Title : Ignored Reality Is Going To Wipe Out the Human Race
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Ignored Reality Is Going To Wipe Out the Human Race
by Paul Craig Robertspaulcraigroberts.org
To inform people of slugging is hard. Everything is aligned against the public such information, or policymakers for that matter. News is tainted by his service to the special interests and hidden agendas. Many scientists or their employers depend on federal funds. Even psychologists and anthropologists were tied in the programs of torture and occupation of government. Economists tell lies for corporations and Wall Street. Plant scientists tell lies and soil for agribusiness and Monsanto. They tell the truth are slandered and persecuted. However, persistence can eventually win out. In the long run, the truth sometimes emerges. But not always. And not always in time.
I've been trying to tell Americans, economists and politicians from more than a decade by the harmful effects of offshoring jobs in the US economy does. The word has finally come. Last week I was contacted by 8th grade students competing for your school StudentCam documentary competition CSPAN. I want to interview about offshoring work for his documentary.

America is a strange place. These are eighth graders far ahead of the economics profession, the President, Congress, the Federal Reserve, Wall Street and the financial press in their understanding of one of the fundamental problems of the US economy. However, people say public schools are failing. Obviously, not having students contact me.
Is it too late? I know a lot, but not all. So this is not the last word. I think it could be too late. When skilled jobs are sent abroad, skills disappear at home. The same goes for supply chains and companies associated with skills. Things are closed, and skills are lost. Why take a specialty in college for a job that is delocalized. A culture disappears.
But we can start again, right? Maybe not. When a first world country exports its technology and know-how abroad to a third world country in order to benefit from lower labor cost, how the first world country get work again? The standard of living and the cost of living in Third World countries are much lower than in first world countries. Populations of the first world countries can not pay their mortgages, car payments, student loans, medical care and purchase invoices with the wages of Third World countries.
When the falling wages the first world, mortgages, cars, credit cards and student loan payments will not fall. Americans can not live in China, India, Indonesia and wages. Once the technology and know-how is transferred, the country of low wages has the advantage of the absence of tariff protection.
For the United States to revive our economy would have to be boarded up with high tariffs and subsidies should be provided in order to recreate the American industry and manufacturing. However, many companies now produce offshore, and America is broken. The government has been $ 1 trillion in the hole every year for the past 5 years.
The offshoring jobs decreased the tax base of the United States. When a job is sent abroad, so is the contribution of this work with the US GDP and the tax base. When millions of jobs are sent abroad, the US GDP and the tax base can not withstand levels of public spending. To the extent that there are replacement jobs that are poorly paid domestic services, such as waitresses, bartenders, retailers, and orderlies from the hospital. These jobs do not provide a tax base or consumer spending comparable to manufacturing jobs and tradable professional services such as software engineering and information technology energy.
Republicans and Democrats increasingly, as both parties are dependent on the same sources of campaign contributions, guilt "rights." By rights mean welfare.
Indeed, rights consist of Social Security and Medicare. Rights are funded by payroll tax, about 15% of payroll. The fact that a person pays the payroll tax throughout their working lives is why the person is entitled to Social Security and Medicare if they live to retirement age. Welfare, such as food stamps and housing subsidies, they are a small part of the federal budget and are not rights.
Since President Reagan was delivered three decades ago by Alan Greenspan and David Stockman, both of which he sold out to Wall Street and raised the tax on Social Security payroll above what was needed to pay benefits Social Security in order to protect stocks and portfolios Wall Street bonuses of exaggerated fears of deficit , Social Security tax revenues have exceeded payroll Social Security payments. Starting today, the Social Security income exceed payments to beneficiaries for a cumulative $ 2 billion. The money was used by the federal government to pay for their wars and other spending programs. The Trust Fund Social Security remains non-negotiable Treasury bills. These notes can be made only good excess revenue over expenditure or the Treasury selling $ 2 billion in bonds, notes and bills and payment of their notes to the Trust Fund for Social Security. This will not happen.
The Federal Reserve does not care about the US population. The Fed was established in order to protect and help banks. Currently, the Fed, as if the US were a banana republic that the United States seems to be increasingly, is the impression of a billion dollars a year in order to support banks and finance the federal deficit.
This is bad news for Americans because it means your trust money is being created at a rate much higher than the demand for the dollar. The implication for our future is a drop in the dollar's value. As there is no work, a fall in the dollar means high inflation on top of unemployment and twice the misery of the Great Depression.
As bad as this is, is lower compared to the environmental destruction of the planet. Online information shows that the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem is in crisis after the BP oil spill and the use of Corexit, a dispersant used to hide, not clean spilled oil. http://www.opednews.com/articles/Gulf-ecosystem-in-crisis-a-by-Dahr-Jamail-Corporation-BP_Ecosystems_Gulf-Oil-Spill-Disaster_Gulf-Shrimping-Industry-131020-15.html
La Fukushima disaster has barely begun. However, since the radioactive water pouring into the Pacific Ocean has made it dangerous to eat fish unless a person is willing to accept a higher risk of cancer.
Fukushima has the potential to make uninhabitable Japan and polluting the air, water and soil US with radioactivity. However, the crisis is seldom mentioned in the US media. In Japan, the government has just passed a law that could be used to incarcerate Japanese who report truthfully about the extreme situation journalists.
