetone: the active ingredient in nail polish remover
Thanks to enlightened conscience for the compilation of the list

the snuff industry is almost as profitable and deadly as the arms industry. The global cigarette business is valued at more than $ 559.9 million and the World Health Organization estimates that cigarettes can kill 1 billion people in the 21st century if current trends continue. Today smoking causes a whole list of adverse health reactions, disease and illness, but because it is a big business and corporations that profit from the sale of snuff spend a lot of time and money keeping alive their use. Like all major industries the world market for snuff is controlled by just a few multinational companies that spend billions on advertising and public relations every year to maintain your product in demand.

Before effects of smoking were seen in aging generations of tobacco companies paid doctors, dentists, educators and celebrities to endorse their product. Through these projects, public relations tobacco companies project a healthy, socially desirable and sophisticated for your product image. When cigarettes began to be mass produced most doctors and dentists were actually telling people that smoking was good for them! It was not until massive numbers of people began to die as a result of smoking that scientists and doctors actually began to warn the public that might not be so healthy after all. Now we know the sad truth, cigarette smoking is one of the worst possible things you can do for your body and mind. As with fluoride, the chemicals contained in cigarettes have even been known to cause unhealthy accumulations in the pineal gland in the brain and make your conscience "nebulous". In addition, because toxic chemicals in cigarettes, smokers are always coming down with various respiratory problems and sinus.

The financial benefit alone should be enough of an argument to quit. In most states cigarettes are now more than $ 6 per package, half of which is taxes. So people are paying literally the government and wealthy multinational corporations an average of $ 10 each day, for a product that destroys their bodies. Certainly there are addictive chemicals in cigarettes, but their strength and power has been blown out of proportion. Psychological addiction is always much stronger than the physical addiction despite hard narcotics such as heroin and especially with nicotine. All you have to do is stop and get through a few days without it. Soon the smell and taste no longer be suitable for you and you will be happy to have that extra $ 6 per pack in your pocket. It will be easier to breathe, do not get sick as often and generally will be in better spirits. Quitting cigarettes is a decision you can make dramatically improve your life in a number of ways and will give at least elite control of their money and their health.

John Vibes writes for the real activist and is an author, researcher and investigative reporter who has a special interest in the counterculture and the war on drugs.

"18 Dangerous Ingredients The Tobacco Companies Do Not Want You To See", article source: riseearth.com

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Thank you for reading this 18 Dangerous Ingredients The Tobacco Companies Do Not Want You To See, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.

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