Take time to familiarize themselves with online information about Fukushima .. according to the means of communication presstitute, Americans face threats from Iran and Syria and whistleblowers like Edward Snowden. The real threats are not just in the news.
If you look at Fukushima, you will find information presstitute communication media hides from you. See, for example, http://www.globalresearch.ca/28-signs-that-the-west-coast-is-being-absolutely-fried-with-nuclear-radiation-from-fukushima/5355280
Hay a number of other threats to the environment on which our lives depend. One of them is the effort to extract higher land productivity through the use of genetically modified organisms. Monsanto has altered the genes of various crops so that crops can be sprayed with Roundup to kill weeds. The results have been to deplete soil nutrients to soil microbiology destroy for new plant diseases and fungi are activated, and to produce superweeds that require higher doses of glyphosate in Roundup. The heavier dose of Roundup worsens the aforementioned problems. of US agricultural land is losing its power.
Now we come to chemtrails, marks another "conspiracy theory." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemtrail_conspiracy_theory time However, the efforts of the US government for geo-engineering as a military weapon and prevention of global warming seem real. DARPA programs and HAARP are well known and publicly discussed by scientists. See, for example, http://news.sciencemag.org/2009/03/darpa-explore-geoengineering Chemtrails search and find all the information kept from you. See, for example, http://www.globalresearch.ca/chemtrails-a-planetary-catastrophe-created-by-geo-engineering/5355299 and http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org
Some describe chemtrails as a plot by the New World Order, the Rothschilds, the Bilderbergers, or the Masons, to end the "useless eaters." Given the amount of evil in the world, these conspiracy theories might not be as crazy as they sound.
However, I do not know. What seems to be true is that possibly scientific experiments to modify and control the climate are having adverse consequences in the real world. The claim that aluminum is sprayed into the atmosphere and when it comes to the land is destroying the soil's ability to be productive might not be imaginary. Those concerned about chemtrails say the experiments time control have deprived the western United States of rainfall, while sending rain to the east, where there have been floods and floods hurricane level.
In the West, rain and scattered thunderstorms without rain forests are leading to dry and burned. Deforestation negatively affect the environment in many ways, including the process of photosynthesis by which trees convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. The massive loss of forests means more carbon dioxide and less oxygen. Watersheds and habitat of species are lost, and the spread of aridity further depletes groundwater and surface water. If these results are the consequences of experiments weather modification experiments must be stopped.
In northern Georgia where he spent some summers, during 2013 it rained for 60 days, not every day, but every day, and some days rainfall was 12 inches hurricane-level and roads were washed out. I received last summer 4 automated telephone warnings from local counties do not drive and do not try to drive through water accumulation on the roads.
One of the consequences of excess water in the East is that this year no acorns in northern Georgia. Zilch, zero, nothing. Nothing. No food for deer, turkeys, bears, rodents. hungry deer strip bark from trees. Bears will be unable to hibernate or be able only from hibernation, forced to look for food in the trash. Black bears are already invading homes in search of food.
unusual drought in the west and the unusual flooding in the East could be a coincidence or could be the consequences of experiments weather modification.
the US, along with most of the world, we had a water problem before possible interruptions of rain geoengineering. In his book, Elixir, Brian Fagan tells the story of the struggle of humanity did not have much success with water. Both groundwater and surface water are disappearing. Water needs of large cities like Los Angeles and Phoenix and irrigated agriculture depends on the Ogallala aquifer are unsustainable. Fagan reminds us that "the global supply of freshwater is finite," like the rest of the resources of nature. Avoid cataclysm requires a long-range thinking, but humanity focuses on immediate needs. long-range thinking is limited to find another source of water to drain. Cities and agriculture have become in the eyes of the Great Lakes.
Los Angeles there because the city was able to steal water from hundreds of miles. Drained Owens Lake City, leaving a huge salt flat in place, the Owens Valley aquifer is drained and diverted the Owens River to Los Angeles via aqueduct. Agriculture and livestock in the Owens Valley collapsed. Today takes water from the Colorado River, which originates in Wyoming and Colorado, and Lake Perris 440 miles away.
Water depletion is not just a US problem. Fagan reports that "underground aquifers in many places are shrinking so rapidly that NASA satellites are detecting changes in Earth's gravity."
If the government is experimenting with engineering time, scientists are playing God when they have no idea of the consequences. It is a tendency of scientists to immerse themselves in the ability to experience and to ignore unintended consequences.
Readers have asked me to write about Fukushima and chemtrails because they trust me to tell the truth . The problem is that I am not qualified to write about these issues with anything like the same confidence that I bring to the issues of economic police state, war and.
The only advice I can give is that when you hear the media presstitute spot a concern or explanation as "conspiracy theory," take a closer look. The divergence between what is happening and what they say is so great that it pays to be suspicious, cynical, even what "their" government and "its" means presstitute say. Chances are that this is a lie
About the author:.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His Internet columns have attracted a group of followers worldwide. Roberts latest books are The failure of laissez faire and Economic Dissolution of the West and How America lost .
"Ignored Reality Is Going To Wipe Out the Human Race", article source: riseearth.com
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